Friday, April 16, 2010

The Personal Assistant

Yesterday morning, around 9:45 am. I fetch my life at his crib and i was just waiting inside my car.

'my life!' he shouted from the veranda, i went outside the car.


'can you help me bring down these clothes? they are too many for my two hands to carry!'

'oh..sure.' i smiled and hurriedly went inside his room.

'thank you so much, my punctual prince' he patted my head and kissed me.

'i think it's a job for me to be early--'

'oh, yeah! you are my personal assistant!' he chuckled.

'yesh...' i pouted my lips while carrying those clothes.

'great, we're ready to go!' he grinned.

'wait a sec, what the hell...why am i the only one carrying these clothes?'

'what? do you question your, master?' he chuckled and went outside the room, 'i'll just get some snacks in the fridge! wait for me outside...'

i simply nodded. i went outside his house and placed the clothes inside the car. i opened the door for my life and watched him intently as he went inside.

damn, how long would he be this busy? anyways, while on our way to their venue...

'after the big event..where do you want to spent our summer vacation, my life?' my life asked me.


'oh..wait, phonecall.' he answered the call...'yes, ryuu speaking....i did. i brought it with me....alright, see you...'

'who was that?' i asked him.

'the disc jockey, he wanted to present me the music remix for next saturday. he said that he'll further improve my work if ever there were some

technical difficulties'

'oh..i see...about the topic-'

'wait, another phonecall...yes? oh...what happened?'s alright. just be back after lunch, ok?'

'who was that again?' i asked him.

'matsuda...he won't attend the rehearsal this morning for a personal reason.'

'wonder why...anyways, i want-'

'what's that shin?' ryuu answered his phone for the third time.

'tsk...phonecall they can't use the sms way? pff..' i murmured.

'i will tell prince..don't worry.'

'what does he want?' i asked him.

'he wants you to fetch him' he grinned.

'what? i mean, why in the world should i? besides, he has his own car and big bike. tell him use one of those!' i exclaimed.

'he said, if you won't approve, no treats at all.' my life grinned.

'damn it. tsk. alright, i'll fetch him later.' i pouted my lips, ' life..i want to spend our vacation--'

'we're here! he smiled and went outside the car, 'let's talk about that later, ok? please bring those clothes on the 12th floor...then, fetch shin first and go

to the 7th floor. we'll be rehearsing there.'

i went outside the car and carried the clothes again, 'ok, i will.'

my life smiled and pinched my cheeks, 'please smile, my life. i promise i'll spend my whole summer vacation with you after this. take care alright? see you

later,' he gave me a sweet kiss and left.i brought the clothes to the 12th floor of the building and fetch shin.

'thanks much for fetching me, my little prince' he smiled and went inside.

'can't you drive for yourself?' i asked him.

'i can, but i'm not in the mood. i might kill myself if i ever do it,' he looked at me, 'prince...'


'what should i do with my feelings? i'm hurting both of the same time, i'm hurting my ownself.'

'you know, shin..the moment has come for you to decide.'

'to choose one thing over another...'

' happens really all the time. every day isa full of decisions to be made...though at times, they may seem small and insignificant. but those decisions

have their own consequences that can competely change our lives. are you ready for the consequences shin if ever you decide now?'

'i am..but there is a difficult thing about making a decision, prince.'


'that is..choosing one thing...means giving up another.' and shin sighed.


'oh, come on prince! let's not be this too serious, i'm not used to this...ya know...' he smiled but after a while...he just made a straight face.

'don't lie to yourself, idiot. the longer you carry that problem, the heavier it gets.'

'i guess you're right...'

'here we are...' i smiled and tapped him. 'let's go.'

he nodded and we went to their reahearsals. i brought my psp and played on a corner. i can't listen to my ipod coz i won't hear the music too...the

studio is surrounded with full blast speakers that will make you deaf. haha...
while rehearsing...

'oh...stop the music...' my life said..

'what's the problem, in law?' shin asked.

'i think we should change the steps in this does not complement the beat...' my life answered

'i think so..' the youngest of them all agreed...

'should we try doing the popping?' one friend suggested

'poppings don't fit to that beat, right in law?' shin asked

'it is not..think of another...' my life said

'oh..should we just do the harlem shake then the crip walk?' second friend suggested

'that's too simple...i want something...out of this world...' my life chuckled...'my life, any suggestions?'

' about you glide, then do the soulja boy...then the sponge bob move and walk it out' i said

'wow...i thought you don't know anything about dancing?' third friend asked.

'i showed him some hiphop steps before...' my life smiled...

'but i really don't don't ask me further...' i played again.

'but that's really amazing for him to remember those moves...anyways...what other else?' fourth friend asked

'let's do the juke and the cupid shuffle....' shin suggested.

'oh..yeah, that's the best i think! good work, in law...' my life grinned, 'and after that..we'll do the wuk up. ok, let's do it guys. btw, my life?'

'yes?' i answered

'1 hour and 30 minutes before lunch's time to cook our meal! it's your job for today!' my life happily said.

'wow...prince cook?'

'he does, and he's really good!' shin said, 'we'll wait for the meal, my little prince!'

'job for today huh? i am doing this for almost 2 weeks...tsk...'

i stood up, went to the kitchen and cooked their meal while they are rehearsing. lunch time...they went to the cafeteria and waited, for me to serve their


'here's your meal, sir...' i said while placing down third friend's meal.

'alright, too much for that. it's my turn my life!' ryuu grinned...'sit beside me and spoon feed me...' his eyes sparkled.

'yes, master.' i sat beside him and spood fed him.

'so cute...' the youngest complimented.

'i want you to spoon feed me too!' shin grinned. my life and i looked at him ravagely. 'oh, geez, i was just kidding. peace out!' shin cuckled.

'eat with me now, my life...' my life said.

'i'll be eating later, i want you to be full first.' i smiled

'ok!' my life chuckled.'i want to be like this for all time!'

'i envy you guys...' 5th friend said and they laughed.

'btw, my life...can you buy us some energy drink at the convenient store?'


'buy 2 boxes' my life smiled and i simply nodded. after eating, they rested for a while and i bought two boxes of their drinks. i brought it to their studio

and went back to the cafeteria to eat. after eating, i went back to their studio and watched them again. sometimes, my life asked me some favors about

these and that. actually, i finished almost 50 jobs yesterday. was around 9 in the evening and they weren't still finished. so i just sat down on a

corner and listen to my ipod and rested.

and, early in this morning...i woke up already in my life's house. so, i fell asleep last night while waiting for them to finish. alright, i need to go now...i still

need to fulfill my job as my life's personal assistant for this day, and tomorrow..and the day after tomorrow...and in the future. haha

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