Thursday, March 31, 2011

Laurine Caelum-Hilfiger

It was Saturday morning and there’s practically nothing to do. I realized how many free times I have when Ryuuka is not around, and I am starting to hate it. I wish I am busy so I can stop missing him even just for a while. So I went outside our garden and started to read a novel. The novel is about ancient gods and their powers. I am not that interested in that book but like what I said, there’s nothing to do.

Dad told me that Ryuuka would be back in one week or two but this week, it’s been 2 months since we last saw each other. I tried asking dad, he told me that Ryuuka still needs to rest and be observed. If I know better, dad just want me to focus first on my studies. Anyway, as I was reading chapter 4 of the book, Shin’s dog went beside me.

He barked at me twice, I looked at him, ‘What is it Ace?’

He barked again. I got annoyed, ‘Go away’.

He barked again for the third time, ‘What?’, I exclaimed.

‘Hey Prince!’, someone called me.

I looked back and it was Shin, ‘Your dog is annoying’.

He chuckled and sat beside me, ‘Ace… don’t disturb Prince, okay?’

The dog lied down the grass.

I continued reading.

‘What are you reading?’, Shin asked me.

‘About ancient gods and goddesses’, I answered.

‘Yikes!’, he laughed, ‘Since when did you like those things?’

‘Never?’, I chuckled and decided to close the book.

‘Then why?’

‘Just want to kill some time’.

He nodded, ‘Let’s just play WII then!’

‘Early this morning?’, It’s just 7AM.

Shin stood up and started stretching, ‘How about we go jogging first?’

I thought for a while.

Ace barked again.

‘Come on, Ace wanna jog too’, Shin chuckled.

‘Oh, all right…’, I agreed.

We went out and started to jog around the hood when we bumped into two of the Numbers.

‘Hey Prince! Hey Shin!’, XIII greeted us.

‘Hey there you two!’, IX greeted us as she gave Ace a treat.

‘Hey!’, Shin responded, ‘Where you guys up to?’

XIII mumbled, ‘Hmm… we’re going somewhere’.

‘Somewhere?’, I asked.

‘Mission’, IX whispered.

I nodded, ‘Ah…’

‘With Laurence?’, he asked.

IX shrugged his head, ‘Nope… brother is still in the house sleeping’.

‘Anyway…’, XIII interrupted, ‘We have to go now…’

‘Sure…’, I answered and they left.

When I looked at Shin, he was staring at me.

‘Prince?’, he uttered.


‘Can we go to in-law’s house?’, he grinned.

I sighed, ‘I’ll just go home…’

‘Huh?’, he exclaimed, ‘Hey come on!’

‘Why will I go there, Ryuuka isn’t there’.

‘Oh yeah! Geez…’, he sighed.

‘If you want to see your VII then go right ahead, I’ll take Ace with me’.

‘Really?’, he grinned.

I nodded.

We jogged for a final lap and then Shin went to Ryuuka’s house as me and Ace went home. When I arrived at our mansion, one of the cleaning ladies told me that my mom was waiting for me in the garden. I went to the garden and saw mom reading a newspaper while two of our maids were preparing her breakfast.

Mom saw me, ‘Prepare Prince’s breakfast’, she told one of the maids.

I kissed my mom’s right cheek, ‘Good morning…’

‘Morning!’, she closed the newspaper, ‘Where’s Shin?’

‘Hmm… we were together a while ago but he went to VII’s house’.

‘You mean Ryuuka’s house?’, she teased.

I sighed, ‘Right…’, I drunk my juice.

‘Kidding…’, she started to put some honey on my pancake.

‘Not too much…’, I told her.

She nodded, ‘Anyway son… I have a favour to ask’.

‘What is it?’, I asked.

‘You see your father called me last night and he told me that there would be a ball in the hospital tomorrow night, and he asked me if we can both go there to represent him’, she munched on her bacon.

I swallowed the pancake, ‘No thanks…’



She chuckled, ‘We have to go, your father is one of the most prominent figures, and he has to have a representative’.

‘Then why not he go home already’, I complained.

‘He is still busy’.

I pouted.

‘Come on now, don’t be a brat. Ryuuka wouldn’t like that’, she chuckled, ‘You’ll come with me, and that’s final’.


‘No more buts…’, she winked as she finished her breakfast and so I did too.

After finishing our breakfast, mom told me that the tailor she hired will be coming over to fit us for the evening ball tomorrow. While waiting, I went to my room and bathe. I fell asleep in the bathtub. I heard Shin’s loud voice and I woke up. I readily went out and wrapped myself with a towel.

I opened the door, ‘What?’

‘Wet look!’, Shin laughed, ‘The tailor is here. Let’s get fit!’

‘You also?’, I asked as the water was dripping all over my body.

He nodded, ‘And Laurence too!’

‘Just… great’, I closed the door and started to dry myself. I am not just stuck with my mom, I’m also stuck to Shin and VII’s… whatever you call that. I am not bitter, well… yeah I guess I am but it’s just that, darn it. I want Ryuuka back!

After drying and dressing myself up, I went downstairs and the tailor did his thing. I’ll be wearing a gray suit while Shin will be wearing dark blue suit, then black suit for VII and for my mom, she’d be wearing a gold long-gown.

I wondered how the tailor will do all four clothing in one night. But anyway, that’s his problem, not mine.

‘Hey…’, VII greeted me.

‘Hi!’, I greeted him back.

‘Are you busy?’ he asked.

I shrugged my head, ‘Why?’

‘Shin told me that he craves for Japanese food so we’re planning to eat lunch outside, do you want to come with us?’

‘Hmm… that’s a date’.

He smirked, ‘Yeah… but still if you want to come, why not?’

The thought of Sashimi made me decide to come, ‘Okay… but your treat’, I chuckled.

‘Sure…’, VII said as Shin hugged him from behind.

‘Yehey! Prince’s coming with us!’, Shin smiled.

I smiled too.

VII drive for us, while in the car…

‘What band is that VII?’, I asked. I got curious to the playlist of his car.

‘Electrelane’, he answered.

‘Electrelane?’, I haven’t heard of that band.

He nodded.

Shin talked, ‘I haven’t heard of this band sweetheart’.

‘They’re not that popular because they’re an independent band’, VII explained.

‘Ah…’, I responded, ‘So how did you know about them?’

‘Jared mentioned it to me’.

‘Jared?’, I asked.

‘Rye’s friend’, Shin told me.

‘Huh?’, I wondered, ‘Who’s Jared?’

Shin chuckled, ‘He’s the one who composed the Rye song’.

‘The half American, half Japanese guy who loves music so much’, VII added.

But I still don’t know the guy, ‘Right…’

‘Anyway, this band is cool’, Shin spoke.

‘I agree’.

‘They treat their voice as an instrument, not as a part of the music’, VII uttered, ‘They’re an all girls band I think?’

After a short drive, we arrived at the Japanese restaurant. VII told us that it’s his treat; I ordered some Salmon Sashimi coz I’m really dying for it. Actually its Ryuuka’s favourite and since I’m dyingly missing him, I’m craving for it too, the same way I’m craving for My Life. Shin ordered so many to mention.

‘Geez! Why do I eat so much lately?’, Shin asked as he started to eat his maki rolls.

‘Hmm… are you pregnant sweetheart?’, VII asked.

When VII asked the question, I almost spill out the soda I just drunk. I coughed, ‘What… the… fuck…’

Shin laughed, ‘I think so?’.

VII chuckled, ‘Then we should schedule a check-up’.

My jaw almost fell but I was speechless.

They both laughed hard.

‘Crazy in love…’, I whispered.

VII tapped my shoulder, ‘Chill… you’re too serious’.

I put on the Salmon on my mouth.

Shin chuckled, ‘What’s with the Sashimi today Prince?’

I shrugged my head, ‘I don’t know… I just want it so badly’.

Shin nodded, ‘Aww… binge eating?’

‘Pardon?’, I asked.

‘Binge eating’, he repeated.

‘No… I heard that but what do you mean?’

VII gulped the Saki.

‘You miss in law so you’re binge eating!’, he laughed.

I glared at him.

‘Oopps…’, VII mumbled.

Shin smiled, ‘Peace…’, and showed me a peace sign.

I laughed hard.

Shin and VII looked at each other.

‘Huh?’, VII asked.

Shin shrugged his head.

‘You’re right! Damn it! I miss him, so I’m gonna eat and eat and eat and eat!’, I exclaimed.

‘Scary…’, VII whispered, ‘He might eat us’.

Shin nodded.

I ordered more Salmon Sashimi and ate all of them.

‘You’re not on drugs, right Prince?’, Shin asked me.

‘Huh?’, I laughed, ‘This is so yummy!’

‘Too much love can make you insane’, VII whispered to Shin.

Shin nodded.

‘I heard that!’, I told them.

After eating at the Japanese Restaurant, we went for a drive again. I didn’t know where we were heading to so I asked them.

‘Where are we going?’

‘To the hospital’, VII answered me.

‘Huh?’, I sighed, ‘Don’t tell me you two are serious about Shin getting pregnant?’

Shin smiled, ‘But I am pregnant’.

Oh my goodness, I told myself. Just when I thought they’re kidding the hell out of me, we really did go to a hospital for pregnancy check-up. The two had a dilemma in which doctor they should pick. I sighed.

‘Would you two…-‘, and they pulled me, ‘What’s the big idea!’, I exclaimed.

‘Shin is having contraction’, VII told me in a composed face but worried voice.

‘The heck!’, I exclaimed.

‘Ou… Ouch…’, Shin uttered, ‘I need a doctor sweetheart! Our baby! Our baby!’

‘I don’t believe this’, I told them.

‘You better now’, VII told me as we enter the doctor’s room.

‘Good afternoon, how can I help you?’, the doctor greeted us.

‘Doctor, I want you to see my wife… I think his pregnant’, VII explained.

I sighed and rolled my eyes to disbelief.

‘Oh’, the doctor responded, ‘Sure… please have a seat’.

As Shin sat at the chair, the doctor’s eye widened.

‘I think I’m pregnant doc’, Shin uttered.

‘Ugh… huh?’, the doctor wondered.

‘I said… I think I’m pregnant! My tummy aches!’, Shin told her.

VII looked at her too as she caresses Shin’s tummy.

My eyes rolled, there’s no way the doctor will give in to this prank. I sighed again.

The doctor got something from her desk and gave it to Shin, and then Shin readily went to the bathroom.

‘What’s that?’, I asked VII.

‘A pregnancy tester’, VII told me with a smile in his face, ‘Finally I can have my own child. I’ve always been dreaming of having kids of my own’.

My jaw almost fell again, ‘You’re crazy… right?’

‘I’m crazy in love with Shin… and to our future baby’.

‘This isn’t happening’.

After a while, Shin went out and gave the tester to the doctor.

The doctor smiled, ‘Congratulations Mr. Shin, you’re pregnant’, she happily told Shin.

Shin grinned, ‘Oh my god!’, he looked at VII, ‘Sweetheart!’

VII hugged him tight, ‘I am so happy…’

Shin nodded, ‘Me too!’, then he looked at me, ‘Prince! I am pregnant!’

I blinked twice and lost my consciousness afterwards.

Monday, March 21, 2011


‘What the heck…’, he mumbled.

I chuckled, ‘Why?’

‘Why do they need to do such a thing?’, he asked while fondling my hair.

I shrugged my head, ‘People have their own opinion on things. And if they want to do Role Playing then that’s up to them…’, I rested my head on his chest.

We were in a park and he was sitting in the grounds and he’s back resting on the tree trunk while I was sitting on him and resting my self into his body.

We were watching some kids playing. It’s still kinda snowy in some parts of Japan. Even though there was a disastrous occurrence that had happened, our place wasn’t that affected. Thank god!

‘I pity those who died…’, he whispered into my ears.

‘Me too’, I responded and sighed.

He held my chin and kissed my lips, ‘I love you…’

I smiled, ‘I love you too…’

He smirked, ‘Japan’s birth-rate will really diminish now…’

I nodded, ‘Rampant homosexuality plus tremendous disaster…-‘

‘Equals… boom’, he softly uttered.

I chuckled, and he did too.

After spending some relaxing time in the park, we walked hand-in-hand and went to my house.

Aunt and Ash saw VII and they greeted him.

VII bowed in returned, ‘It’s nice seeing you Mrs. Caelum… Ash’, and smiled.

‘Oh! I made a carrot cake, do you want some VII?’, Ash asked VII.

‘Ugh… sure’, he replied.


‘Hey, how about me?’, I asked her.

‘Oh… I didn’t see you’re here Shin!’, she laughed.

‘Geez… you’re so bad!’, I exclaimed.

‘No… I’m EVIL!’, she laughed again… or should I say, evil laugh this time.

He and Aunt laughed too.

I pouted, ‘Meany!’, I glared at him.

‘What do you want me to do?’, he was still snickering.

I looked at the other side.

Aunt and Ash went inside and left us.

He hugged me and licked my ear, ‘Sweetheart…’, he whispered.

I giggled a bit but controlled myself, ‘What?’, I slightly exclaimed.

He smiled.

And I lost, ‘Ugh!’

‘What?’, he was still smiling.

‘You know I cannot resist that smile!’, I blushed.

He smiled and pulled me closer to him, ‘I love you…’

I sighed and gave in, ‘I love you too…’

As Ash went back with her carrot cake, we had a feast. Sweetheart didn’t eat that much. Not because the cake tasted bad but because he doesn’t really eat sweet things.

Ash left us as soon as her soon-to-be boyfriend called her.

‘At long last, peace and quiet…’, I uttered.

He nodded and lit his cigar.

I sighed, ‘Please reduce that…’, I told him.

‘I’m trying to’, he blew his smoke.

‘That’s not very healthy sweetheart!’, I exclaimed. Since our relationship started, I tried to stop him or at least lessen up his smoking but until now… no changes, no difference.

He sighed, ‘Are we going to start with this again?’

I’d rather lose the argument than to lose him. I shrugged my head, ‘Just try to…’

He nodded.

He finished smoking and we weren’t still talking.


‘Hey sweetheart’, he called my attention.

‘Yeah?’, I looked at him.

‘Of all the flavours of cigar I’ve tasted, I compare you the coffee flavour’.

I wondered, ‘Why?’

‘Because you’re a little bitter, a little sweet but oh so… hot’, he chuckled.

I stared at him for a while and laughed my head out, ‘What the?’

He grinned and sat beside me.

‘Cliché sweetheart’.

‘Really? Hmm…’, he paused.


‘I think you’re getting smaller sweetheart’, he put his hand on my head.

‘Really?’, I worried, ‘I don’t notice it’.

‘Just yesterday, you’re in my mind… but now, you’re in my heart already’, he smirked.

‘Ugh… what the?’I laughed again, ‘You got me again!’

He chuckled, ‘I guess’.



‘Who am I?’

He wondered, ‘You’re Caelum, Shin… and you’re my husband to be’, and smiled.

‘Nope!’, I smiled, ‘I’m a policeman and you’re my most wanted!’, I laughed.

He didn’t laugh.

‘Oh come on!’, I exclaimed.

‘It takes more than a million people to complete this world but it only takes you to complete my world’, he uttered as he slowly lean to my face and laid a short but sweet kiss on my lips.

I was speechless.

He smiled, ‘I love you…’

I responded by kissing him again.

He spent the night in my house. The next morning, I was woken up by an unknown girl.

‘Shin-sama! Wake up now!’, she nagged me.

I wasn’t wearing any eyeglasses or contacts so my sight wasn’t that clear, ‘Huh?’

‘Shin-sama!’, she nagged me again, ‘I missed you!’

‘Huh?’, I tried to stand up and covered myself with the blanket, ‘Who are you?’

‘Who are you?’, she glared at me, ‘I’m your girlfriend!’

‘HUH?’, I exclaimed and rubbed my eyes but I can’t remember who she is. I remembered all the faces of my ex-girlfriends before and I was so sure she isn’t one of them.

‘Damn, this place hasn’t change at all. It’s been 2 years since I last visited you here’.

‘Yes’, I shrugged my head, ‘I mean… no, who are you really?’

And before she can answer, another girl entered my room and screamed my name.

‘What the…’, I uttered.

‘Shin-sama! Shin-sama!’, she tried to pull me.

‘No… no!’, I held on the blanket tightly.

She fish faced and looked at the other girl, ‘Who are you?’

‘Who am I?’, her eyes rolled, ‘Who are you?’

‘I am Shin-sama’s girlfriend’.

‘What?’, she glared at me, ‘I thought I am your only one!’

‘Huh?’, I gulped, ‘But… but…’

The other girl looked at me furiously, ‘I thought I am the only one!’

‘Wait… wait… I don’t-‘

‘Explain things to me! To us!’

The other girl tried to pull me, ‘Shin-sama!’

‘Wait!’, I exclaimed, ‘I’m not wearing any pants!’

The two stopped and their laughs burst out.

I sighed.

‘Okay we’ll wait…’, one girl said as she’s trying to control her laugh.

I went to the bathroom and put on some PJs. Then I went out and put on my glasses.

‘Now explain!’, the girl told me frantically while staring at me.

‘Right…’, but even before I can explain, another girl entered my room. My eyes widened, ‘Don’t tell me?’

Her eyes rolled, ‘I thought I’m your only one!’, she shouted at me.

‘What the fuck is going on?’, I exclaimed.

The three girls were staring at me. It’s like they’re ready to devour me.

‘Hmm… Hmm…’

Then the door slowly opened and I saw my Laurence. I readily run and hugged him.

‘Sweetheart!’, I hugged him tighter, ‘Help me!’

He didn’t hug me back and stared at me, ‘Who are they?’, he asked.

‘Ugh… I don-‘

‘I am his girlfriend’, girl 1 said.

‘I am his girlfriend!’, girl 2 said.

‘No, I am his girlfriend’, girl 3 said.

Laurence looked at me, ‘I thought I am your boyfriend?’, one of his eyebrow raised.

‘You are…’, I answered.

‘I thought I’m the only one?’, he asked me again.

‘I don’t even know them!’, I whined.

Laurence sighed.

I hugged him, ‘Believe me Laurence, I don’t even know them. Maybe… maybe Ash set this up to prank me Laurence. Believe me please…’

He was just staring at me, and suddenly he laughed. The three girls did too.

I stopped hugging him.

‘Sorry sweetheart’, he smiled, ‘Actually… this is my plan’.
I glared at him.

He smirked, ‘They’re my adoptive sisters, or you can say they’re Numbers too and they wanna meet you’.

‘And in this kind of way?’, I asked.

He nodded.

I sighed, ‘The heck…’, I looked at the three girls.

They all bowed to me, ‘Nice to meet you Shin-kun!’

I bowed too, ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you all too’.

They went downstairs and Laurence stayed.

He smiled at me, ‘I’m sorry…’

I ignored him.

‘I’m sorry…’, he repeated.

I ignored him.

He walked towards me and hugged me tight, ‘I’m sorry…’, he whispered into my ear.

I looked at him, ‘You’re the one… my only one’.

He smiled, ‘I know… I love you…’

‘I love-‘, but he didn’t let me finish and kissed me passionately.