Friday, February 4, 2011

Royal Flush

Last night as I went out of my room dressed laid-back...

‘Little Prince! Where are you going?’ Shin asked me while VII was carrying him on his back. ‘Hospital?’

‘What the hell are you two doing?’ I looked at VII.

‘Don’t ask me,’ he smirked, ‘ask him.’

‘Shin?’ I raised an eye brow.

Shin chuckled, ‘We’re just playing.’

‘Playing...playing,’ VII mumbled, ‘we shouldn’t play in a place like this,’ and he sounded so pissed.

‘Huh? Sweetheart?’ Shin stared at him. ‘Is something bothering you?’

VII gently put him down, ‘I don’t want to play here, Shin,’ and his voice was monotonous. ‘Let’s play on the bed.’

Moments of silence and all of us laughed.

‘I would love too, sweetheart!’ Shin embraced him.

‘Later,’ VII patted him on his head and smiled. ‘I don’t want Prince to get envious of us,’ he chuckled.

I smirked, ‘We will soon,’ and chuckled too. ‘Anyway, about the question before...yes, I’m going to the hospital. Wanna come?’

‘Oh, sure! Let’s play poker!’ Shin suggested.

‘It’s fine with me,’ VII said.

‘With me too,’ I smiled.

‘Really, huh?’ Shin smiled sinisterly, ‘We’re going to play poker and whoever loses will remove a piece of his clothing,’ and he chuckled.

‘I guess, I need to change my clothes—‘

‘Uh-uh, no changing of clothes anymore, Prince,’ and Shin pulled me outside of the room. ‘It’s still okay with you, right sweetheart?’

VII nodded and smirked, ‘And we’ll play this inside of brother’s room?’

‘Yeah,’ Shin grinned.

‘And he will see Prince naked?’ VII laughed. ‘As far as I remember Prince doesn’t know how to play poker.’

‘Yeah, and the fact that we are going to play inside in law’s room...BOOM!’ Shin laughed also. ‘I wonder how Prince and in law would react on this.’

‘Hey!’ I pouted my lips, ‘You are so mean!’

Shin stuck his tongue out, ‘Let’s go now! I’m excited about this!’

I was still pouting my lips as we went to the hospital...

Shin knocked first before entering Ryuuka’s room, ‘Hi, in law!’

‘Hey,’ Ryuuka smiled.

‘Hey brother,’ VII greeted him too. ‘What’s up?’

‘Doing good and you?’

‘Great,’ and he smiled.

‘What’s with that smile, VII?’

‘What? Is it wrong to smile?’ he smirked.

‘Shin?’ Ryuuka asked.

‘It’s a good thing that aunt and uncle aren’t here,’ Shin grinned. ‘This room’s totally free!’

‘And what do you mean by that? And where’s Prince? Aren’t you with him?’

‘Oh my, my little Prince ashamed of entering this room,’ and Shin pulled me inside of the room.

‘Hi, Ryuuka...’ I smiled sweetly.

‘Hi there, Prince...’ he smiled at me too. ‘Aw, you are so cute...’

‘Huh?’ I sat beside Ryuu.

‘You’re blushing,’ he chuckled.

I covered my face with my hands, ‘Ugh...’

‘Oh, come on...don’t cover your face like that...’ he removed my hands and kissed me on my cheek.

‘Okay! Enough of that!’ Shin interfered, ‘Laurence, lock the door and cover that shitty glass window on the door
with something. I’ll shuffle the cards.’


‘What’s with you, guys? Would you care to explain?’ Ryuuka placed his hand n my waist.

‘We’re going to play poker!’ Shin shouted happily, ‘The three of us, me, sweetheart and Prince will and the one
who loses will remove a piece of his clothing!’

‘Really?’ Ryuuka looked at me and whispered, ‘are you wearing a lot?’

I shook my head, ‘I only have four...’ and pouted my lips.

He smirked, ‘You should win, Prince...I am the only one who’s allowed to see you naked.’

‘Come on, in law...Prince doesn’t know how to play poker!’ Shin teased.

I was still pouting my lips.

‘Damn. This is not good,’ Ryuuka folded his arms, ‘I don’t want to get excited at a time like this. Tsk.’ He looked
at Shin, ‘Hey, you two...I am not permitting you to play a game like that in my room.’

‘And why?’ VII asked. ‘For sure, you wanted to see him naked so don’t stop us.’

Ryuuka laughed, ‘Definitely! I wanted to see him naked for a long time now!’

‘Ryuuka?!’ I exclaimed.

‘Go on, Prince! Show me what you got,’ and he winked at me.

‘You are mean,’ I pouted my lips.

‘If you let me see you naked right now then I will give you the experience you have never experienced before,’ and
he licked my ear.

‘You’re blackmailing me,’ I sighed. ‘You shouldn’t treat a weakling like me on that way....’

‘Stop the drama now, Prince! Let us play now!’ Shin said.

‘Can I help, Prince?’

‘And why would you help him?’ VII sat beside Shin, ‘I thought you wanted to see him naked?’

‘Okay, go and play now Prince,’ Ryuuka chuckled.

‘Yeah, whatever...’

So we started playing. After an hour of playing, VII and Shin were already half naked while I...I only have my undergarment.

‘Full house,’ I said as I placed down my cards. ‘I hope yours aren’t royal flushes.’

Shin sighed, ‘Yes, I have a straight flush here,’ and he laughed.

‘Royal flush,’ VII said as he placed down his cards too.

‘You lose again, Prince,’ Shin was still laughing.

‘Take that off, Prince! Take that off! Take that off!’ Ryuuka was like cheering me, actually he was really cheering me to take it off. ‘Oh, yeah...I am the only one allowed to see you naked so VII and Shin, leave this room now,’
and he laughed.

Then someone knocked, it was mom.

‘Hey, Prince should still take his undergarment off, right? Shin whispered while putting his shirt again.

‘Still?’ I was panicking. ‘What if mom sees me?’

‘Don’t you trust me?’ Ryuuka winked and pulled me down on his bed.

VII took the mantle and spread it over us. ‘There you won’t be seen naked anymore,’ and he snickered.

‘Ryuuka?’ Why is the door locked?’ mom continued knocking. ‘Open the door, Ryuuka.’

‘Wait mom, I’m still changing my clothes!’ he answered and then he went down of his bed, ‘Stay here, Prince...’ he whispered. ‘You two get inside the comfort room.’

Shin and VII nodded and went inside the comfort room.

‘My clothes, my clothes...’ I mumbled. ‘Still scattered on the floor...’

‘Ugh, yeah...wait...’ Ryuuka picked up my clothes.

‘Aren’t you done?’ mom knocked again. ‘Ryuuka???’

‘Wait, wait wait!’ and Ryuuka finally hid my clothes under the bed. He opened the door and greeted my mom,
‘Sorry if I kept you waiting mom,’ and he kissed her cheek.

Mom smiled, ‘It’s okay though don’t do that again,’ and she giggled then she saw me. ‘Oh, there you are

‘Hi mom,’ I smiled.

She sighed, ‘Why did you let Ryuuka open the door by himself?’ and she sat on the couch. She took a magazine and scanned through it.

‘It’s okay mom,’ Ryuuka lay beside me and smiled.

‘Recuperating fast, huh?’

‘Yes,’ he nodded and his hands crept over my body.

I got chills and whispered, ‘Not here, Ryuuka. Don’t be silly.’

‘’re not yet naked...’

‘Aren’t you wit Shin and VII, Prince?’ she asked as she flipped onto the next page.

‘They’re with me actually,’ I answered breathlessly, you know what Ryuuka’s doing to me that time.

‘Where are they?’ and she looked at us then Ryuuka stopped caressing my dick.

‘They’re buying something, mom...’ Ryuuka answered and smiled. ‘Wew..that was close,’ he shushed.

‘I told you to stop doing it,’ I scolded.

Ryuuka kissed me sweetly on his lips, ‘I told you to relax...just relax Prince...

‘What’s the fuss all about?’ she smiled at us.

‘Nothing,’ and Ryuuka chuckled.

‘Really?’ she continued reading, ‘by the way...’ and she continued telling her story.

Ryuuka’s hand continued its thing and he already removed my undergarment.

‘Such an expert,’ I smirked.

‘Thank you...’ and he squeezed my butt as I moaned. ‘Prince,’ his eyes widened.

‘I told you to stop doing it...’ I bit my lip.

He stared at me, ‘You are mind searing, annoyingly intoxicating and dangerously addicting, Prince...’ and he licked
my ear again. ‘I love you...’

‘I love you too...’ I smiled.

Then we saw mom walked towards the comfort room, ‘Why is this locked also? Who’s in the comfort room,

‘Ugh, Shin!’ Ryuuka chuckled.

‘I have a hurricane inside my stomach, aunt! Sorry!’ Shin shouted.

‘I thought you were buying something with VII?’ mom asked.

‘He’s the only one who bought, aunt!’

‘But Ryuuka told me?’ she then looked at us.

‘Busy with him,’ Ryuuka showed a peace sign.

‘That’s pretty obvious,’ she chuckled, ‘alright, I’ll just go to the comfort room. I’ll be back,’ she smiled and left

Ryuuka sighed, ‘So close...anyway, better put some clothes on now, Prince. You know what I could do when you are naked,’ and he chuckled.

‘You already did,’ I pouted my lips and kissed him sweetly on his lips. ‘We still have to make love after the hospital discharge you, okay?’

‘I promise,’ he smiled too.

I already put my clothes on and they already went out, the two of them were smiling.

‘I know what you did inside,’ Ryuuka laughed.

‘We do it anywhere,’ Shin laughed also.

‘So how was it?’ I asked.

‘Good, we did it standing,’ VII answered. ‘We’ll do it again later.’

‘Actually, they were already talking about it since this morning,’ I told Ryuuka. ‘They want me to be envious of

Ryuuka pinched my cheek, ‘Don’t mind them, you know that I could do better than any of these two...’ he teased.

‘By the way in law, don’t you miss partying?’ Shin asked.

‘You know what, the four of us party hard...’ Ryuuka looked at each one of us, ‘we play harder but our love, the

‘Hardest?’ I asked and all of us laughed.

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