Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fuck, Bullshits, Asshole

‘Yes sweetheart, he’s here so you better go here immediately’, I told Laurence, ‘Right… right, okay. Bye’, and I hanged up the phone. I sighed.

‘Hey Shin’, someone greeted me.

I turned my back and saw in law, ‘Oh, hi in law!’

He didn’t smile, ‘How is it going?’

‘Ugh… nothing?’, I chuckled. Recently, I actually don’t know how to speak to in law anymore. It’s like his a whole new different person.

He nodded, ‘Okay then, bye…’

‘Oh! Wait! Won’t you stay for a little while?’, I asked.

‘For what?’

‘Ugh… well, hmm…’, Damn I didn’t know what to say, ‘Wanna hang out?’, I took my chances.

He chuckled but it’s obvious that it was a fake, ‘You’re screwed Shin’.

‘I guess?’, I sounded stupid, ‘So?’

He shrugged his head, ‘Not interested’, and started to go downstairs. I followed him and when he was to open the door, it opened by itself.

He stopped.

Cha-cha went in running and hugged in law.

‘Daddy! Daddy!’, she kept on shouting, ‘I miss you, I miss you!’

‘Ugh…Cha-cha?’ he was like pushing Cha-cha away from him.

‘Hey Leader’, Laurence greeted him, ‘Fancy meeting you here’.

‘Fancy?’, he smirked, 'This is bullshit.'

Then I saw Prince, uncle, aunt and Ash entered the scene too.

‘Hey Leader!’, IX and XV greeted.

‘Hello there’, XIII added.

‘Wow, all of you are present huh?’, in law uttered in unfeeling and uninterested voice.

‘Yeah’, Laurence answered.

‘Daddy! Daddy, lift me… lift me, I wanna kiss you’, Cha-cha nagged in law.

‘That’s quite enough Cha-cha’, in law was like whispering but he also looked pissed.

‘But Daddy… daddy!’, Cha-cha kept on nagging him.

‘Stop!’, in law shouted at her daughter and pushed her away, ‘I said fucking quit it!’

Cha-cha ran to IX and cried.

In law was like indescribable? He was pretty mad. Then a fierce voice was also heard.

‘What the heck is that?’, Laurence exclaimed.

In law looked at him.

‘I asked, what the heck is that?’, he sighed, ‘That is your daughter!'

‘That’s the point, my daughter! Not yours or anyone else here’, he sternly answered, ‘So I could tell her anything I want’.

‘You shouldn’t be talking to your daughter like that!Would you cut the shit out?!

‘Wow! Now you sound like a parent to me’, he chuckled, ‘Who are you my father, or my mother? For 17 years I didn’t had one so fuck off’.

‘What the heck is wrong with you?’

‘Nothing, there is nothing wrong with me… and why the fuck are you all here anyway? Is there a party?’

Laurence sounded very pissed, ‘Party? Bullshit, don’t play dumb with me XXVII. We’re all here because we want to see you and talk to you. To know what the hell is going on with you!’

‘What?’, he chuckled sarcastically, ‘What am I Hollywood star now?’

‘Would you drop the sarcasm? You know, I can’t understand you anymore. We cannot understand you anymore; it’s as if you have changed all of the sudden’.

‘You don’t know me? You guys don’t know me?’, he laughed, ‘Of course, nobody knows me’.

Laurence eyes widened but he didn’t speak and so I did.

‘In law?’

‘Stay out of this!’, he told me and faced Laurence again, ‘It’s as if I changed? Well… tell you what, I didn’t change. It’s just that no one knows me’, and smirked.

‘Even me?’, I turned around and it was Prince talking.

In law chuckled again, ‘What the fuck? Let’s not put a fucking drama here’.

‘So I’m only a drama… oh, a fucking drama huh?’

In law just laughed. It’s like he’s crazy.

‘You know Ryuuka, they all came here just to see you and know what’s going on with you so we could help you. We want to help you for whatever problem you have because we are concern about you’, Prince told him.

‘Fuck concern!’, in law shouted, ‘I don’t need all of your fucking concerns’, and started to walked but Laurence stopped him by pushing him to where he was standing.

‘So you’re just gonna walk away? We are your friends, we are your family, why don’t you let us help you!’, Laurence shouted too.

‘I don’t need anyone. Not even friends, or family!’

‘And me? How about me… your lover?’, Prince uttered.

‘Why will you think that you’re an exception?’, he laughed.

Prince didn’t talk anymore.

‘You shouldn’t be doing this to him asshole!’, Laurence exclaimed.

‘Why don’t you mind your own fucking goddamn business VII!’, in law put emphasis on the last three words.

All of us were shocked of what the hell is happening around us… or rather, the hell is going on with in law.

After saying that, in law started to walk and as he opened the door, Laurence called his attention again.

‘XXVII, just one last thing’, Laurence uttered

In law looked at him.

‘Fuck you’.

In law smiled, ‘Why thank you… I’m a fucking fuck and a narcissistic heartless shit, remember?’, he said and went off as he slam the door hard.

Then while we were all shocked of what happened, Prince just passed out. I didn’t know what came in to me but I ran outside our house and called in law.

‘In law!’, I called him and he looked at me.

‘What now?’, he sounded mad obviously.

‘Prince just lost his consciousnesses’

‘I don’t give a damn fucking shit about him’, he told me as he opened the door of his car went off.

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