Tuesday, August 17, 2010


‘...see you tomorrow, my life...’ I smiled, ‘I love you...’ and I waited for him to end the call.

‘Prince?’ someone knocked on my bedroom door.

I kept my phone inside my pocket and opened the door, ‘Yes?’

‘Dinner’s ready,’ Ashley smiled at me, ‘Your parents are already waiting for you.’

‘Oh, sure...thanks,’ I smiled at her too.

‘I’ll just call my brother too, see you around?’ she giggled and left. I went downstairs and into the dining room. Mom and dad smiled at me as I sat on the chair. We waited for a couple of minutes and Ashley came, no Shin at all.

‘Ugh, where’s Shin?’ I asked.

‘He told me he’s still full...’ she sat on her chair, ‘though, he sounds not ok at all...’

‘Why? Something happened?’ dad asked as he passed the platter to mom.

Ashley shrugged her shoulders. I guess, I already knew what really bothers him.

‘What is he doing right now?’ mom sounded worried.

‘He’s just playing his PSP...’

‘I’m worried about him. Perhaps you could bring something for him later, Prince?’

‘Sure, mom...’ I answered.

Ashley leaned closer to me and whispered, ‘Did VII dumped him?’

I didn’t respond and ate my meal quickly. I stood up, ‘I’m already done. Please excuse me...’

‘Bring some apples for him too,’ mom smiled as I nodded. I went to the kitchen and brought some food, apples too in Shin’s room.

‘Ashley told us that you’re still full...’ I sat on the couch, ‘but we still thought of bringing you some.’

Shin smiled a bit as he sat down on the floor and continued playing his PSP, ‘Thanks.’

I noticed that he has already prepared his luggages which were placed on the corner part of his room, ‘Are you sure about dropping your subject and go back to states?’

He didn’t respond.

‘Are you really going to leave him because of that subject?’ I looked at him, ‘I remembered what you told him when you two were in Denmark. You said that you prefer to continue your studies here rather than to leave and be not with him. Are you going to waste everything—‘

‘I’m already wasted, Prince...’ his voice was dull, ‘You know what, dad called me yesterday and asked about my flight to states. I told them that I’m just waiting for something and I’ll head to states afterwards.’

‘Waiting for...?’

‘VII, I’m waiting for him...’ he took a deep breath, ‘Dad even asked me if I could bring VII with me because they miss him too.’

‘What did you tell them?’

‘I told them that...VII’s busy and he can’t come. I lied because I don’t want them to be upset, though they already sounded that they are...’ he sighed, ‘There’s no reason for me to stay here anymore, Prince...I already lost him, I already lost my reason.’

‘What the hell are you talking about? Lost him?’ I smirked, ‘My goodness, Shin...would you stop being pessimistic? And what do you mean by this? You’re going to give up?’

He shook his head, ‘But it keeps on hurting me, Prince...it hurts a lot that every time he ignores me, I already fall apart. That every time she smiles because of his sweetness, it rips my heart into pieces and you know what hurts the most? I love him truly but I am just hoping for nothing.’

I didn’t respond, I let him continue speaking.

‘But he’s not mine...not mine,’ he rubbed his eyes and went to the balcony. I followed him. He leaned his self on the railings facing the wall, ‘My eyes don’t believe everything I see but my heart still swears for him.’ He covered his face with his left hand and wept, ‘I love him so much, Prince and I don’t want to lose VII...I don’t know what to do anymore...I wanted to fight for him but after reading his messages to her...damn,’ he hit the wall.

‘Oh, shit...’ I refrained him from doing that, ‘You shouldn’t hurt yourself just because of your situation. You know...VII wouldn’t like it if he knows that you hurt yourself.’

‘VII didn’t bother to care at all...’ his tears kept on rolling down his cheeks, ‘If he really cares about me...he wouldn’t hurt me like this...yet I keep on hoping. I keep on believing that he loves me, really and I love him too.’

I sighed and took his hand, saw it bleeding, ‘You stupid jerk. You shouldn’t hit the wall. Look at your hand, it’s already fractured. Geez, so stupid. You should love yourself and do your best no to hurt it.’

‘Oh...come on, Prince...’ he removed his hand, ‘you know that I am more in love with VII that myself. He’s my priority and no one else.’

‘Shin...’ I uttered, I don’t know what to say anymore.

He sniffed and wiped his tears, ‘The fact that he told her that there’s no need for her to be jealous because he doesn’t belong to anybody, yeah...that’s true...certainly, he’s hard to get. But the fact that he told me that I’m already his...’ he shook his head and sighed, ‘I might really mean nothing to him who means so much to me.’

I tapped him on his back.

‘I expected to much...assumed so much...’ he was still crying, ‘I don’t want to blame her but she has done a great damage in me too. Yeah, they’re friends but it’s really pissing me off seeing her blushing and hugging and such stuff on VII. I don’t care now, even if she’s a girl and continues to do this shit to me...I’ll really resort to inflict harm her.’

I sighed, ‘You make me proud, Shin...it’s not easy to wait and at the same time it’s not a joke when you love someone...fight for him, you deserve to be with VII.’

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