Tuesday, August 24, 2010

10 Fingers Locked (Day 5)

I was awakened by VII, who was fondling my hair.

‘Good morning...,’ my eyes were still half shut.

‘Are you still sleepy?’

I nodded, ‘and my head’s aching....’ I opened my eyes and smiled sweetly at him.

‘I’m just wondering why you didn’t become a kissing monster last night,’ he smirked.

‘I wasn’t really drunk last night. Why are you asking anyway?’

‘I told you I was just wondering, stupid,’ he thumped his finger on my nose and smiled.

‘Ah...maybe you wanted me to become one so I could kiss you nonstop,’ I chuckled, ‘Kidding!’

He smiled, ‘Good guess...’ and chuckled a bit.

‘Eh?’ I felt my cheeks burned and then I realized that I was over him. ‘Oh, I’m sorry, VII. I don’t mean—‘

‘It’s alright. I guess we can’t really sleep like that, I mean like sitting in 9 hours.’

I counted that 9 hours and I was shocked by the fact that it was already 10 in the morning, ‘Did they see us? What time did you wake up?’

VII nodded and smiled, ‘Around 9.’

‘What did they tell you?’ I tried to sit but he refrained me to.

‘A lot but it doesn’t matter anymore. By the way, Mischa saw us too and she asked lots of questions a while ago.’

I snickered, ‘Anyway, do you want to eat our breakfast now? I’m kinda hungry...’

Both of us stood up and I fixed the blankets as well as the pillows. Then we went to the kitchen and I made coffee for him.

VII sat down, ‘Your dad gave something to me a while ago,’ he showed me a pack of something, ‘pretzels, I guess. He said that we should eat this after our breakfast.’

‘We should?’ I gave him his cup of coffee, ‘why is that?’

He shrugged his shoulders, ‘It’s good?’

‘I see,’ I sat next to him, ‘But you don’t like sweets...’

He sipped on his coffee, ‘Maybe I’ll give it a try.’

‘Eh?’ I smiled, ‘Are you sure about that?’

He nodded and smiled too, ‘There’s no harm in trying and besides I’ll just eat a few. Hm, around 10 sticks?’

I chuckled, ‘Alright, if that’s what you want. Why is it you don’t like sweets anyway?’

‘No reason, I just don’t like them.’

‘Weird? Doesn’t sweets cheer you up?’

‘Nope, but there’s a one sweet thing that can cheer me up, though’

I smiled, ‘What is it?’ I’m very curious.

‘You guess...’

‘Again?’ I pouted my lips, ‘Come on... just tell me.’

He shrugged his head, ‘Not saying.’

I sighed, ‘Ok fine, at least give me a clue?’

‘It’s a two-letter word. The first word starts with letter S and ends up in N, while the second word starts with the letter H and ends up with R.’

‘Hmm?’ I wondered for a couple of seconds, ‘I cannot guess it. Is it a brand of a chocolate?’

‘Sweeter than chocolates...’ he was staring at me.

I scratched my head, ‘Hmm?’ I thought about it again but I couldn’t really guess it. I sighed, ‘I give up VII.’

He smiled and moved closer to me, ‘If you will guess it right, you could kiss me but if you won’t then I’ll kiss you.’

‘I cannot!’ I grinned.

‘Silly,’ he held my chin and moved his face close to my right ear; so close that it almost touch my ears. ‘It’s called... Shin Hilfiger,’ and moved a little distant from me.

‘What?’ I wondered, and found myself blushing on the idea.

‘You see, if Shin Caelum is married to Laurence Hilfiger, Shin Caelum would most probably be Shin Hilfiger, and that for me is the sweetest thing on earth,’ and he kissed me on my cheek.

I smiled, ‘Well then...’ I stood up and knelt down in front of him. I took his hand, ‘Laurence Hilfiger, will you take me as your lawful husband in sickness and in health? Will you marry me?’ and I kissed his hand.

He was just staring at me.

‘Ugh, sorry...I still don’t have the ring...’

‘Silly,’ he made me stand up again. ‘I love you...’

‘I love you too...’ and I smiled.

Afterwards, grandma came and she prepared something for us. A specialty though I already forgot its name. Anyways, we enjoyed eating and after that we went to the balcony and ate the pretzels dad gave us. While eating, Marco showed up and chatted with us...

‘Wew...’ I was like a child, ‘This is so sweet! It keeps me coming back for more.’

‘Really?’ Marco chuckled as he was setting up the camera, ‘Uncle bought it in the nearby village. One of the must try sweets here in Denmark. Anyway, can I take a picture of you two while you’re eating?’

I looked at VII and he was just eating. Silence means yes. So, I let him.

‘Oh, speaking of my dad...where’s he? I haven’t seen him as well as the others,’ I slotted my hand in the pretzel pack and picked a couple of pretzels.

‘Mom and dad came with your parents to see the Little Mermaid and to try the canal tours on the harbor.’

‘Eh?’ I pouted my lips. ‘Why didn’t they inform us? I wanted to come too...’

‘Because you were still asleep, stupid,’ VII told me as he took a bite on his pretzel stick.

‘He’s right,’ Marco chuckled.

‘You should have wakened me up,’ I looked at VII.

VII stared at me, ‘Oh...don’t cry, cry baby.’

‘I won’t cry,’ I pouted my lips, ‘Though I really wanted to spend time with you alone, so...’ I looked at Marco fiercely.

‘What?’ Marco asked.

‘Oh my goodness,’ I sighed, ‘LG?’

‘LG?’ they both asked.

‘Low gets,’ I chuckled. ‘Anyways, Marco...could you please leave us alone for a while?’

He shook his head and stuck his tongue out.

‘Any why?’ I raised an eye brow.

‘I want to see more of you two, love birds,’ he chuckled. ‘Oh, do you want to go to the riverside later after you eat that stuff?’

‘Yeah!’ I grinned, ‘Actually, we already planned to go there yesterday but we have no time. Can you show us the way?’

He shook his head, ‘I’ll come with you,’ he chuckled.

‘So chaperones still exist,’ VII smirked.

‘Pff...’ I snarled at Marco.

‘C’mon, chill out!’ he showed a peace sign. ‘Hm...don’t you want that, VII?’

‘Not really, it’s alright if you’d come besides, I can assure that Shin wouldn’t do anything to me,’ he smiled, ‘Kidding.’

I chuckled, ‘Hey, I am not that type of person, VII. Oh, I forgot to ask you...why didn’t you come with them, Marco?’

‘So I could look after grandma,’ he smiled, ‘Pose for me, will you?’

‘Hm...’ I looked at VII.

‘Alright...’ he smiled.

‘Good. I want some sweet poses from you guys, ok?’

‘We won’t’ I chuckled and we posed for him though our poses weren’t really that sweet. *chuckles After eating, we prepared ourselves. In the living room...

I was setting up my PSP as VII sat beside me, ‘Wow, the sweater looks nice to you, VII.’ I smiled.

‘Thanks,’ he smiled too, ‘Aren’t you going to wear your sweater too?’

I shook my head, ‘I’m fine with tees and jeans.’

He didn’t respond. After a few minutes, I looked at him and saw him staring at nowhere.

‘Are you alright?’

No respond at all.

‘Hey...VII?’ I was nagging him. ‘VII...?’

Still, no respond.

I stared at him and saw him closed his eyes, ‘What shall I do?’

‘VII?’ and I pecked on his cheek.

‘Ah,’ he suddenly looked at me, ‘Is somewhat matter?’

‘Why are you asking me?’ I snickered, ‘I should be the one asking that question to you...’

VII sighed, ‘Sorry. Don’t worry, I’m alright, Shin.’ He watched me play my PSP.

‘Anyways, I wonder who’s gonna look after grandma if Marco would be coming with us...’

‘Maybe your grandma will come with us too?’ he was serious.

‘Huh?’ I looked at him and chuckled, ‘Grandma will come with us in the river side?’

‘No, I was asking you,’ he pinched my cheek, ‘I didn’t give you a declarative sentence, stupid.’

I was still chuckling.

‘Shin’s nickname for you is ‘stupid’?’ Marco asked VII as he sat opposite to us.

VII nodded, ‘And cry baby.’

‘Cry baby?’ Marco chuckled. ‘Shin, you’re a cry baby? Wew. I never knew that.’

‘Hey, I am not.’

‘Yes, you are,’ VII said.

‘Am not...’

‘Yes, you are.’

‘I told you I am not,’ I pouted my lips.

‘Oh, come on...you’re going to cry now,’ VII teased me.

I stuck my tongue out and smiled, ‘Who’s gonna look after grandma anyway?’

‘Geez, you’re changing the topic,’ VII smirked.

I pouted my lips while staring at VII.

‘Peace,’ he smiled.

‘So that’s how you tease each other,’ Marco snickered, ‘about your question before, Mike’s going to look after her.’

‘Ah...so you mean he’s going back here?’ I kept my PSP.

Marco nodded and smiled, ‘Don’t worry he’ll be here in a few minutes. I know you’re excited about the river stuff. I also prepared some sandwiches for our snack if we’d stay there for a long time.’

‘Yeah!’ I grinned, ‘Oh, I forgot to ask too if jelly fishes are available now? I wanted to catch some for him.’

‘Aw...they’re not available this season.’

‘Pff,’ I sighed.

‘It’s alright, Shin...’ VII patted my head.

‘I’m home!’ Mike greeted us, ‘Sorry for waiting. Are you leaving now?’

Marco nodded, ‘I already cooked the meal for your lunch. Look for grandma, alright?’

Mike smiled, ‘What time will you be back?’

Marco looked at me.

‘Hm...’ I thought for a while. ‘Around two, besides Marco already prepared some sandwiches for us.’

‘Ah...I see, take care and enjoy.’

‘Sure, thanks!’ I grinned. ‘Let’s go now!’ I placed my hands on VII’s shoulder and we walked outside the house.

‘Are we just going to walk?’ VII asked.

‘Yep,’ Marco smiled, ‘It’s just near here. If you get tired, Shin’s going to carry you.’

‘Sure,’ I agreed with my cousin, ‘I’ll piggy back ride you, VII.’ I grinned.

VII smirked, ‘It’s not what you think. I don’t get tired easily, remember?’

I nodded, ‘coz you’re with me...’ and smiled.

‘Tsk, sweet talker.’ VII teased.

So we went to the riverbanks. We even trekked downwards, I enjoyed that part coz I was holding VII’s hand. Marco saw us and my dilemma was: I was guiding him. *grins. We dipped our hands on the river and I even tried to catch some fish. Actually, we did lots of things there. *chuckles I’m not going to elaborate it anymore coz I need to do something later for tomorrow. Anyways, Marco was just around the corner, looking at the pictures he took while I was searching for some stones I could bring back in Japan...

‘Shin...’ VII was behind me.

‘Yep?’ I looked at him and smiled.

‘I caught an insect,’ he showed me the insect in his hands, ‘I guess this is a dragonfly.’

‘It is...’ I smiled, ‘Wow, you like those kind of insects?’

He shrugged his shoulders, ‘I’m just wondering if I killed it or what? It’s not moving anymore.’

‘Died that easily?’ I wonder too, ‘how could that be?’

‘I don’t know...’

‘Nah, it’s just playing dead.’

‘Playing dead?’ he smirked, ‘Geez, they know such acts?’

I nodded and I was serious.

‘You got to be kidding me,’ he was still smirking.

I shook my head, ‘I am not. Take this an example, if you killed an ant by thudding your finger on them, they may seem dead coz they’re not moving but after a while, they’ll move.’

‘But, ok?’ he looked confused.

‘Why don’t you try to place him on that stone and see if it would really fly?’ Marco suggested.

‘Yeah, he’s right,’ I agreed with Marco. ‘Let’s see if it’s really dead.’

VII placed the dragonfly and we observed for a while.

‘Oh, it’s really not moving...’ I took a closer look.

‘Tsk. I told you it’s dead and not playing dead at all. Silly, Shin...’ he messed my hair.


‘Eh, what?’ VII raised an eye brow and smiled.

I shook my head and smiled too, ‘It’s already 2 now...maybe let’s go back? We still need to prepare our things later.’

‘Oh yeah, you’re going back to Copenhagen,’ Marco stood up from where he was sitting and lead the way.

‘I hope your relatives are already there so we could say our goodbyes,’ VII said.

‘I hope too but I guess they’re busy with their tour,’ I looked at him, ‘Though, we could just say our goodbyes to my cousins and grandma.’

VII nodded as we went back to grandma’s house and prepared our things. Before we left, at around 5 in the afternoon...

‘Please bring this home, I baked it for you a while ago...’ my grandma gave us something.

VII and I looked inside the box.

‘Cookies...’ I grinned but then again I sighed. VII doesn’t like sweets.

‘Shin? Is somewhat matter?’ grandma asked.

VII patted my head, ‘Thank you for this, grandma?’

‘Oh, of course you can call me our grandma,’ grandma kissed our cheeks sweetly, ‘take care alright.’

‘We would, thanks again grandma,’ I smiled and looked at Marco, ‘Tell mom and dad that we already left.’

‘Sure, thanks for coming too,’ he smiled too, ‘especially to our future cousin in law. VII thanks for coming with Shin.’

‘No problem.’

‘Regards to Ashley and Prince as well as to aunt and uncle,’ Mike added.

‘Sure,’ I hugged grandma and tapped my cousins, ‘Got to go now, bye!’


VII smiled at them and we left. We rode the bus again and while on our way...

I took a cookie and ate it, ‘So delicious...’ I giggled, ‘I miss my grandma’s cooking.’

‘Yes, your grandma cooks well...’

I offered one for him and he took it.

‘Thanks,’ he smiled and ate it, ‘By the way, have I already told you that leader and his lover wouldl be coming?’

‘Ugh,’ I thought for a while, ‘Not yet, but I’d love to see them here.’

He smirked, ‘Good luck to my leader.’

‘Hm?’ I looked at him.

‘He can’t really speak right now. His throat lining’s bleeding though his lover said that he will take care of his princess.’

I chuckled, ‘You mean Prince?’

He nodded, ‘They’d be here tomorrow night.’

‘Oh, great...’ I grinned.

‘Yeah?’ he smirked, ‘You’re excited that we’re not going to be alone anymore?’

‘No, that’s not what I meant,’ I held his hand tightly, 10 fingers locked, ‘I just want to show something to them tomorrow night.’

‘And what is that?’

‘You’ll see tomorrow night too,’ I kissed him on his forehead as he rested his head on my shoulder. ‘Do you know that I find it more significant if I hold you like this 10 fingers locked, rather than this one?’ I held him on the other way.

VII didn’t respond, he was just staring at our hands. I smiled and held him again, 10 fingers locked, ‘So no one could ever break us apart so easily...’ I kissed his hand sweetly and rested my head on his head too. ‘I love you, VII...’

‘Same here Shin.’

I sighed.

He turned his head up, ‘Somewhat matter?’

‘Nothing much, I just realized that 2 days from now. We should go back to Japan and return to our usual stuffs.’

‘It wouldn’t be that usual anymore,’ VII was smiling at me.

‘Huh? Why?’ I asked him but he didn’t answer instead he gave me wink.

‘Ok?’ I chuckled.

‘You’re very lovely, my cute love’.

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