Monday, January 31, 2011

His Past

After getting some clean clothes for Ryuuka, I readily went back to the hospital. I knocked before I enter and saw mom feeding Ryuuka.

'Hey Mom!' I greeted her and kissed her cheek, 'Hey My Life...' I greeted him and laid a short kiss on his lips.

Ryuuka just smiled.

'Hello there son, what did you get?'

'Some clean clothes for My Life,' I answered as I took the plate and spoon from my mom and continued feeding Ryuuka.

'Okay... I'll go now and visit your father. I'll ask him if we can transfer Ryuuka in a private room, ICU makes me sick,' she chuckled.

We nodded and she left us, 'How are you feeling My Life?'

'Better,' he answered, 'I'm already full.'

I nodded, 'I got you some clothes, want to change now?'

He shrugged his head, 'A little later.'

I agreed, 'By the way, when I was in your loft... I saw this,' and I showed him the little notebook that I saw. 'What’s this anyway?' I asked.

His eyes widened, 'Where did you get that? Did you open it?'

'Nope, and I got it in your cabinet,' it was a small green notebook with a few pages in it. The notebook also looks a bit worn out, perhaps it's been with him for a long time. I tried to open it but he stopped me.

'Don't!' he exclaimed.

'Why not?' I wondered.

'Hand it to me.'

'Why? What's with this?' I grinned.

'Nothing,' he looked at the notebook tensed.

'Hmm... is this your diary?' I teased.

'No...' he hissed, 'It' journal.'

I grimaced, 'Journal my ass...' again I tried to open it but he held my hand to stop me.

'Please don't,' his face looked so worried and flushed.

I got curious, 'Ryuuka?'

He sighed.

'What's with this notebook? It seems to be too important for you,' I wondered.

He nodded, 'It is.'

I handed him the notebook, 'Here...'

'Thank you...' he opened it and I saw his eyes flickered. After browsing some pages, he readily closed it and handed it to me.

I looked at him.

'My past is written there...' he whispered.

'Your past?'

He nodded, 'If you want... you can read it'.

I opened the notebook and read what is written in the first page.

"Have you ever had a feeling when you saw someone happily together and yet you are all alone by yourself? I always think this world is far too lonely, too sad. My life is just like a drifting cloud, without destination just floating around. I do something that nobody else wants to do. Killing people becomes a very normal affair. To survive, I have to do it... "

While I was reading it, I felt a contract of muscle in my chest. The writings are full of painful emotions and sadness. I couldn't stand to continue reading it so I closed the notebook and looked at Ryuuka.

'When did you write this?'

'Before I met you,' he took a deep breath, 'When I was still nothing but a heartless assassin.'

I placed the notebook in a nearby table.

'You're done?' he asked.

I shrugged my head and went beside him, 'Have you ever thought of running away?' I told him as I fondled his hair.

'You think I can get rid of them?' he answered.

'How many people have you killed?'

He sighed as held my hand, 'If I have a choice, I won't kill anyone'.

'Because of money? Is money that important for you?' he started to caress my right cheek.

'Money is never important to me Prince,' he looked down, 'I just have to'.

'Have you ever thought of quitting?' I hugged him tight and placed his head beside my chest.

'Easy to say but hard to do,' he mumbled then looked at me, 'If I won't kill them, they'll kill me'.

I sighed.


'Since then until now, you never plan to quit?'

'Before yes... I thought I exist to kill but then when I met you, everything changes. You gave me the reason to alter my life. You've become my life, my existence.'

I kissed him... I didn't want to stop kissing him. I pushed him in his bed.

'Ugh...' he hissed, 'My surgery...'

I stopped, 'Sorry...' my voice was breathless.

I was over him, 'Prince... I told myself that if ever I survive this operation, I'll forget about everything and just live for you. Solely for you, no less no more.'

I smiled, 'Really?'

He nodded, 'I won't become an assassin anymore. We'll have a normal life together, I promise forever.’

I kissed him again, 'Thank you Ryuuka... I love you.'

'And I love you too...'

He coughed, 'Ouch...'

I chuckled, 'Oh sorry!' I went down his bed, 'Please recuperate fast... I can't restrain myself anymore', I winked at him.

'Neither do I gorgeous,' he grinned.

'You're so hot...' I smirked.

'And you're so sexy...' he chuckled.

My mom went back, and this time she's with Shin and VII.

'Your father said that we can move Ryuuka in the private room in the 4th floor,' my mom told us.

'Right...' I looked at Ryuuka, 'Is that okay My Life?'

He nodded, 'VII?'

VII looked at Ryuuka, 'Yes, leader?'

'Don't call me that...'

'Yes brother?' VII rephrased.

'Better... you accompany them when they get back to Japan next next week'.

VII nodded, 'Certainly.'

'Huh?' I asked, 'Who's going back to Japan?'

'Oopps!' Shin chuckled, 'In law?'

'You Prince, mom, Shin and VII,' Ryuuka told me.

'Huh?' I repeated, 'No way!'

'Don't worry, I'll follow. I just need to stay here for a little longer. I'll be with your father.'

'I want to be with you too.'

'I know', he smiled, 'But you have a life in Japan, your studies... you must continue it'.


'Or else we can't get married...' he winked.

I blushed.

Shin and mom laughed, 'That made him shut up!' Shin laughed harder.

VII chuckled.

Ryuuka smiled at me.

I went beside him and whispered to his ears, 'Only if you'll make love with me...' I winked.

Ryuuka grinned, 'I'll make you pass out from too much pleasure then.'

I smiled and kissed him, and he kissed me back.

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