Monday, August 23, 2010

My Hero

‘Oh, geez…where in the world am I?’ I mumbled to myself as I scratched on my head. ‘Have I already lost my sense of directions now? Tsk...’ I placed my hands inside my pockets and continued walking towards this quiet street. As I pass through one of the coffee shop, my head started to feel dizzy, ‘My head…’ maybe because I haven’t eaten anything since this morning and I also felt that my feet were getting numb now. I spotted a playground for kids so I decided to go there and take a rest as I sat on the swing. I stared at the sky and there were so many stars that blink on me, ‘Beautiful’ I whispered and VII’s face lingered in me, ‘VII…’ my tears started to fall but I halted them by looking at the sky again.

After a while, I heard some voices behind my back, perhaps a few meters away from me, ‘Is that Akim?’

I looked back and saw one of our gang’s rival, all of them are malnourished. You know what I mean, some of them are stick looking and some are pigs. I stared at the sky again as if I didn’t care at all but I really listened to them intently.

‘Yeah, I think so,’ a deep voice answered him. ‘Though look at the kid, he’s kinda weird. He’s just wearing his PJ’s and sweats, the hell,’ and all of them laughed.

I looked at myself and murmured, ‘So what? You’re not Shin. Come on, men…just shut up.’

‘Let’s go near him…’ right after telling that to the other guys, they started to take their steps nearer to me.

‘Hey there, Akim!’ the tall guy greeted me.

I looked at him, ‘Hey, asshole.’

He glared at me, ‘What did you say?’

‘Wew. Do you clean your ears once in a year?’ I smirked, ‘Geez, Banchous shouldn’t be like that. You know what I mean, dude? Banchous aren’t deaf. Can you tell your Banchou to clean his ear once in a while, alright?’

‘Fuck shit,’ and the tall guy, rather the stick had a tight grip on my sweats. ‘You’re just a piece of shit for me, Akim. I can do anything to you right now.’

‘Whatever. At least I’m not an asshole, asshole,’ I spit out on his face. ‘And guys…please tell your Banchou to eat a lot, ok? He might be carried by the wind,’ and I laughed my head off.

‘Asshole’, I snickered and stuck my tongue out, ‘A hole in the ass,’ and chuckled trying to piss him more.

‘You have some guts to say that to our Banchou?!’ the pig exclaimed as he held tight on my sweats too.

‘Hey Pig!’ I called the pig back.

He snarled, ‘Whose pig?’

‘Oink-oink?’ I answered him back. ‘You’re not a pig? Oh…maybe a rhinoceros.’

‘You have some guts, huh?!’

‘Hey, yo…chill out. And…would you mind if you loosen my sweats now?’ I was tapping their hands, ‘I might get naked because of this.’

They didn’t respond but their faces are already flushing in disgrace.

‘Oh, so you really want to see me naked, fellas?’ I chuckled, and then the rhinoceros grabbed me and threw me on the ground. I didn’t react; I don’t care if they beat me up. They can do it as long and as many as they want. It wouldn’t matter to me anyway; I won’t feel the pain because I am in much greater pain. A physically injured body is much less than a broken heart. They kicked me, punched me, and threw me everywhere. I didn’t care.

‘Hey! Fight back, you bastard!’ the stick shouted at me.

I grinned and spit some blood on the ground. ‘Is that all you can do, king of all assholes?’ and mocked to them more.

Their Banchou got pissed and took a baseball bat out of somewhere. As he was to hit me with the bat, I heard two gun shots. I saw that the first bullet hit the leg of the Banchou and the second was fired in the bat he’s holding to. The Banchou fell of his knee as his other gang mates approached him. I took glimpse at the path where the bullet came from. At a glance, I stopped breathing and stared at the silhouette holding two guns in his hands, my heart almost clogged too, ‘VII?’ I whispered breathlessly.

In a blink of an eye, VII was already beside me. He lifted me up and securely wrapped me in his arms. He fiercely looked at the guys who beat me up. I was just speechless; I don’t know what to say. I kept staring at his beautiful face and on his side; I saw a familiar figure tapped his shoulder, ‘I’ll take it from here.’ It was in law.

The other guys ran off, I looked towards their direction and saw the other Numbers stopped them. While I was watching, cold fingers held my chin, ‘Shin?’ VII whispered, his eyes were sympathetic. ‘Are you all right? Do I need to take you to the hospital?’ his voice was so soft and it sounded like a lullaby to me, ‘Shin? Shin?’ he repeated.

I smiled and reached for his face, ‘I am fine now that I finally saw you…’

He sighed and didn’t say a word. As we were walking away from the scene, I heard five gun shots. I tried to see what’s going on but he stopped me, ‘It’s better if you won’t see. Leader does his stuff.’

I nodded. A few meters of walking, I saw a silver Volvo parked near the playground, its VII’s car. He opened the door for me and laid me rest on the seat near the driver’s, ‘Is there anything you want?’

‘You,’ I whispered.

He flashed a smile, ‘Silly’. Then I saw in law and the other Numbers walking towards us. VII closed the door, I think to prevent me from hearing whatever they will be talking about. So I tried to read the movements of their lips instead.

‘Sector clear,’ XIII told VII.

VII nodded, ‘Can we go now leader? I want to take him with me.’

In law smiled, ‘Certainly. We’ll follow after we clean the stained street,’ he chuckled and waved at me.

I smiled, ‘Stained street? What does he mean by that?’ I asked myself. The other Numbers started to walk away while VII got inside his car.

‘Shin?’ when I heard his voice, all the pain I’m feeling started to fade away except the pain cut in my heart. I looked at him but I didn’t respond.

‘I don’t want to give you back just yet, so I’ll take you with me. Is that okay? Or do you want to go home?’

‘I don’t want to go home yet, please take me with you as long as you desire, ‘I smiled, ‘I want to be with you VII. All my life, I wanted to be with you.’

‘Very well, my cute love…’ he smiled and pinched me on my cheek.

The car started to progress and as he was taking me to a place unknown to me, I fell asleep.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, ‘Where am I?’ I asked myself. I looked around the room, ‘Is this VII’s room?’ I tried to get up but my head was spinning around and so I stay put. My lower back hurts and I’m kinda thirsty too. I saw a glass of water beside the bed, reached for it and drank. After drinking, I got a good look on myself, ‘What…the hell…’ I exclaimed to myself, ‘Why am I naked?’ and then I heard footsteps, I readily lay back on the bed and closed my eyes.

As the door opened, I saw VII half-naked. He crawled over me and kissed me on my forehead, ‘Are you awake?’ he whispered as he stroke his fingers into my hair.

I kept my eyes shut. What the hell is going on? Why are we together? Why is he like this so suddenly? And why the heck is he half-naked and I am naked?

VII chuckled softly. ‘Hey Shin, I know you’re awake. Your eyeballs are moving and you’re body is trembling with my touch,’ he rubbed his finger on my cheeks and licked on my lips.

I got nervous with him licking my lips and so I opened my eyes, ‘Where are we?’ my voice sounded stupid.

He smiled and hugged me, ‘We’re in a hotel, sweetheart.’

‘Huh? What did you say?’

‘We’re in a hotel,’ he repeated as he flashed a striking smile and he rested his head on my chest.

‘No, I heard that but what are the last words that you said?’ I started to shake a little.


My cheek burned, ‘What?’



He chuckled and hugged me tighter, ‘Can’t you hear the words sweetheart, my love?’

I looked away from his eyes that were staring at me, ‘I think I can?’ my voice still sounded stupid.

VII held my chin and kissed me on my lips. As we were kissing, I didn’t know why but I pushed him hard away from me and jumped out of the bed.

He flipped his hair with his hand, ‘Shin?’ and smiled at me, ‘Are you okay?’

‘I think I am not okay?’ I looked sideways, ‘Why am I here? Why are we here? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you kissing me? And… and why are you calling me sweetheart?’ I panicky threw him all those questions at once.

‘One at a time,’ he chuckled, ‘I’m yours now, sweetheart…’

‘What?’ I still can’t understand the hell is happening and the hell he was talking about.

‘Don’t tell me you don’t remember what happened to us last night?’ he teasingly asked.

What the hell happen last night? I looked at the ceiling.

‘You can’t find the answer on the ceiling my love…’ he sneered, ‘Can’t you feel it?’

‘What?’ I sighed. ‘Last night? Hmm… no?’ I freaked out.

‘Yes, last night…’ he laughed softly, ‘I knew it. That’s why you’re acting like that.’

‘Can you tell me what happened?’ I hesitantly asked. I don’t know if I really wanna know.

He smiled, ‘Of course my love but…’ he paused and grabbed a pajama that is clean folded beside him, ‘Can you put this on first? Or are you trying to turn me on again?’ he grinned.

I flushed as looked down myself and shit; I forgot that I was nude. I got the PJ’s and wore it hastily, ‘Hey don’t look!’ I told him demandingly.

‘I saw all of those already. You have nothing to hide from me,’ he teased.

I sighed and after I wore the PJ’s, ‘Can you tell it to me now?’

He nodded but tapped his lap. It’s like he’s saying that I should sit on his lap and so… I did.

‘Why am I the one who looks so girly here?’ I pouted my lips.

He chuckled softly. ‘Be more comfortable…’ he took my arms and wrapped them around him. So it’s like this, I was sitting on his lap with my arms wrapped around him; my cheek burned like hell ‘You’re truly undeniably cute, my love’.

I sighed, ‘I don’t remember anything VII….’

He smiled, ‘You’re mean. How could you forget one of the best memories we will have together?’ and pinched my cheeks.

I sniffed, ‘I’m sorry…’

VII put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He kissed me on my lips and this time, I didn’t push him or anything. I returned the favor by kissing him too.

‘I am now yours, Shin’, he whispered in my left ear and his tongue played around my ear.

I trembled, ‘Hmm… VII?’ and looked at him.

‘Yes Shin, I’m all yours now,’ he smiled to me sweetly.

‘Eh?’ my heart was jumping for joy though I’m still confused about the thing last night.

He kissed me on my lips and smiled.

‘For real?’ I smiled but then I sighed right after uttering those words, ‘I still can’t remember anything,’ and sobbed like a kid.

‘Crybaby,’ his voice was seducing, ‘You asked me…’ he paused and flashed a grin to me, ‘To make love with you last night’.

After hearing those words, my eyes opened wide and I almost fell of his lap with great embarrassment.

‘Careful,’ he held me secure.

‘I? I? I…’ I can’t continue what I want to say.

VII smiled, ‘Yes Shin, we went all the way’.

‘And I am the one who asked you to do that?’ my voice sounded surprise. Well I am surprised!

He nodded.

‘Wha…what exactly happened?’ I asked.

He chuckled, ‘Do I really need to elaborate every step that we did last night? You are so silly…’ and he nibbled on my lips.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, ‘It’s too embarrassing!’ and then I felt that he lifted me and laid me rest on the bed.

He crept over me, ‘If you really want to know what exactly happened, we could do it again now’ and snickered.

I readily opened my eyes, ‘You’re making fun of me aren’t you?’ my voice was again trembling and my body too but I was really serious that time.

He shook his head, ‘Interesting. You’re still trembling. Are you still not used to my touch, sweetheart?’ he smiled.

I shrugged my head, ‘I don’t know.’

He chuckled and started to press his lips on my shoulder down to my chest and then he stopped. I looked downwards and saw him grinning.

‘VII?’ I asked with great anticipation.

‘You know, Shin…it’s funny’


He licked me on my chest and smiled, ‘You tasted like an apple…’ and continued pressing his lips unto my body but this time he moved upwards.

I didn’t speak. I was really freaking out deep inside. What the? I tasted like an apple? How is that possible? So we really went all the way. I sighed.

He looked at me, ‘What’s wrong?’

‘I’m dying in shame now…’ I answered back.

He chuckled, ‘Then let’s do something more embarrassing then…’

‘What?’ I started to feel that his hands are sliding in a downward movement, ‘VII?’

‘Can we do it again, my love?’ he asked with great seduction embedded in his voice.

I didn’t respond, I am still embarrassed. Then I felt his hands were already on my manhood.

‘VII…’ I was moaning.

‘I can’t hear you, my cute love…’ he was kissing me on my neck as his hands were pressing on my manhood relentlessly.

‘I…I…love you…’ I told him in breathless anticipation.

‘I…love you too…Shin…’ he then went beside me, lying beside me and then carried me over him. ‘Your turn…’ he kissed me on my lips and he removed his underpants. ‘You’re so cute, Shin…you don’t need to tremble…’

I smiled and stuck my tongue out. He suddenly seized of my tongue and sucked it inside his mouth. His tongue we’re caressing mine and it too licked the roof my mouth. My hand took its way downwards and got a good grip his manhood.

‘Remove…your pj’s…’ VII whispered ‘…remove it now…’

‘Hm?’ I licked his neck and nipples, nibbled on it too and licked his navel, ‘…already in orgasm…’

‘No…no….not yet…’ he told me breathlessly as his hands squeezed on my back, ‘I might… soon…’

‘I don’t mind, VII…’ I masturbated him faster until he reached the state of orgasm. ‘very well…’ I moved downward and sucked on his dick. My tongue circled on his as I showed him I wide smile.

‘Hm…?’ VII sat down a bit, and locked me in his arms, ‘more, Shin…more…’ he murmured as he gently on his dick and so I sucked on it again. ‘remove your pj’s now…my love…’

I nodded and removed my pj’s, he smiled and kissed me passionately again.

‘Turn…your head on the side…VII…’ I caressed his face.

‘Huh?’ he licked my ears.

I shook my head and instead of him being the one who’s gonna turn his head on the other side…I’m the one who did. Now, my head was already facing his leg side and so as he both of us sucking each other’s guts.

‘Turn your back on to me now,’ I said breathlessly, ‘I wanna come inside of you…’

‘A pleasure…’ he answered with a short smile and he turned his back on me. I rode over him and played with his nipples using my fingers.

‘Hold onto my dick…VII…’ I licked his ear and he did. ‘I’m going inside now...’

‘Sure…’ he answered. ‘Do you still need—‘

‘No need…’ I kissed his nape, ‘Mine is already wet….’ And so I thrust my dick inside of him. ‘I love you…VII…I so much…’

‘I…love you…too…Shin….’ He said eagerly.

After our make love, we fell asleep. The next day, Monday morning; he told me that we should be going now. He told me that uncle and aunt might be worried about me and especially my twin sister Ashley.

After breakfast he told me to wait outside the hotel and so I did. As I pass through the exit of the hotel, I saw the sky shining and shimmering. After five minutes or so, I noticed that the street was already empty, ‘Huh? This street used to be very busy especially during the day time,’ I told myself and I also noticed that there were no vehicles passing through the road except for that humongous trailer truck.

It stopped in front of the hotel. I looked at it intently, ‘It’s big… really big,’ I complimented and then the trailer truck started to blazed bright lights. It was forming a word I think? So since I have nothing to do but to wait for VII here, I studied the word it was trying to form. It first formed S, and then H, then I, then N… another bright lights sparkled, another letter flashed, it’s a letter I then a drawing of a heart then a smiley letter U.

I jumbled the words in my head that trucked depicted, ‘SHIN, I © Ü”. Cool, Shin I love you then I realized… ‘Shin, I love you?’ I wondered as my eyes widened with so much confusions.

As the trailer truck was opening, I heard a familiar voice, ‘Let me be your hero…’, when the truck was fully opened. I saw inside The Numbers; IX as the rhythm guitarist, XV as the pianist, XIII as the bass guitarist, in law as the drummer and VII… my VII as the lead guitarist and I think the vocalist as well this time. I saw him smile and started to strum, and sing.

I was stunned of what I was seeing that time. His voice sounded like a fairytale. I don’t know but I cannot explain this feeling, I was very much happy, very much excited… I don’t know. I listened to every line of the song he sang.

Would you dance if I asked you to dance?
Would you run and never look back
Would you cry if you saw me crying
Would you save my soul tonight?

Would you tremble if I touched your lips?
Would you laugh oh please tell me these
Now would you die for the one you love?
Hold me in your arms tonight?

I can be your hero baby
I can kiss away the pain
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away

Would you swear that you'll always be mine?
Would you lie would you run away
Am I in to deep?
Have I lost my mind?
I don't care you're here tonight

He was singing stunningly beautiful. I felt every emotion from all the words he uttered. As he finished the chorus part, all instrumental followed. I saw in law approached VII, while VII handed him the microphone and placed the guitar his holding in the floor. He went to the corner of the truck and when he went down the truck, I saw him with a bouquet of purple roses. He gorgeously walked towards me smiling.

While he was walking towards me, in law continued the song he’s singing but this time on the third point of view style.

He just wants to hold you… oh yeah
Is he too deep?
Have he lost his mind?
Well he doesn't care coz you're here tonight

He can be you hero
He can kiss away the pain
He will stand by you forever
You can take his breath away

You can take his breath away
He can be your hero…

When he reached me, he handed me the bouquet, ‘Shin, I want to apologize to every pain that I caused you. I hope you can forgive me and start over again with me.’

I smiled, ‘Do you think I would turn down an offer from the one I love?’

He didn’t respond.

I held his hand and kissed it, ‘Of course, VII. You are already forgiven…’

‘I was in great confusion for the past few days but I was never confused for my love for you. Some other things bothered me but let’s just forget those things because what is important for me now is you’, he smiled and looked at my eyes.

I noticed that the song in law singing changed but I didn’t give much attention to it anymore, ‘VII…’ I whispered.

‘Shin, will you accept me and share your life with me?’ he asked as he flickered a somber glance at me as he held my hand tightly.

‘There’s nothing in the world that I want more than to be with you VII. All my life, I have been dreaming of you being mine. You know that I love you truly and nothing will change fact that I already did.’ Then VII knelt down in front of me and folded the right bottom part of my pants until it exposed my knee. I looked at him closely, I saw him slowly moved his head closer to my knee and there he kissed it softly. After kissing it, he stood up and smiled at me.

‘What was that for?’ I was curious.

‘In my kingdom, it’s the traditional and appropriate way of telling the people that this person is the only person I would want to share my kingdom with,’ he held my chin and kissed me on my lips.

I readily respond by kissing him too and smiled at him, I don’t know what to say that’s why I only uttered, ‘Thank you very much, VII…’

‘But since I have no kingdom anymore, I want to share you instead my whole eternity…’ he paused, ‘Will you then accept me Shin Caelum?’

What else to say but... ‘Definitely, VII!’

His eyes flickered, ‘Very well then, it’s now Laurence’.

My cheek burned, ‘Laurence?’

‘You’re the only person who has the right to call me by my name. Thus it means that you hold responsibility for the entire me.’

I smiled and kissed him. I was very happy and elevated that I let the bouquet fell of my hands, ‘Oopps! Sorry!’ I tried to knelt down and get it but he stopped me.

He was looking straight to my eyes, ‘You can never turn back now. I will always be yours… always always yours’, he emphasized.

‘I will never turn back… Laurence.’

‘Having said that, there’s only one left unsaid my love,’ he pulled me closer to him and hugged me, ‘I would want to give you my everything but in order to do that, I have to take from you your everything.’

I actually don’t know what he meant by that but whatever it may be I don’t care anymore. If it means to be with him forever then I won’t disagree to whatever it might be.

He moved his head and looked at me, ‘I will be your everything, Shin’, and flashed a sweet smile to me and I smiled at him too.

Then in law’s voice interrupted us, ‘Okay! That’s quite enough. Mr. Mayor would be mad at us now,’ he chuckled.

Then VII… oh I mean Laurence let me go. I noticed that the people started to walk to this street and some vehicles also stared to drive in the road.

‘Peace!’ in law told me as he showed a peace sign, ‘Peace!’ he repeated and grinned.

‘Huh?’ I asked him.

I heard Laurence sighed, ‘He still doesn’t know leader.’

‘Oh?’ in law sounded confused, ‘Right…’

‘What does he mean?’ I looked at Laurence.

He smiled, ‘You’ll know soon enough.’


‘It’s not something big. I’ll tell you later.’

I nodded.

‘This call for a celebration!’ IX exclaimed.

‘Agree! Agree!’ XV added.

‘Let’s eat and drink!’ XIII suggested.

‘Okay! Let’s party!’ in law uttered.

Laurence tsked, ‘Right… and the bill is all yours leader.’

‘Huh? And why is that?’

‘Pay back token.’

‘Ah!’ in law grinned, ‘Ha-ha, sure!’

‘Good,’ Laurence snickered, ‘Let’s go?’ he asked me.

I nodded but then I noticed in law sighed, ‘In law?’

He sighed again, ‘I envy you two. I wish Prince is here too… I intolerably miss him now’.

‘Then…’ I paused and saw Prince at in law’s back, ‘Oh… what a pity’ I looked at Laurence smiling.

Laurence smiled, ‘Yeah…’

In law stretched his bones, ‘I miss you Prince!’ he exclaimed then Prince suddenly hugged him from behind, ‘My Life?’ in law uttered in shock.

Prince kissed him in his lips and of course in law kissed him back, ‘Now you don’t have to be envious. I’m here now,’ he told in law.

In law grinned, ‘Perfect!’ then in law put his arms around Prince’s shoulder, ‘Let’s go now and party!’

‘Yehey!’ IX exclaimed and the other Numbers followed.

Laurence held my hands, ‘Let’s go too?’ and I nodded.

We rode the trailer truck and headed towards the place XIII suggested us. On our way, all that in law and Prince did was to kiss each other.

I heard Laurence sighed, ‘Let’s try not to be like that, Shin’, he whispered in my right ear.

I nodded, ‘I don’t want our face to interchange’ I chuckled.

‘Yeah, who do you think is the kiss magnet?’ he flashed a crooked smile.

‘Hmm…’ I thought for a while, ‘I think it’s in law?’.

He chuckled softly, ‘I think so too’.

‘You’re aware that I can hear you brother,’ in law told Laurence.

Laurence smirked, ‘I’m well aware,’ and chuckled again.

Prince smiled.

‘Anyway, what happened to the guys who beat me up the other night?’ I asked.

‘Hmm…’ Laurence purred.

‘They’re dead now,’ in law answered me.

‘Leader?’ Laurence abrupt.

‘You should be more open to Shin by now VII, especially with accordance to our job’.

I saw Laurence nodded, ‘They… killed them Shin’.

I was shocked but then I realized well it’s nothing unusual for them, ‘Oh…’, I said and tried to sound that it’s normal to me too.

‘It is dad’s order’ in law added.

‘Huh?’ Prince asked, ‘Dad?’

In law nodded, ‘Yeah, the doc told me that I should eliminate those pitiful lives and so I did’.

Prince nodded. He looks like he’s used to this conversation too, perhaps I should learn the way he did.

Then XV interrupted us, ‘Leader, XIII said that we’re here now’, and she giggled.

‘All right!’, in law exclaimed as he held Prince’s hand, ‘Careful My Life’.

‘You’ll catch me if I fall, right?’, Prince said confidently.

In law smiled, ‘You won’t get the chance to fall because you’re already secured’.

Prince chuckled.

‘Cheesy’, I uttered.

‘I agree…’, Laurence looked at me, ‘I’m not that cheesy Shin’, he smiled.

I smiled too and held his hand, ‘No worries.’

‘I miss your gloves…’

‘Me too…’ and I kissed his hand. We both went outside the truck and inside the special venue…

‘I’m not going to drink, Laurence…’ I sat on the couch and he sat beside me too.

‘Are you not feeling well?’

I shook my head and grinned, ‘I’m still hungry. I guess, I still need to eat a mountain of food. You took all of my reserved energy since Saturday.’

‘Ah, so are you telling me that it’s my fault? Remember, you are the one who told me to make love with you, sweetheart,’ he winked.

‘I still don’t remember….’ I pouted my lips and chuckled, ‘Kidding. It’s not your fault anyway, besides I enjoyed doing it with you.’

‘You really should,’ he chuckled too as he patted my head.

‘Let’s do it again later,’ I teased.

‘Very silly, my cute love…’

‘Hey! Aren’t you two going to drink? It’s my treat today, right?’ in law told us.

‘I’ll pass first,’ I smiled, ‘I want to eat, in law.’

‘Ah, okay...bout you?’ in law asked VII.


‘Ok!’ he grinned and chatted with the others again.

‘What do you want to eat? I’ll order for you…’

‘Anything would do, Laurence…’ I leaned my head on his shoulder.

‘Everything….would do…?’ he chuckled and caressed my face. ‘Kidding. Alright, wait for a while,’ and he left me.

After a while, like what he said...our orders were already served. We ate happily and sweetly? He was spoon feeding me that time. Anyway, I wasn’t yet finished when he finished so I told him that he could already drink with the others. At first, he didn’t want because he wanted to see me finished with my meal but I told him that I’ll still order for more. Haha. So then he drank with the others. Around 8 in the evening, I was singing in the juke box corner when Laurence approached me…

‘My cute love…’ Laurence uttered as he hugged me from my back.

‘Hey, already done?’ I looked at him and kissed him on his cheek.

He sat beside me and leaned his head on my shoulder, ‘I guess so?’ he chuckled softly, ‘All of them we’re already drunk.’

‘Obviously, you started at around 2 in the afternoon and ended at around 8 in the evening,’ I wrapped my arm on his waist and leaned my head on his head too, ‘Who would have survived that kind of situation?’

‘I survived? Though I only drank few bottles of beer…I don’t want to look worn-down for my cute love…’

‘I don’t mind, really…you’ll always look beautiful in my eyes…’ I kissed him on his forehead.

‘Hey,’ in law hiccupped as he was carrying Prince, ‘we’ll go now…’

‘Weak,’ I teased and smiled, ‘Sure, take care of him.’

‘Okay? I may not guarantee you that,’ he hiccupped, ‘I’ll rape your cousin later…’ and he chuckled. ‘Kidding.’

‘You already did a million times now…’ Prince murmured.

‘Shh…’ in law chuckled, ‘Please tell mom and dad that he’s going to stay in my crib.’

‘Sure, bye’ I smiled and they left, ‘…and Laurence would stay in my place.’

Laurence looked at me, his eyes were asking why.

‘I want you more than ever….Laurence?’ I looked at him straightly in his eyes. ‘Please?’

‘Your twin sister might get jealous because of me?’

‘Huh?’ I sneered, ‘Why would she? Ashley’s just a sister and you’re completely different. You are the love of my life, Laurence…’

‘But she’s still a part of your family—‘

‘You are my priority now,’ I pressed my lips on his and smiled. ‘my future wife…’ I murmured.


I shook my head and kissed him again. ‘Let’s go now too,’ and he simply nodded. We left and went to the Caelum’s mansion. Laurence opened the door for me and we both entered the mansion.

‘Brother!’ Ashley called out as she approached us and hugged me tightly, ‘Where the hell did you go? I worried so much because of you.’ She was sobbing.

‘Oh come on…’ I hugged her too, ‘Why do you still ask that question? Be thankful that I’m already here with Laurence…’ I wiped her tears.

‘Hey, Ash…’ he smiled.

‘Hi, VII—‘

‘Not VII, Ash…you should call him now, ‘brother’,’ I grinned.

‘Brother?’ she looked at Laurence.

Laurence just nodded and smiled.

‘You mean….?’

‘Yeah, Ash. Don’t be such a slow poke here…’ I chuckled.

‘Wow!’ she both hugged us, ‘Wow…I don’t know what to say? I’m happy! I’m happy for you two!’ she giggled.

‘Thanks…’ we both murmured.

‘Oh, Shin’s already here, hon…with the love of his life…’ uncle said as he approached.

‘Really?’ aunt giggled and she hurriedly went downstairs.

‘Good evening, Dr. Caelum,’ VII said.

‘Good evening,’ uncle smiled as he tapped both of is on our shoulders.

‘How are you now, Shin?’ aunt asked.

‘Perfectly fine, aunt…thanks for asking. Btw, I’m sorry for troubling you a lot…I don’t mean to—‘

‘Shh, everything’s ok now so just forget about the past and be happy with everything about now, ok?’

Laurence and I both nodded.

‘Are you hungry? Aunt prepared something for you, guys…’ Ashley said.

‘Thanks but we’re already ate our dinner outside. Ah, uncle…aunt…Prince—‘

‘We already know that,’ uncle chuckled, ‘He’s already with his life.’

‘For sure…’ aunt smiled.

‘Ah? Yeah…that’s very predictable…’ I scratched onto my head.

‘Maybe we’re disturbing the both of you now, you may continue to your businesses…’ aunt tickled me.

I chuckled, ‘Thanks again…come on now, Laurence…’

And we both went to my room…

‘So tiring…but I’m still full…’ I smiled as I sat on my bed and removed my shirt.

‘You’re already tired?’ Laurence removed his shirt too then he gently pushed me on the bed and crawled over me.

‘Quite….’ I hugged him, ‘How about you?’

‘The same…’ and he rested his head on my chest. ‘Please sing for me…’

‘What do you want me to sing for you?’ I caressed his face.

‘The song you composed for me when we were in Denmark…’ he looked at me and smiled.

I didn’t respond, I was staring at him only.


‘Hm?’ I smiled.

‘You don’t want to sing?’

I shook my head and smiled again.

‘Ah…looks like I now know…’ he leaned his face closer and kissed me passionately. He licked me on my lips, then to my cheeks and then to my ear.

I chuckled and hid my face on the pillow.


‘Very ticklish…’ I was still chuckling and I exchanged places with him. ‘Are you ready?’

‘I’m always ready, silly…’ he chuckled.

‘Aw…’ I brushed my lips on his and then I stood up. I took my guitar and sat again on the bed. I started to pluck the guitar and sang…

I hear you breath

You’re lying close to me

The shadow’s gone

I have found my peace…oh…

You make me calm

With you I’m safe and warm

And right by your side

Are strengths through the night

Till eternity, that’s the way it would be

And I wonder what you’re dreaming of

You’re so peaceful when you sleep

Everything I want

Everything I need

Is lying here in front of me…oh yeah…

And if I ever lose my power to fly

Then your love takes me high

I’ll always be true to you

Sometimes I think I might lose that all

Guess the chances are small

Coz you hold me close, I feel you near

Don’t let go, Say you’ll always be here

Just hold me tight and I‘ll be fine

Dreaming, you will always be mine…

Just like the sun

You make me warm inside

Like a soft summer breeze

A moment to see so true

I won’t stop loving you

After singing the song, I found Laurence already asleep. I kissed him on his forehead and murmured, ‘I have found true love in you and I won’t stop loving you, Laurence…’

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