Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dress Up

Saturday morning. After I took my bath and dressed myself up, went downstairs and saw Shin wearing a tuxedo while watching the TV.

He noticed me and greeted me with a warm smile, ‘Hi my dear cousin, Prince.’

‘Hey,’ I smiled at him too as I was still drying my hair. ‘Why are you wearing such formal clothing? Are you going to attend a meeting or a party?’

‘Not actually, ah...just don’t mind me. Anyways, in law sent a special present for you,’ he was grinning.

‘Present?’ I was curious. I sat beside him, ‘A peace offering?’ I snickered.

‘What?’ his eye brows met, ‘What peace offering are you talking about, Prince?’

‘Ah? It’s not?’

Shin shook his head, ‘Why the hell do you want a peace offering from him? Did you guys quarrel about something?’

‘No, we didn’t,’ I smirked. ‘I just thought that he’d stop teasing me about the ‘mistress’ thing that’s why he sent a special present for me. Well, that’s just what I thought.’

‘As if...’ he chuckled. ‘For sure, in law won’t stop teasing you to Elise. As far as we remember, you are more playboy than in law.’

I spanked him on his forehead, ‘That is so ridiculous, Shin.’

‘Ouch!’ he touched his forehead as he chuckled, ‘hey! You’re taking things so seriously! I was just kidding!’

I pouted my lips and folded my arms.

‘Now I know why in law loves to make fun of his life,’ he was still chuckling, ‘why don’t you just look at the present he gave you, Prince?’ he pointed on the other couch, ‘It’s inside that box.’

‘Fine,’ I stood up and sat on the other couch.

‘Aren’t you excited about seeing your present?’ his eye brows were raising high and low.

‘I have a bad feeling about this,’ I murmured.

‘Oh come on!’ he threw a pillow on me, ‘Open it now.’

‘Geez,’ I got some chills and slowly I opened the box. I was stoned for a while.

‘Prince?’ Shin was waving his hand in front of my face.

‘Holy cow...’ I slumbered on the couch, ‘I’m going to die,’ and covered my face with a pillow.

‘Did you like it?’ he was laughing his head off.

I was so speechless.

‘Actually, in law sent a present for me too. He sent me this tuxedo,’ he took a note inside his pocket and read it, ‘In law, thanks for telling me your silly idea. I really do love it and I’m terribly getting excited about this. Oh, can I ask you a favor? Could you please act as my wife’s bodyguard? Don’t worry, I asked VII to be our personal driver. He’ll fetch you around 11. See you later. Haha. Thanks a lot, in law.’

‘Oh my...oh my...’ my voice was weak, ‘so you really are serious about that?’

‘Yeah!’ he winked, ‘In law’s really serious because he didn’t even bother to give you a dress. Maybe you should wear it now?’

‘Shut up,’ I murmured.

‘’s already 11 o’clock, Mrs. Shuuichi. Could you please wear your dress now?’

I didn’t respond.

‘Oh, VII’s already here!’ his voice was exultant, ‘Hi VII.’

‘Hi, Shin. Hm, why is he covering his face? Is something wrong?’

‘Nothing. Mrs. Shuuichi’s just pretending to be asleep.’

‘Mrs. Shuuichi?’ VII chuckled softly, ‘You and brother are so silly. Anyhow Shin, brother wants you to bring extra clothes too. We’re going to stroll around the park later with Cha-cha.’

‘How about me?’ I asked as I showed my face to them and sat down again.

‘Uhm...’ VII sighed, ‘Sorry, but brother told me that a dress would be fine.’

‘Eh?’ my eyes widened.


Shin chuckled, ‘Nice one, VII. I like that.’

‘Thanks,’ VII smiled. ‘We need to go now. Cha-cha needs her baby sitter.’

‘I feel dizzy; I guess I can’t come...’ I was touching my forehead.

‘Really? Oh my goodness,’ Shin looked at VII while he was grinning, ‘Mrs. Shuuichi’s pregnant!’

‘This is a good news?’ VII scratched his head.

‘C’mon now, Mrs. Shuuichi. You know, this day won’t be over unless you act like in law’s wife. Moreover, do you want your life to punish us because we can’t convince you to come with us?’ Shin sighed.

‘Fine,’ I stood up and took the dress, ‘All of you will pay for this.’

‘Scary...’ Shin snickered.

I left them and prepared my things, as well as Shin. After a few minutes, we left and went to my life’s house...oh, I mean my husband’s house.

Shin opened the car door for me, ‘Here we are, mademoiselle.’ he also opened the door for VII.

‘Thanks,’ VII smiled at him.

‘Welcome,’ Shin smiled at him too.

‘My wife!’ my life exclaimed and approached us, ‘You’re so gorgeous with what you are wearing right now!’

‘I don’t know,’ I smirked, ‘I’m actually getting goose bumps right now.’

‘Shh...’ he kissed me passionately. He looked at in law and VII, ‘Thanks a lot, law.’

‘Sure...’ Shin answered.

‘Let’s go inside now,’ my life held my hand, ‘Cha-cha’s excited to meet her baby sitter for today!’ he smiled sweetly. ‘VII, it’s your day off today so in law, you could have a date with him.’

‘Really?’ Shin grinned.

‘Yeah, inside the house,’ my life chuckled. ‘You two are still on duty, understand? Though, you could already change your clothes except for you my wife.’

‘Pff...’ I pouted my lips.

Shin opened the door for us, really doing his duty as a bodyguard. What a fool. Anyway, Cha-cha approached us and kissed all of us on our cheeks.

‘Hi daddy, mommy...? (that’s me), uncle VII and uncle Shin...’ she giggled.

‘Mommy?’ I sighed, ‘Now I know...’ I whispered to VII while he just nodded.

‘Hi Cha-cha!’ Shin pinched her cheek and carried her.

‘Hm...’ Cha-cha pouted her lips, ‘Mommy is wearing a dress? Is she a girl now? But a mommy is a girl? Does it mean that he’s a girl now?’

My life and Shin laughed out loud while VII smirked and I sighed.

‘Did I say something wrong?’ Cha-cha looked at VII, her hands reaching for him and Shin gave her to him.

‘Damn,’ VII whispered, ‘Explain this silliness to her, leader.’

‘Cha-cha...’ my life took her from VII, ‘your mommy is your baby sitter for today and I asked him to dress up for us. He’s still a boy, ok?’

She scratched her head, ‘I don’t understand.’

My life chuckled, ‘Uncle VII will explain it to you tomorrow, alright? VII, explain things to her tomorrow.’

VII sighed and nodded. Shin tapped him on his back.

‘Ok!’ Cha-cha smiled, ‘Daddy, I’m already hungry. Who’s going to cook our meal? Mommy will cook for us?’

My life looked at Shin and grinned.

‘Not your uncle Prince...oh I mean your mommy, Cha-cha but I will. He’s going to take care of you, remember?’ Shin said.

‘Ah...I see...’ Cha-cha uttered.

‘I’m going to cook now, VII come with me...’ Shin smiled, took his hand and left us.

‘Make it sumptuous, alright?!’ my life exclaimed.

‘Yeah, yeah!’ Shin answered.

‘Daddy, why is uncle Shin holding uncle VII’s hand too?’

‘Because he loves your uncle VII that’s why he’s holding his hand. It’s like when I kiss your mommy,’ my life grinned.

‘Oh my...’ I sighed and sighed.

‘Oh!’ Cha-cha giggled. ‘When you love someone you should kiss him and hold his hand, right daddy?’

‘Right...’ my life chuckled. ‘For further information, just ask your uncle VII...ok? Like what I told you before.’

Cha-cha nodded, ‘So what are we going to do now, daddy?’

‘Ask your mommy, you know...I’m going to do something important in my room. See you later...’ my life put her down and kissed her on her forehead while he kissed me on my lips. He left. For sure, he’s just hiding somewhere and sneak.

Cha-cha stared at me.

I stared at her too and carried her, ‘So...Cha-cha, what do you want us to do while waiting for our meal?’

‘Anything would do. Ah, mommy, can I ask you something?’ she was giggling.

‘You might get used to that mommy word,’ I sighed, ‘Anyway, what is it?’ we sat on the couch.

‘Do you love daddy too?’

I nodded and smiled. I don’t want to tell more about us or else I might even complicate things more to her.

‘Is it ok to you if he always kisses you?’

Again, I nodded and smiled. Then I heard someone snickering. ‘Can you hear that, Cha-cha? Someone’s snickering.’

She peeked around and went down of the couch. She roamed and, ‘Mommy! Daddy’s hiding here!’

‘Eh?’ I looked at smirked, ‘So sneaking around is very important for you.’

‘Sorry about that,’ he showed himself as he scratched his head. ‘Let’s just watch a movie for a while then let’s play monopoly and stroll around the park later, ok?’

‘Yehey! I would love too, daddy!’ Cha-cha giggled. ‘I want to watch Barbie movies. Please? Please?’

‘Sure, no worries. Go now to your mommy while I prepare the stuff...’

She nodded and went beside me. My life prepared the DVD set and played the Barbie movies. He sat beside me and held my hand, ‘Don’t you like Shrek movies, Cha-cha?’ and he chuckled.

I looked at him fiercely.

‘What?’ he pinched my cheeks.

I shook my head and smirked.

‘I like Shrek movies too but I love Barbie more...’ she was seriously watching.

‘Oh...I see...’ he looked at me, ‘How’s the dress, anyway?’

‘’s kinda awkward for me obviously. Though, I’m wearing pants inside,’ I chuckled.

‘Why? You should just wear your boxers,’ he winked.

‘Ah? I was still chuckling, ‘Pants is really fine...’

‘Pants are somewhat wear your boxers...’ he grinned.

‘As in...I’m going to change right now?’

‘Daddy, mommy...don’t be so loud...I can’t hear what they’re talking about.’

‘Oh, sorry...’ I whispered, ‘it’s your fault.’

My life tickled me, ‘C’mon now, my wife...remove your pants and wear your boxers only. Hm...oh, maybe lingerie.’ He laughed.

‘Daddy?’ cha-cha looked at us.

‘Sorry, sorry...’ my life showed a peace sign, He kissed me on my cheek, ‘I love you...’

‘I love you too...’ I smiled.

After a while, VII called us for lunch. Cha-cha sat on her father’s lap and I spoon fed them. Yes, my life wanted me to spoon fed him too.

‘Wow, this is so delicious....’ Cha-cha giggled. ‘Uncle Shin, do you love uncle VII? I saw you hold his hand a while ago...’

‘Cha-cha...’ my life murmured. ‘Don’t be silly, ok? Don’t act as if your uncle Shin taught you how to be one.’

Shin chuckled, ’Yeah, your dad’s right. But I really do love your uncle VII very much and I love you too, Cha-cha.’

‘Playing safe?’ my life chuckled.

‘She might get confused again,’ Shin winked. ‘What are we going to do after lunch?’

‘We’ll play monopoly later,’ my life answered.

‘Are you sure you could win this time?’ VII teasingly asked.

‘For sure!’ my life chuckled, ‘my wife would help me later.’

‘I’d help VII too!’ Shin was grinning.

‘ this would be a two on two game huh?’ my life raised his eye brow.

VII nodded.

‘How about Cha-cha?’ I asked.

‘Hm, make her nap for a while so we could really concentrate on the game?’ my life looked at her, ‘Are you sleepy?’

She shook her head, ‘I still want to watch Barbie movies!’

‘Alright, it ok with you guys?’

We all agreed so after eating, we played monopoly while Cha-cha was still watching. Every one of us was so serious until...

‘Shit! We lost again!’ my life exclaimed, ‘I’m sorry if we lost...’ he sniffed and hugged me tightly.

‘Nah, it’s’s just a game...’ I patted him.

‘What’s the price for winning?’ VII asked.

‘I’ll treat you for a drink tonight...’

‘You don’t like CS?’ VII smirked.

‘That’s a better idea...’ Shin agreed with VII.

‘Oh, yeah...I miss playing CS too, my life...let’s play later,’ I smiled.

‘Hm...alright,’ my life smiled. ‘’s time for our stroll in the park.’

‘Park?’ Cha-cha smiled.

I nodded and carried her, ‘Let’s change your clothes now...and I’ll change my clothes too.’

‘We’ll wait for you here...’ my life said.

And, we went to the park. Of course, I was still babysitting Cha-cha while VII and Shin were dating. After, we ate in a fast food restau where Cha-cha played in the fun landwith me and we went back home.

‘In law, are we already going to play CS now? Who’s gonna look after Cha-cha?’

‘Of course, her mom...’ my life chuckled as he looked at me while I was carrying Cha-cha. ‘But I want you, in law to look after her later when she sleeps. I know you’re good at babysitting too because you do have a younger sister.’

‘Sure, you can count on me.’

‘So...we’re going to play now?’ VII asked excitedly.

‘Yeah, 3 on 1. In law and Prince would be on my side while VII would play alone. You know, he’s an addict when it comes to playing CS,’ in law laughed.

‘It’s really fine with me. I can handle the three of you,’ VII stuck his tongue out.

‘Let’s wait and see...’ my life snarled at him.

And the game began. I missed playing CS with my life and luckily we won.

‘Good job, in law!’ my life messed with his hair. ‘I thought you still have mercy for him.’

‘I have no room for mercy when it comes to games but he already occupied my heart,’ Shin kissed VII on his cheek.

‘Sweet talker...’ VII smirked.

‘I thought you’re going to baby sit him too, VII?’ I asked.

‘Nah, he’s not a baby any—‘

‘He would! In the future, for sure!’ my life winked.

‘I’m looking forward to it,’ Shin nagged my life’s arms.

‘Anyway, it’s kinda late now...Cha-cha needs to rest now...’ my life pinched her cheek as she yawned. ‘uncle Shin would look after you alright?’

She didn’t respond.

‘She’s really sleepy right now...’ VII said.

‘Alright,’ Shin took her from me, ‘we’re going to sleep now. Good night...good night...’

‘Good night too...’ I said.

‘Let’s go now, VII...’ Shin said. VII nodded and they left. We went to my life’s room...

‘At last...’ I slumbered myself on his bed, ‘being Cha-cha’s baby sitter is now over...’

My life went beside me as he wrapped his arm around me, ‘Did you enjoy being her baby sitter?’

I nodded and smiled, ‘But it’s quite tiring...’

‘Tired already?’ he pouted his lips.

‘Yes...’ I caressed his cheek, ‘Any problem?’

He nodded and grinned, ‘I miss your milk, my life...’

‘Hm?’ I leaned my face closer to him and brushed my lips onto his. He slowly crawled over me and kissed me passionately. ‘I love you...’ I murmured.

‘I love you too...’ he licked my lips and played with my tongue. He removed my shirt and gave me circle of kissed on my chest. Then, someone knocked.

‘Damn...’ my life bit his lip.

‘Daddy?’ Cha-cha’s voice.

‘Cha-cha?’ my life put back my shirt on and opened the door for her. ‘In law, I thought you’re going to make her sleep?’

‘She’s quite silly. We thought she’s already sleepy but she’s not. She wanted to sleep with you, guys...’ Shin answered.

‘Please daddy?’ Cha-cha smiled.

‘Sure...’ my life smiled and held her hand.

‘Sorry for disturbing you. Have a goodnight sleep,’ Shin smiled and left.

My life and Cha-cha went beside me. Cha-cha’s between us.

‘Why do you want to sleep with us, Cha-cha?’ my life smiled while he was fixing her hair.

‘Because we’re complete!’ she giggled.

‘Complete?’ I asked.

‘Because, there is daddy and mommy and baby...’ she hugged the two of us.

‘That is so sweet of you, Cha-cha...’ I murmured and hugged her too.

She was smiling as she closed her eyes until she fell asleep.

‘Cha-cha might get used in calling me mommy, my life...’ I stared at him.

‘I instructed her this morning to call you mommy for her to feel how much she’s loved. At least, just for this day...she experienced having a mommy even though her mommy’s a boy,’ he smiled. ‘Thank you, Prince...’

‘You are welcome...’ I kissed him on his forehead.

‘Is it ok for you? The mommy thing?’

I nodded, ‘I was just worried before but after seeing her enjoying things with me, with us...her’s really ok with me now.’ I rubbed my hand on his arm.

‘Yeah, that’s what it matters,’ he smiled.

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