Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jealousy (Day 1 in Denmark)

Saturday morning, I didn’t get enough sleep because I am so excited for our vacation trip in Denmark. I thought lots of things on how to make him happy for that one week, though I already planned something for him. Anyways, it was just 5:30 in the morning when I got up from my bed and went outside of the mansion. I jogged around the vicinity until 7:00 in the morning and went back inside. I saw aunt preparing our breakfast while uncle was reading the newspaper; both of them were in the kitchen.

‘Good morning!’ I greeted them while I took a bite on a pancake aunt was cooking.

‘Oh...hi there, Shin,’ aunt smiled as she placed some caramel and chocolate sauce on the pancakes. ‘How was your sleep?’

‘Actually, I didn’t get enough of sleep,’ I smirked. ‘I am really excited about this vacation trip especially that I am with VII.’

‘Ah, he’s one of the Numbers, right?’ uncle asked as he flipped onto the next page.

‘Yup,’ I smiled.

‘You are blushing, Shin,’ aunt pinched my cheek. ‘We wanted to hear more of that later. But could you please wake them up? I mean, your sister and Prince?’

I simply nodded, went to their rooms and woke them up. We had our breakfast and while eating...

‘I’ll just drive for you guys later. I don’t want my princess to get tired or what,’ Prince told me.

‘Princess?’ uncle asked.

‘What are you talking about, Prince? Did you and Ryuu—‘

Prince chuckled, ‘We didn’t break up, mom. Never will be.’

‘And what’s that princess thing?’ mom asked again.

‘It’s just his nickname for this week because I am his Prince Charming,’ Prince grinned.

‘One act of their endearment,’ I smiled and looked at Prince, ‘Thanks much, Prince! Hm...but can I ask a favor from you?’

‘Sure. What is it?’

I leaned towards him and whispered something.

He chuckled again, ‘So that was your secret...’

I nodded and grinned.

‘Hey! What’s the fuss, brother?’ Ashley asked after she sipped on her coffee.

‘Nah, it’s none of your business,’ I stuck my tongue out. ‘By the way, what keepsakes do you want from Denmark?’

‘Oh!’ Ashley said excitedly, ‘Shoes shoes shoes!’

‘You want shoes? Ask that from mom and dad,’ I answered.

‘Hmf!’ she pouted her lips, ‘I want it from you not from them.’

‘Huh? And why is that?’ I raised an eyebrow.

‘I’ll tell VII that you haven’t given anything for your sister since the day she lived in this world!’ she faced the other side.

Aunt, uncle and Prince chuckled.

‘Geez, you are black mailing me huh?’ I snarled at her. ‘Alright, I’ll buy something for you.’ I looked at uncle, ‘How about you, uncle?’

‘Maybe a Danish wine would do, Shin,’ he smiled.

I nodded and smiled, ‘Aunt?’

‘Maybe a souvenir from the hotel you’re going to? You know, I do have collections of stuff from different hotels around the world,’ she answered giggling.

‘Anything would do for me,’ Prince said.

‘Alright, I hope that I’ll remember all of the things you requested,’ I chuckled.

‘I’ll hit you if you don’t!’ Ashley pinched my cheeks, ‘I’ll miss you brother.’

‘Tsk. As usual, you’re the best actress in a pretending role, Ashley,’ I pinched her cheeks too. ‘I’ll miss you too.’

‘I hope. Maybe you’ll forget about us whenever you’re with VII,’ she teased.

‘It’s natural,’ I told her. ‘You really forget everything whenever you’re with your special someone. My world revolves around him, nothing else.’

‘Are you already courting him?’ uncle asked.

I smiled, ‘It’s obvious...but for a prince like him, he deserves better than that.’

Prince smiled, ‘I’m done. I’ll prepare myself for later. We still need to fetch my life and VII. Please excuse me.’ Prince stood up and left us.

‘Me too!’ I said merrily.

‘Sure. Take your time,’ Aunt giggled and I left them. Prince and I prepared ourselves. Around 9:30 while arranging my luggage in the living room...


I glanced and saw VII coming.

‘VII? I thought that we’re the one who’s going to fetch you,’ Prince said.

‘It was because...’ in law kissed Prince on his cheek, ‘my brother here was uneasy since yesterday. He wanted to clarify something.’

‘And what is it?’ Prince asked as I sit on the couch.

‘Would you leave us for a while?’ VII told them.

‘Oh...’ Prince looked at in law and he just tugged Prince outside bringing my luggage.

‘Shin?’ VII stared at me but I didn’t respond.

He sat beside me, ‘You didn’t answer back to—‘

‘I told you it’s a secret,’ I folded my arms.

‘Was it because of what I posted in my page a few days ago?’

I stood up and took my pace away from him going to Ashley’s room. ‘Ashley?’ I knocked and entered her room. VII was following me.

‘Oh, brother...can I do something for you?’ she told me as she approached us.

‘We’re leaving,’ I answered.

‘But it’s just 9:30—‘

‘Nah,’ I hugged her, ‘It’s alright. Anyways, see you next week. Be a good girl, alright?’

She nodded and smiled, ‘Don’t forget my shoes.’

‘Don’t worry,’ I winked at her and went downstairs.

VII was still following me and then he grabbed my arm, ‘Shin, I can’t take this...would you please say something? ’

I stuck my tongue out while he sighed.

‘Shin, VII...’ aunt approached us from the stairs.

‘Oh, there you are aunt,’ I smiled, ‘We’re leaving.’

Aunt looked at VII while he just showed his respect for her.

‘Oh, I see...well, regards to your parents, Shin,’ she smiled.

‘Sure, where’s uncle anyway?’

‘He’s in the parking lot with Prince and Ryuu...’ she answered. ‘Let’s go?’

I smiled and we went to the parking lot. I saw in law and Prince there with uncle and Ashley. I looked at VII and he really seemed bothered with what I was doing to him. Aunt, uncle and Ashley bid their goodbyes to us. Then, I sat beside the driver’s seat where Prince was sitting.

‘Hey in law...I wanted to seat beside my life,’ in law pouted his lips.

I scratched my head then Prince signalled in law to come closer to him. He whispered something to in law and they both chuckled. I looked at VII and he just sighed as he went inside the car.

‘I like your idea, in law,’ in law grinned at me as he sat beside VII. Prince started the engine and we left. While on our way to Narita International Airport...

‘Geez, I’m not used to in law’s sadness,’ in law sighed and looked at VII teasingly, ‘I wonder why...’

VII frowned.

In law showed a peace sign to VII and started to look at the outside view.

VII sighed, ‘Shin...are you jealous?’ VII finally said.

‘Please tell him in law that I’m glad that I finally heard him say that word,’ I told in law.

‘ in law wanted to tell you that he’s glad that you finally said the ‘jealous’ word,’ in law grinned.

‘Please tell him XXVII that I already made it clear with your lover that we were just trying to piss you and I didn’t intend anything about it,’ VII answered.

‘Ah... yeah in law, he and XIII were just kidding and pissing me off that time,’ in law explained to me.

‘Right, so please cheer up now, Shin,’ Prince told me.

‘No,’ I said.

VII sighed, ‘Tell him, what can I do—‘

‘What can he do to prove to you, in law, that he’s madly deeply in love with you,’ in law grinned. ‘Ah, wait! I noticed that you two are making me as your messenger. Damn.’

Prince chuckled, ‘The two of them should talk personally to make it more sincere, right my princess?’

In law nodded then I looked at VII, ‘When you see me walking, sneak up and hug me from behind.’

‘Whoa...’ in law chuckled, ‘that’s my in law!’

‘Nice one, Shin,’ Prince smiled. VII stared at me as I smiled at him. Both of us still didn’t talk except for in law and Prince. At last, we arrived at the airport, 30 minutes remaining before our flight. So we just went to an apparel store and spent some time there. Prince and in law were looking at some clothes, VII was looking at some jackets while I noticed this weird stuff toy.

‘This is so weird,’ I smirked and carried the stuff toy, ‘But it’s kinda cute...’

In law saw me,’ I never thought that you like red cows’ and he chuckled.

‘Coz it’s weird, that’s why. Do you wanna look at it closely?’

‘Sure,’ in law answered as I went near to him. But before I could give it to him, someone hugged me from behind.

‘You really don’t need to be jealous, Shin. I—‘

I chuckled, ‘Now I got you, Mr. Hard to get.’

I saw Prince brought out his camera and took a picture of us.


I stared at him, ‘Why did you let your guard down so easily?’ I shook my head, ‘Don’t worry, I am not jealous anymore, VII. Anyway, thank you for hugging me.’ I winked at him.

‘When you see me walking, sneak up and hug me from behind’ VII quoted, ‘Your welcome..’

‘Oh my goodness, in’re really good,’ in law complimented me. ‘What can you say about that, brother?’

‘Silly,’ he answered as he released me.

‘Alright, I’m done here. Let’s go now to Terminal 1...south wing 4F...’ I looked at VII and smiled. We left the shop and went to terminal 1.

‘At last, the silly one will be gone,’ Prince teased.

‘Just for a week,’ I chuckled.

‘Right, don’t forget our keepsakes, alright?’ Prince said.

‘We won’t,’ I smiled. After a few minutes, we bid our goodbyes to them and boarded Flight SK984 at 11:10 am. VII and I sat on seats E1 and E2. The flight stewardesses assisted us on our luggage and at exactly 11:25 am, we departed. We still have 11 hours before our arrival in Denmark. While on our way...


‘Yes?’ I looked at VII.

‘I really didn’t let my guard down before. I was just worried about your actions towards me that’s why I did it. I hope you’re not serious about that stuff? I mean, are you just trying to make fun of me or what?’

‘What?’ my eye brows met, yet I managed to give him a sweet smile, ‘So you’ve been thinking that I am not serious at you at all?’

‘No, it’s not like that. I--’

I placed my forefinger on his lips, ‘I love you, VII and it’s true that I got jealous after you posted that on your page. Though, I am sorry...’ I sighed. ’I know that you still have some problems with her and yet I acted improperly.’

VII sighed, ‘It’s alright, I understand. I guess I have a mistake from that too?’

I shook my head and caressed his cheek, ‘I don’t want you to feel sad, VII...please don’t make it hard for us.’

‘Do I make things hard for you too?’ VII sighed, ‘Damn it.’

‘No... no, that’s not what I meant. When I see you sad, it makes me sad too. If things are hard for you, things get hard for me too. VII...-‘ I stopped talking because I saw VII staring at me deeply, ‘Something’s wrong in my face?’ I asked as I looked down.

VII held my chin, ‘There’s nothing wrong with your face. It’s exquisitely perfect and cute.’ and he continued staring at me again.

I smiled, ‘Stop staring, it’s embarrassing.’

VII moved closer to my face, ‘Really? Then perhaps this is more embarrassing?’

‘Huh? What....-‘ VII laid a soft and short kiss to my cheek. I looked at him and he was smiling and gently let my chin go.

‘Just in the cheek?’ I teased.

He smirked, ‘I respect you.’

‘Oh don’t respect me!’ I chuckled.

‘Silly’ he answered as he rested his head on his seat.

I smiled, ‘You’re still my hard to Get, Laurence Hilfiger...’ I murmured.

VII smirked, ‘My? I am not still yours, stupid.’

I scratched my head and smiled, ‘So, what are you going to do in 11 hours?’

‘I don’t know. Maybe think?’

‘All...right...’ I said. I don’t want to complicate things anymore besides I know he’s still thinking about his own problems. I stared at him and he was just listening to his iPod.

‘How about you?’

‘The same as you...’


‘Though I won’t be thinking about my problems or what...I’ll only think about you...I wish I could help you, VII...’

He looked at me, patted me on my head and continued listening to his iPod. I sighed. I don’t know if he’ll really enjoy this vacation. Maybe it’s a bad timing for the two of us? Ugh, damn.

After three hours, I fell asleep. I woke up at around 8 in the evening and saw VII sleeping. How beautiful to see him like that. I noticed that a small blanket was on me, VII put it on. I removed it and placed it on him. It’s kinda cold so he really needs it. I leaned closer and kissed his forehead.

‘So you’re already awake...’ VII murmured.

‘Ah? I thought you were sleeping...’ I was just staring at him.

He opened his eyes, ‘I can’t sleep.’

‘Are you cold?’

He didn’t respond. I simply smiled and held his hand tightly.

‘I can’t smoke in here so it’s getting colder.’

‘Ah...but what did you do while I was sleeping?’

‘I watched you sleep.’

‘The whole 5 hours?’

He nodded.

‘Didn’t you get tired?’

He shook his head, ‘I don’t get tired at all if it is you.’

I smiled and kissed his hand, ‘We’ll meet my parents tomorrow morning. They told me that they’re excited to meet you.’

‘You already told them about me?’

‘Yeah,’ I nodded, ‘I told them about our everything.’

‘Huh? Our everything?’ he smirked. ‘You told them about your feelings for me?‘

‘Yeah,’ I smiled. ‘Don’t worry...they didn’t get mad or whatsoever. Actually they’re kinda hyped up about hearing the news from me so they’re really excited in meeting a prince like you.’

‘I told you for the tenth time that I am no prince,’ he removed his hand from mine but still I held it again, tighter this time, ‘I can never be a prince again...’

‘You’re still a prince for me,’ I grinned.

VII sighed, ‘You are so silly, Shin.’

‘Oh, come one VII...please don’t show me that face again. Would you smile for me just like what you did a few hours ago?’ I grinned.


‘Oh why? Come on?’ I sounded like a baby.


‘Please? Please please?’

‘Beg me first’

‘I beg you’ I smiled very sweetly.

‘Beg more’

I beg you... I beg you, please?’

‘Tsk, you’re amazingly cute and stupid’.

I pouted my lips, ‘You’re making fun of me’.

VII smiled.

I spaced out when he started smiling; I was just looking at him intently.

He pulled my hands and placed it on his cold cheek, ‘In you Shin Caelum, I’ve found the reason to smile ‘.

‘I’m glad you found me.’

At last, we arrived at Scandinavian Airlines System at exactly 10:50 pm in my watch. *laughs I guess it’s still the afternoon here in Denmark.

I carried some of VII’s luggage, ‘At last, we’re here! Are you excited about the things that we’re going to do here, VII?’

‘I don’t know,’ he shrugged his shoulders. ‘But maybe, because I am with you. Anyhow, where are we going to stay for the whole week?’

‘I already booked us in Admiral Copenhagen Hotel for the whole week,’ I smiled.

‘As in for the whole week?’ his eyes widened.

I nodded.

‘I know that I shouldn’t be asking this, but how much did you pay for that?’

‘Well, I chose a Double de luxe room with harbour view,’ I looked at him, ‘2 persons for that room and it costs 1,925 Danish Krone.’


‘It is 28, 411 in yen when converted. Hm...’ I thought for a while, ‘A week will cost, 198, 877 yen.’

‘What the heck...’ he was shocked.

I smiled, ‘Don’t’s a birthday present for me. Remember that I am already in Japan since January and I didn’t go back to USA for my birthday so my parents planned all of these. Though, I paid one-fourth of that amount.’

VII sighed, ‘You paid a big amount just for this?’

‘You know,’s not the money that counts. It’s all about you, that you are here with me,’ I told him while he was staring at me. I held his hand and kissed it, ‘My parents hired someone to fetch us and he’s already waiting outside. Let’s go...’

We walked outside of the SAS and someone approached us. We came with him and he brought us to Admiral Copenhagen Hotel. We checked in and went to room no 117, a double de luxe room.

While we were arranging our stuff...

‘Where are your parents anyway? Are they also staying here?’

I shook my head, ‘They’re in my grandma’s. Actually, I like to stay there because their house is built in the mountains and the view’s really nice. My dad told me that it’s better if we stay here because grandma’s house can’t accompany us.’ I smiled. ‘We’ll go there too on our 4th day.’

‘Ah...I see...’

‘By the way, you wanna eat? I really wanted to try the food here,’ I smiled.

‘Sure, after I arrange my things.’

And we ate. There was a buffet dinner prepared for us in the cafeteria. VII and I really didn’t talk so much. I guess, he was still thinking of that damn thing. Geez, I don’t know what to do to help him. Ugh, even though he already told me that I already helped’s still unsatisfying! I wanted to see him happy and nothing else! I don’t want him to think about that problem when he’s with me. Though, I can’t do anything about it, he’s not yet mine.

We went back and VII took his bath while I just watched the TV. After him, it was my turn. As soon as I finished, I saw VII on the balcony, his hands were on top of the railings and he was staring at the sky. I sneaked up and hugged him from behind.

‘Aren’t you still sleepy? You know, it’s kinda cold here so I think you need to go inside now...’ I said.

He shook his head, ‘I still want to get some fresh air. Thanks for bringing me here...’

‘Sure, you are always welcome,’ I hugged him tightly.

‘I never thought that a cry baby is somewhat aggressive,’ he lit his cigar.

‘I don’t want to miss any chance...’

‘You won’t, as long as you stay by my side...’ he blew the smoke into the air, ‘Do you want to know why I always feel cold? Or why am I not used to cold places?’

‘Sure’ I rested my head on his back.

‘It’s because my homeland has unstable weather. Once it gets cold, the temperature would drop to almost 0 degrees. It’s like inhaling ice air’.

I wondered, ‘Then doesn’t that make your body perfectly fit with cold places?’

He shrugged his head, ‘I was a weak kid back then that’s why I didn’t get the chance to stabilize my body from coldness’.

I nodded, ‘Now I understand, so cigar makes you warm?’

VII faced me, ‘Yes, but not as warm as you make me feel’.

I smiled, ‘Hm, can I ask you a something?’

‘What is it?’

‘How are you and Mandy?’

VII’s eye became indifferent, ‘Don’t worry yourself... or better, don’t mind us Shin.’

‘But, are you...alright?’ I know it’s pretty obvious to ask but I still wanted some assurance.

‘Just hold me tight and I’ll be fine...’ he stared at me.

I sighed, I was still embracing him.


‘How I wish you were mine,’ I murmured.

He smirked, ‘And why is that?’

‘Because, I feel sad when I don’t see you. I get hurt each time you ignore me. I am jealous when you’re with someone else and I wanted to be selfish when it comes to you but to think of it, you’re not mine,’ I released him.

VII patted my head and he went inside, ‘So you’re always jealous when I am with our leader?’

I followed him, ‘I don’t have any right, besides he’s my in law. Maybe with the others,’ I chuckled.

‘Our leader loves your cousin very much so you can put him out of the picture’ he smirked, ‘Anyhow, I told you that you don’t need to...’ he sat on his bed.

I took my guitar and sat on my bed too, ‘Jealousy is a detrimental word, that when you feel’s like you want to kill someone. At the same time, it is a keen indication that you love someone deeply.’

He didn’t respond, instead he laid down and closed his eyes.

‘But don’t worry, I won’t leave you no matter what. Good night, VII...’ I smiled and went back to the balcony. I sat and leaned myself on the railings. I started to play my guitar until I fell asleep.

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