Thursday, December 30, 2010

There's no reason for me to leave you

'Come on let's go now...', I told Shin and VII.

'What? It's just 9:30 and we're suppose to meet Ryuuka at 10', Shin answered.

'But I don't want us to be late!', I exclaimed.

'Late? Midnight Shift is just a few blocks away from here. We won't be late, right sweetheart?'

VII nodded.

I sighed, 'But still...', and pouted my lips.

VII chuckled, 'Someone's excited'.

Shin smiled, 'Hmm...'

'I'm not excited... just wanna go early', I complained.

Shin smiled again, 'You don't expect us to believe that, right?'

'I talked to XXVII last night and he seems to be in good mood. So, something's up between you two?', VII asked me.

'You got laid!', Shin shouted.

'NO! I didn't', I exclaimed.

'EH???', Shin continued being sarcastic.

'Yes, we did sleep together but...'

'So you got laid!', Shin teased.

'No! I told you no, we just literally sleep together'.

Shin sighed, 'Oh...'

'Sorry to disappoint you', I smirked.

'But still you two are getting okay now?', VII asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, 'He never said I love you back to me...'

Then as I was expecting, we were late. We arrived 15 minutes after ten.

'I told you we'll be late!'

'Sorry... sorry, I miscalculated. But come on, let's get over it and look for Ryuuka', Shin told me as we started to look for him.

We saw him in the bar with his friends. We approached him.

'Hey! I thought you guys wouldn't come over', Ryuuka spoke, 'Anyway, guys... these are my friends from Japan; this is VII, my brother, and this is Shin, his fiancé...'

'Hello there, we're XXVII's friends too', the middle-twenty guy spoke, 'I'm JT, and this is my boyfriend Rage'.

'Hey', the Rage guy uttered.

'And I'm Mikey, nice to meet you all', he looked at me, 'How about him, who's he XXVII?'

Ryuuka held my left hand and kissed it, 'This is Prince...', he looked at me, 'My boyfriend... my lover... my partner... or should just say my life...'

'Oh we finally met you', JT spoke, 'You know ever since we knew XXVII, you're the only one he's been talking about'.

'Actually...', Rage added, 'We kinda know you now... XXVII never stop telling things about you'.

'Don't embarrass me', Ryuuka spoke as he winked at me.

I wasn't saying anything, and I'm pretty sure you guys know why. What the fuck is going on?

'Are you okay?', Ryuuka asked me.

'Prince?', Shin did too.

'I'm good, I just don't know what to say', I uttered.

Drinks came over and we started to drink.

'Do you give XXVII consent?', Mikey asked me.

'What?', I answered.

'I mean open-relationship is totally fine for you?', he cleared.

'Ugh... yeah I think so?', I didn't know what he's saying.

'Wow, you're a great boyfriend indeed. Letting Ryuuka fuck anyone he wants'.

'Ugh... yeah?', I drunk into my beer.

Shin and VII went to the dancefloor. Actually, Shin just forced VII. JT and Rage also danced together, while Mikey hit on someone over the backroom. Ryuuka and I were left alone.

'Ryuuka?', I called his attention.

'Yes?', he said as he sipped on his beer.

'What was that really?'


'What was that really?', I repeated.

'No... I got you, but what do you mean?'

'Ugh... why did you introduced me as your boyfriend?'

'Aren't you?', his eyes flickered, and so am I.

'So does this mean... we're...', I can't finish what I want to say.

'No...', he shrugged his head, 'Hmm... let's go outside? It's pretty loud here, I wouldn't be able to explain things clearly to you'.

I nodded and followed him. We went to a coffee shop nearby.

'Is that all that you want?', he asked me.

I nodded.

'Okay... that's all miss', he told the waitress.

'I'll be back in a few minutes', the waitress told him as she left.

'So...', he started, 'Let's clear things first, I told them that you're still my boyfriend, or rather you're my boyfriend. I never told them what happened... anyway, as I was saying, I told them that because I want us to be together again...', he sipped on his coffee, 'Though, don't think that we'll still be the same couple as we once before. I mean I wouldn't be a tail who always follows his master, you know? Or we're like some married couple coz we're not. We're not like those fucking straight people; we're not like your parents. We're queers, and we get together because we want to not because there’s a lock in our doors'.

I nodded, 'Okay, I see... I want something too', I gulped, 'You can fuck whoever you want as long as it's not twice. No names or numbers exchange... and no matter what you're doing or wherever you are... you must come home by 2'.

'Two?', he complained.

'I agreed to all you want. Fair enough if you'll agree to what I want', I winked and continued, 'And you never kiss anyone in the lips but me'.

'Does French kissing can be excluded?'

I shrugged my head, 'That's only for me too...', and smiled.

He stood up and kissed me passionately. People in the coffee shop was staring at us but Ryuuka didn't mind and so am I.

After drinking our coffee, we walk home to his loft. Well he told me to come home with him and again sleep with him. But as we were walking, he suddenly stopped and started to breathe so heavily.

I approached him and tapped his back, 'Ryuuka? What's going on?'

But he didn't answer.

That time, I don't know what to do. I looked around but there's no one that I can seek help from. Then he held my hand and whispered, 'Don't worry I'll be fine'.

I felt that he's burning, 'You're burning!', I exclaimed.

He shrugged his head, 'This will just last for a few minutes tops'. I tried to call VII and Shin to help us but he halted me, 'I just want you', he spoke softly.

And there we were, standing in the street. I was just staring at him, there's nothing I can do but just to look at him and make sure he doesn't fall or break. After the longest ten minutes of my life with Ryuuka, he suddenly can walk straight again. He smiled at me to make me sure that he's okay now.

'Sorry about that', he held my hand as he pull me to walk, 'It happens a lot lately without my control'.

'It's okay', I uttered, 'Is that...'

He nodded, 'Yup. I'll be undergoing surgery next year... with your father'.

I was surprised, I thought father didn't know.

'He knows everything Prince. I just made him swear not tell anyone especially you'.

I pouted my lips, 'I'm gonna get him for this'.

He smiled, 'Let's get going... I'm getting tired'.

We arrived at his loft; he went to the sofa and sat. He also told me to sit beside him and so I did. We just sat there for I think a two hours. We didn't talk, we just listen to each other's heartbeat and breathing. Ryuuka's breathing was so heavy that I want to do anything to make things easier for him but I don't have any clue of what shall I do.

'What are you thinking?', he suddenly spoke.

'Ugh... nothing, I'm just thinking nothing', I told him.

He nodded, 'I see... Prince?'


'Are you sure... do you really still wanna be with me? After seeing me a while ago'

'I was terrified at first but on the way, it made me more sure to myself so...', I looked at him, 'Yes... I will. Definitely'.

He closed his eyes and laid his head unto my lap, 'Tell me you love me...'

'I love you Ryuuka...'

He smiled.

'Why?', I uttered.

He opened his eyes, 'Huh?'

'Why did you think that I'll leave you if I knew about your sickness?', I fondled his hair.

He sighed.

I waited for him to answer but it seems he wouldn't spill anything and so I continued, 'Is it because you're no longer perfect? You're no longer strong? No longer... what?'

He sat up straight and looked down.


'Yes', he looked at me, 'Coz I'm no longer perfect... I'm weak and in just few months, who knows... I might be practically dead. Just lying down in the bed all the time'.

'So what? That isn't enough reason for me to leave you'.

'It is enough reason Prince, and besides... I can no longer give you...'

I didn't speak to let him continue.

'Hmm... give you... ple... ugh, pleasure'.

I was surprised, 'Huh?'

'I cannot make love with you anymore...'

'That's hard to believe. Didn't you fuck everything that moves here?'

'Exactly the point... I just fuck here, not make love. You do know the difference, right?'

I nodded.

'I'm sorry...', he sighed.

I grinned.

He looked at me confused.

'I'm versatile; I can be either top or bottom'.

He chuckled. At last for the first time, I saw him happy again.

'Why oh why didn't I think of that?', he continued chuckling.

I smiled and kissed him. I started the steps for making love but he stopped me. I looked at him wondering.

'Please... not now Prince', he fondled my hair, 'I can't hardly breathe'.

I nodded, 'Okay...', and smiled.

‘I love you…’

‘I love you too, Ryuuka...’

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