Monday, January 31, 2011

His Past

After getting some clean clothes for Ryuuka, I readily went back to the hospital. I knocked before I enter and saw mom feeding Ryuuka.

'Hey Mom!' I greeted her and kissed her cheek, 'Hey My Life...' I greeted him and laid a short kiss on his lips.

Ryuuka just smiled.

'Hello there son, what did you get?'

'Some clean clothes for My Life,' I answered as I took the plate and spoon from my mom and continued feeding Ryuuka.

'Okay... I'll go now and visit your father. I'll ask him if we can transfer Ryuuka in a private room, ICU makes me sick,' she chuckled.

We nodded and she left us, 'How are you feeling My Life?'

'Better,' he answered, 'I'm already full.'

I nodded, 'I got you some clothes, want to change now?'

He shrugged his head, 'A little later.'

I agreed, 'By the way, when I was in your loft... I saw this,' and I showed him the little notebook that I saw. 'What’s this anyway?' I asked.

His eyes widened, 'Where did you get that? Did you open it?'

'Nope, and I got it in your cabinet,' it was a small green notebook with a few pages in it. The notebook also looks a bit worn out, perhaps it's been with him for a long time. I tried to open it but he stopped me.

'Don't!' he exclaimed.

'Why not?' I wondered.

'Hand it to me.'

'Why? What's with this?' I grinned.

'Nothing,' he looked at the notebook tensed.

'Hmm... is this your diary?' I teased.

'No...' he hissed, 'It' journal.'

I grimaced, 'Journal my ass...' again I tried to open it but he held my hand to stop me.

'Please don't,' his face looked so worried and flushed.

I got curious, 'Ryuuka?'

He sighed.

'What's with this notebook? It seems to be too important for you,' I wondered.

He nodded, 'It is.'

I handed him the notebook, 'Here...'

'Thank you...' he opened it and I saw his eyes flickered. After browsing some pages, he readily closed it and handed it to me.

I looked at him.

'My past is written there...' he whispered.

'Your past?'

He nodded, 'If you want... you can read it'.

I opened the notebook and read what is written in the first page.

"Have you ever had a feeling when you saw someone happily together and yet you are all alone by yourself? I always think this world is far too lonely, too sad. My life is just like a drifting cloud, without destination just floating around. I do something that nobody else wants to do. Killing people becomes a very normal affair. To survive, I have to do it... "

While I was reading it, I felt a contract of muscle in my chest. The writings are full of painful emotions and sadness. I couldn't stand to continue reading it so I closed the notebook and looked at Ryuuka.

'When did you write this?'

'Before I met you,' he took a deep breath, 'When I was still nothing but a heartless assassin.'

I placed the notebook in a nearby table.

'You're done?' he asked.

I shrugged my head and went beside him, 'Have you ever thought of running away?' I told him as I fondled his hair.

'You think I can get rid of them?' he answered.

'How many people have you killed?'

He sighed as held my hand, 'If I have a choice, I won't kill anyone'.

'Because of money? Is money that important for you?' he started to caress my right cheek.

'Money is never important to me Prince,' he looked down, 'I just have to'.

'Have you ever thought of quitting?' I hugged him tight and placed his head beside my chest.

'Easy to say but hard to do,' he mumbled then looked at me, 'If I won't kill them, they'll kill me'.

I sighed.


'Since then until now, you never plan to quit?'

'Before yes... I thought I exist to kill but then when I met you, everything changes. You gave me the reason to alter my life. You've become my life, my existence.'

I kissed him... I didn't want to stop kissing him. I pushed him in his bed.

'Ugh...' he hissed, 'My surgery...'

I stopped, 'Sorry...' my voice was breathless.

I was over him, 'Prince... I told myself that if ever I survive this operation, I'll forget about everything and just live for you. Solely for you, no less no more.'

I smiled, 'Really?'

He nodded, 'I won't become an assassin anymore. We'll have a normal life together, I promise forever.’

I kissed him again, 'Thank you Ryuuka... I love you.'

'And I love you too...'

He coughed, 'Ouch...'

I chuckled, 'Oh sorry!' I went down his bed, 'Please recuperate fast... I can't restrain myself anymore', I winked at him.

'Neither do I gorgeous,' he grinned.

'You're so hot...' I smirked.

'And you're so sexy...' he chuckled.

My mom went back, and this time she's with Shin and VII.

'Your father said that we can move Ryuuka in the private room in the 4th floor,' my mom told us.

'Right...' I looked at Ryuuka, 'Is that okay My Life?'

He nodded, 'VII?'

VII looked at Ryuuka, 'Yes, leader?'

'Don't call me that...'

'Yes brother?' VII rephrased.

'Better... you accompany them when they get back to Japan next next week'.

VII nodded, 'Certainly.'

'Huh?' I asked, 'Who's going back to Japan?'

'Oopps!' Shin chuckled, 'In law?'

'You Prince, mom, Shin and VII,' Ryuuka told me.

'Huh?' I repeated, 'No way!'

'Don't worry, I'll follow. I just need to stay here for a little longer. I'll be with your father.'

'I want to be with you too.'

'I know', he smiled, 'But you have a life in Japan, your studies... you must continue it'.


'Or else we can't get married...' he winked.

I blushed.

Shin and mom laughed, 'That made him shut up!' Shin laughed harder.

VII chuckled.

Ryuuka smiled at me.

I went beside him and whispered to his ears, 'Only if you'll make love with me...' I winked.

Ryuuka grinned, 'I'll make you pass out from too much pleasure then.'

I smiled and kissed him, and he kissed me back.

Monday, January 24, 2011

13th Hour

13 hours after Ryuu’s surgery...

“Black coffee or with cream?” Laurence asked me as he sat beside me.

“Black,” I answered and continued plucking the guitar.

“How about you, Prince?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Do you want the black coffee or with cream?” Laurence repeated.

“Ah...” he heaved a sigh, obviously he looked so tense. “Water would be fine.”

“Water?” Laurence slowly looked at me, questioning.

I chuckled and pinched Laurence’s arm lightly. “I’ll get the water,” and handed him the guitar.

“Oh, I’m sorry...” Prince mumbled and then he bit his lower lip, “Are you asking me if I want the black coffee or
the one with cream?”

I nodded and smiled.

“I’m really sorry,” his voice was jagged. “I...I—“

“It’s alright, Prince,” I drew closer to him and tapped him on his back, “No need to say sorry. I’ll just get the water and be back after awhile.”

Prince simply nodded.


He looked at me and smiled a bit.

“Thanks, and I left.

As I went back...I saw Prince crying, uncle was already talking to him while Laurence looked so displeased. I
walked briskly.

“What happened, uncle? Did...did Ryuu survive?” I asked while comforting Prince.

Uncle sighed and he can’t even look straightly into my eyes, “He did but he’s in a comatose right now.”

“Comatose? But...why?”

“We never thought that his nervous system has already been damaged too aside from his muscular system thus,” he sighed for the second time, “making his brain stem and peripheral nerves to degenerate resulting to comatose.”

“Until when? Are you going to perform another surgery for him?”

He shook his head, “It’s uncertain, perhaps for a lifetime?

“No...please, please don’t say that...please do something, dad...” Prince beseeched.

“Son,” and he patted Prince’s back, “performing another surgery is too risky.”

“But you already told us that his nervous system has been already damaged too...” I added.

“He’ll die, Shin,” Laurence meddled.

Uncle agreed with him, “When a person is in a comatose, his brain’s not really that functioning well and if we ever did a succeeding surgery...certainly he will not survive.”

I became speechless for a moment.

“I already did my best, son...” he sighed. “You could already check him inside the ICU.”

Prince nodded and already went there, I tried following him but Laurence stopped me.

“Let him be alone with him,” he explained.

“Ugh, okay...” I sighed.

Uncle tapped us on our back, “I’ll be heading on. I still have another surgery to perform in 15 minutes. Thanks for looking after Prince.”

I just smiled.

“You two take a rest now, my wife’s coming and going to look after Prince in a few minutes,” and uncle left.

I saw Laurence leaving too and so I followed him.

“I can’t take this,” and he lit two cigars at the same time.

I simply nodded, I don’t know what to say.

“And I don’t know if I could rest at a time like this, tsk.”

I placed my arm over his shoulder and tried to comfort him too, “I’ll drive,” were the only words I uttered. It was already 11 in the evening when we arrived in our apartment. I prepared some meal though Laurence didn’t eat. He stayed at the balcony, smoking. I stood beside him.

“Won’t you sleep too?”

“I’m insomniac,” he answered.

“Won’t you try?”

“I rather not,” he looked at me, “Take a rest now, sweetheart. You don’t need to worry, I’ll be fine here.”

I hugged him from behind, “But you should still eat later, alright? At least a little?”

He didn’t respond.


“Alright, I will. Don’t be silly anymore,” he smirked.

“Sorry,” and hugged him tighter then I heard him sigh.

“Sweetheart?” I looked at him.

“He said that he’ll live for Prince—“

“But it’s not his fault and not uncle’s fault at all...”

“Yeah, it’s no one’s fault. Tsk,” he smirked and sighed. He took two stick of cigar and heat the filter evenly.

“What are you doing?” I was kinda amazed on the way he heat up the sticks.

“I’m heating those to be sterilized,” and started smoking.


He nodded, “Amazed?”

“Yeah,” and chuckled a bit, “and two sticks at the same time.”

He nodded again, “Want to try?”

I shook my head.

“Take a rest now, Shin...”

“Alright, the food’s in the fridge...”

He looked at me and pinched my cheek, “Night.”

“Night...?” I whispered as I went back to our room. I suddenly realized that the night wasn’t good at all. When I
woke up the next day, I saw lots of cigar boxes at the balcony. I looked for Laurence but he was not in our room.
Perhaps he went to the hospital so I just decided to clean up the mess.

“What are you doing?”

“Ugh,” I looked and saw Laurence. “I was just cleaning this up.”

“Those are mine, you shouldn’t have cleaned it up.”

“It’s alright, where have you been anyway?”

“Convenient store. I bought these,” and he showed me a paper bag of cigar boxes.

“What the fuck?” and threw the mess inside the bin.

He smirked, “I already prepared your breakfast.”

“My breakfast?” I went to the kitchen.

“Yes, I already ate at around 5 in the morning.”

“Ah, so you mean you didn’t sleep?” and I started eating.

He nodded, “After eating, prepare yourself already. Let’s visit XXVII and his lover.”

“Oh, sure. I hope there’s a good news now.”

“I am hoping too,” and Laurence started smoking.”

After eating, I already prepared myself and we went to a restaurant first to buy some food before we went to the hospital.

We already went inside the ICU and saw Prince playing the guitar.

“Hi Prince,” I smiled a bit and placed the food we bought on the center table. “We bought food for us.

“Thanks,” Prince uttered.

“How is he?” Laurence asked as he sat opposite to Prince.

“Still the same, I haven’t talked to that since last night though he’ll be checking Ryuu later.”

“Ah, I see...”

“By the way, you left the guitar last night in the lobby good thing mom saw it and recognized that it was Shin’s.”

‘Oh, yeah..we’re out of our minds last night that’s why I already forgot about my guitar,” I smiled a bit. “Where’s
aunt anyway?”

“Dad’s room.”


Then dead

“I’ve heard this from someone who was in the restaurant...”

“What’s that?” Laurence asked.

“A joke.”

Prince smirked, “I know you’re good at these things and I hope it’s not overworked.”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Give your joke a shot then,” Prince said.

I nodded and smiled. “5 contestants were remaining in a beauty pageant naming Ms. Turkey, Ms. Finland, Ms. China, Ms. USA and Ms. Australia. The question was how many panties you have. Ms. Turkey answered 1 panty and the crowd hissed at her. Ms. Finland answered 3 and the crowd cheered at her, one for Monday, one for Tuesday and one for Wednesday. Ms. China answered 5 and the crown cheered too, one for Monday, one for Tuesday, one for Wednesday, one for Thursday and one for Friday. Ms. USA answered 7 and she received a standing ovation from the crowd, one for Monday, one for Tuesday, one for Wednesday, one for Friday, one for Saturday and one for Sunday.”

Laurence smirked, “I already have a guess for the last contestant.”

“You already have?” Prince pouted his lips, “I’m still wondering” and he chuckled.

“Don’t tell him, sweetheart,” I chuckled too. “Anyway, the last contestant answered 12 panties and the crowd
went gaga over her. One for January, one for February—“

“Fuck shit,” someone mumbled and chuckled softly.

We saw Ryuu awake and he was still chuckling though he seemed so weak.

“Ryuu...?” Prince hurriedly went beside him.

“Peace...” he answered in a low voice.

“Fuck you,” Laurence smirked and went on the other side.

“So being in comatose was a joke too?” Prince asked.

Ryuu simply nodded, “Sorry, it was actually dad’s idea. He wanted to see you cry for the last time,” and he chuckled again. “He planned it before he performed the surgery.”

“Fuck him,” Laurence chuckled too.

‘Ugh, DAAAAAAADDDDD!!!!” Prince exclaimed and he really looked like a kid.

We all laughed and then Prince just suddenly cried, and he hugged Ryuu.

“Oh, Prince...” he placed his arm over Prince so weakly. “I’m sorry...please don’t cry...”

“It was not a good joke at all,” he clarified, “but these were tears of joy...”

I smiled, “Be thankful to me.”

“And why is that?” Laurence raised an eye brow.

“If it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t know that it was dad’s plan...” Ryuu answered. “Oh, I should say sorry to dad, he failed because of me.”

“That doesn’t matter,” Prince kissed him sweetly on his lips, “as long as you’re really okay now...are you really okay now?”

Ryuu nodded, “I feel better...”

“And he still needs to rest for two to three weeks...” dad told us who was already inside the ICU.

“DAAAAAADDDDD?? Grrr...” Prince pouted his lips.

Uncle chuckled, “Sorry, son.”

“Saying sorry is not enough,” he was still pouting his lips.

“Prince...if it wasn’t your dad, I wouldn’t feel better. He worked for almost 13 hours just for me and you. He’s your dad and he wouldn’t do something that will upset you, understand?”

Prince nodded and smiled.

“I will live for you, Prince...and I will always love you...”

Friday, January 21, 2011

Don't Leave Me

The last time I checked on Ryuuka, he was still sleeping. So I decided to cook our dinner. While I was chopping some potatoes, I felt that someone wrapped his arms around my waist. I didn't look who it was because I'm pretty sure who he is anyway.

'What's for dinner Prince?'

I smiled, 'Ugh... mashed potatoes?'

'You're not sure?', I felt his warm breathe blew in my left ear.

I chuckled, 'I am not sure yet what to cook...'

Ryuuka then released me and went to the mattress that was lying on the floor.

I followed him and covered him with the blanket.

He opened his eyes, 'I thought you were cooking?'

'I thought you weren't okay...'

'I am always not okay', he sighed.

I sighed too, 'Ryuuka...'

He grinned, 'I'll be okay'.

I smiled and sit beside him. Moments later...


I looked at him, 'Yes?'

'If ever...'

'No... you will not die!', I exclaimed.

'Please listen to me...', his voice was heart-bending.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

'If ever... I want you to continue your life. Don't waste it in misery or anything, don't cry, don't think of me... if you can, just forget about me.'

'No way...', I whispered.

'I am not yet finish', he sat upright and held my left hand, 'Love another person...'

'Huh?', I pulled my hand back, 'Are you crazy?'

He shrugged his head, 'Love a woman'.

I looked at him wondering but I didn't speak.

'I don't want any other guy to touch you, so I would rather see you with a woman than with another man. So please... if ever, be happy with a woman'.


'I couldn't accept to see you with a guy, I am the only one who has the right to caress you, to hug you, to kiss you and to make love with you. No other man but me'.

I was speechless.

'But I don't want to be selfish since I wouldn't be here anymore. I just want to request that exchange me for whoever, but never another man. Be happy with a woman'.

'But I don't want a woman'.

He sighed and looked down.

'And another man'.

He looked at me.

'I only want you. Like what you said, you're the only one who has the right to caress me, touch me, hug me, kiss me and make love with me so I don't want nobody else but you Ryuuka'.

'But...', I covered his mouth.

'You listen to me you weakling', I grimaced, 'You have to live, you have to survive or else I will never continue my life the way you want me to. I will live in pain, in tears, in loneliness. I will make sure that I will be the saddest person in the entire earth. I won't let anyone come into my life again, I will even attempt suicide'.

His eyes widened.

'I will be forever miserable... forever', I smirked, 'I swear'.

He sighed twice, 'What the fuck...'

'I am a person who's looking for love... real love, inconvenient... consuming and can't live without each other love... and I found it, only you gave that kind of love to me so why... why do you think will I want to be with someone else but you?'

'Oh god...', the only words he said while staring at me.

'I love you...'

'And I love you too...', he smiled.

I grinned, 'So now what?'

'Okay', he nodded, 'I will live for you... my life'.

And then we kissed each other passionately.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sometimes, a mother doesn't know what's the best for their son

A week before my Ryuuka's surgery, my parents arrived in Australia and mom visited us at Ryuuka's loft. She argued with me again and kept on bugging me about going back to Japan. But I told her, I always tell her that I wanted to be with my Ryuuka.

‘Why won’t you listen to me, Prince?’ she frowned, ‘I already told you, I kept on calling you to go back home, yet you won’t listen to me!’ and she sighed, ‘How many times will I tell you that leave him alone, son. Leave him alone.’

‘And how many times will I tell you that I don’t want to go back?’ I exclaimed, ‘I'm staying here with Ryuuka and that's final,' I told her as I sat beside Ryuuka who was resting that time.

‘This is just so…so absurd!’ she said glaring at us.

‘You just can’t handle the truth,’ I held Ryuuka’s hand and kissed it. ‘Please stop now, mom. Ryuuka needs to rest.’

‘That’s the point, Prince! Look at him, look at that sick boy. He's just lying on the bed. What good is he doing for you?'

‘Mom!’ I exclaimed.

Ryuuka tightened his grip on my hand, 'It's all right, Prince,’ and he shifted his sight to mom, ‘Mrs. Caelum, I'm really sorry…really sorry for every pain that I caused you and your son but I need him badly, so please would you reconsider things and let him be beside me?'

Mom folded her arms, 'Well,’ she raised an eye brow, ‘No.’

Ryuuka sighed, 'I actually figured out that you're going to say that.’

'Mom, please…I already made my decision and it’s final. I'm going to stay here with my husband,’ I looked at Ryuuka wondering, 'Don't argue with me.’

Ryuuka nodded, 'Yes sir.’

'Oh my goodness! What did you see in that guy?’ mom sighed and approached Ryuuka, 'Okay, listen to me...’ she took a deep breath, ‘whatever happens, you must live! I don't want any excuses, if you die and leave my son in misery and tears again…I will never ever and forever forgive you! Do you understand that, Mr. Shuuichi?'

'Yes ma'am, I will try my best.’

'Don't try, do it!' she insisted. ‘Say it with conviction.’

Ryuuka nodded, 'I will do my very best, ma'am,’ and he looked at me.

'Very well…oh, and one more thing, it's mom and not Mrs. Caelum or ma'am,' she smiled.

Ryuuka smiled too, 'Yes, mom.'

'So, I'll be going downstairs and finish unpacking some of the things we brought here. Let's have dinner together later here. Would that be fine?'

'We love that mom,' I answered, 'Wait... downstairs? You mean you rent a room in this building?'

She nodded and giggled, 'So we can be closer. Shin and VII moved in too.’

'I see, that's cool,'

‘Alright, I’ll go now. See you later,’ and my mom went out.

'She's scary,’ Ryuuka told me.

I nodded, 'Definitely.’

We chuckled. I crawled over him and started to kiss his neck up to his cheekbone, then up to his forehead then down to his cheekbone again and end it passionately on his lips. I also slid my hand inside his shirt, caressing his chest and tummy. I saw him smile so I continued as my head went down and licked his navel, then I moved and tried to lick his abs but he stopped me.

'Prince, I cannot.’

'Relax...we're just making out,’ I whispered.


I removed his shirt and started to kiss his chest then to his shoulders and when I was on his lips again, someone just cough. I looked back saw Shin with VII.

'Did we come in a bad time?' Shin asked.

VII smirked.

'No, not at all!' I exclaimed.

'Jesus... I thought in law can't make love?' Shin asked again.

'I can't,’ Ryuuka answered.

'We weren't making love...we were making out,' I clarified.

Shin and VII chuckled.

'That's the truth!' I argued, 'Right, Ryuuka?'

Ryuuka nodded.

'Yeah, yeah whatever. Anyway, did aunt come here?'

'Of course,’ I answered.

'I'm sure she didn't convince you at all?'

'Not a chance.’

'I thought so...' VII spoke.

'I told her she won't convince you but she insisted,' Shin added, 'I also told her that you can continue your studies here in Princeton University.'

I nodded, 'Yeah! That's a good idea,' I looked at Ryuuka. 'What do you think?'

'Whatever suits my prince,’ he smiled.

I smiled too and I kissed him passionately.

'Whoow... whoow,' Shin laughed, 'Okay... that's quite enough,' and he pulled me.

'Hey!' I glared at him

'Come with me, Prince. Let's get some drinks in the fridge.’

'I don't want to!' but he managed to pull me away, 'What was that really?' I asked.

'Well... VII told me that he wants to talk to his brother alone so let's just give them some time together.'

'Oh...' I nodded and looked at Ryuuka and VII. They were talking seriously, 'What do you think they're talking about?'

Shin shrugged his head, 'Who knows? It's just between the two of them.'

A week before my Ryuuka's surgery, my parents arrived in Australia and mom visited us at Ryuuka's loft. She argued with me again and kept on bugging me about going back to Japan. But I told her, I always tell her that I wanted to be with my Ryuuka.

‘Why won’t you listen to me, Prince?’ she frowned, ‘I already told you, I kept on calling you to go back home, yet you won’t listen to me!’ and she sighed, ‘How many times will I tell you that leave him alone, son. Leave him alone.’

‘And how many times will I tell you that I don’t want to go back?’ I exclaimed, ‘I'm staying here with Ryuuka and that's final,' I told her as I sat beside Ryuuka who was resting that time.

‘This is just so…so absurd!’ she said glaring at us.

‘You just can’t handle the truth,’ I held Ryuuka’s hand and kissed it. ‘Please stop now, mom. Ryuuka needs to rest.’

‘That’s the point, Prince! Look at him, look at that sick boy. He's just lying on the bed. What good is he doing for you?'

‘Mom!’ I exclaimed.

Ryuuka tightened his grip on my hand, 'It's all right, Prince,’ and he shifted his sight to mom, ‘Mrs. Caelum, I'm really sorry…really sorry for every pain that I caused you and your son but I need him badly, so please would you reconsider things and let him be beside me?'

Mom folded her arms, 'Well,’ she raised an eye brow, ‘No.’

Ryuuka sighed, 'I actually figured out that you're going to say that.’

'Mom, please…I already made my decision and it’s final. I'm going to stay here with my husband,’ I looked at Ryuuka wondering, 'Don't argue with me.’

Ryuuka nodded, 'Yes sir.’

'Oh my goodness! What did you see in that guy?’ mom sighed and approached Ryuuka, 'Okay, listen to me...’ she took a deep breath, ‘whatever happens, you must live! I don't want any excuses, if you die and leave my son in misery and tears again…I will never ever and forever forgive you! Do you understand that, Mr. Shuuichi?'

'Yes ma'am, I will try my best.’

'Don't try, do it!' she insisted. ‘Say it with conviction.’

Ryuuka nodded, 'I will do my very best, ma'am,’ and he looked at me.

'Very well…oh, and one more thing, it's mom and not Mrs. Caelum or ma'am,' she smiled.

Ryuuka smiled too, 'Yes, mom.'

'So, I'll be going downstairs and finish unpacking some of the things we brought here. Let's have dinner together later here. Would that be fine?'

'We love that mom,' I answered, 'Wait... downstairs? You mean you rent a room in this building?'

She nodded and giggled, 'So we can be closer. Shin and VII moved in too.’

'I see, that's cool,'

‘Alright, I’ll go now. See you later,’ and my mom went out.

'She's scary,’ Ryuuka told me.

I nodded, 'Definitely.’

We chuckled. I crawled over him and started to kiss his neck up to his cheekbone, then up to his forehead then down to his cheekbone again and end it passionately on his lips. I also slid my hand inside his shirt, caressing his chest and tummy. I saw him smile so I continued as my head went down and licked his navel, then I moved and tried to lick his abs but he stopped me.

'Prince, I cannot.’

'Relax...we're just making out,’ I whispered.


I removed his shirt and started to kiss his chest then to his shoulders and when I was on his lips again, someone just cough. I looked back saw Shin with VII.

'Did we come in a bad time?' Shin asked.

VII smirked.

'No, not at all!' I exclaimed.

'Jesus... I thought in law can't make love?' Shin asked again.

'I can't,’ Ryuuka answered.

'We weren't making love...we were making out,' I clarified.

Shin and VII chuckled.

'That's the truth!' I argued, 'Right, Ryuuka?'

Ryuuka nodded.

'Yeah, yeah whatever. Anyway, did aunt come here?'

'Of course,’ I answered.

'I'm sure she didn't convince you at all?'

'Not a chance.’

'I thought so...' VII spoke.

'I told her she won't convince you but she insisted,' Shin added, 'I also told her that you can continue your studies here in Princeton University.'

I nodded, 'Yeah! That's a good idea,' I looked at Ryuuka. 'What do you think?'

'Whatever suits my prince,’ he smiled.

I smiled too and I kissed him passionately.

'Whoow... whoow,' Shin laughed, 'Okay... that's quite enough,' and he pulled me.

'Hey!' I glared at him

'Come with me, Prince. Let's get some drinks in the fridge.’

'I don't want to!' but he managed to pull me away, 'What was that really?' I asked.

'Well... VII told me that he wants to talk to his brother alone so let's just give them some time together.'

'Oh...' I nodded and looked at Ryuuka and VII. They were talking seriously, 'What do you think they're talking about?'

Shin shrugged his head, 'Who knows? It's just between the two of them.'

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'll Look After You

We were lying together on his bed while I was fondling his hair and caressing his cheeks. Ryuuka was suddenly awakened as he looked at me smiling.

I smiled too, 'Good morning, Ryuuka. Did I wake you up?'

He shrugged his head, 'Nope. I just woke up by myself though, I must admit...' he caressed my cheek, 'your scent is getting into me,' and he smirked.

'Is that a bad thing or a good thing?' I smiled.

'Good...definitely. What's for breakfast anyway?, he asked as he sat upright and rested his head into my shoulder.

'Hm... the usual, your favorite,' I looked at him and saw his eyes closed.

'I see..' he mumbled.

'You okay?' I asked, 'Something hurt?'

He nodded.

'Should I get your pain reliever pill?'

He shrugged.


'No amount of medicine, whether in pill or injection can relieve this pain,' he whispered.

'Should we go to the hospital now?'

He faced me, 'The pain of leaving you is killing me.'


'I couldn't take the idea of leaving you in a place like this, Prince'.

'You'll be fine, I know you will,' I tried to cheer him up.

He sighed, 'Prince... let's face it, I'm going to die soon and-'

I didn't let him finish and cover his mouth with my hands, 'You're going to be fine. Dad will save you, you'll be fine', I smiled, 'You have to...'

He nodded, 'I'm just being realistic here.'

Then suddenly, I just cried. I covered my face with my hands but he slowly removed it.

'I just want you to be ready, I don't want to disappoint you again,' he wiped my tears, 'But don't worry, I'll fight for you, like I always do,' he smiled.

I hugged him and kissed him sweetly on his lips.

'Anyway, you go back to sleep,' he told me while he was patting my back.


'I think you're still sleepy. You stayed up late last night, taking care and looking after me'.

'Nah... it's okay,' I resisted.

'Don't worry, I'll still be here when you wake up', he assured me.

'I don't want to...' I whispered.

'The only reason that I left is because I thought I was protecting you. I needed you to have a chance of a normal and happy life.'

I sighed, 'It was too easy for you to leave'.

'Leaving you is hardest thing that I did in my entire life, it's even harder than killing Saddam Hussein', he smiled a bit.

I chuckled.

He caressed my cheeks, 'I'm so sorry, Prince'.

My mobile phone rang. I answered and it was my mom. After talking to her, I hanged up.

'Why did you hang up?' he asked me.

'It's mother and she wants me to go back home.'

He nodded.

'But I told her I don't want to'.

'She just wants the best for you.'

'You are the best for me, Ryuuka.'

He sighed, 'Well... in that case, she will really have the hard time forgiving me'.

I nodded, 'I know'.

'But can you?' he took a deep breath, 'I hope you can because I honestly don't know how I can live without you and besides I don't have any more strength to be away from you. I’d rather not live than live without your love.'

'Then don't,' I pulled his chin closer to me, 'I forgive you,' and I kissed his lips.

'Thank you... and I love you', he kissed me back.