Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Truth will be Revealed Sooner

yesterday: 4:00 in the afternoon, i waited for my life outside his classroom...

'my life!' i called him as he went out.

'oh, my life...' he smiled as he approached me, 'i thought you're going to wait for me in the lobby...'

i shook my head and smiled too, 'i don't want to, i wanted to see you already that's why i waited for you here...'

' sweet of my life...' we walked outside of the building to the parking lot

'of course,' i took his hand and kissed it, 'i miss my princess ryuuka...'

he chuckled, 'oh my goodnees, my really gives me a creep! no, it's creepier this time especially that we're in a public place!'

'what? you still don't like it, my princess ryuuka?' i grinned

he was still chuckling, 'i didn't say anything'

i pinched his cheek, 'you'll get use to it. don't worry, i'll just call you in that way for a week...'

he pouted his lips, 'aw...that's too much! maybe you're only making fun of me, my life...' he cornered me on his car, he was going to kiss me when somebody called out our names.

'prince! ryuuka!' elise called out

'damn...what a great intervention' my life murmured, 'first, it was shin and now...geez'

'yeah?' i agreed, snickering

'are you saying something, ryuuka?' elise asked as she wrapped her arms around mine.

his eye brow raised while i was still snickering, 'nothing,' he faked a cough, 'elise?'

'yes?' she was giggling

'that's mine,' he took my arms from hers, 'he's my life so would you please stop doing's so irritating me'

'wow...' elise chuckled, 'for the first time, you told me that you're jealous!'

'i didn't' my life scartched his head, 'i--'

'no more excuses, ryuuka. i got you,' she was still chuckling, 'i thought you didn't care at all, but deep inside you're really are' she stuck her tongue out.

'oh well,' my life just smiled and he held my hand so tightly

'i agree with you elise. at first. my life kept on denying but i got him too' i smiled 'anyways, do you need something from us?' i asked as i looked at my life, he was pouting his lips and then he will smile. what a cutie..haha

'i just wanted to ask if you want to hangout? you know, i miss hanging with you two'

'wushu...' my life said.

'what? that's true..' she was smiling.

'nah, i won't buy onto that. tsk..if i only're just going to make me jealous again.' my life added.

elise chuckled, 'of course not, be--'

'we can't, elise...sorry, maybe next time,' i said smiling 'we have something more important to do'

she pouted her lips. my life glanced at me, i shrugged my shoulders.

'we'll hangout next time, alright?' she asked

i nodded and smiled

'good,' she smiled and then looked at ryuuka

'thanks for sparing us,' my life said

elise and i laughed.

'oh come on, ryuuka...chill out!' she tapped my life's shoulder.

'yeah, whatever...we'll go now...' he opened the door for me, 'go inside, my life...'

'bye!' i said and went inside the car as well as my life.

'bye! enjoy!' elise was still standing outside

'geez, why is she still standing there outside?' my life sighed.

'she's waiting for us to leave...' i answered as i held his hand.

he sighed again, 'i wanted to kiss you badly...'

i smiled, 'my life...lean closer, i will tell you something'

'hm?' he looked at me and leaned closer 'what's that my life?'

i caressed his face and pressed my lips to his. as i expected, (haha) he returned the favor back. he leaned closer as his hands slid inside my shirt. then, someone knocked

'ah, shit....' my life complained as we both looked outside.

i bit my lower lip and smiled, 'elise...tsk, open the window for her...'

my life opened the car window and snarled at her. 'what again?'

'why are you still here?' elise was smiling.

'it's none of your business,' he answered, pissed off. 'bye.'

my life started the engine and we left. while on our way...

'good thing, your car has a dark tint' i said

my life sighed, 'i thought it would be my lucky day, but i guess it isn't. tsk.'

'but the day isn't yet finished,' i winked at him.

'ah...' he was grinning.


he bit his lips.

'hey, don't seduce me like that,' i chuckled. 'we still can't. we have a hang out party later tonight, remember?'

'tsk.' he pouted his lips, 'i remember, but my life...' he was like a child in need.

'i promise will do it after our hangout party, so don't drink too much, orayt?'

he nodded, 'thanks my life! you know, i'm in so much need of your milk.' he chuckled.

'i know...' i patted his head and smiled.

'oh by the way my life...i still don't want to go home yet...'

'me, ah! let's have a date for a while...until 8 i guess?'

'it's alright...we'll spend 4 hours the remaining time after the party,' he grinned.

i nodded, 'i wonder where to go first...'

'anywhere, my life...' he smiled sweetly.

' you want us to have the same attire later? i thought of buying something for us....' i suggested.

'ah?' he chuckled, 'like twins?'

i nodded again and chuckled too.

'so we'll go in the mall first?' he asked.

'yeah, then...we'll eat our dinner somewhere else...though i haven't thought of the venue...'

'don't worry, i'll think of it later,' he smiled and so we went to the mall...

'my life...' he took my hand and held it tightly, 'what are we going to wear for tonight?'

'the most comfortable that we can wear,' i answered.

'hm...tees and jeans?'

i shook my head, 'how about sando and shorts?'

he thought for sometime and smiled, 'it's ok for me, my life.'

'alright!' i pinched his cheeks and searched for our clothes. btw, we were so naughty and silly yesterday. in one of the apparel shops we entered, we can't decide what to buy (sando) for me and for my life.

i sat on the couch, 'geez...i can't choose...all of these are great...'

my life sighed. 'yeah...we have a lot to choose over which is which?' he asked as he looked at those sandos.

'ah..i know...i'll just sit over here and you wear those one by one and i'll pick the best for you. oh, maybe i'll just go there and look at your attire,' i suggested

'but my life...that is so tiring...' he sat beside me, maybe you first?' he grinned.

i sighed, 'alright...let's give it a try.' i took 3 and tried those.

my life knocked outside, 'my life? may i see now?'

'ah...sure...' i opened the door, 'what do you think?'

he shook his head and entered inside the cubicle, 'try this one...' he removed the sando and put on the other. he locked the door too, 'it's good to you too...maybe this one...' he removed the sando again and put on the other one, 'oh my god, i think everything's good to you...' he removed the sando again and grinned, 'better.'

'huh?' i scratched my head

'it's better when you're half naked. oh, the best when you're all naked!' he chuckled

'ok? but you really are far far better than me, my princess...' i chuckled too

'really, my prince charming?' he became serious.


he suprisingly pecked on my neck then on my cheek and on my lips. and we started kissing, his hands slid inside my pants and i moaned. then someone faked a cough, the sales lady. we both chuckled and my life opened the door.

'ah, excuse me sir but--'

'oh, we are so sorry, it's my fault. here my life, try to wear this,' he put on another sando, 'and i'll wear this,' he wore the other sando.

'ah...sir?' the sales lady asked

'yeah?' my life asked, i was snickering behind him.

'only one person is allowed in a cubicle...' she looked so shy

'oh...' my life chuckled, 'yeah...right...i'm sorry about that again. tsk. you know, all of these are so good and we really have to choose...i'm getting hungry about this stuff...' we both went out of the cubicle.

i placed my arm on his shoulders and whispered, 'that was close, my life...'

he looked at me and brushed his lips onto mine, ' should have resisted me...'

and we both chuckled again. good thing we already have what we want and so we paid for those. the girls were looking at us as well as the kids and all of them! haha. we went out of the store, our hands clasped.

'we looked like a public figure right now, my life...' he smiled.

i smiled too, 'maybe we did too much of PDA? i never really thought that we can do those things...i mean we're not really that vulgar--'

'it's because of your silliness,' he pinched my nose

i pouted my lips, 'only me?'

'of course, me too...' he laughed. 'i'm hungry my life...let's eat.'

'alright!' i said. we went to a crowded restaurant. 'my life...why here? it's so crowded...'

'so they won't notice us...' he grinned and we found a seat for us. 'i want to display more of our affection...'

'silly...' i chuckled, 'alright...if that's what princess wants...'

'hey...' he looked at me as i sat down.


'does it mean that the princess is more aggressive than his prince?'

'huh?' i burst out laughing

' should--'

'what my life are you saying?' i stared at him.

'i'm sorry, my prince charming,' he looked like a girl this time. kawaii.

'what are you saying before, my princess?'

'you should be the one aggressive not me! hmf!' he faced the other side.

i noticed some were looking at us. haha. i have a silly idea again. so then i stood up and held his chin, stared at him for some time..

'my...prince charming? what...are you doing....?' he was serious but i can see in his eyes that he was going to laugh.

i kissed his lips sweetly, 'i'll order for our meal now...please sit down...' i made her sit on the chair. i whispered, 'they were looking at us...'

'i know...that is so sweet of you,' he smiled.

'you think?' i whispered something. 'they are still looking at us...are you ready?'

he nodded and smiled. we both winked at the girls on the other table and they all looked so shocked. haha. i ordered our meal and we ate. of course, we did lots of PDAs. silly us. haha. after eating, we went home, in my life's house. VII approached us.

'in law's still not here?' my life asked as we went in the living room.

VII shook his head, 'what time did you tell him to go here?'

'9:15...he still have 45 minutes,' i answered.

'tsk. he'll be dead if he's late,' VII said.

my life chuckled, 'scary.'

'shut up.'

'you're just missing him so badly that's why. it's been a week since your first date, right?' my life was still chuckling.

'oh...the date..i read shin's blog and the heaven's it's so sweet...' i grinned. 'i never thought that shin's a sweet guy but i thought he would be harsh on you, VII. like he'll torture you or what.' i chuckled.


'kidding,' i showed a peace sign.

'anyways...i agree with you, my prince charming. geez, i might really get used to this. anyway, my life...i'm going to take a bath now. i'll bring these inside my room.'

'ok...' i smiled as i sat on the couch.

'won't you come with me?' my life looked like a child again, 'please, my prince charming?'

'my princess...' i smiled, 'you're such a tease...always...' i stood up and followed him.

'you are too...' my life winked. VII just...went away? haha. he left us and then we went to his room.

'i'll prepare your warm bath...' i went inside his bathroom and prepared. a few seconds has passed, he was already in the bathroom, naked. ''re so fast huh? my princess is really more aggressive than his prince...'

'tsk...i won't be a princess right now--'

'you're still,' i pushed him gently on the wall and pinned his hands above. he stared at me smiling. i licked his chest and nibbled on his nipples.

he moaned, 'that's my prince...give me some more of you...'

i looked at his eyes and kissed him sweetly. i put his hands down, 'let's continue this later...i don't want to loose my energy yet.' i winked.

'promise me?'

i nodded and kissed him again. 'i love you so much, ryuuka...'

'i love you too, prince...charming....' he grinned.

i pinched his cheek, 'i'll torture you later, you silly princess of mine..take your bath now and i'll take my bath too after you.'

he nodded and waited inside his room. after him, it was my turn. after i took my bath, my life told me to dress already because he was excited to see our twin effect attire. haha. alright. so i already prepared myself and wew, we looked so good. we went to the living room and saw shin coming,

'you aren't late.' i looked at my watch, he arrive 15 minutes earlier.

'i won't be...' he grinned and then laughed, 'what's with your attire? you two look like twins.'

'it's because of your cousin's silliness' my life pinched my cheek and he sat down on the couch. he turned on the TV and watched a gag show.

'ah...but it's cute,' he complimented, 'by the way, where's mr. hard to get?'

my life shrugged his shoulders. 'maybe in his room?' i sat down beside my life.

'ok, i'll just go there--'

'no need,' VII answered as he sat on the next couch. 'i'm already here...'

this time we were just watching them, though the TV's would be our alibi so we won't be too obvious.

'hey...' shin smiled sweetly as he sat beside VII, 'it's been a week, i guess?'

'right, and you didn't even bother to visit me here. tsk,' VII folded his arms.

'i don't want to...' shin was just staring at him.

VII stared at him too, 'and why is that? i thought you love me...oh, you don't love love the picture more and not me.'

i snickered and whispered to my life, 'so we have a sentimentalist here...'

'maybe? but VII looked like the sadistic one while shin's the masochistic'

'i guess so...'

'i don't want to see you for you to miss me, and the other way around...' shin answered

'oh, really? maybe you're going out with some other girls when i'm not with you...' VII faced the other side

shin held his chin and face VII to him, 'do you think i'm really doing that to you? you really don't trust me, do you?' shin sighed.

'i was just kidding,' VII said 'but still i'm--'

'hard to get...'

VII nodded and he patted shin's head, 'are you alright? you look sad...tsk, maybe you're tired of seeing me...'

shin shook his head and held his hand, smiling, 'i miss you and i don't get tired of seeing you...i wanted to see you always, VII...'

'i might get ant bites right now,' my life chuckled, 'let's go now...' my life stood up

shin stood up and showed his hand to VII. of course, VII held his hand and he stood up.

my life saw it and he held my hand too, then he looked at VII teasingly, 'i need my gloves too...' he chuckled. 'there..'

'tsk...' VII said.

'what? can't we do that too? besides we're the one who's officially on,' my life's eye brow raised, 'unless you say yes to in law, right in law?'

'i can really wait,' shin anwered, 'i know VII's cold so he needs his gloves right now. oh, do you need some your jacket too?'

VII just stared at him. shin placed his arm on his shoulder and smiled.

'oh, m life needs his too,' my life would place his arm too but.

'such a pirated one,' VII said. shin stuck his tongue out and grinned.

'damn...' my life pouted his lips, 'what do you want, huh?'

'i want VII alone,' shin answered.

'i want my life alone too, so maybe we should part our ways now and do our own businesses? what do you think in law?'

shin nodded and grinned. 'that's a better idea.'

'oh, shut up you two..' i chuckled, 'let's go now.'

'right...maybe they are waiting for us now...'my life opened the door of the car for me and i went inside.

'actually, they texted me...they'd be late...'

'ah...but still let's go now...' my life looked at me and winked, 'i want to go home early'

'we already know what's the meaning of that,' shin opened the door for VII. he took his seat too and drove off. while on our way, i remembered something.

'my life...can you help me with my assignment about the truth table thing? i'm somewhat confused with that...i'm sorry...'

'hm? you do have a philosophy class?'

i shook my head, 'it's a math 1 class...can you?'

'oh, sure...i have a scratch paper here..uhm, do you have a pen, VII?'

'here...' VII gave him and my life started to teach me.(i already told him the given symbols and their meanings) after a while, he finished teaching me.

'i'll still teach you tomorrow,' he winked at me.

'sure, thanks my life...' i smiled at him.

and we reached the club that we're going too.

'my life, i brought your shades...' i grinned.

'huh? for what?' he took t from me.

'wear it. you'll look cooler...' i wore mine.

he wore it too, 'my life..i...i can't really see a thing, it's so dark in here..'

shin and i chuckled while VII smirked. i removed my life's shades and replaced it with a reading glasses. 'better?'

'yeah..tsk, making fun of me again?' my life smirked.

i shook my head and held my life's hand. we went to the VIP area and waited for young-ja and shinji to arrive. there were 3 couches. shin and VII were sitting adjacent to us, and the remaining seat is for young-ja and shin. after 20 minutes of waiting, they arrived.

'yo!' young-ja greeted us and sat opposite to us, 'sorry for waiting...'

'it's alright...' i smiled.

'yo, par..prince...ryuu and VII, right?' shinji sat beside young-ja. VII just nodded.

'yo, banchou-sama...dude' shin smiled and greeted them with their hand shake. 'where have you been?'

'i'll order our drinks now, my life..' my life told me and i nodded.

'actually, i waited for shinji in the company he's working with right now. that's why we're together.'

' have been busy with your work right now, shinji?' i asked.

'right,' shinji nodded and smiled, 'good thing it's my day off tomorrow so we could really enjoy the night, i guess?'

'yes, you are right...' i answered.

'how about you, banchou-sama? aren't you busy nowadays?' shin asked.

'drinks! drinks! drinks!' my life said as he was ditributing the bottles of beer to each one of us, 'le's celebrate.'

'ugh, does anyone of you has his birthday today?' young-ja asked.

my life shook his head and smiled, 'how can i explain, first because it's our first time hanging out together...then, shinji and my life became friends and lastly, shin's courting my brother here!'

'ah..i thought akim has a new grilfriend, tsk..' young-ja said.

'tsk. ruric told you?' shin sipped his beer, 'all the things he told you were just a barber's story. don't you believe on him. ok, banchou-sama? i am already in love with VII.'

'ah..i see...' young-ja looked at VII, 'it's nice to meet you, VII.'

'nice to meet you too,' VII said.

'par, tell me the whole story, alright?' shinji told shin.

'sure...later, but wait, banchou-sama hasn't answered me yet.'

'ah, about what you asked me before...i am busy with something though i can't really discuss about it here. it's confidential.'

'alright,' shin smiled and offered VII some pica-pica.

'thanks...' VII said as he bit on the pca-pica shin gave him.

'shinji, here...get some of these too,' i offered.

'wow, thanks prince' shinji smiled.

'sure, you are welcome.' i said, i looked at my life and shin and they were somewhat communicating with each other through eye contacts and hand signals. i smirked. i offered some food to them too.

'by the way, banchou-sama...i noticed in your page the name kryz...who's that?' shin asked.

young ja looked at me and sipped on his drink, 'kryz was a friend...'

'and prince knows about him or her?' shin was persistent in asking. i should do something for him to stop asking some questions.

young-ja simple nodded. my life looked at me and asked, 'who's that kryz prince?'

'a friend...before...' i looked at shinji fiercely.

' you need something from that person?' my life asked me again

'a lot...' i smirked.

'oh, you look like your mad at that kryz, prince...' shinji said and sipped on his drink.

'very...very mad...tsk...' i sipped on my drink

'my life..may i know who's that kryz...i want to be sure that he won't harm you...'

i stared at my life and smiled, 'no need...kryz won't harm me...'

'are you sure?'

'i already have deceived kryz...' i whispered and licked his ear. i nibbled it too.

my life was startled but then he just smiled. he wrapped his arm on my waist. i saw him looked at shin and VII. so clueless. especially shinji.

'you two really are a great couple,' shinji complimented us.

'thanks...' i smiled.

'but we still have another...look at those two...they're so cute to look at, right?' my life was pertaining to VII and shin.

'would you stop that, XXVII...the guy beside me is in love with the picture i posted and not the real me...tsk. i already told you about this for a hundred of times now...'

'wushu..' my life chuckled as well as the others, 'my brother here's being dramatic again'

'tsk, my head's already aching thinking if he really loves me or not..' he lit his cigar

'ah...let me massage you, VII..turn your back on me...' shin started massaging VII's head. 'i really love the picture but i am more in love with the one in picture...' shin smiled.

'love's in the air...' young-ja said. 'oh how i miss my girl...' he sipped on his beer

'oh,'s maiya? whre is she right now?' i asked him.

'she's in the states right now...a big time company hired her for a few months...'

'then you should visit her there,' my life suggested.

young-ja shrugged his shoulders, 'i don't know...i still need to do more something important...'

'on that kryz?' shinji asked. young ja nodded.

'is that really important? tsk. is maiya not important to you?' my life asked. i stood up and pulled him. 'wait for a while...i wanted to dance with my life...' i smiled.

'oh? me too! let's dance VII...' shin grinned.

'ugh, that's too childish...besides, my head's still aching...and my back too...' VII blew some smoke and drank.

'alright, let's just stay here..' shin continued to massage him. my life and i went to the dance floor. actually, we weren't dancing.

'i thought you don't dance?' my life teased me.

'i don't...i'll just tell you something' i was serious.

'hm? what is that?' he caressed my face

i took a deep breath and whispered something to him.

'for real? i're already friends with him?'

i smirked, 'i am still no friends with him, my life...i only deceived him, like what i had told you.'

'but my life...--'

'please ryuuka..just bear with me just for this time...'

'alright? but what if he discovered that you're investigating him? he might lose his trust to us?'

'i dont care,' i looked on my side, 'sooner or later, the truth will be revealed.'

my life just hugged me tightly, 'i'm at your don't need to worry...'

i hugged him back...'thank you my life...'

we stayed their for a long time i guess and we went back to our seats. ahm, shin and shinji were drunk this time. i can sense.

'be ready for the kissing monster,' my life chuckled as he finished his 5th bottle.

'i am still need to law....' shin hiccuped.

'i remember that kssing monster thing...' shinji said, 'that's the reason why VII got mad at him before, right?'

'right...i already..hurt him a thousand times now...according to my love...' shin sipped his drink and hiccuped, 'but i will love him a trillion times further...'

'shin, are you sure you're still fine?' VII asked him.

shin nodded and smiled, 'VII?'


all of us we're looking at them intently, no one was actually moving. haha. we were excited to see what would happen.

shin kissed VII sweetly in his lips, 'i love you so much, VII...please don't leave me...' and he hugged VII tightly.

my life looked at me and smiled. i smiled at him too. young-ja and shinji drank again.

'do you want to sleep now?' VII was patting his back first then he stroked his hand into shin's hair.

shin looke at him and nodded, 'i'm sorry for being a...' he hiccuped, 'for being a kissing monster and..a trouble to you...' he kissed VII again, 'i hope you forgive me, VII...'

VII took a deep breath and placed shin's head over his shoulder, 'you can sleep on my shoulder, shin...'

'thank you so much..i love you..i love you...' shin closed his eyes, 'sorry...banchou-sama, dude..prince and in law...i wanna sleep now...'

' worries...' my life answered, 'did VII tired you because of massaging him?'

'nah...i don't care..if i used all of my energy...' shin hiccuped 'if it is for him...good night...good night...'

'good night, akim...' young-ja said.

'sweet dreams,' shinji added as he hiccuped.

shin wrapped his arm on VII's arm, VII kissed his hair and continued drinking.

'par was actually kissing VII for the nth time now...was it really ok for you?' shinji asked.

VII nodded.

shinji sighed

'are you alright?' i asked him

shinji shook his head, 'my past...i really wanted to know my past...'

'what's with your past, shinji?' my life asked.

'there are some images in my mind lately...lots of images...' shinji sipped on his beer, 'maybe i really got an amnesia...'

'and...?' i asked.

'i don't know...' shinji sighed again, 'i can't really make sense of those...i wish someone could really help me...someone who's close to me...'

'someone, huh?' i smirked, 'what else do you see in your dreams?'

'i already told par about this, guns...blood, dark things...and a girl...'

'a girl? maybe your girlfriend...' i told him

'my life?' my life looked at me.

'it's alright...he's drunk anyways.' i looked at young-ja.

'he actually went to a hospital and asked about the amnesia thing..though the results aren't released yet..maybe after a week..' young-ja told us.

' he's really curious about his past...' my life said

'and that's a good news, right shinji?' i asked.

'right..' shinji sipped on his beer, 'oh, i know there were some sunclear images of 2 guys...i guess they were my friends before...'

my life and i looked at each other.

'i am becoming tired because of this...' shinji added and rested his head on the backrest. he closed his eyes and fell asleep. young-ja was still drinking as well as VII.

'so, you already have the answer, prince...' young-ja said.

'i guess so. but i want the truth to come out from his own mouth.'

my life sighed, 'i hope so... by the way, we can't do it tonight my prince charming...'

'yeah...we still need to look after them...maybe tomorrow,' i pinched his cheek.

'promise me again?'

'yes,' i nodded, 'i assure you...better be ready, i have no room for mercy tomorrow...'

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