Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Million Ways (Day 4)

‘Shin,’ I heard VII’s voice, ‘wake up...it’s already 5 in the morning...’

I moaned, ‘Last 5 minutes...VII...’

‘What?’ his voice was stern, ‘you already told me that ‘last 5 minutes’ for 6 times now.’

‘Please...?’ I placed the blanket on my face, ‘I’m still tired and sleepy because of yesterday...’

‘But we’re supposed to leave this hotel at exactly 6:30 remember?’

I didn’t respond though I was already awake that time. Then, VII pulled the blanket away and he went over me, pinning my hands over my head.

‘Are you still going to sleep or what?’ VII stared at me.

I was blinking slowly while smiling.

He tightened his grip on my wrists, like he was already crushing my bones. *chuckles Kidding! I showed him I can’t speak; furthermore I was giving him a terrible expression on my face.

‘Ugh, I’m sorry!’ he released my wrists but was still over me. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t mean too—‘

I pulled him downwards and made myself over him. I stared at him for a while and smiled, ‘I love you.’

‘I thought you were really hurt. Tsk.’

‘No sorry at all?’ I grinned.

‘Why would I? On the contrary, you were just pretending to be hurt and I wasn’t really hurting you.’

I was just staring at him.

‘The only way I could hurt you is by hugging you tight, Shin...’ he murmured.

I sighed.

‘Is somewhat matter?’ he stroked his hand into my hair.

I rested my head on his chest, ‘You told me before that I already hurt you for a thousand times now. I am so stupid. I’m sorry.’

‘Don’t make me mad, Shin...’ he was just staring at me.

I nodded. ‘Hm, are you excited too in meeting my granny?’ I chuckled.

‘Granny? You mean grandmother, right?’ he stood up and went to the balcony.

I nodded and followed him. ‘I’m excited to eat her specialties when we get there. Oh, and to visit the river as well as the beach!’ I grinned.

‘There’s a beach near there?’ he lit his cigar and blew some smoke.

‘Yup!’ I hugged him tightly, ‘Do you like beaches too?’

‘Not really, but I’m interested to see what stuff are in there as well as in the river.’

I went beside him, ‘Oh, do you want me to catch a jellyfish for you? But I don’t know if they’re available this season. Maybe, you want some sponge-bob.’ I chuckled, ‘Ah! We’ll catch hermit crabs too and starfish and a lot more!’ I grinned.

VII pinched my cheek, ‘So cute of you. Anyhow, how’s your bruise from yesterday’s accident?’

‘Huh?’ I laid a hand on my back and looked at it though I really can’t. ‘I think...it’s still the same. Don’t worry about it, VII, it’s just a bruise.’ I smiled.

‘Of course not, let me see it.’

I removed my shirt and let him see it, ‘It’s still the same, I told you.’

‘How can you tell the difference from yesterday and today if you can’t really see it, stupid,’ I felt his cold hand on my back. ‘Though, I think it’s still the same. You should have placed more ice in the pack so it would get better.’

‘It’s really alright. I won’t die just because of this,’ I smiled.

He patted my head and smiled too, ‘Well, you’re right but for now, why don’t you take your bath first so we could already leave and go to your grandma’s place?’

‘You already took your bath?’

He shook his head, ‘I’ll finish this first and take my bath after you.’

‘Alright,’ I smiled and left him. I took my bath and after it was VII’s turn. I prepared our things for our overnight stay in grandma’s house till tomorrow. And, after all the preparation we already left. We rode a bus for our trip? *chuckles Yeah, we rode a bus for 2 hours until we reached grandma’s place. My dad approached us and helped us bring our things.

‘They’re already here!’ my dad excitedly told everyone in the house and I saw all of them holding banners welcoming VII and I.

‘Ugh,’ VII was stunned with what he saw. I went beside him as I held onto his waist.

‘Hey,’ I grinned, ‘thanks for your efforts!’

‘No problem!’ Marco, a cousin, told us. ‘Please have a sit.’

‘Wew,’ I made VII sit, ‘you’re too formal here, Marco.’

Marco scratched his head, ‘Of course! We have a new visitor here that’s why.’ He sat beside me, ‘So can you please introduce him to us?’ his eyebrows were moving up and down while he was smiling.

‘Oh, how would I start this one...’ I thought for a while, ‘VII, please meet...’ I started from the one who’s sitting on the edge of the sofa at the left corner. VII was shaking hands with them while I introduced them, ‘My uncle, my aunt, Mike (cousin), grandma, oh...you already met your future parents,’ I grinned, ‘then...Marco and the cutest cousin ever,’ I pointed to the little girl playing the piano in the corner, ‘Mischa.’ I looked at VII and smiled, ‘And this is Laurence Hilfiger, the love of my life.’

‘It’s a pleasure meeting you all,’ VII smiled.

My relatives warmly accepted him. *grins

‘Shin...,’ grandma spoke, ‘come over here....’

I nodded, ‘Wait for a while, VII.’


I came closer to my grandma and hugged her, ‘what’s the matter, grandma?’

‘I know your dad already told you that I cannot accompany the both of you here...’ her voice was so soft, ‘I hope you could bear sleeping on the sofa.’

‘Sure,’ I smiled, ‘we have no problems about that. I’ll let VII sleep on the sofa and I’ll just sleep on the floor.’

‘But, your friend over there might get disappointed...’ she pointed on VII. VII smiled at her and I smiled at him. *chuckles then my cousins talked to him.

‘Grandma, he’s the one I’m going to marry.’

‘Really?’ she giggled, ‘You’re already getting married? When’s the wedding?’

I chuckled, ‘You’re too excited than I am. We’re not still on, grandma but don’t worry, I’ll tell you the date of our wedding.’

‘I’m looking forward to it,’ she kissed me on my forehead and made me go back to VII.

‘We’re going to have a barbeque party later tonight, alright?’ my mom informed us.

‘That’s really a good idea!’ dad agreed. ‘Maybe we should go to the grocery store now and buy the stuff we need.’

‘Sure, I’m coming with you,’ my uncle told dad, ‘Mike, Marco, come with us.’

‘How about Shin?’ Marco asked, ‘He should come with us too!’

‘Nah, I am a guest here, remember?’ I chuckled.

‘He’s right, Marco...’ aunt added, ‘Go now so you could go back home early for lunch.’

‘Pff, unfair’ Marco pouted his lips and chuckled too. ‘Alright, see you later guys! Let’s go now, Mike.’

Mike waved, ‘Bye! Grandma, we’re going now!’

‘Take care,’ grandma smiled and they left. My aunt, mom, grandma, Mischa and us were the only ones left in the house.

‘We’re going to prepare our meal for lunch, ok? Rest there for a while,’ mom smiled and went with my aunt in the kitchen.

‘How about you, grandma? What are you going to do now?’ I asked her.

‘I’m going to finish the sweater I’m knitting for the one you love,’ grandma smiled, ‘Come with me...you two...oh, and bring Mischa with you.’

‘Alright,’ I carried Mischa and smiled, ‘How are you little girl? Did you miss me?’

Mischa giggled and nodded.

‘He’s VII, say hi to him...’ we were following grandma in her room.

‘Hi....’ Mischa said with a small voice.

‘Hi too,’ VII smiled at her too.

‘So cute!’ I pinched her cheek.

VII faked a cough, ‘You’re cuter,’ and smiled.

I chuckled and we sat down on the bed where grandma was knitting.

VII leaned to me closer, ‘Is she really serious about the knitting stuff for me?’

I nodded and smiled, ‘Do you like the blue color?’

‘Yeah, I don’t have any problem with that,’ he smiled. ‘I’m excited to wear it.’

‘I’m glad that you’re excited to wear this,’ grandma said while she was knitting, ‘Don’t worry, you can already wear this tonight. I’m just doing some finishing touches.’

‘It’s alright, take your time.’

‘Thank you, VII. Anyway, play with Mischa first, ok? I’ll just do this on the balcony,’ grandma told us as she went to the balcony and continued knitting.

‘Do you wanna see the view outside, VII?’


We both stood up, I was still carrying Mischa and went to the balcony. Grandma was just knitting and I think she was listening to us too.

‘Wow...’ he smiled and he looked at me, ‘this place is so cool...so peaceful.’

‘Yes, I’m glad that you liked it. I love you...’

VII suddenly covered my mouth with his hand, ‘She might hear you...’

‘She actually did,’ I chuckled, ‘Any problem with that?’

‘She’s an innocent girl, that’s all.’

‘So...?’ I remembered something, ‘Oh, do you remember the little girl in the library when I hugged you? She’s an innocent girl too.’

‘You hugged VII?’ Mischa giggled.

‘I always do...’ I pinched her little nose, smiling, ‘because I love him with all of my heart, my body and my soul...’

VII just sighed.

‘So...’ she paused, ‘did you already kiss?’

‘Ah?’ I chuckled.

‘Huh?’ VII wondered. ‘Why ask such a question?’

Mischa was just smiling.

‘You know kids are curious about things,’ grandma told us. ‘Just don’t mind her.’

I pinched her nose again, ‘So silly!’

‘Just like her cousin,’ VII smirked.

After a few hours of resting, playing with Mischa and etc. my dad came back with my other relatives and we ate our lunch. Later than that, we had a movie marathon. While watching the movie, I noticed that VII was serious. Was he thinking of that damn thing again? *sighs I hope not...

I stared at VII then he noticed me.

‘Hm?’ VII asked.

I shook my head and smiled. He smiled at me too but then he watched the movie again. *sighs After 2 movies, around 6pm, my mom told us to help them in preparing for the barbeque party. Mom divided the group into three, the girls were assigned to the complicated stuff and boys were assigned to grill the meat while VII and I were assigned to slice the other things. I asked mom why is that? She answered, ‘Because VII might get stinky and whatsoever so just come with him and help him in slicing.’

‘The question is...’ I looked at VII as I leaned on the wall, ‘do mr. hard to get know how to slice?’

VII smirked, ‘Of course...I know...’

‘Really?’ I raised an eye brow.

‘Somehow, I know. Tsk. At least I know how to slice things, cry baby,’ he took the vegetables and tried to peel it.

I smiled, ‘I’ll show you how to peel this thing, ok? Watch carefully.’ I peeled the carrots but I guess he was still confused about it?


‘Here...’ I went to his back and enclosed him in my arms while I took his hands and guided him how to peel the carrots. ‘Slowly first, alright? I don’t want to see some cuts from you...’ I teased.

‘Tsk. I’m not that stupid to get cuts so easily.’

‘So you’re saying that I can easily get cuts because I’m stupid?’ I smiled.

‘No,’ he faced me, ‘It’s being clumsy.’

I pouted my lips, ‘Clumsy=Stupid’

‘Tsk. Why are you degrading yourself too much, cry baby?’

I sobbed.

VII smiled, ‘Oh, I haven’t seen you cry. Hm, can you cry on the spot?’

‘Ah, but why?’ I was still teaching him how to peel.

‘Nothing, please?’

‘Give me a situation first....oh, I’ll just give a situation by myself,’ I told him then tears rolled down my face.

He wiped my tears with his hand, ‘What situation did you think of?’

‘I thought of the times you were avoiding me and the times you were thinking of that damn thing when you’re with me,’ I chuckled.

He gave me a straight face.

‘Hey, I was just kidding besides it was just crocodile tears. It doesn’t matter to me anymore,’ I looked straightly in his eyes. ‘I only care for the future now with you, VII and my true tears are precious because they are only offered for you.’

VII turned to me, held my chin and kissed me sweetly on my cheek. Then someone faked a cough, dad saw us.

‘Do it in private, alright?’ dad smiled as he got some beverages inside the fridge, ‘when somebody else sees you two, they might think that my future son-in law isn’t hard to get anymore.’

‘Well, you know dad...I’m already his, but he’s not yet mine. It means that he can do everything he wants to do on me but me, I still can’t. Damn,’ I sighed.

‘Oh?’ dad chuckled. ‘You’re good, VII. Make my son suffer.’

VII nodded and smiled.

‘Oh well, that’s life, son. No pain, no gain. Anyways, got to go back now to what I was doing before. See you around,’ dad smiled and left us.

‘No pain, no gain huh? Tsk.’ I pouted my lips,

‘Your father’s right. I’m always reminding you to do better than that,’ he stuck his tongue out as he continued peeling on his own.

I smiled and helped him too.

Around 7, my dad and uncle rested so my mom told me to substitute for them first but not VII. Alright, I don’t want my prince to get tired. *grins

‘The substitutes coming,’ I told my cousins as I sat between them. ‘How’s cooking?’

‘Everything’s fine...’ Marco answered, ‘oh, where’s VII?’

‘Inside with mom, helping her...’

‘Shin...’ Mike smiled, ‘can you tell us about your love story? You know what I am really excited to hear the news from you since this morning though I got shy of asking.’

‘Ah...’ thought for a while, ‘Sure...’

I told them everything they wanted to hear, moments after...

‘So...’ Marco flipped the skewered meat, ‘What is the difference between loving a man between a woman?’

I threw a stone into the water, ‘Well, a man can love a million girls but me....’ I thought of VII and found myself smiling, ‘I can love VII in a million ways I want.’

‘Aw...that is so heart warming, Shin,’ Mike said, ‘I wonder why he still hasn’t said yes to you...’

I shrugged my shoulders, ‘I’m willing to wait, and I am always telling him that.’ I smiled.

‘But, do you wonder sometimes why he hasn’t said yes to you?’

‘Geez, you have lots of questions huh?’ I smirked, ‘No, I didn’t.’

‘Really?’ they both looked shocked. ‘Why is that?’

‘Because I only think of him alone and nothing else...’ I lay on the sand, ‘In every moment of my life...I am getting more and more obsessed to him. I am always preoccupied by him, really.’ I looked on top of my head and saw VII. ‘VII..?’

My cousins looked to where was VII.

‘Hey...’ he came closer to where I was lying. ‘Can we talk?’

‘Ugh...’ I sat down and looked at my cousins who were teasingly smiling at us, ‘Sure...’ I smiled and left my cousins with VII. We walked far away from grandma’s house and we sat from nowhere? *chuckles Anyways...

VII sat first and I sat beside him, closely, ‘What do you wanna talk about, VII?’

He just looked at me and smiled.

‘Hm? I smiled too, ‘Have you heard our conversation before...with... my cousins?’

He nodded, ‘I heard everything.’

‘Huh? But I thought you’re helping mom with some stuff inside?’

‘Actually, I told her that I wanted to be with you,’ he lit his cigar, ‘so I followed you but I heard your cousins talked about me so I just hid myself for a while.’

‘Ah...’ I took a piece of a twig and started to draw on the sand, ‘they were just curious about our love story,’ I smiled.

He blew some smoke, ‘That’s...pretty obvious.’

‘I guess so? Anyway, back to the question before...what do you wanna talk about?’

‘I wanted to hear from you...how it all started.’

‘Hm? What do you mean?’ I looked at him.

‘Your unfathomable love for me...?’ he smirked. ‘I’m curious.’

I started to draw his name on the sand, ‘Well...’ I looked at him, ‘I already fell in love with you when I was trying desperately requesting you to smile.’ I sneered, ‘Honestly, I know it’s kinda selfish but I really wanted you to smile for me. I don’t know why...there’s something in you that makes me want to desire for more.’

He didn’t respond, instead he continued smoking.

‘Remember the first time that we met?’

‘The first time we met formally was when our leader introduced you to us for the dance concert,’ VII answered.

I nodded and smiled, ‘I already found you remarkable from the first time I saw you. From the way you talk, you look...your fashion as well as your manners. Yours was very different from us. I am not saying that you are somewhat deviant but it’s because that you’re a noble one. Then...we became friends...?’

‘You’re not sure? Tsk.’ he smirked.

‘I am...’ I finished writing his name this time, mine’s next, ‘I just recalled the time you retracted the friendship bond between us because of Chantelle. Anyway, before that...we became closer as friends though the time came that you got disappointed because of the kiss thing.’

He blew a smoke into the air, ‘I thought you already fell in love with me from the time you wanted me to see me smile? And that was the time you were courting Chantelle. What do you mean by that exactly? You’re only playing with our feelings?’

‘That’s not what I meant,’ I looked at him, ‘I only treated Chantelle as a friend that time but Mandy wanted me to court her because Chantelle was in love with me? Though, it’s not. Moreover, Mandy gave me a private message that I should give up on her and just focus on Chantelle coz she knew that I’d learn to love her.’

‘You can’t really learn how to love...it’s innate,’ VII looked at me.

I nodded, ‘Hence, I continued to court her even though I am already in love with you. Now I know why you kept on telling me that I already hurt you for a thousand times now,’ I sighed, ‘I am so sorry...I am really stupid.’

‘I understand...I know you don’t want to disappoint Mandy if you’re just going to dump Chantelle...’ he smirked, ‘What a crap...’

I looked at him and placed my jacket on his back.

‘Life’s unfair and at the same time, a game,’ he continued. ‘It’s like playing chess, one wrong move and everything’s easily ends.’

‘But in every wrong move, you’ll learn something from it,’ I drew hearts all around our names. ‘I made love with you before for me to let you feel somehow that you are special to me.’ I smiled. ‘Though I don’t care about the past now...I care about everything in this moment and in the future, like what I told my cousins.’

He blew smoke into the air.

‘Oh, I also remember that I didn’t go back to US to continue my studies. It’s because of you...I wanted to be with you always. You know what, I felt anxious after hearing that news from my professor...’ I placed my elbow on my knee and my head on my hand and stared at him.

‘And why is that?’ he finished smoking.

‘I was scared because maybe the day I finally decided to tell you that I love you might be the day after that you have given up chasing on me.’

He caressed my cheek, ‘Impossible.’

I held his hand and kissed it, ‘You know what’s the best thing about you, VII…is that one thing that makes me love you more each day,’ I smiled.

He smiled too, ‘I remembered the time you said that I already did something to you that’s why you’re thanking me. What is that, really?’

‘You don’t know?’ I was cuddling his hand.

He shook his head.

‘You’re love,’ I smiled.

He was just staring at me.

I took a deep breath, ‘I love you, Laurence...’ I looked him genuinely in his eyes, ‘and when I tell you I love you’, I don’t say it out of habit or to make conversation. I say it to remind you that you are the best happening to my life. You’re the only one that matters to me now.’

VII looked astonished with what I said. I looked down and smiled. I stared at him again but he was motionless though he stared back at me too. I leaned my face, slowly, closer to him and kissed him sweetly on his lips, and he kissed me back.

‘I will love you forever, I assure you that,’ VII murmured as he smiled.

After a while, we went back to grandma’s house and ate our dinner. We even drank some beer with my dad, uncle and cousins. Sleeping time, I was preparing VII’s blankets on the sofa while he finished smoking outside...

‘I hope you’d get a comfortable sleep later tonight...’ I placed the pillow on the sofa. ‘Sorry if I didn’t let you see the river this afternoon. We’ll just go there tomorrow.’

‘It’s alright, no need to say sorry,’ he threw the cigarette butt and went inside. ‘Is it ok with you to sleep on the floor?’

I nodded and smiled, ‘I don’t mind.’

‘Ah...’ he paused for a while, ‘you can sleep here with me. But we’re just going to sit. Would that be fine with you?’

‘Are you sure about that?’ I was grinning.

He nodded and smiled. He patted the sofa, meant that he wanted me to sit beside him. I excitedly took my blanket and sat beside him. I wrapped the blanket around us and held his hand tightly.

‘I’m sleepy now...’ I yawned as I rested my head on his shoulder, ‘let’s sleep now, VII.’

‘Alright,’ he kissed me on my forehead and rested his head on mine, ‘Good night, my cute love...’

‘Good night...’ I murmured, ‘I love you, Laurence...’

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