Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Friend

Shin here! Alright, guys let us all be in high spirits today! I mean, I was talking about yesterday. Around 10:30 am, I checked Prince on his room.

"Prince?" I asked as I knocked and opened the door. He didn't respond. I just saw him on the veranda, sipping on his juice. I went inside and approached him. "Hey..."
Still, no response.

"Geez, what in the world's happening to you?" I waved my hand on his face. "Are you and in know...not in good terms--"

Prince smirked, "You gotta be kidding me. Of course not, Shin."

I scratched my head, "Ok...? Well, why are you so serious? I noticed that for these couple of days. Do you have a problem on something? I could help you."

He looked at me, "I don't have any problem," he finished his drink.." I just want to try to be a sentimentalist."

"Wha...what?" I chuckled. "Sentimentalist? Why is that?"

He yawned, "Still sleepy. Oh, Shin...what do you want to talk about?"

"Nothing!" I grinned. "Wanna come with me? Let's go shopping! I want to spend sometime with my dear cousin coz I'm somewhat jealous with in law because he's with you all of the time."

"Shut up!" he chuckled as he screwed on my hair, " Then you should have someone to come with you, and that's not me, Shin." Prince went inside the room and laid down on his bed, "Maybe you shold try asking VII, he might come with you."

I pouted my lips and sighed, "No, not this time. He might get pissed off again or what. I'll just come and visit him on the next few days. Please, come with me, Prince. I want to spend my time with youuuuuu!" I shook him.

He sighed, "You are so silly..."

"Come on! Let's go now!" I carried him.

"Shit! Stop being silly, Shin! Put me down!"

"Not until you say 'yes', my little Prince!" I chuckled.

"Yes! I'll come with you! So put me down, now!" he exclaimed.

I stuck my tongue out and put him down, "There...dress up now. I'll be waiting for you outside." I smiled, "Thanks, Prince!"

Yay! Prince's coming with me. Harhar! Sorry, about that in law. You won't see him this day. beh! Peace! Anyways, we went to the mall and dine in an Italian restaurant. While eating, Prince received a phone call.

"Hey, what's up?...I'm doing good too...alright, good luck to Oh, really? Well...I can't check up on it right now. I'm spending some time with my cousin here in the mall. Maybe tomorrow...right. Alright, thanks again."

"Who's that? I know that's not in law coz there's no my life," I smiled and then chewed on my food.

"A friend," he chuckled and sipped on his beverage.


"You-- Yuri. The one who called was Yuri...anyways..." he licked on his lips, "This is really tasty."

"Ah....I time again this coming week, right?"

He nodded, "Did you enroll in our university?"

I shook my head, "I want to go to different places and observed. I want some sparkle on my praticum."

"Spark as you say, huh?" he smirked, "VII must be on your side while you are doing your observations," he teased.

I sipped on my beverage.

"Oh, maybe you'll just observe VII instead of your surroundings," he chuckled.

"Ok...? You're kinda hyper right now, Prince. I thought you're going to be a sentimentalist this day."

"Do you want me too? Tsk. I don't want too coz I got a good news," he looked like a villain that time.

"On what?" I was curious.

He just smiled and I wondered.

"I'm done!" he smiled. "Thanks for the meal, it's so great!"

"Sure..." I smiled too.

After eating, we went on shopping but still I was wondering about that Yuri. I don't know that he has a friend named Yuri. A new friend, I guess? Hm.

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