Monday, July 26, 2010

Ohsugi Irick 2

I moaned, my head’s terribly aching at the same time I felt hungry. I opened my eyes, it was already morning. I looked around and saw VII smoking at the corner of my room while reading something.

I smiled weakly, ‘VII...’ I murmured. He didn’t respond, maybe I was speaking so softly? I repeated calling his name, louder this time, ‘VII...’

‘Shin?’ he looked at me as he squeezed the cigarette butt on the ashtray.

‘Hey...’ I was still smiling. At last he noticed me.

‘Oh, Shin...’ he went beside my bed, ‘at last you’re awake. How are you now?’ he was fondling with my hair. ‘You made me worry so much...’

I took his hand and kissed it, ‘My head’s terribly aching and I’m feeling hungry...’I stared at him, ‘I’m sorry for troubling you since last night...’

‘Last night?’ he smirked as he shook his head, ‘You were still asleep last night, oh I mean, since Wednesday night.’

‘Huh?’ I was curious, ‘Since Wednesday night? So it’s Saturday now?’

VII caressed my cheek, ‘Yes, you were. You were asleep for 3 days that’s why it made me worry a lot, though Dr. Caelum already told me that you’re fine. Ugh...but that’s not the point. You only got a minor injury and you were already asleep for that long?’

I shrugged my shoulders and then felt something, a severe pain on my shoulder, ‘Ou...ouch...that hurts...’ I bit my lips.

‘Ugh, where?’ he looked so worried.

‘My lips...,’ I smiled, I don’t want to make him worry again just because of that, ‘I guess my lips need some medication from you, VII.’ I winked.

He smirked, ‘You’re making fun of me, huh?’

I nodded, ‘Peace.’

He faced the other side.

‘Did you look after me for those 3 days?’

‘Yes. I never left you. I only go back home to take a bath and to change my clothes, then I go back here to look after you.’

I smiled, ‘You miss me?’

‘Isn’t it obvious? Tsk,’ he folded his arms.

I sat down on my bed so slowly (tsk. I really need to eat lots of food to regain my energy) and embraced VII tightly, ‘I miss you too...I’m really sorry for troubling you a lot especially that night and the thing I told you in your mail...I just don’t want to look like I’m being nonchalant with what’s happening around us...’

‘Shin...’ he wrapped his arms around me too.

‘Don’t worry, I’ll always smile for you...’ I looked at him and smiled.

He smiled too but his facial expression changed after seeing some blood on the bandages, ‘Shit. You’re shoulder’s bleeding again.’

I looked at it, ‘ that’s the one that hurts a few moments ago...’

‘Not your lips?’ he told me amorously.

I chuckled softly, ‘You mean you’re really going to kiss me if my lips are really hurting?’

He messed my hair, ‘That’s an impossible situation, Shin, unless you have a certain sickness on your lips.’

‘Aw...’ I sighed, ‘I thought I’ll get one from you...’

VII suddenly kissed me sweetly on my lips then someone faked a cough.

‘What a scene,’ in law chuckled as he leaned on the wall.


‘You two were busily talking when I entered in law’s room without you two noticing me,’ he walked towards us. ‘Sorry for interrupting you,’ he smirked ‘in law’s a great intervention too, before.’

‘Before,’ I clarified while my arms where still wrapped around him.

‘Oh well,’ in law placed his hands inside his pockets, ‘How are you in law? I guess, you’re doing well now because of my brother here’s enclosed in your arms.’

I snickered, ‘Right.’

‘His shoulder’s bleeding again,’ VII told in law.

‘Eh?’ in law checked on it too, ‘Why didn’t you tell dad about it?’

‘Ask my silly cute love,’ VII answered.

‘I don’t want to VII go yet...’ I answered too then Prince went inside my room too.

‘Shin,’ Prince said smiling as he went beside his life, ‘good heavens, you’re already awake.’


In law kissed him sweetly on his lips and placed his hand around his waist, ‘Though his shoulder’s bleeding again.’

‘Ah, you should let dad checked on it.’

‘He’s still in Irick’s room?’ in law asked.

Prince nodded.

‘How is he?’ I asked.

‘I’ll answer you later. For now, let’s go to dad’s clinic so he can already treat your bleeding shoulder,’ Prince and in law already left us.

‘Can you already stand?’ VII asked.

I nodded, ‘But I still need some assistance from you...’ I smiled and he assisted me while walking. ‘Holy cow...I’m like a vegetable right now...I feel like I’m going to fall down in a snap.’

‘I won’t let you...’ he said.

‘Thanks,’ I smiled as I looked at him, ‘Did you tell them about the Irick thing?’

He shook his head, ‘Dr. Caelum told them as he was verifying blood samples from the both of you. You know, you two almost lost so much amount of blood that’s why leader’s lover and I donated blood for the two of you.’

‘Ah, you donated blood for me?’ I was grinning.

He nodded, ‘We’re of the same blood type.’

‘Oh I see, that’s why I’m already hearing your blood rushing through my veins. Thank you, VII...’

‘You are always welcome...’ he smiled. We entered uncle’s room and he was already preparing the things for the bleeding on my shoulder. He let me sit on the bed while VII, in law and Prince we’re on the couch.

‘You should eat a lot after this, alright?’ uncle told me.

‘I will, is Irick?’

Uncle removed the bandages carefully and checked on my cut, ‘He’s still unconscious. Can you move your arm?’

‘Ah...quite, I guess?’

‘Does it hurt?’

‘Terribly. It’s like stinging on my shoulder,’ I answered.

‘Very well, I’m glad to hear that,’ he cleaned the blood, ‘Your left arm’s not numb anymore unlike the other days.’

‘You could test whether it’s numb or not?’

‘Not really,’ he chuckled, ‘It’s obvious because you’re already awake now that’s why you don’t feel numb anymore.’

‘Stupid,’ VII said.

‘Right,’ in law agreed.

‘Very,’ Prince too.

‘Pff,’ I smiled.

‘Anyway, I’m going to inject anaesthesia on your shoulder. I’ll stitch two more to assure that it won’t bleed anymore,’ uncle told me.

‘Ah, alright...’ I said and he injected me some.

‘By the way, Shin...can you explain to us what had happened last Wednesday night?’ Prince asked, ‘I never thought that I’m right in accusing him that he’s really Irick. Though I am really sure about that. Tsk.’

‘Prince...’ in law murmured.

‘Ah, sure...’ I thought for a while and started narrating the event.

I visited my gang after 3 days of rest from our vacation trip in Denmark. It was 1 in the morning when I went to our gang’s site and saw Shinji alone. He was holding a piece of paper in his hands at the same time staring at it.

‘Hey, dude!’ I greeted him. ‘What’s up? Long time no see?’

Shinji just glared at me and stared back at the paper he was holding.

I wondered as I sat opposite to him, ‘Are you alright? You don’t look fine.’

‘I’ll return the question to you, par. How are you? Or should I say, how are you two? How was the trip?’ he chuckled.

I smiled, ‘Well, I’m speechless. It felt like I want some more.’

‘Wow, but I would like to hear more of your adventures in Denmark, ok? Maybe next time. ’

‘Next time?’ I scratched my head, ‘Why not now?’

‘Banchou-sama’s waiting for you in District 2. He asked me to tell you to follow them there. You know, gang war.’

I wondered again, ‘What? But, you could just have texted me. You really don’t need to wait for me here. Anyways, let us go now and have some fun.’ I stood up and grinned.

He stretched his arms upward and then placed his hands behind his head, ‘I won’t go for now. I’m not in the mood, par.’

‘Huh?’ I folded my arms and smirked, ‘It’s your first time to turn down an offer. Are you really alright? You haven’t answered yet my question to you before.’

It took him a few minutes before he responded, ‘I don’t know. Ugh, par...could you just leave? Please?’ He sighed, ‘I am sorry.’

‘Dude,’ I sat in front of him again, ‘sorry but I can’t leave you here. Tell me, what is your problem?’

He shook his head and then covered his face with his hands. ‘Damn it.’

‘Tsk. Geez, what is the sense of our friendship if I can’t help you? If we won’t help each other?’ I removed his hands from his face, ‘What’s that fucking problem that made you behave like that?’

‘Shut up!’ he kicked the table in front of us.

‘You...’ I stood up and grabbed his shirt, ‘you’re freakinin’ me! What the hell’s happening to you?!’

Shinji can’t look straightly in my eyes. I noticed the piece of paper he was holding before was on the floor. I let loose of his shirt and took it. He suddenly pushed me as he snatched it from me.

‘Tsk...’ I sighed and sat again. ‘Fine. If you don’t want to tell me then don’t. I don’t give a damn about that shit at all.’

‘Sorry...’ his voice was weak, ‘I don’t mean to do that to you. It’s just...’

I didn’t respond.

‘I know my true identity right now...’ he took a deep breath, ‘I am Irick.’

I was speechless that time. He fixed the mess on the floor and he sat down again, looking calm. ‘I already have the results.’

‘Ah...I remember. The result was issued this afternoon’re Irick...--’

‘Please, par. Don’t tell Prince about this. Even to your in law and our gang mates,’ his voice was troubled. ‘I know it will cause too much commotion between us and I don’t want that to happen. Damn it. I kept on denying that ‘Irick’ thing, but it in the end I made myself a one shot fool.’

‘He made us the fool ourselves, not him,’ Prince interrupted.

‘But he had amnesia, Prince...’ in law said. ‘I thought that you already accepted that fact.’

Prince nodded and took a deep breath, ‘I just hope that he will make everything clear to us now...’

‘Yes,’ in law answered, ‘Continue, in law.’ Uncle was already stitching the cut that opened.

‘It’s not your had amnesia, right?’

Shinji sighed, oh I mean Irick. Tsk. I’ll just still call him Shinji for now.

‘You are right, but still I already have these dreams, remember? I already assumed before, even the results weren’t still issued, that those are sorts of a premonition that I am really Irick...’

‘And your premonition was right...on the contrary you kept that premonition to yourself not to make things more complicated...’

He nodded, ‘Actually, last night I have a dream again. That time, I saw the blurred images clearly. I was in the Caelum’s mansion with Ryuu and Prince and we were merrily talking with each other about different stuff. We really are close, we treated each other as best of friends,’ he handed me the piece of paper he was staring at before. ‘And then...this afternoon, I got the results which were positive. I mean, that I am Ohsugi Irick.’

I read what’s in the paper and he engaged into different tests for the past few weeks, yeah...the man in front of me is really the Ohsugi Irick. I looked at him and saw him shook his head.

‘Prince was really telling the truth that Shinji and Irick is one. How pathetic of me not to believe to my own best friend.’

‘See...’ Prince folded his arms, ‘He’s having his premonitions yet kept on denying. Really pathetic...’

I sighed, ‘What are you planning to do now, Irick?’ I finally told his name.

‘Let’s just talk about this stuff outside...I want to breathe some fresh air,’ he took his jacket and he went outside.

I followed him.

Irick took a deep breath, ‘Well...par, I’ve decided to find the places related to me as Irick here in Japan. I already asked the one who adopted me stories after he found my body along the beach before,’ we started walking away from our site, ‘Moreover...I also asked permission to my boss in the company I’ve been working, to give me a day off tomorrow.’

‘Tomorrow?’ I wondered, ‘Are you sure that you can already look for the places you want in just one day?’

‘Maybe?’ he smirked, ‘I guess I really need to do everything tomorrow before someone else’s did. I want to assure things first and tell Prince about it.’ He sighed, ‘With this, I really wanted to beg for forgiveness.’

‘Oh, shouldn’t get mad at him right now...he’s going to tell it to you after and beg for forgiveness,’ in law said.

‘Right,’ Prince smirked, ‘I thought he’d never tell us. I’m glad to hear that...’

‘Do you want me to come with you tomorrow?’ I placed my hands in my pockets.

He smiled, ‘Thanks, but no thanks, par. I don’t want anybody else to be involve with my own problems. I hope you understand my situation right now.’

I nodded, ‘Yeah, I understand.’

‘Oh! Look who’s here...’ someone interfered, ‘Young-ja Shin’s gang mates.’

‘Shit,’ I murmured. ‘Miura Hayato.’

Miura’s gang cornered us in an alley, ‘I wonder where your leader is, as well as the other members of your gang.’ He spit on the floor.

‘What do you want?’ Irick asked.

Hayato laughed, ‘To beat you guys. Hah! Good thing, you’re not with the other members! We’re going to take vengeance from the two of you from our last defeat but...especially to that Mitsui who almost killed my brother!’

‘What a crap...’ Irick shook his head, ‘Be thankful I haven’t really killed him.’

‘Tsk,’ I fixed my hair and bumped myself to Hayato as I make my way out of that corner, ‘We are not interested. Dude, let’s go now.’

‘Fuck you, Akim!’ Hayato tried to hit me with his baseball bat, but Irick halted him. I took the baseball bat and beat the others while Irick did his thing. We hurriedly ran away after we saw Hayato’s other members showed up. We got our bikes and we found ourselves in another district.

‘Damn that Hayato,’ Irick kicked one of the trash bins in the subdivision, ‘can’t accept his own defeat.’

I chuckled as I sat on the gutter, ‘Yeah, he’s a piece of shit.’ I wiped the blood from my mouth.

‘But he’s really unfair when it comes to beating. I mean, he beats us when his mates are around and if we’re just two—‘

‘You know, size doesn’t matter. We can really handle them by ourselves...the only problem is we’re not prepared and we’re talking about a serious problem a while ago. Tsk.’

Irick sighed, ‘Well I guess, we should separate our ways now. I still need to do something tomorrow. Ahm, thanks for your understanding, par. Got to go.’ He waved his hand and left.

I stood up from where I was and rode my bike. I followed Irick to his house and hid myself. I can’t let him be alone for now as I know that Hayato might beat us again. Oh, I already saw them followed him too. Early in the morning, Banchou-sama called me...

‘We’re really fine, Banchou-sama. No fatal wounds at all....’ I sneaked around to see if Irick’s leaving, ‘Yeah, don’t worry about it...maybe just plan a gang war on them?’ I chuckled, ‘You’re right. We almost beat them but I guess they’re lucky this morning...their other mates showed up. I am not saying that we’re afraid about them having lots of members around but...’ I can’t tell him about Irick’s problem so, ‘you know, we sometimes need to step backward to have a better move forward. Sure, sure...bye!’ I ended the call.

‘What the hell...’ I yawned, I haven’t still slept. Anyways, I saw Shinji leaving his house. So, I followed him again. A few meters away from him and someone’s following him too. Obviously, Hayato’s gang mate. So stupid. Good thing I’m on the farthest part. Irick’s first pit stop was in club. I guess, he used to hang out here with Prince and in law. The second pit stop was in an airport. I don’t know why but maybe there’s something sentimental about that place.

‘Yes, there is...’ Prince uttered.

‘And what is that?’ I asked.

‘He was going to leave Japan that time for his girlfriend in Malaysia,’ in law answered.

‘Girlfriend?’ VII asked.

Prince nodded, ‘Felicia, the one who call’s my life buddy.’

‘Oh, really?’ I was curious, ‘What happened after that?’

‘Irick has his own private jet plane but it crashed along the beach he was saying to you before,’ in law told us, ‘I really remember that, he even made a letter for her girlfriend.’

‘I see...’ uncle finished stitching and he left us for a while. ‘Where is that girl?’

‘In Malaysia?’ in law chuckled, ‘She has a new boyfriend though...’


‘well, that’s life in law...continue your story.’

Wew. I’m tired right now, I haven’t eaten anything yet coz he might see me. Oh, they might see me including the other shit. Then, VII called me.

‘Hi there, VII...’ I smiled, ‘Hm? I’m alright?’ I snickered, ‘Well, I really don’t know...I haven’t eaten anything yet as well as I didn’t get enough of sleep since last night.’ I bit my lower lip, ‘Ah...nothing. I’m just busy with some gang stuff. Yup, don’t worry. I’ll be fine...thanks for calling. I’ll call you too later. Yup ...I love you...’ and VII ended the call. *sighs Sorry if I lied to you, VII.

‘Sorry...’ I pouted my lips.

‘It’s alright, I understand.’

Anyways, Irick’s leaving again. The next pit stop was in a vacant building. It was around 7 in the evening. Irick was just searching for some clues; he even rested there for a while. Oh, he even bought his own meal for dinner. Tsk. I should have bought something for me too. Stupid. *sighs After a while, I heard some footsteps and voices...I was still hiding.

‘At last!’ Hayato’s nasty voice, ‘We found you all alone, Mitsui Shinji!’

Irick was stunned with what he saw, ‘Hayato...what the hell are you doing here?’

Hayato signalled his other mates to capture Irick, ‘Isn’t it obvious? To capture and beat you up. Oh...maybe kill you after!’ he laughed.

‘You stupid freak!’ Irick pushed the two who will capture him and then beat them up. I saw Hayato sat down on where Irick was sitting before and told his members to beat him. I showed myself and helped Irick.

Hayato was laughing, ‘wew. I never thought there’s another one here.’

‘Par, what the hell are you doing here?!’ Irick explained.

‘A long story!’ I broke one of the member’s arm, ‘I’ll tell you after!’

‘Geez! You are so silly! I told you not to interfere with my problem anymore!’ he took a piece of metal and hit the others.

‘Sorry!’ I was kicked by another, ‘Let’s just finish this up and I’ll explain it later!’

‘better!’ he smirked and continued beating the others.

Halfway done, Hayato was alarmed and I saw him stood up preparing his dagger. He hastily walked towards Irick who was already finished. Oh shit! He will really stab him to death! Without second thoughts, I hurriedly ran towards them and yeah, I got stabbed into my left shoulder part. I fell down and saw Hayato stabbed Irick three times.

‘Very well, we’re already done to you...Mitsui Shinji,’ Hayato laughed and kicked Irick’s body a few times. ‘Hey...what the hell is this?’ he saw the paper of results of Irick’s identification.

‘No...’ I murmured as I tried to stand up from where I am, ‘Don’ ever touch that...thing. It’s important...’ I was holding my shoulder.

‘Important, eh?’ he took and read it. ‘Ohsugi Irick. Tsk! Non-sense!’ he ripped the paper into pieces and laughed.

‘No! You bastard—‘I fell down again as one of his mates pushed me and kicked my shoulder 10 times. Damn it! That hurts! Big time!

‘Let’s go now. Our business is finished! Regards to your Banchou-sama!’ Hayato laughed and they went away.

‘Irick...’ I murmured, ‘Irick...?’

He was not responding, is he already dead? No! It can’t be! I took my phone and called VII.

‘VII...’ I was murmuring breathlessly, ‘I...I am here at a vacant...building near the airport...’ I coughed, ‘I need you...please save me...I’ll be waiting...I love you...Laurence...’

I waited for him for about a couple of minutes.

‘Shin!’ VII was calling out my name. I just smiled. I saw him coming with the other members but not with in law.

‘Oh my, what happened here?’ XIII asked.

‘Damn, he’s wounds are fatal,’ IX said as he checked Irick’s body.

‘Gang war...but only of the two of us fought with them...’ I said as VII carried me carefully, ‘They have a great anger at Irick that’s why he got...three stabs...’

‘Irick?’ VII murmured.

I nodded, ‘He’s Irick...’

‘Ugh...’ VII looked confused, ‘Let’s just bring them in the Caelum’s mansion and see for ourselves if he’s really Irick. Besides our leader’s in there too.’

‘Alright, don’t worry. He’s not yet dead,’ IX said as he carried Irick.

I smiled and stared at VII, ‘Thanks for coming...’

‘Shh...don’t speak anymore to delay the loss of blood.’

I’m in VII’s car while Irick’s on the other. While on our way...

‘I want them...the three of them be best of friends again...that’s why I followed him and secured that...nothing’s gonna bad will happen to Irick...but I didn’t...’ I said breathlessly. ‘I am so weak...’

‘C’’s not your fault, Shin...’ VII’s voice was worried, ‘maybe without you...he might really be dead this time now.’

‘Well...I really don’t know...’

‘Be thankful that you two are still alive...’ he looked at me though I didn’t respond. ‘Shin...’ he took a deep breath and looked at me fiercely, ‘Don’t you ever do that again. I already lost one-fourth of my life when my father died and now, I cannot afford to lose the remaining part of it,’ he held my hand, ‘I cannot afford to lose someone I have devoted my life with...I cannot afford to lose you Shin...’

I kissed his hands weakly, ‘I love you...Laurence...’ and I became unconscious.

‘The end,’ I said.

‘So, he’s really Irick...unbelievable’ in law told us, ‘he needs to explain a lot from us now...’

Prince nodded, ‘and how he survived and stuff...I wonder when he’ll be conscious again...’

In law shrugged his shoulder, ‘Let’s wait and see...’

‘Shin, you should eat now...’ VII told me as he went beside me.

‘Oh yeah, mom prepared so much food for you,’ in law smiled.

‘Great,’ I stood up and VII assisted me again.

‘Eat well,’ Prince smiled.

‘Yeah, thanks...’ I smiled too.

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