Monday, July 19, 2010

Meet the Parents (Day 2)

‘Ugh, so cold...’ I murmured as I opened my eyes and saw VII playing the guitar.

He stopped playing and placed the guitar on the corner of the room, ‘You’re still cold?’

I sat down and rubbed my eyes. VII stood in front of me and leaned his face closer to mine, staring at me.

‘You are so beautiful,’ I quickly kissed him on his forehead and grinned, ‘Good morning!’

He smiled and sat beside me, ‘You fell asleep last night at the balcony...are you doing it on purpose?’

‘Huh?’ I kissed his hands and looked at him again, ‘What are you talking about?’

‘Ugh, how can I explain this...’ he took a deep breath, ‘Well, I wasn’t still asleep when you went back to the balcony and played the guitar. Then, after a few fell asleep.’

I thought for a while, ‘Ah...I remember. Oh! You carried me back here?’

He nodded, ‘And you were shivering cold after I placed you on your bed. I put blankets on you but you were still shivering so...’

‘So?’ I stared at him and he stared back at me too.



‘I lay down beside you and embraced you until you became stable again...’ he faced the other side.

‘Really?’ my eyes widened.

VII’s eye brow raised, ‘Are you doing it on purpose for me to hug you?’

I shook my head as I caressed his cheek, ‘Of course not, I respect you.’

‘Tsk. Don’t steal my line.’

‘Are you mad at me? I just went to the balcony to think things through between you and Mandy...but you already told me not to mind the two of you, right?’ I looked at him, ‘So I just entertained myself by playing the guitar and by thinking of you alone until I fell asleep. Nothing else...’

He didn’t respond. I sighed as I pouted my lips, ‘VII?’ I was afraid that he might get mad at me.

‘I can sense that you’re afraid,’ he stood up and went outside our bedroom while I followed him

‘Hm?’ my lips were still pouting.

‘Are you really this amazingly cute and stupid?’ he sat on the couch and lit his cigar, ‘This would be my last time of telling you that I won’t get mad at you, ever. In addition to that...if you feel jealous, just tell me, alright? It’s better when we open things up with each other and keep no secrets at all...’

‘To preserve the relationship?’ I showed him my beautiful eyes and went on his backside to embrace him.

‘You’re undeniably irresistible, Shin. You’re really doing everything on purpose,’ he smirked, ‘Kidding. Anyhow, about Mandy, don’t think about it anymore. I’ll deal with her, it’s about us anyway.’

‘I know but –‘

‘Phone ringing Shin’

I scratched my head and smiled. Then I grabbed the phone while VII continued smoking at the balcony.

‘Hello? Shin speaking...oh! Dad?’ I rested on the couch, ‘Yeah, we’re really doing well here. Thanks for suggesting this hotel for us. The scenery looks so lovely especially that we’re overlooking at the harbor. No, we haven’t eaten our Ah, alright. I’ll tell him. We’ll meet you outside the Tivoli Gardens. Thanks, dad. See you.’

I got up and went to the balcony, ‘We’re going to the Tivoli Gardens this morning and my parents would meet us there. Moreover, dad told me that we’re going to have a formal dinner with them tonight in Valhalla restaurant.’ I smiled.

VII looked at me, ‘Formal dinner?’

I nodded.

‘But I haven’t brought any formal clothes...’ he sounded worried.

I came closer to him as I placed my hand on his waist, ‘No worries, VII. We’ll just go to the Town Hall Square and buy something for you. Oh, and for me too!’ I smiled and I pointed my forefinger to the north east side, ‘We’re going there tomorrow, the Amalienborg Palace...’

He didn’t respond, instead he just stared to where I am pointing at.

‘Let’s have our breakfast now, VII...’ I smiled, went to the dining area and cooked something for us. I thought that this day would be different from last night. I guess, it was just the same though I’m still happy that he’s with me and I saw him smile.

‘Do you like it?’ I asked him.

He nodded, ‘It’s delicious. I remember Kym’s cooking’

‘Hm? Oh, the non-Number member?’

‘Yup. She’s leader’s former girlfriend’

‘Eh? But why is she still in your house?’

‘She has no home. She’s an orphan, that’s what I know.’

‘So who adopted her?’ But VII didn’t respond, I repeated the question, ‘Who adopted her?’

Still no response, I waved my hand in front of his face, ‘Hello?’

VII blinked his eyes twice, ‘Huh? You were saying something?’

‘I was?’ I chuckled, ‘You’re spacing out.... again’

He nodded, ‘Sorry’, he sighed. After eating, we prepared ourselves and left. We went first at the Town Hall Square...

‘Wow...I wonder where to go first...’ I tilted my head, ‘every store looks extravagant here...’

‘I guess, we should go now and buy something for tonight’ he looked at me ‘besides, your parents would be waiting for us...’

I looked at him too, ‘Ugh, but I still wanted to stroll around. They’d understand if we’re going to be late’ I smiled sweetly.

‘No,’ he stared at me.

‘Huh? But why?’ I wrapped my arms on his, ‘I want to, I want to. Please?’

VII sighed and then smiled, ‘You’re so cute, like a child in need...but still no. I don’t want to disappoint your parents.’

I didn’t respond. I wanted to stroll around.

‘C’mon, let’s keep moving,’ he held onto my hand and pulled me towards a clothing store.

‘You’re excited in meeting my parents?’

‘Well, yes of course. It would be a pleasure to meet them, especially your dad,’ he stopped and looked at me, ‘I wanted to know what traits you got from him, oh, but I know he’s not stupid like you.’

I chuckled, ‘You mean—‘

He thumped his forefinger on my nose, ‘Being stupid is one of your unique characteristic, thus I find it exceptionally attractive.’

I removed his hand from thumping my nose and held it, ‘You miss your dad? I mean, father?’

He nodded, ‘But it’s useless to miss him anyway, he’s never coming back’

I didn’t know what to say so I walked, he followed me going to a formal clothes shop.

‘Your dad raised you well, I am so thankful to him.’ Finally, something came out of my mouth.

‘Thankful for what?’

‘Because without him, you’re not going to exist in this world,’ I smiled, ‘But you’re here with thank you,’ I looked up to the sky, ‘Father? I hope you’re hearing me.’

‘Yes, he’s hearing you...’ he cuddled my hand.

‘How do you call him? Dad? Father?’ I was curious. ‘Hm...can you tell me more about him?’

‘Well when we’re inside the palace, and there are some other people around. I am forbidden to call him dad, father or whatsoever that can denote our bloodline. But if we’re the only ones then I call him father.’

‘Forbidden you say? Why?’

‘It’s not really forbidden, but it’s more on customarily way of addressing the king’

I nodded, ‘Are your kingdom’s rule really that strict?’

‘If you don’t want to be disrespected then yes but not as authoritarian as my Leader’s golden rules’

I chuckled, ‘I can’t really imagine in law strict’


‘Yeah... yeah, you told me that already. Is he scary?’

‘Not really but sort of daunting. It’s just that we have to obey him or else he’ll be punished by our master, and we don’t want that’

‘Hm?’ I wondered, ‘If you disobey in law, he’ll be the one punished? Huh?’

‘XXVII’s rules are master’s will’

‘Is that master really that powerful that in law really follows him?’

He shrugged his head, ‘I don’t know. I don’t, I mean we don’t actually talk to master that much but XXVII does... always’

‘Ah...’ I nodded. We entered the shop, ‘We’re here. Maybe it’s better if you choose my outfit.’

‘Eh? But I don’t know a prince’s taste when it comes to clothes,’ I looked at him, ‘Prince?’

‘Tsk. Anything would do, Shin and I am not a prince.’

‘Ugh, but I want your outfit to be a surprise for me,’ I grinned. ‘Please? I’ll wait for you here.’


‘Please?’ I smiled sweetly while I sat on the couch.

He sighed, ‘Alright. Alright...’ he told me and looked for some clothes. After a while, I also looked something for me too and paid for those. We went on to the Tivoli Gardens, hand in hand. Before we could really get there...

‘Oh! There’s mom and dad!’ I excitedly told VII.

‘Ugh, wait.’ he stopped walking.

‘Hm? Is somewhat matter?’ I stared at him.

VII looked on our hands, ‘Don’t hold my hand.’

‘Huh? But why?’ I tighten my grip. ‘It’s kinda cold here even though it’s mid-morning, so I’ll still hold your hand.’

‘I said no,’ he removed his hand from mine, ‘I’m hard to get, remember?’

‘Oh...?’ I leaned my face closer, ‘If you’re hard to get....then why did you allow me to hold your hand that long?’ I winked at him.

He faced the other side, not allowing me to see that he’s blushing. It’s obvious, VII. *winks, ‘I need your warmth but that doesn’t really mean I’m already yours. You must do better than that.’

‘Oh yeah?’ I leaned closer than ever, 1 inch before our lips would meet.

VII didn’t respond, at the same time I can feel his warm breath.

‘Your lips look so lonely, VII....’ I looked at him straightly in his eyes, ‘Would they like to meet mine?’

‘Shin!’ I heard dad calling out my name from afar. ‘Shin! We’re here!’

I snickered and stood up straightly. ‘So, they saw us.’

He took a deep breath, ‘That was close. Silly you,’ he patted my head.

My mom and dad approached us.

‘What are you two doing here, huh?’ dad teased me as he nagged me.

‘It’s none of your business,’ I stuck my tongue out, ‘By the way,, please meet the love of my life, Laurence.’

‘It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Caelum,’ VII shook hand first with dad then to mom.

‘It’s a pleasure to meet you too, son?’ dad chuckled.

My mom kissed him on his cheek, ‘You’re a very gorgeous man, Laurence. It’s nice meeting you too.’

‘Ugh, thanks you, Mrs. Caelum,’ VII glanced at me.

‘It’s worries. It’s just mom looks like she’s gonna eat you but she’s really kind,’ I whispered while I tapped him on his back. ‘Sorry for making you wait. Anyways, what are we going to do now? I’m excited to tour around this place,’ I grinned.

‘I don’t know to your mom, she planned all of these. I’m just her messenger,’ dad chuckled.

‘Of course,’ mom looked at a mini map, ‘that’s a responsibility for a husband.’ She started to walk while the three of us followed her. VII was in the middle, he looked worried.

‘Where are we going first, hon?’ dad asked.

‘Maybe let’s just stroll around for a while then let’s have a ride on the Tivoli Lake,’ mom was still looking at the mini map.

‘Hey,’ I pinched VII’s cheek lightly, ‘are you alright?’

‘I think your mom...doesn’t like me...’ VII sighed.

‘Huh? Oh come on—‘

‘Don’t worry about her, Laurence,’ dad interfered, ‘She’s really a serious woman that’s why when you look at her face, you’ll only see lots of wrinkles.’

My dad and I both chuckled; VII was stunned with what dad told us.

‘Hey! I’m hearing what you’re telling on our kids! Don’t you ever tell that ‘wrinkle’ word or else I’ll kill you!’ mom pouted her lips and chuckled.

‘Wrinkles,’ dad uttered.

‘Geez!’ mom came closer to him and punched my dad lightly on his arm, ‘I don’t want you to tell that word because Laurence might get turned off on our son’s mom!’

‘I won’t be turned off to such beauty, Mrs. Caelum,’ VII told her.


VII nodded.

‘Oh...’ mom pinched his cheek.

VII whispered to me, ‘Though your son’s more beautiful than you.’

I chuckled and placed my arm on his shoulder and whispered back, ‘No. You’re the most beautiful among us.’

‘Btw Shin, can it be possible if your parents would just call me as VII?’

‘Hm?’ I wondered, ‘Why?’

‘Rule of Numbers’ he told me.

‘Oh okay? Rules can’t be broken?’ I chuckled.

‘Yeah, sort of.’

I nodded, ‘Hey mom... dad? Call Laurence as VII, okay?’

‘Why?’ my mom asked.

‘Long story, and he’s much more comfortable to that name’

‘Right’ father agreed, ‘What’s the fuss about?’ dad stared at us and smiled, ‘When’s your wedding? I’m getting excited to have a new son again.’

‘The wedding’s too early, hon. Laurence... oh I mean VII haven’t said yes to our son yet,’ mom answered, ‘besides, Prince and his fiancé might get envy because they’re just engaged while our son and VII will already get married.’

‘So?’ dad looked at us.

‘Geez, dad. You’re so silly. I told you that I’m willing to wait, let’s don’t rush things first, ok?’

‘Right, I understand,’ dad patted us and he placed his arm on mom’s shoulder, leading our group? *chuckles. We’re already strolling around and there are hundreds of thousands of flowers blooming around.

‘Shin...?’ VII looked at me.

‘Hm?’ I looked at him too.

‘I think your mom’s flattering me too much, I’m not used to that...really.’

‘Am I not flattering you that much? Maybe just listen to me rather than her, besides I am your lover.’ I winked.

‘You’re already flattering me lavishly. Actually, I am really overdosed by your love,’ he smirked.

‘Rather than not to be loved lavishly,’ I stared at him, ‘I won’t regret loving you this much, VII. Please remember that.’ I smiled, ‘Did you hear what mom tell dad before about us?’

‘Hm...’ VII thought for a while. ‘I can’t recall. Sorry.’

‘She uttered the words, ‘our kids’. It means that, she already gave consent about our relationship,’ I grinned, ‘Oh, sorry. Our future relationship?’ I chuckled.

‘Then, that’s a good news?’ he smiled, ‘I thought she doesn’t like me.’

‘It would never happen.’

‘What if—‘

‘You’re too pessimistic,’ I took a deep breath, ‘If that’s the case, they can’t do anything...because my love is stronger than anything else.’

‘You mean—‘

I nodded and held his chin, ‘You are my priority.’

VII stared at me, ‘That’s not right, family comes first before everything else, even me, Shin’ he told me seriously.

‘But –‘

‘No but...-‘ then dad came closer to us.

‘Wew. You two might melt with those looks,’ dad chuckled. ‘Anyway, let’s rest for a while. My arthritis might get bad.’

‘Eh? You have arthritis right now?’ I asked.

‘I was just kidding,’ dad chuckled, ‘maybe your mom. She suggested the rest thing.’

‘Oh, shut up! I am not old as you are!’ mom pouted his lips and smiled, ‘Let’s rest for a while and have some snacks because later, we’d have a two hour ride on a boat at the Tivoli Lake.’

‘Ah...tsk, dad you’re making fun of mom,’ I let VII sit on the bench.

‘Now I know...’ VII said.

‘About?’ I sat beside him.

‘Where you got your silliness...’ he pinched my cheek and smiled.

‘You think?’ I smiled too, ‘Mom, who’s gonna buy our snack?’

Mom stared at dad, ‘A husband’s responsibility,’ and she chuckled.

‘Yeah, whatever,’ dad smiled,’ wait for a while,’ and he left.

‘Hey, mom...I think you’re too harsh on dad.’

‘And why is that? Actually, I was hard to get before when your dad was still wooing me,’ mom giggled. ‘Just like what is VII, doing to you now.’

‘Eh?’ I was amazed.

Mom nodded and smiled, ‘Though it’s really a long story. So you’re a prince, VII?’

‘An ex-prince’ VII answered.

Mom nodded, ‘What happened?’

‘Mom? I told you the story already, right?’ I interrupted.

‘I want to hear it straight from VII’

‘It’s all right Shin’, VII smiled, ‘I was charged treason, Mrs. Caelum and thus I can’t go back to my homeland even how much I want to’

‘That’s sad...’ my mom told him, ‘So, how do royals live?’

VII smiled, ‘Nothing is really different from how ordinary people live. The only difference is we don’t have such choices. Our life is like pre-determined already’

Mom nodded, ‘Is that so?’

VII nodded, ‘But on the average, life is just as the same for all people’

‘Well you’re right, VII’ mom looked at me and smiled, ‘He’s ideas are interesting son’

‘Of course!’ I grinned.

‘Oh my gosh, I’m getting hungry now...where’s your dad?’

‘He just left a while ago, can’t you wait?’ I looked at VII and cuddled his hand then he removed it. My eye brows met.

‘Well, I can...I’m just excited about the ride...’ mom answered while she looked on her mirror. I wasn’t listening to mom right now and was just looking at VII. I cuddled his hand again but he removed it again.

I pouted my lips.

VII leaned towards me and whispered, ‘I’m hard to get,’ and he stuck his tongue out.

I tickled him but he didn’t respond.

‘I wonder where your weak point is...’ I thought for a while then dad came back and we ate. My parents and us shared different stories and I am so happy that dad and VII are getting along well. After eating...

‘Why don’t we take a family picture of us?’ mom suggested.

‘Oh!’ I was grinning, ‘That’s a good idea!’ I leaned closer to VII, waiting for dad to take the picture.

‘Shin?’ mom gave me the camera, smiling, ‘You take the picture of us three.’

‘Huh? Ugh, I don’t want! I want to be with VII in the picture!’ I complained.

Dad pulled VII between him and mom, ‘He’s new in the family so would you please take the picture of us now?’

I pouted my lips but still took a picture of VII aone. *chuckles. ‘Do you want some more?’

‘Of course!’ dad grinned. ‘Let’s have different poses!’

‘Alright! Thanks, son!’ mom grinned.

‘Sure...’ I smiled devilishly and still took VII’s photos. (my photos were really focusing on VII and not on them. *laughs) After...

‘Let me see the pictures!’ mom said as she grabbed the camera. ‘Ugh...’

Dad looked at it too, ‘What the...’

I chuckled, ‘Peace out!’

VII went beside me, ‘Hm?’

‘Look at the pictures,’ I winked at him and then he went to look at it too. ‘You like it?’ I chuckled.

VII sighed. Mom and dad messes my hair.

‘Silly Shin!!’ mom and dad complained while chuckling.

‘Maybe let’s just have the family picture tonight at our formal dinner, besides you’ll see VII look like a prince,’ I smiled, ‘Oh, he’s really a prince for me.’

‘Oh well, I guess he’s right...’ mom agreed, ‘so let’s go now and have a ride at the Tivoli Lake...’

We went to have a ride for two hours and we saw gold fishes, koi carps and ducks share in tranquil water. We even got free meals from the ride and souvenirs. After our ride in the boat, mom and dad went to the theme park while VII and I just waited for them in the bench. I got tired, but I guess VII wasn’t.

‘Can I sleep on your shoulder?’ I asked.

VII nodded, ‘Why are you still asking if you know that I’ll permit you too?’

‘I respect you, Mr. hard to get,’ I winked and leaned my head on his shoulder. ‘Why do you respect me that much?’ I closed my eyes. ‘You’re more respectable than me, VII.

‘Because I love you’

I just listened to him until I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and saw VII was sleeping beside me too. I smiled and kissed him on his forehead. I closed my eyes again and waited for him to speak but he didn’t. I looked at my watch and saw it was 4:30 in the afternoon. I wonder where’s this place....I looked at my phone too and saw my dad’s text message that they rented a room for us in the Tivoli Garden Hotel? *chuckles Anyway, I just slept again and woke up at around 7 in the evening. VII wasn’t beside me anymore.

I opened one of my eye and searched for him but no VII. Then I heard some footsteps. I opened my other eye and saw him sat beside me. He fixed my hair and then he leaned closer.

‘Are you going to kiss me?’ I asked, one eye opened.

VII smirked and placed his hand over my eyes, ‘No.’

I took his hand and kissed it, ‘Really?’

‘I’m not going to kiss you if you know I’m going too.’

‘’s a surprise for me?’ I grinned.

‘It won’t be a surprise anymore if I’d tell you, stupid.’

‘But, how about me? Can I kiss you already?’

He shook his head, ‘I’m not still yours, so stupid.’

I chuckled, ‘You mean, you’re the only one allowed?’

He stared at me solemnly, ‘Yes and even though I‘m not yet yours, you’re already mine.’ VII stood up but I hurriedly reached his arm and pulled him back, making him sit again as I embrace him.

‘I love you, Laurence....’

VII faced me and caressed my cheek, ‘VII...’

‘Oh yeah, VII’, then someone texted me.

‘Read it for me...’ I rested my head on his back and listened to his heartbeat.

He read it, ‘Your mom and dad are already preparing for the dinner, they’ll meet us in the restaurant. Maybe we should prepare ourselves too...’ he tried to stand up.

‘Please, don’t go yet....’


I smiled and embrace him tighter, ‘I still wanted to listen to your heart beat...’

VII rested his head on mine while cuddling my face, ‘You might fall asleep again, cry baby. I know babies easily fall asleep.’

‘Then are you willing to take care of your baby?’

‘I will but I am more willing to take care of you as my lover...’ he faced me and kissed me on cheek. I stared at him and smiled.

‘How I wish I could kiss you now...’ He didn’t respond, he was just staring at me too. I leaned closer but then I just hugged him, ‘I don’t want to break the rules.’ I chuckled.

Then, someone was knocking.

I sighed, ‘Time’s up for us. Ugh, I wanted some more time with you alone...’

He smiled and then stood up as he open the door and we saw my parents, ‘Let’s prepare ourselves now,’ and I agreed. After preparing, I saw VII on his formal outfit. Wee! So gorgeous!

‘VII!’ I was grinning, ‘Let me take a picture of you.’


‘Oh, please? You know that I can’t have time with you alone anymore later. So please?’ I pleaded.

VII didn’t respond. I came closer to him, held his hand and kissed it, ‘Please, my Excellency?’

He smiled.

‘Can I?’

He nodded, placed his hand in his pockets and smiled.

‘There you go...’ I smiled as I show him the picture then mom and dad approached us. We all went to the restaurant and ate. While eating...

‘Who do you want to be with, Shin? Dad asked.

I stared at VII, ‘Someone who could understand that I’m not perfect. In short, VII.’ I smiled.

VII smiled at me too.

‘How about you, VII?’ mom this time.

‘Shin Caelum’

My mom and dad looked at each other and smiled.

‘Do you play polo?’ dad asked as he sipped on his drink.

‘Yes I do, it’s one of the known sport in my homeland’

‘Oh, that’s great! Let’s play tomorrow with some of my new friends here in Denmark. We’ll meet you in the Amalienborg Palace.’

I sighed, ‘I wish I could play too...’

‘Then join us tomorrow, the more the merrier,’ VII told me.

‘Ah?’ I scratched my head and chuckled, ‘I haven’t ridden any horses before so I’m kinda scared of that stuff.’

VII smirked, ‘Maybe I could teach you—‘

‘No need,’ I was still chuckling, ‘I’ll just watch and cheer you out there. Beat dad for me!’

‘Ah, so you’re daring me?’ dad raised an eye brow. ‘I could really beat VII!’ he chuckled.

‘I don’t want to,’ VII said.

‘Oh come on, it’s just a game,’ I smiled.

‘Playing any different sport is not about competing to each other, it’s more on companionship... or what they call enjoying the game’

‘I like this kid’ dad told him.

‘Thank you Mr. Caelum’ VII told dad.

‘I think I prefer... dad? What do you think Shin?’

I smiled and looked at VII.

‘Dad’ VII said.

‘And mom for me’ mom smiled at him.

‘Mom’ VII smiled

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