Friday, January 29, 2010

Pringles' monster

i went to ryuu's house last night to visit him and our baby, 'mochi'..=]
he approached me at the gate while carrying our baby, he kissed me and we went in..

at his room, we played with our baby..(i ate my dinner at my house and so as he)
and yes, accoding to his comments to me on friendster..
mochi loves to eat pringles..the blue and salt flavor..
he (mochi) finished my life's snack so i brought 3 more..
2 for us..1 for mochi..=]

*nyum nyum*

but after few minutes..
baby mochi has finished his..
and he still kept on touching us..
like saying: (he can't speak words for he's still a baby) i want more! give me! give me! =]

woow..he's a pringles my life's description
and i agreed..
oh well..he finished up 4 tubes all in all for that night..=]
(that was around 8:30 pm)

anyways, that was the time i gave ryuu my surprise for him..
hmm..actually the next day..=]

so..after eating..we stayed at his room and watched for our past time..
we waited until baby mochi got sleepy..
can't help but to get sleepy too coz i'm really not feeling well last night..
my life told me to sleep ans get some rest for i have still classes tomorrow..

alright..i told him..
i lay down on his bed and tried to sleep..
but i can't..i was just closing my eyes..
while he let baby mochi sleep in the other room.

after 20-30 minutes..i can't still sleep..=[
i heard the door closing..(it was ryuu)
he got up on the bed, and leaned his body beside me..facing on me too while his elbow's on the bed and his hand on his head..
(i was facing on the ceiling..i was looking abit so i saw what he was doin.haha.silly)
he fixed my hair..

* please listen to i could not ask for more by edwin mccain while reading this part..=]

'it's raining good to hear,' my life said..

'yeah, i can hear it,' i answered as i open my eyes..

ryuu: i thought you were sleeping..why are you still awake?
prince: i can't sleep..i feel uneasy..

he checked my temperature..

ryuu: you're temperature's normal..i'm wonderin..
prince: i'm worries..(smiles)
ryuu: (nods) as long as i see your smile on your face..(smiles too) thanks for having you here..
prince: sure thing..i want to see our baby..
ryuu: how about me? (sad face)
prince: and i'm loving to see you too..(kisses him)
ryuu: (smiles) heaven must exist, right..prince? (looks into my eyes)
prince: ...
ryuu: coz God still gave me this chance to be with you..and these moments are the moments i will remeber for all of my life..
prince: yeah..(looks at him) and i thank God for that...(smiles) know what..i heard this song..and i offer it to you my life..
ryuu: what song?
prince: i couldn't ask for more..
ryuu: i don't know..that..can you sing a line for me? (grins)
prince: (sat down and sings)

"I could not ask for more than this time together, i could not ask for more than this time with you. Every prayer has been answered. Every dream I have came true. and right here in this moment is right where I'm meant to be here with you, here with me"

prince: right here in this moment..(looks at his eyes) is right where i'm meant to be. Here with with me..(smiles)
ryuu: aw..(hugs me) sweet..
prince: indeed..(lay down)
ryuu: (hugs me tightly) let's sleep life..(kisses me)
prince: (nods) goodnight..
ryuu: goodnight..sweetdreams my life..
prince: i love you..
ryuu: (smiles) i love you too...

and we slept. =]
4 am in the morning..i woke up..
i went to his bathroom..posted a post it-note on his mirror saying: 'YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL'

after that..i placed a stone..with a carving on it..

a note was also sticked on it saying: I KNOW IT'S FINAL FOR MY FEELINGS ARE CARVED ON IT..=]'

i went outside the house to pick up the flowers our buttler bought for me..
i picked the petals and place it arounf the bedroom..

and i got up again at his bed and hugged him..
he groaned a little..faced me and hugged me too..
i smiled and i slept..=]

this morning..i woke up again..earlier than him and i prepared breafast for him..a breakfast in bed..

i went to his room and as i opened the door..i saw his face so surprised about what he saw around the bedroom floor..

ryuu: prince...(looks at me)
prince: What? i prepared you a breakfast in bed..would you mind sitting again on your bed..leaning on the wall my life?
ryuu: o..sure..sure thing..(smiles)

so he sat again and i placed his breakfast in bed..
he ate and shared some for me..
he thanked me a lot and kissed and hugged me..=]
he haven't seen the stone and post-it note on the mirror..=] haha..
i still have classes so i left..i thought of his expression after seeing it..=]

Thursday, January 28, 2010

je t'aime très fort

it was a starry starry night..that night
our 1st monthsary and i'm not with him..

i'm really really so sad about it and i have nothing to do that night but to think about my life while looking at the stars. (it helps me uplift myself..a bit)

time check: 30 minutes before midnight..

someone HUGGED me, tightly..i can feel the warmth from the hugger's arm. (what term was that..hugger's? haha.)
anyways..i looked at my left side to see who was that..but i saw i looked on the other side and on a perfect timing (on his side), OUR LIPS PRESSED ON EACH OTHER.

'SURPRISE!',my life said happily as he smiled at me.

yeah, i was really surprise..for i thought he'll be back today, thursday. i told him that i thought he was in dubai and he said that that was before..and now he's with me.

oh..yeah..i'm with him..=] i can't help but to stare at life is so charming and cute and everything as always..


after few moments..he asked why am i staring at him..i said that i was happy and surprised and excited of seeing him again..(i leaned on the veranda)

my life put his hands, cornering me, on the veranda..
he slowly placed his chin on my shoulder and i stared at him..asking why..
he whispered at my ear..saying..."I LOVE YOU"
and what am i suppose to do right? but to say the same words he told me..but with too..=]
and i hugged him..

he looked at me and told me to look up at the sky, no questions asked. ;p
and i was a bit boring..nothing was happening..
but he insisted to me that i should just look up at the sky..last 3 seconds..


after a while..when the sky was clear (after the fireworks)..there was a jet plane writing on the sky..


that's so..WOW..
i am so speechless that time.. really are my life..
i am so glad i have you..
muah muah..

anyways..after his surprise..
he stood up on the veranda and he told me to come with him..
why again?..
he told me that we'll jump from the 3rd floor of the house down there..


no..i resisted. i don't want to die.
i also saw my mom down there who prepared some food. she knew about my life's comeback..

'yes, all of them knew about the surprise..except for you..' ryuu said and pinched my cheek. 'come on, my life..'
but he said..

'don't you trust me? don't worry my life..YOU ARE ALWAYS SAFE BESIDE ME.'

alright..i stood up..he asked me which one do i prefer..the piggy back one or the lover's carry..
i told him in which you are more comfortable.
he carried me..(lover's carry) and he jumped..

he sat on the chair..
and i sat to..

he doesn't want to pull the chair for me because he said i'm big enough and i'm a boy..and what so ever..
anyways, my mom filled the wine glass with white wine..
our meal was chicken pot pie..mashed potato..a lot more..=] (hungry hungry)

he was the one who ate first..i was happily staring at him..
he told me to eat..

'i'll eat later..I PREFER LOOKING AT YOU...and don't make faces..i know you are cute," i said..

'yes, i am indeed cute..but you too are cute..can i have a kiss?,' he asked..

hm? and he said he was just kiddin..
i's alright..

i got closer to him and i kissed him..

he smiled and continued eating..

he said that he wanted to dance..
but i don't want. i am not a dancer.

'don't you wanna dance with me..just for this time, my life?'

hmm..i'm speechless..
he came up to me..showed his hand..asking..

'can i take this dance..?'

the longest story daphne loves derby..and we started dancing..(on an open area beside our courtyard)
hmm..we don't know where should we place our hands so..
my life just hugged me and i did the same way too..=]


after dancing..we had our past time on the bench..
i gave him a piece of cake i made for him..
he tasted it..but was stonned for a's the problem..?
he drank lots of water and ate the cake so fast..

wow..=] i'm so flattered..
i told him to eat more..=]
but he said he was full..
i tasted the cake was very sweet..=[
he didn't told me..honestly..tsk..
i told him that i'm just going to throw it but he said he'll eat it..
so..he ate the whole cake just for me..

i hugged and thanked him for eating and 'liking' the cake..hehe..
he said that's if it is just for me..and he pulled something from his pants..a gift for me..for our monthsary..
'a gold plated name of mine'..=]
thanks my life..=]

of course, i do have one for him..
earrings for him..with the cross..
i know he love those kind of stuff..and he said he loved it too..=]

mm..he was yawning..and i thought he'll sleepy..
he just came from dubai, ryt? we went upstairs..
to my room..
he got my guitar..started strumming and he sang..simple starving to be daphne loves derby again..=]
so good..=]
i told him to sleep to recuperate..
he obeyed me and he fell asleep easily..

i stared at him for a while..kissed him and told him..

'je t'aime très fort '


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

If i could just

my life.
hi there..i hope you are doin fine there in dubai..
don't skip any meals and take good care of yourself, ok?

i wish you were here with me today..if i could just have the power to travel through time..i would..just to be with you.

know what..i really have planned our date today.
i just don't want to elaborate it anymore..
it would be a surprise for our upcoming monthsaries.hehe..

-sighs- wish we could celebrate it sooner.
coz i'm really missin you badly..
i do have sleepless nights thinkin of your comeback..
don't worry..i'll be patiently waiting for you my life..=]

i will love you always..=]

Edward Cullen and Jacob Black


While waiting for my next class..
i saw this student wearing a statement shirt saying:

why just can't VAMPIRES and WEREWOLVES be together?


This day is our monthsary.
Too bad, i'm not with him. ='C

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Piece o' cake

i miss my life..
he was still in Dubai for almost 1 week..
wish he was with me..
wonderin' when he'll be back.

anyways, i made a strawberry cake last night for him. =]
i know i need to patient this time but if it is for him..i'll be.
hope he does like it.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Perfect Score

hmm..this happened last week at my geology class, and i'm with my life...he was a sit-in..
it goes like this (always): my professor always checks the attendance before the lesson starts..
he asked if he missed someone..
ryuu raised his hand telling his name was not called..(he was at the back seat next to mine)

Prof: yes, what's your name?
Ryuu: Shuuichi Ryuuka. (grins)
Prof: (cheks the list) I beg pardon...but your name was not listed here, mr. shuuichi.
Ryuu: I know my name was listed there. You just have erased it.
Prof: alright..9writes his name)

and he started the lesson.

(ryuu was telling me this story, i don't know what's really happening that time for i was really focusing on the lesson)

ryuu was thinkin of how he could be at my side because a girl was sitting beside me.
he told me that he asked the girl if they could exchange places but the girl refused and she's diggin he sensed..

so my life thought of the ways he could take the place of the girl.

ryuu: (plays a ring tone in his phone: snake's sound) (screams) There's a snake under your chair!
girl: (yells) Where!? where?! (stands up)
ryuu: (takes her place) Beh!
girl: grr!
Ryuu: (shows his gun)
girl: (lack-jawed)
prince: (sighs)

so he was sittin beside me..staring at me..all the time..
i can't concentrate! i'm focusing on my lesson but there was ryuu watching over me..
i felt like i'm melting.haha.

anyways, i was writing his name on my notebook secretly..haha.
and then he wanted to see my notes. but i refused.
he grabbed my notebook. we were really quarreling over it never seen the professor was already lookin at us.

unfortunately..he got it..oh well, i was just pissed off. pff...too bad for my side.
he searched for it and he saw it..he was like snickering about it and returned it back to me.

and then..


what!? i haven't studied seriously! oh no..that ryuu..i was exclaiming at myself. pff..
the prof also gave ryuu the test paper and in 5 minutes he was done..
and i'm..i'm thinkin of the answers! grr...

he passed the paper to my prof..and i saw him smile.
what's with the smile.

after few minutes..ryuu and i were the remaining students left..
i passed my paper. before we left, prof called ryuu. he gave my life's test paper and said hid was great..for he got a perfect score. ryuu was also glad about the result.

outside the room..i asked him about the test..why he was so fast.he showed me his test paper.
and this is what i saw:

NAME: shuuichi ryuuka loves prince noctis caelum
DATE: prince
SECTION: prince
SCORE:______/ 100

PRINCE 1. what is the component of blahblah..etc..

all of his answers was PRINCE. haha..=]