Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sleep Now

February 19th, 9:30 in the morning. I didn’t get enough of sleep because I was excited for this day, my birthday! I readily prepared myself and went directly downstairs to know what they have for me.

“Where the hell are they?” I wondered while searching for them on the first floor. I went upstairs and search inside their rooms but they’re not there. Holy shit, even the maids, the butler and the guards were nowhere to be found. I am left alone in the mansion!

“No, no…this can’t be…” my eyes twitched as I was thinking of ways on how to find them. “Ah, yeah…my phone.” I went back inside my room and contacted each one of them even Laurence but oh god, they’re out of reach! I even called my sweetheart 10 times in a row but he’s still out of reach! What the hell’s going on?

“Relax, Shin…” I tried to calm myself, “relax…” I kept on repeating that word. “Ah! But I can’t!” I blurted out and munched on the apple on the kitchen counter. “Geez, I’m going nuts now!” I closed my eyes and thought again, “Perhaps they’re outside of the mansion?” and I shrugged my shoulders, “well, there’s no harm in trying.”

I took an apple on my other hand and went outside of the mansion. I was with Ace, my dog, who was following me while we searched in the hood until he started barking. I saw a bald guy who was trying to seize him.

“Hey! Fuck off!” I warned him. As I was going to push him away from Ace, someone covered my nose and mouth with a hanky until I fell asleep.

The next thing I knew was…I was already in my room, lying on my bed while Laurence was fondling my hair.

“Sweetheart…?” I mumbled.

He was staring at me, smiling, “Good morning, sweetheart. Happy birthday!” and he kissed me passionately. I returned the favor. He crawled over me and removed my shirt. H e was kissing me on my ear, down to my lips and to my neck then to my navel and he removed my pants. Well, I was already hard that time and he licked my dick.


He looked at me as he licked his lips, “Any problem?”

“Ah…” I sat upright. “What happened?”

His forehead wrinkled, “I’m sorry?”

“I mean, when I woke up this morning…there was no one inside this mansion except me…” I glanced at him, “I went outside to search for them with Ace but we didn’t until a bald guy wanted to take him away from me…and, and…another guy covered my face and mouth with a hanky until I fell asleep…the next thing I knew was, you’re already here with me….”

He was staring at me, “I saw you and I was the one who brought you here. Ace was beside you when I came.”

I wondered, “Really?”

Laurence nodded and patted my head, “Are you okay?”

“I am,” I smiled a bit, still wondering. “How come you weren’t answering my calls? Oh, and are they already here?”

“I was in a deep sleep that time,” he rested my head on his chest, “I’m sorry if I haven’t picked it up.” He kissed my forehead, “and about them, have you already forgotten that today’s a day off for the maids?”

“Eh? Did aunt say that?”

He nodded, “Last night, while having dinner. Weren’t you listening?”

I tried to remember but I can’t, “Did she really say that?”

He smirked, “Of course, of course…sweetheart,” and he caressed my cheek. “Are you really okay?”

I smell something fishy here,” I thought. “How about aunt and Prince?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “All I know is we’re all alone here.”

I looked at him, “Are you implying on something?”

“Why do you sound so innocent here?” he looked at me too.

I laughed, “I am not—“

“Are you trying to be modest today because it’s your birthday?” the tone of his voice changed. “Is that it, huh? Shin?”

“You’re really implying on something, aren’t you?” I pecked on his cheek.

He looked on the other side, “Did I ever say that?”

I held his chin and faced him to me, “You didn’t.”

He wasn’t still looking at me.

“What do you want?” I stared at him.

No response.

I sat on his lap, “Hm?” I smiled and licked on his lips, “Sweetheart?”

He wasn’t still responding.

I fervently kissed him on his lips as I was taking his shirt off. I licked his tummy up to his chest. I heard him chuckled softly. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me upward. He was smiling at me, “I love you so much, Shin…”

“I love you too…” I smiled at him too.

“Happy birthday,” he whispered.

“Thank you…” and I hugged him tightly. Then, he suddenly exchanged places with me. “I’ll make your day…”

“Right now?”

He nodded and smiled as he was already removing his clothes.

“I guess it’s too early…” I bit my lip.

“You think so?” he started kissing me, his hand was caressing my chest, “but time is so precious, sweetheart…” then his hands went downwards.

I moaned, “But we still have tonight…”

“I don’t think so…” and he moved downwards, he licked the tip of my dick and sucked it.

“Why…?” I was catching for my breath.

He looked at me and he wiped his mouth, “I just know…” he smirked. “Stop asking so many questions and just make love with me, sweetheart.”

I chuckled.

“What?” he was smiling at me.

“Why are you smiling like that? It’s so sweet and…you look so wonderful…”

He didn’t respond and instead he crouched a little. He placed my legs on top of his shoulder and slowly inserted his dick inside of me. I was moaning, “Faster…”

He moved his dick out and reached for my head, he kissed me and pushed my head onto his. I sucked it until he ejaculated. He crawled over me again, I mean on my back and thrusted it again inside of me. His right hand held onto my dick while the other one’s on my waist.

“I..I love you, Shin…” he was catching for his breath too.

“I….love you too…Laurence…”

After our love making, we both fell asleep…Laurence was on top of me. I was the one who first woke up. I fondled his hair and kissed it. Then my tummy grumbled, “Ooppss...” I silently chuckled. I took his left hand and kissed it. I smiled as I saw our engagement ring. I rubbed on it and as I was going to look at my engagement ring…

“Shit!” I exclaimed. “My engagement ring? Where the fuck is my engagement ring?” I was already panicking. “Did I leave it somewhere? But I was still wearing it this morning…did they took it away from me? Did they…? Oh goddamn it!”

“Sweetheart?” Laurence was already awake, he was rubbing his eyes.

“Oh, hi there…how was your sleep?”

“Good,” he yawned, “didn’t you sleep?”

“I did…”

He reached for my head and kissed me sweetly, “Let’s take a bath now...”

I simply nodded. We both got up and went directly inside the bathroom. We were both inside the bath tub and he was the one who’s bathing me.

“Is something bothering you?” he whispered,

I didn’t respond.

“Was it because of the guys who tried to harm you?”

I sighed, “Kinda,” at the same time I lied.

“Still about that issue, huh?” he pinched my cheek, “don’t worry, I already asked the other Numbers to handle them.”

I looked at him and kissed him.

“Smile for me, Shin. I want to see you smiling,” he flashed a smile. “It’s your birthday today and I want you to be happy.”

If you just know what’s my problem, Laurence. If you just know that I lost our engagement ring.


I smiled and hugged him so tightly. Then my tummy grumbled again. We both chuckled. We finished taking our bath already and while Laurence was preparing the ingredients for our breakfast or rather brunch, I kept on looking for the ring.

“Aaarrgh!!!” I shrieked. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” It was really upsetting. I can’t still find it.

“Sweetheart! Everything’s ok now!” Laurence was calling out for me.

“Coming!” I sighed and went out the room. He seized my hand and we walked downstairs. I already prepared our brunch, oh he helped me too.

“Wow, you’re improving,” I smiled while beating some eggs.

“Am I?” he was slicing some bell peppers.

“Yeah. I remembered when we were in Denmark…you’re still an amateur when it comes to slicing things,” I chuckled.

“I’m good at targeting assholes, not slicing stuff like this.”

“I know,” I sauté the garlic and onions in the pan.

“Thanks to you.”

“Thanks for what?” I looked at him.

“If you didn’t teach me how then I wouldn’t know such tasks.”

I chuckled, “You’re a prince therefore you’re an exception.”

“Ex-prince,” he glared at me.

“But still you were,” I smiled, “and as a lover, I’ll serve for you.”

“Things have changed now,” he stopped slicing and pulled me closer to him, “I’m the one who’s going to serve for you now.”


“My Queen,” he smiled and kissed my hand.

“Geez,” I got chills, “I’m still not used to that ‘girl’ term.”


“Better,” I grinned and continued sautéing. I poured on the batter and Laurence handed me the bell peppers.

“What else do you want me to do?” he hugged me from behind.

“Oh, I can already do this alone,” I smiled and cuddled his hand. “You can already sit back and relax.”

“Ugh,” he rested his chin over my shoulder, “I still wanted to help you…”

“Really?” I looked at him.

He nodded, “For our future.”

“Four our future?” I felt my cheek burning.

“You know…when we’re already married, we’ll be living in our own house. And in our house, only the two of us would be living.”

I blinked and blinked.

“I wanted to be the best husband in the whole wide world, Shin,” and he kissed me on my cheek.

I still blinked and blinked.

Laurence chuckled, “Oh my…I’m sorry, I left you speechless again.”

“As always,” I chuckled too.

“But I’m really stating the fact, Shin…”

I looked at him and caressed his cheek, “I love you, Laurence…” and kissed him sweetly on his lips.

“I know now, I’ll just set the table for us,” he smiled and left for awhile.

After cooking and setting the table, we already ate. Laurence spoon fed me while he was telling some ‘future’ stuff about us and obviously, I was speechless again. Tsk. *laughs Oh well, I looked like a kid that time. Just listening to the things he was saying and blushing every time.

Later in the afternoon, we just watched movies, played with Ace, played the XBOX 360 and a lot more. Aunt, Prince and Ashley were still not in the house. I wonder why. Anyway, around 7 in the evening…Laurence told me to prepare myself. I asked him where we are going but he didn’t answer me. So I just did what he told me too.

While on our way…

“Where are we going, sweetheart?” I asked.

He just looked at me and smiled.

“Pff,” I pouted my lips.

He held my hand and kissed it, “Sweetheart?”

“Ugh, yes?”

“Your ring,” he glanced at me, “where’s your ring?”

I bit my lip, “I…I…”


“I…” I sighed.

“Don’t tell me you lost it?”

“No! I—“

“I know you when you are lying,” he said.

“I just misplaced it…” I mumbled.

“Misplaced?” he smirked. “Are you sure?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “I’m sorry. Don’t worry, I’ll look for it after the party.”

“It’s useless.”

I sighed, those words struck my heart.

“I’m sorry.”

He didn’t respond. We already arrived in a garden like venue.

“Wait for me here,” he said as he left me.

I simply nodded. After 10 minutes…

Laurence opened the car door for me, “Let’s go,” he said smiling.

Weird,” I thought. He was mad at me a few moments ago and now he’s already smiling.

He held my hand too. “I told you to smile, remember?”

“But…the ring,” I whispered and I was looking down.

He held my chin and kissed me sweetly, “I love you.”

“I love you too…”

He smiled and as we enter the real venue…

“Happy 20th birthday, Shin!” the crowd cheered.

My eyes widened. I saw my relatives from Denmark and United States. Mom and dad were also there.

“What the hell…?”

“Happy birthday, son,” mom hugged me.

Then dad and Ashley and the others too.

“Where have you been, Ashley?” I raised an eye brow.

She stuck her tongue out and kissed me on my cheek, “Happy birthday, brother! I am so happy for you!”

“Thank you?”

She patted my shoulder and entertained the other guests. I saw Mischa she was wiggling while looking and smiling at me.

“Hey little girl,” I smiled and carried her, “you grew taller now huh. How are you?” and I kissed her cheek.

“I’m okay…” she giggled, “who’s he?”

“Who?” I fixed her bangs.

“The one who was holding your hand awhile ago…” and she pointed on Laurence who was talking with his future parents. “I can’t remember his name.”

“Oh!” I chuckled, “Have you already forgotten his name that easily?”

She nodded.

“He’s VII, you remember now?”

She shook her head.

“Oh, come on…we just visited you last year,” I pinched her nose.

“That was last year, a long long time ago…”

I smirked and drew closer to Laurence, “Sweetheart, she can’t remember your name.”

“I thought VII was his name, how come you call him sweetheart?” she fished face.

We both chuckled.

“Geez, how could we explain things to her?” he rubbed his finger in my cheek.

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Do you have any trouble with this kid?” a sudden interruption from Marco. “Let’s leave the love birds now, Mischa.”

“I still want to talk to him,” she hugged me tighter.

“Come on now, we’ll play hide and seek over there,” Marco pointed and winked at us. He carried Mischa, “Later!” and they left us.

I nodded and looked at Laurence who was looking at me too. He smiled at me and held onto my waist. We walked to the aisle to greet more guests. Oh my, what’s happening to him? Has he forgotten about the ring? Or he’s just faking it. Perhaps he’s really mad at me.

While partying, I went to the cocktail station and saw Prince…

“Hi dearest Prince,” I smiled a bit while choosing a drink.

“I love you….I love you…I love you….” Prince said amorously.

“I love you too, Prince,” I sipped on my drink. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in the mansion.”

“Oh, how I miss you….”

“I did miss you too…” I answered.

He suddenly chuckled, “You are so silly! I wish you are here with me….” and he sighed.

“But I’m already beside you…” I shook my head, still thinking of the ring.

“I miss you, my life…”

“Fuck,” I looked at him and I didn’t notice that he was talking with in law! I was out of my mind and I guess Prince was too? Actually, he’s too busy with the call and he didn’t notice me too.



“Oh, sorry! Were you talking to me?” and Prince faced me. “Wait a sec, my life…”

“No, I am not talking to you,” I smirked. “For goodness sake, Prince…I was talking to you a few moments ago!”

“Really?” he chuckled. “I didn’t know.”

“Yeah, it’s obvious,” I sipped on my drink, “you’re busy…”

He nodded, smiling. “I’m sorry.”

Hey! My Life! I’m waiting! Talk to me! Talk to me! Talk to me!” in law was shouting.

“Shut up,” I answered, chuckled.

Fuck you! I’m not talking to you, in law!” in law answered back.

“Fine!” I changed the tone of my voice, like a girl’s, “Prince, honey…come here baby….”

Yuck, in law!” he chuckled, “Oh by the way, happy birthday!”

I chuckled too, “Thanks!”

“Happy birthday, Shin,” Prince smiled.

“Thank you! Thank you!” I was still chuckling. “Where have you been, anyway? I haven’t seen you the whole day.”

He’s busy with me!” in law answered.

“Geez, how come you can hear—“

Secret!” he laughed.


Why? Any problem with that? Prince! Prince! He’s picking a fight with me!”

“What do you want me to do then?”

Just talk to me. Just me! No one else!” in law demanded.

“The fuck? Is that you in law?” I laughed too then I saw Laurence coming.

“Dinner time already,” he said.

“Ah, I’ll eat later,” Prince smiled and left.

Laurence looked at me.

“He’s busy talking with his life,” I said.

“Oh,” he took the glass from me, “don’t drink too much. I don’t want you to become a kissing monster already.”

“I won’t, don’t worry…”

He put the glass down and took my hand. He kissed it, “I’m hungry, let’s eat now…”

I nodded. He’s still weird. Anyway, we already ate and some were already drinking. Prince? He was still talking with in law in the balcony. Laurence was spoon feeding me again and while eating, I observed the place. It was really a beautiful place, with a good ambience. We were in a pavilion in the vast field of green grass with rose bushes alongside. There was a villa and a lake behind. There were benches and apple trees!

“We want to hear a message from our birthday celebrant before I slice the cake,” dad said.

“Do I still need to?” I pouted my lips.

“Of course, sweetheart,” he pinched my cheek.

I sighed and went in front. I smiled.

“That’s it?” Mike teased.

The guests laughed. I looked at where Prince was and he was still talking with in law.

“Well, what should I say?” I smirked and looked at them. “Anyway, good evening?”

They were staring at me. Crap. What’s this? I’m having a monologue?

“I was just wondering why the hell do all of you guys are here?” I continued. “I mean, it’s just my birthday. It’s not that special for you guys to just go here, right? You know, I’m still thinking about your expenses. But….there’s a big but here,” I chuckled. “But I thank all of you. I know deep inside that money’s not that important for you and your presence does and yes, you’re already here. I am touched. Really.”

I looked at dad and he whispered, “Go on, son. Say what you feel…”

I nodded, “You know, I’ve been dreaming of this guy to become mine since the moment that I felt that he’s the right one for me. I know my feelings are true so I kept on waiting. A lot of challenges happened and I did everything just to be with him until one day…the day I have been asking for, he became mine.”

I smiled, “And you know, I’ve been lucky…one of my most memorable days, oh…actually, every time I’m with him is memorable,” I chuckled, “perhaps one of my favorite day was during the Valentines day. It was the day that he proposed to me. I’m speechless. I don’t know what to say…it feels like I’m floating on the clouds…like it’s a fairytale….I have mixed emotions. That’s it.”

I looked at my mother and she was wiping her tears. I looked at Prince and finally he was already listening to my speech. I looked at Laurence and he was looking at me too.

“I wanted to show you….” I bit my lip, “yeah, show you my engagement ring…” I turned my back as my tears fell. I wiped my tears and faced the guests again, “Sorry about that…well, as I was saying…I wanted to show you my engagement ring and show you how I am so happy…” tears were falling down again, “but I misplaced it…or rather someone took it early this morning. I don’t want to elaborate what has happened but…Laurence,” I was looking on the floor, “I’m really….really sorry….I’m sorry,” I hiccupped. “I love you…please forgive me…”

Then the “Marry Me” song played and someone hugged me, yeah it was Laurence. The guests cheered as he kissed me passionately.

“Aren’t you…mad at me?”

He wiped my tears, took my hands and kissed them, “I am not, Shin…”

“But you were…” I can’t look at him straightly in his eyes.

“I did it on purpose,” he was smiling.

“What do you mean by that?”

He knelt down and took something from his pocket. It was a purple box and he opened it, “Will you marry me, Shin? Will you be my Shin Hilfiger?” he was staring at me.

“Ugh, but….” I scratched onto my head, “how…how come you have the ring?” I was confused.

“Geez, Shin! Stop that!

“Say yes again!”

“Will you?”

“I do, I will be your Shin Hilfiger,” I answered, smiling.

He inserted the ring in my finger and stood up already. “I love you so much….”

“I love you too….” I smiled. “But where did you get the ring? I don’t understand.”

“It was part of my plan,” Laurence chuckled.

“What? What do you mean by that?”

“Well, I wanted to propose to you again with your relatives. I wanted to show and prove to them that you’re the only one for me and the other way around. I know that they’re not updated when it comes to the blog so I planned doing it again.”


He held my hand, “I was the one who paid for their expenses.”

“And?” I kept on asking.

“I have paid those gangsters to take away your ring.”


“I love you.”

“Aw, the two of you are so sweet!” the crowd cheered.

I smiled him and hugged him so tightly.

“And aside from that, I want to get some consent from your parents too…”

“Such a good son,” my dad tapped him on his back. “Make me proud.”

“I promise,” Laurence smiled.

“Woohoo! Let’s party!” Mike said.

And we partied. Around 1 in the morning…we all went home. My relatives will stay here in Japan for a week according to dad. While in my room…

“You’re such a smart ass, sweetheart,” I smirked as I was looking at him who was changing his clothes.

“You’re not just smart to know,” he teased.

I pouted my lips, “Good night,” and I slumbered.

He chuckled and crawled over me, “I was just kidding, sweetheart. I just did it to surprise you and your relatives.”

“They really don’t have an idea about the proposal?”

“They don’t. I just told them that it was just about your birthday party,” he licked my ear.

“Oh, I see…”

He faced me to him and started kissing me. He removed my shirt as well as his and the door suddenly opened.

“Uh-oh,” I mumbled while peeping who opened the door.

“It’s nothing,” Laurence pushed me and kissed me again.

“Shin…? VII….?” A small voice said.

“Shit!” I leaped and covered Mischa’s eyes. “What are you doing here you little girl?”

“I can’t sleep,” she removed my hand and went onto the bed, “can I sleep here?”

I looked at Laurence and he smiled, “It’s fine with me, Shin….”

“Ok then,” I smiled too and went beside Mischa, she was in the middle. “Uhm, did you see something when you went inside my room?”

She nodded.

“What did you see?”

“Your room....and your bed…and on the top of your bed…was you….and on top of you, was him,” she giggled.

“Crap,” I uttered.

“I like this kid,” he chuckled as he lay down.

“And? What else? Did you see something else?” I asked.

She looked at the ceiling, “Ah…can I just whisper it in your ear?”

“Sure,” I leaned towards her.

“You were kissing,” she snickered.

“What did she say?”

“She said she saw us kissing,” I answered.

“At least, just kissing,” he laughed.

Mischa stared at her.

“I love your cousin that’s why I kissed him, Mischa. That’s all,” he patted her head.

“But why aren’t you wearing your clothes?”

“Ok! Time to sleep!” I said while covering her eyes. “Sleep now!”

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