Saturday, February 19, 2011

I do

“Yes, I do...” I kept on whispering into his ears, “I do...”

“Shin wake up!” I heard a loud nagging voice, “Damn it, Shin! Wake up!”

I opened my eyes and saw Prince, “What the fuck...” I mumbled, “What do you want?”

He sat on the corner of my bed as I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat upright, “Nothing... I just thought I need to wake you up...”

'Huh?' I yawned and scratched onto my head, “You just thought? Tsk, my goodness, Prince.”

Prince laughed, “I knew it.”

“You knew what?”

“You’re going to be pissed,” Prince was still laughing, “Anyway...VII called and he said, he'll fetch you at 11.”

I smiled, “Really? Aw... he's so sweet,' I teased him because he was teasing me earlier.

He smirked, “If I were you, I'll stop teasing and prepare myself.”

'Hm?' I looked at the clock and, “Fuck! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?” I exclaimed seeing that it's already 10:30.

“I tried to... but you kept on saying, ‘Yes I do’,” he threw a pillow on me. “Silly.”

“It’s not my fault!” I almost jumped out of my feet and rushed to the bathroom, I didn't get the chance to close the door and so Prince followed me in. “You did this on purpose, didn't you Prince?”

“What?” he asked.

“You wanted me to be late!” I exclaimed, “You're envy!”

“Wrong... I did wake you up at 9 but you won't wake up,” he folded his arms. “It’s your fault, not mine.”

“Excuses...” I sighed and just continue bathing. Prince went out after awhile.

I was already finished in waxing my hair when Prince knocked at my door.

“Shin...” he called, “Your prince charming is here...”

“Okay, in a moment!” I responded. I looked at myself once more and, “Ugh... geez, why are you this cute, Shin?” I chuckled.

I went downstairs and greeted Laurence with a kiss, “Hello, sweetheart!”

He smiled, “Hi there.”

“I thought I would be late,” I pouted my lips.

'Why?' he asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Prince woke me up late,” I answered while looking at Prince unkindly.

“I didn't!” Prince complained, “Believe me VII, when you called at 9 AM, I went to his room to wake him up but he didn’t!”

Laurence chuckled, “Is that so?”

I sighed, “All right... all right.”

Laurence pinched my cheek, “Let's go?”

I nodded.

VII looked at Prince, “We'll leave now.”

Prince nodded, “Sure... take care you two.”

'Yeah, we're going to ENJOY OUR DATE today. It's a couple's day anyway,” I teased him for the second time.

Laurence grimaced.

“Shut your fucking mouth, Shin...” Prince uttered and he was like pushing me outside of the mansion.

“You’re just envious, bleh!” I stuck my tongue out and laughed. “Anyway, thanks!' I laughed, 'See yah!'

“Yeah, whatever,” he pouted his lips.

“Got to go,” Laurence bid his goodbye again and we left. While driving...

“Where are we going sweetheart?” I asked as I opened the heater of his car. Japan today is very cold; and the streets were covered with snow.

“Kyoto,” he uttered.

“Kyoto?” I asked, “Why there?”

“Hm...” he waited for the stop light to go red before he answered, “Coz there would be a chocolate festival there
today and I want you to enjoy it.”

“Chocolate Festival?” I sounded like a kid.

He nodded, “Yeah... they say that all the different kinds of chocolate all over the world will be exhibited and promoted there and since you like sweets, I want you to taste all the chocolates that you like.”

I chuckled, “Geez... I'll gain so much weight after today huh?”

“I think so too,” the stoplight went green.

“Hm...” I uttered.

“Yes?” he asked.

“How about you? You don't like sweets?”

He smiled, “Oh... didn't you know, I like sweets now.”

“Eh?” I looked at him amazed.

He looked at me too, “I like my sweet Shin...”

I blushed, “Laurence!” and hugged him tight.

“Easy... I'm driving,” he mumbled as he laid a kiss on my forehead.

“I’m so excited to eat those chocolates!” I said with a great enthusiasm. “You’ll eat too, okay?”

“I’ll eat you,” and he chuckled.

After an hour of driving, we were already in Kyoto...

I trembled, “Geez... it's so cold!”

Laurence held my hand and pulled me closer to him, “You don't mind, do you?”

I looked at him and then looked at the other people who were looking at us, “Nah... I don't mind” and kiss him on his lips, “They're just envy...”

He smiled. We walked down town and reached the place where the Chocolate festival was being held.

My eyes widened and my jaw almost fell, “Wow! There are soooo many choooocooooolates!”

I heard Laurence’s chuckle.

“This is soooooo amaaaaazing! Tremendously awesoooooome!” I continued my loooong pronounciation of words to put more emphasis.

“You like it?” he asked.

I nodded, “No.”

“Ugh, for real?” he sighed.

I nodded, “I looooove it, Laurence! I am so looooving it!” and I hugged him.

He pinched my cheek, “I thought you didn’t like it,” and he smiled, “I'm glad that you do.”

The place was open to public for viewing but there was a private portion for people who want to grab a bite of the millions of chocolates displayed. We picked the 2-seat table near the balcony with some white roses designed and
enjoyed cloud nine.

“Take it easy sweetheart, we have all day...” he teased me.

I chuckled, “Yeah, yeah I know...but this is so yummy!” I exclaimed and continue eating.

Laurence just ate a bar of traditional dark chocolate from Aztecs, while me... I ate too many to mention!

“Are you still okay, Shin?” he was worried.

I nodded, “Ugh...I wanna eat more,” I heaved a sigh, “but I think my tummy couldn't stand it anymore,” and

He chuckled, “Then let's just bring some home...”

My eyes flickered, “Really? Yehey! I would love to!”

He smiled and signaled the waitress to bring our bill.

“I'll bring some for Prince, he needs this to lessen his sadness,” I chuckled.

“I think so too.”

A few moments later, we walked hand-in-hand...

“Where are we going next?” I asked.

“Well... if I'll follow my plan, after the chocolate festival, we have to go to the restaurant I reserved for us but
since you're still full, perhaps we can skip that first and go to the next destination.”

I nodded, “Oh! I see.” I looked at him, “I am so sorry Laurence, your sweetheart is a chocolate-monster...”

'I didn't know actually...' he grimaced.

I pouted my lips, 'I’m sorry...'

We stopped walking and he held my chin, 'Stop saying's all right, sweetheart.” He patted my head, “I
want you to enjoy so just tell me whatever you want, okay?” and he smiled at me.

And there in the middle of the street where everyone can see us, I gave him the most passionate kiss I can ever give that day.

He bit his lips, “You always surprise me.”

“You haven't seen anything...” I mumbled.

Then we continued walking until we reached a private skating rink.

“Do you know how to skate sweetheart?” he asked me as we entered.

“No?” I was shy.

A guy approached us, “VII-ouji?”

He nodded, 'Yes, I am.'

The guy shook hands with him, “So I'll be back in three hours, sir. I hope you enjoy,” and he left the key to us and went on.

“Don't tell me you rented this rink?”

He chuckled, “Isn’t it obvious?”

“Ugh,” I looked down.

“Come on, sweetheart. We only have three hours so we should start now.”

Geez... how can I tell him that I don't know a thing about skating! “Swee...sweet...sweetheart?” I called him, stuttering.

'Yes?' he was putting on his skating gear.

“Ah...” I can’t look at him straightly, “I...I don't know how to skate...”

I felt his arms around my waist, “Then I'll teach my queen...”

I looked at him and he surprised me with a kiss.

‘Q...qu...queen?” I was still stuttering and I also felt my cheeks burning.

He chuckled and kissed me on my cheek, “You are so cute, sweetheart. Shall we?”

I nodded. He put on my skating gears and we started to skate. Obviously, I fell so many times but Laurence was always there to catch me. After falling so many times, we decided to stop skating. We sat on the center of the rink; Laurence was giving me a massage. He said that in order to avoid cramps, I should relax my muscles right after skating.

“So, you skate sweetheart?” I asked.

He nodded.

“Who taught you?”

“My fiancée.”


“I mean my betrothed before, she's a skater so she taught me how to. I saw it interesting so I gave it a shot.”

I nodded, “Ah... I see.”

“Why didn't you try skating?” he asked me.

I thought for a while, “Coz no one ever taught me to?”

“You're unsure?'

“Geez... I don't like skating sweetheart.”

He chuckled.


“You're too honest. I am sorry, I didn't know you don't like this stuff.”

“Oh, no!” I went beside him, “This is okay... I mean, I am not interested in skating but that doesn't mean I didn't
like this...”

“Really?” he stared at me.

I stared him too, “I love you...” I pushed him and I crawled over him, “I am so in love with you...” I caressed his
face, “I love you... I love you...”

He smiled, “And I love you too...” and wrapped his arms around me.

I laid over him for a while until...

“Can you wait here for a minute, sweetheart?”

I nodded, “Sure... where are you going?”

He smiled as he left. After 3 minutes or so, he returned with a guitar. He sat opposite me and started to pluck the guitar. He started to sing, and I listened to him intently...

Forever can never be long enough for me
Feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way
Marry Me
Today and every day
Marry Me
If I ever get the nerve to say
Hello in this cafe
Say you will, oh...
Say you will

Together can never be close enough for me
Feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love
And you're beautiful
Now that the wait is over
And love and has finally shown his my way

Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will , oh...
Say you will

Promise me
You'll always be
Happy by my side
I promise to
Sing to you
When all the music dies

And marry me
Today and everyday
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will , oh...
Marry me

After singing, he approached me and knelt down in front of me. He got something from his pocket, “Marry me, Shin Caelum...” he uttered. He got my hand and placed a small purple box.

I looked at him.

“Open it,” he said.

I nodded; I slowly opened the box and saw a ring. I was shocked; he took the ring out of the box and wore it to me.
I was speechless; I didn't know what to say.

“Will you marry me?” he asked me. “Will you be my Shin Hilfiger?

I was still speechless.

“Shin?” he touched my face, “Will you marry me?”

I smiled and what else to say but, “Yes... I will be your Shin Hilfiger.”

He hugged me tight and whispered, “Thank you...”

After his proposal, we went to a shopping mall. Well, this wasn't part of his plan he told me but he insisted that he wants to see me in a groom outfit. While on the fitting area...

“Shin, are you done?” Laurence called out for me.

“Hold on a minute...” I told him while trying to pick a good color scheme for the neck tie.

“Do you need any help?”

I went out, “Tadah...” I grinned.

I saw his eyes flickered and his lips smiled sweetly.


“Un homme beau...” he whispered.

“Pardon?” I asked.

“Saperlipopette...” he grinned.

“What are you saying?” I pouted my lips.

“Le plus beau garçon que j'ai jamais vu...”

I whined, “Sweetheart!”

“Pourquoi es-tu si belle?” he smirked as he pulled me into his arms, “Je t'aime...”

I smiled, “I love you too...” and pinched his nose.

“I thought you don't speak French?” I was still jailed around his arms.

“I don't.”

“Then how come?” he rubbed his nose in my cheek.

“I just know... ‘je t'aime’.”

He nodded.

Of course we didn't buy the outfit; he just wants me to try some. But we did buy; I mean he did buy the necktie for me. I told him I wanna rest so we went to a coffee shop to drink some tea and relax ourselves.

“Is that you VII?” a woman tapped Laurence's shoulder.

Laurence looked at her, “XXII?”

“Oh my god!” the woman exclaimed, “Brother!” and hugged him.

Laurence hugged her too, “Hey... what brings you here?”

The woman sat beside Laurence, “Duh! I should be the one asking you that. I live here remember?” and she laughed.

“Oh right, well...” he looked at me, “I'm with my boyfriend.”

The woman looked at me and perhaps she’s in her middle 20's, “So you are Shin?”

I nodded and smiled, “Yeah, nice to meet you...”

She shook hands with me, “Oh my, the rumors are right. You are cute!” and she giggled. “It's nice to finally meet
you. My name is XXII, a Chrono also under XXVII.”

“Oh, you mean in-law?” I shook hands with her too.

“In-law?” she chuckled, “Yeah, you could say that. We're adoptive brothers and sisters by master.”

“He knows that already,” Laurence clarified, “What he means is that, he's related to our leader's lover as well.”

“Oh?” she was shocked, “How?”

“We're cousins,” I answered.

She nodded, “Oh I see... wow, the world is small.”

I agreed, “So you know Prince?”

She shrugged his head, “Not yet... but soon, I'll visit Tokyo this summer.”

“That's good,” Laurence lit his cigar, “How are you doing now?”

“The same, mission there... mission here. How about you? How are the other Numbers?”

“We're the same, we're fine.”

“Oh!” she exclaimed, “Before I forgot, is it true... XXVII is going to resign?”

I looked at Laurence.

“Unfortunately...” he said.

“So, you will take over?” she smiled.

Laurence shrugged his head, “No way... the Numbers don’t want him to leave so I think he has no choice but to

“Well... personally, I don't want him to go either but if that's what he wants then we couldn't do anything. He had sacrificed so much already, I think he deserves peace now.”

“He’s doing this for his lover, not for him.”

She nodded, “Our leader must really love him then.”

“You can say that again.”

“Mind if I don’t?” she chuckled, “He’s willing to give up who he is for this person called as Prince?” she smirked,
“How amazing Prince is, must have been a good catch.”

“XXVII can give up anything, even his own life for that person.”

I just listened to them as they talk about in-law's resignation to the Numbers.

“Oh shit!” she squeaked, “I'm gonna be late for university. I have to go,” she stood up. “It’s really nice to meet you, Shin. Let's hang out again soon, okay?”

“Yeah sure, I would love to,” I told her.

“Okay!” she kissed my cheek and Laurence's as well, “Bye, have a good day you two,” and she left.

“She's nice,” I told him.

“She was an ex-girlfriend of your in-law.”

“Huh?” I wondered.

“That's why when she learned that XXVII is having a serious relationship, she moved out.”

I nodded, “Ah... I see, wow, I wouldn't be anymore surprise if all the Numbers became in-law's girl.”

“Well...” he paused, “Not all...”

“Hm... who didn't?” I finished my tea.

“Only IX,” he finished his cigar too, “Let's?”

I nodded and we headed to our next destination. We went to a carnival. In there, we did a lot of things but I’m too
lazy now to elaborate each and every part so I’ll just put some sugar-on-top scenes.

“Let’s ride the roller coaster sweetheart!” I told him.

His face became weary, “Ugh… sure, ride the roller coaster, sweetheart.”

I held on to his hand, “Let’s ride it together…” I winked.

He shrugged his head, “I cannot…”

I stared at him.

“I’m not good at rides, sorry…”

Oh right, I remember! He doesn’t want this kind of adventure, “So sorry! I forgot, hmm… oh I know what to ride!” I grinned.

He looked at me.

“Let’s just ride the merry-go-around…” I smiled at him.

He smiled back, “Okay, I think I would survive that.”

I laughed. We did ride the horses in the merry-go-around and luckily, he did survive. But after the round and round of the horse, his face turned flushed.

We sat in a nearby bench, “Are you okay, sweetheart?” I comforted him.

He nodded, “Yeah… I just don’t like spinning and spinning over and over again.”

I sighed, “This is my fault…”

He looked at me.

“If I didn’t think of that stupid merry-go-around, you wouldn’t be like this.”

He caressed his face, “I love you Shin…”

“I lo—” he didn’t let me finish by pressing his lips onto mine.

Since I don’t want him to feel any dizziness anymore, we just went to the animal show. We watched different
animals as they performed live. Then we played some games like target shooting, fish catching and some other
carnival games.

After couple of hours, we decided to call it a day. We went to fancy restaurant to eat dinner and then we headed back to Tokyo. We arrived before 11 in the evening. I spent the night in their house.

Laurence gave me some clean clothes.

“Thank you…” I told him.

“You’re welcome,” he lit his cigar, “Are you sleepy now?”

I grinned, “No…”

His face wondered, “Shin?”

I slowly and sensually remove all my clothes, I only let my boxers to stay and then I sat on his lap.

“This day wouldn’t be complete without…” I paused and started to unbutton his polo, “Love…”

He grinned, “Silly…” and let me undress him.

I pushed him on his bed and I crawled over him, “Top or bottom?”

He grimaced, “Top…”

I smiled, “Right…”

And whatever happened next, you know already. I was fondling his hair when I asked him how much he loves me.

“Unconditional,” he whispered into my ears.

“Unconditional?” I asked, wanting him to repeat it for me.

“Unconditional,” he repeated.

“Why do you love me Laurence?” I asked.

“Before I answer that, let me tell you a story…” he sat upright as I rested my head on his chest.

“Okay… I’m listening.’

One day a girl asked: “Why do you like me..? Why do you love me..?”

HE answered: I can’t tell the reason... but I really like you…

SHE: You can’t even tell me the reason… how can you say you like me? How can you say you love me?

HE: I really don’t know the reason, but I can prove that I love you.

SHE: Proof? No I want you to tell me the reason, my friends’ boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but you can’t!

HE: Hmm… I love you because you are beautiful, because your voice is sweet, because you are caring, because you
love, because you are thoughtful, because of your smile, because of your every movement.

The girl felt very satisfied with his answer. Unfortunately, a few days later, the gal met with an accident and
became comma.

HE then placed a letter by her side, and here is the content:


Because of your sweet voice that I love you… now can you talk? no…

Therefore I cannot love you.

Because of your care and concern that I like you… now that you cannot show them.

Therefore I cannot love you.

Because of your smile, because of your every movement that I love you… now can you smile? now can you move?

Therefore I cannot love you…

If love needs a reason, like now, there is no reason for me to love you anymore.

I sat upright too and looked at him, “Then?”

“But love Shin doesn’t need any reason. Sometimes the best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be
seen, cannot be touched, but can be felt in the heart… Love doesn’t need a reason. It’s something you can feel
burning inside your heart and waiting to explode,” he pulled me gently and hugged me tight, “I love you… period.”

I smiled, “I love you too… period,” and kissed him again.

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