Thursday, January 28, 2010

je t'aime très fort

it was a starry starry night..that night
our 1st monthsary and i'm not with him..

i'm really really so sad about it and i have nothing to do that night but to think about my life while looking at the stars. (it helps me uplift myself..a bit)

time check: 30 minutes before midnight..

someone HUGGED me, tightly..i can feel the warmth from the hugger's arm. (what term was that..hugger's? haha.)
anyways..i looked at my left side to see who was that..but i saw i looked on the other side and on a perfect timing (on his side), OUR LIPS PRESSED ON EACH OTHER.

'SURPRISE!',my life said happily as he smiled at me.

yeah, i was really surprise..for i thought he'll be back today, thursday. i told him that i thought he was in dubai and he said that that was before..and now he's with me.

oh..yeah..i'm with him..=] i can't help but to stare at life is so charming and cute and everything as always..


after few moments..he asked why am i staring at him..i said that i was happy and surprised and excited of seeing him again..(i leaned on the veranda)

my life put his hands, cornering me, on the veranda..
he slowly placed his chin on my shoulder and i stared at him..asking why..
he whispered at my ear..saying..."I LOVE YOU"
and what am i suppose to do right? but to say the same words he told me..but with too..=]
and i hugged him..

he looked at me and told me to look up at the sky, no questions asked. ;p
and i was a bit boring..nothing was happening..
but he insisted to me that i should just look up at the sky..last 3 seconds..


after a while..when the sky was clear (after the fireworks)..there was a jet plane writing on the sky..


that's so..WOW..
i am so speechless that time.. really are my life..
i am so glad i have you..
muah muah..

anyways..after his surprise..
he stood up on the veranda and he told me to come with him..
why again?..
he told me that we'll jump from the 3rd floor of the house down there..


no..i resisted. i don't want to die.
i also saw my mom down there who prepared some food. she knew about my life's comeback..

'yes, all of them knew about the surprise..except for you..' ryuu said and pinched my cheek. 'come on, my life..'
but he said..

'don't you trust me? don't worry my life..YOU ARE ALWAYS SAFE BESIDE ME.'

alright..i stood up..he asked me which one do i prefer..the piggy back one or the lover's carry..
i told him in which you are more comfortable.
he carried me..(lover's carry) and he jumped..

he sat on the chair..
and i sat to..

he doesn't want to pull the chair for me because he said i'm big enough and i'm a boy..and what so ever..
anyways, my mom filled the wine glass with white wine..
our meal was chicken pot pie..mashed potato..a lot more..=] (hungry hungry)

he was the one who ate first..i was happily staring at him..
he told me to eat..

'i'll eat later..I PREFER LOOKING AT YOU...and don't make faces..i know you are cute," i said..

'yes, i am indeed cute..but you too are cute..can i have a kiss?,' he asked..

hm? and he said he was just kiddin..
i's alright..

i got closer to him and i kissed him..

he smiled and continued eating..

he said that he wanted to dance..
but i don't want. i am not a dancer.

'don't you wanna dance with me..just for this time, my life?'

hmm..i'm speechless..
he came up to me..showed his hand..asking..

'can i take this dance..?'

the longest story daphne loves derby..and we started dancing..(on an open area beside our courtyard)
hmm..we don't know where should we place our hands so..
my life just hugged me and i did the same way too..=]


after dancing..we had our past time on the bench..
i gave him a piece of cake i made for him..
he tasted it..but was stonned for a's the problem..?
he drank lots of water and ate the cake so fast..

wow..=] i'm so flattered..
i told him to eat more..=]
but he said he was full..
i tasted the cake was very sweet..=[
he didn't told me..honestly..tsk..
i told him that i'm just going to throw it but he said he'll eat it..
so..he ate the whole cake just for me..

i hugged and thanked him for eating and 'liking' the cake..hehe..
he said that's if it is just for me..and he pulled something from his pants..a gift for me..for our monthsary..
'a gold plated name of mine'..=]
thanks my life..=]

of course, i do have one for him..
earrings for him..with the cross..
i know he love those kind of stuff..and he said he loved it too..=]

mm..he was yawning..and i thought he'll sleepy..
he just came from dubai, ryt? we went upstairs..
to my room..
he got my guitar..started strumming and he sang..simple starving to be daphne loves derby again..=]
so good..=]
i told him to sleep to recuperate..
he obeyed me and he fell asleep easily..

i stared at him for a while..kissed him and told him..

'je t'aime très fort '


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