Friday, January 21, 2011

Don't Leave Me

The last time I checked on Ryuuka, he was still sleeping. So I decided to cook our dinner. While I was chopping some potatoes, I felt that someone wrapped his arms around my waist. I didn't look who it was because I'm pretty sure who he is anyway.

'What's for dinner Prince?'

I smiled, 'Ugh... mashed potatoes?'

'You're not sure?', I felt his warm breathe blew in my left ear.

I chuckled, 'I am not sure yet what to cook...'

Ryuuka then released me and went to the mattress that was lying on the floor.

I followed him and covered him with the blanket.

He opened his eyes, 'I thought you were cooking?'

'I thought you weren't okay...'

'I am always not okay', he sighed.

I sighed too, 'Ryuuka...'

He grinned, 'I'll be okay'.

I smiled and sit beside him. Moments later...


I looked at him, 'Yes?'

'If ever...'

'No... you will not die!', I exclaimed.

'Please listen to me...', his voice was heart-bending.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

'If ever... I want you to continue your life. Don't waste it in misery or anything, don't cry, don't think of me... if you can, just forget about me.'

'No way...', I whispered.

'I am not yet finish', he sat upright and held my left hand, 'Love another person...'

'Huh?', I pulled my hand back, 'Are you crazy?'

He shrugged his head, 'Love a woman'.

I looked at him wondering but I didn't speak.

'I don't want any other guy to touch you, so I would rather see you with a woman than with another man. So please... if ever, be happy with a woman'.


'I couldn't accept to see you with a guy, I am the only one who has the right to caress you, to hug you, to kiss you and to make love with you. No other man but me'.

I was speechless.

'But I don't want to be selfish since I wouldn't be here anymore. I just want to request that exchange me for whoever, but never another man. Be happy with a woman'.

'But I don't want a woman'.

He sighed and looked down.

'And another man'.

He looked at me.

'I only want you. Like what you said, you're the only one who has the right to caress me, touch me, hug me, kiss me and make love with me so I don't want nobody else but you Ryuuka'.

'But...', I covered his mouth.

'You listen to me you weakling', I grimaced, 'You have to live, you have to survive or else I will never continue my life the way you want me to. I will live in pain, in tears, in loneliness. I will make sure that I will be the saddest person in the entire earth. I won't let anyone come into my life again, I will even attempt suicide'.

His eyes widened.

'I will be forever miserable... forever', I smirked, 'I swear'.

He sighed twice, 'What the fuck...'

'I am a person who's looking for love... real love, inconvenient... consuming and can't live without each other love... and I found it, only you gave that kind of love to me so why... why do you think will I want to be with someone else but you?'

'Oh god...', the only words he said while staring at me.

'I love you...'

'And I love you too...', he smiled.

I grinned, 'So now what?'

'Okay', he nodded, 'I will live for you... my life'.

And then we kissed each other passionately.

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