Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'll Look After You

We were lying together on his bed while I was fondling his hair and caressing his cheeks. Ryuuka was suddenly awakened as he looked at me smiling.

I smiled too, 'Good morning, Ryuuka. Did I wake you up?'

He shrugged his head, 'Nope. I just woke up by myself though, I must admit...' he caressed my cheek, 'your scent is getting into me,' and he smirked.

'Is that a bad thing or a good thing?' I smiled.

'Good...definitely. What's for breakfast anyway?, he asked as he sat upright and rested his head into my shoulder.

'Hm... the usual, your favorite,' I looked at him and saw his eyes closed.

'I see..' he mumbled.

'You okay?' I asked, 'Something hurt?'

He nodded.

'Should I get your pain reliever pill?'

He shrugged.


'No amount of medicine, whether in pill or injection can relieve this pain,' he whispered.

'Should we go to the hospital now?'

He faced me, 'The pain of leaving you is killing me.'


'I couldn't take the idea of leaving you in a place like this, Prince'.

'You'll be fine, I know you will,' I tried to cheer him up.

He sighed, 'Prince... let's face it, I'm going to die soon and-'

I didn't let him finish and cover his mouth with my hands, 'You're going to be fine. Dad will save you, you'll be fine', I smiled, 'You have to...'

He nodded, 'I'm just being realistic here.'

Then suddenly, I just cried. I covered my face with my hands but he slowly removed it.

'I just want you to be ready, I don't want to disappoint you again,' he wiped my tears, 'But don't worry, I'll fight for you, like I always do,' he smiled.

I hugged him and kissed him sweetly on his lips.

'Anyway, you go back to sleep,' he told me while he was patting my back.


'I think you're still sleepy. You stayed up late last night, taking care and looking after me'.

'Nah... it's okay,' I resisted.

'Don't worry, I'll still be here when you wake up', he assured me.

'I don't want to...' I whispered.

'The only reason that I left is because I thought I was protecting you. I needed you to have a chance of a normal and happy life.'

I sighed, 'It was too easy for you to leave'.

'Leaving you is hardest thing that I did in my entire life, it's even harder than killing Saddam Hussein', he smiled a bit.

I chuckled.

He caressed my cheeks, 'I'm so sorry, Prince'.

My mobile phone rang. I answered and it was my mom. After talking to her, I hanged up.

'Why did you hang up?' he asked me.

'It's mother and she wants me to go back home.'

He nodded.

'But I told her I don't want to'.

'She just wants the best for you.'

'You are the best for me, Ryuuka.'

He sighed, 'Well... in that case, she will really have the hard time forgiving me'.

I nodded, 'I know'.

'But can you?' he took a deep breath, 'I hope you can because I honestly don't know how I can live without you and besides I don't have any more strength to be away from you. I’d rather not live than live without your love.'

'Then don't,' I pulled his chin closer to me, 'I forgive you,' and I kissed his lips.

'Thank you... and I love you', he kissed me back.

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