Tuesday, August 24, 2010

History Class from VII (Day 3)

I woke up early and saw VII still asleep beside me. I gently got up and put on my clothes. I covered VII with a blanket. I went to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, ‘Damn! I am so cute. Oh, look at that face…so cute.’

What am I doing? *chuckles Anyway, I washed my face and went to the kitchen. I made a hot chocolate for me.

‘I wonder if VII wants some too?’, and so I made two. I went back to the bedroom where VII was and placed the two mugs on the coffee table. I draw near VII, ‘VII? Wake up now, we still have to meet dad and mom’, I told him while I nag him gently but there was no response. I called out for him thrice but there was no response, and so I held on his shoulder to turn him around and suddenly I slipped off and I fell above VII’s body.

‘Ouch…’ VII whispered as he opened his eyes, ‘Shin?’

I was above him, ‘Morning!’ I grinned.

‘What are you doing above me?’

‘Ugh…well…’ I don’t want to tell him that I slipped off? I was a little embarrassed of my clumsiness *chuckles. ‘I was trying to wake you up.’

‘Oh, really?’ and then he became quiet. ‘Liar,’ he whispered.


He pushed me a little and he moved a little far from me. ‘You were going to rape me, aren’t you?’ he uttered. ‘Oh…Shin, you should have asked me. I might give consent, you know. At least it will be a free will.’

‘Huh? What are you saying?’ I was surprised.

‘I know I gave myself to you before but that doesn’t mean you can take me down whenever you want.’

‘WHAT?’ I am freaking out this time, ‘Hey! Who are you? Are you VII?’ I demanded, ‘What’s wrong VII?’

And suddenly, VII just laughed but a soft one though. I think I’ll be insane this time; I stared at him laughing softly.

‘Peace…’ he uttered as he showed me a peace sign, ‘Kidding’.

I chuckled, ‘That was a good one VII.’

‘Yeah…’ he leaned towards me and kissed my nose, ‘You smell like a chocolate, I like that.’

I felt my cheek burned, ‘Silly.’

We got out from the bed and drank our hot choco in the balcony.

‘What are we going to do now, Shin?’

‘You’ll play polo with dad, remember?’ I answered while I was staring at the harbor.

‘Ah yeah…’ he sipped on his choco.

‘You forgot?’ I looked at him.

‘Sort of…’ he sighed. ‘Sorry.’

‘I understand…’ I murmured. Damn, still that problem *sighs. I put my mug down and quit staring at the harbor. I faced the other side and stared at the floor. I want to do something for him but he won’t let me.

Suddenly, I found myself lifted by VII and was placed on the railings of the balcony, ‘VII…?’

‘What were you thinking?’ he was between my legs; he rested his head on my chest and hugged me tight.

‘Nothing serious,’ I answered, kissed him on his forehead and hugged him back.

‘I love you.’

I smiled, ‘I love you too.

After sometime, I received a phone call from my mom. They said that they’re already in the Amalienborg Palace waiting for us. We prepared ourselves and went to where mom and dad will be meeting us.

I saw dad waving at us, ‘Shin… VII!’

We approached them, ‘Hi mom and dad!’ I kissed them on their cheeks.

‘Hello there Mrs. and Mr. Caelum’, VII greeted them with a smile.

‘Hello VII’, mom responded as she kissed him in his cheek, ‘Mom’ she whispered on his left ear.

VII smiled, ‘Sorry, mom… and dad.’

‘Better,’ dad told him as he tapped his shoulder, ‘so shall we?’

We nodded.

‘I am getting excited about this. I really want to see that palace and know some royal facts and traditions,’ mom told us, ‘VII?’

‘Yes?’ VII looked at mom.

‘Do you know something about the Amalienborg Palace?’

VII nodded, ‘But not so much’.

‘How come?’ dad asked.

‘From my history class,’ VII smiled.

I chuckled, ‘Eh? You still remember your historical studies?’

He nodded, ‘It’s one of those subjects I should master… especially I was a crown prince before. And being the next in line, I should know historical facts.’

‘Brilliant kid,’ dad complimented him, ‘How about you, Shin? What historical facts do you know?’

‘Ugh… next question please?’ I chuckled, as well as VII.

‘That’s Shin for us’, mom said as she messed up with my hair.

‘Hey! Watch it!’ and we all laughed. Finally we reached the Amalienborg Palace entrance. It was so beautiful, truly one of a kind tourist spot.

‘So VII, what can you tell us about this place?’ mom asked him.

‘Well as far as I can remember from my professor before, this palace is the winter home of the Danish royal family’.

‘And what is that Danish royal family?’

‘Those are the monarchs ruling Denmark.’

‘Of course, of course… silly question, so that domed structure? Is that a church or what?’ mom continued asking.

‘Mom…’ I interrupted.

‘It’s okay, Shin. I still can remember my history,’ he chuckled a little, ‘well that is a church, mom. It’s a Frederik's Church or more known as the Marble Church’.

‘Oh, yeah! I heard about that! If I am not mistaken, it was designed by Nicolai Eigtved in 1740,’ dad added as he continued taking some photos.

VII nodded, ‘And it is the largest church dome in Scandinavia’.

‘Wow! You know a lot VII’, I grabbed on his left arms and hugged it, ‘Maybe you could teach me about everything?’

He nodded, ‘Sure but never philosophy.’

I chuckled, ‘I think I know what you mean,’ I winked.

‘Of course you do,’ he smiled at me. We continued walking and reached the back of the church, ‘So there are four buildings?’

‘They’re not buildings, Shin. They’re palaces too.’

‘Huh?’ I wondered, ‘But I thought that this is the Amalienborg Palace alone?’

He nodded, ‘Yes it is but this Amalienborg Palace is sub-divided into four palaces. So basically, it’s a palace within another palace.’


‘Can you tell us more about it?’ mom favored.

‘I am not so sure about the details anymore but these four palaces surrounding the plaza were envisioned of as town mansions for the families of chosen nobility.’

‘Is that so?’ mom smiled, ‘Interesting.’

‘Of course… VII is interesting’, I told her.

‘Shin…’ my mom’s eyebrows rose.

‘Oh no, mom! Wrinkles!’

She urgently touched her forehead, ‘Where?’

‘There!’ I pointed my finger in the sky and laughed.

VII and dad laughed too.

‘Grr! Shin!’ mom shouted and hit me with her hand bag.

‘Ouch! ’ I snarled at her and chuckled. ‘I was just kidding mom, peace!’

‘Shut up! You silly head!’ she said as she grabbed VII hands, ‘Let’s go, VII.’

‘Ugh…-‘ VII uttered.

Mom was pulling VII away from me, ‘Oh no you don’t…’ and I pulled VII towards me.

‘Who says no?’ and mom pulled VII towards her. But I pulled him back to me, and vice versa again.

‘Cut it out!’ dad interrupted, ‘You two… do you want VII rip both of his arms?’

I let go of VII’s arms and so as mom, ‘Sorry’.

‘It’s all right…’ VII said as he massaged his right arm, and then massaged his left.

‘See?’ dad sighed, ‘I’m sorry VII.’

‘No, it’s okay Mr. Caelum…oh, I mean dad.’

Dad sighed again, ‘See? He’s forgetting things because you two are pressuring him.’

VII smiled, ‘No dad. It’s okay, really.’

‘Sorry VII,’ I told him.

‘Sorry too VII,’ mom told him as well.

‘It’s okay… it’s okay, no big deal.’

‘This is your fault mom,’ I looked at her fiercely.

‘Mine? Yours!’ looked at me too, and there was like a lightning between our eyes.

‘Shin? Mom?’ VII asked.

Dad sighed, ‘Oh… forget them VII, let’s get moving’, dad started to walk as well as VII. When I saw that VII was walking away, I hurriedly followed him but mom stopped me, ‘Mom?’

‘Sshh!’ she leaned her face closer to mine, ‘Don’t interrupt them, your father wants to have some talk with your lover,’ she teased. ‘Let them talk, son’ and winked at me.

I wanted to know what they had talked about but mom told me not to. And so for the entire time, VII was just with my dad and I was with mom. Perhaps I’ll just ask him later or tomorrow? Anyways, we went now to the venue where dad and VII would play. They changed their attires and VII really looks like a prince with his attire but not dad. *chuckles. Before the game…

‘Hey, Shin…’ VII approached me while I was standing behind the fence.

‘Yes?’ I smiled at him, ‘Nice outfit.’

‘Thanks,’ he smiled at me too, ‘Anyhow, you told us yesterday that you don’t like riding on horses. Why don’t you give it a try this time?’

I shook my head while grinning, ‘No thanks! Ah, I’ll just stand behind here and watch you guys.’

He smirked, ‘Are you scared?’

I just gave him a big smile.

‘Oh, come on…my cute love,’ he suddenly carried me towards a white horse, ‘You shouldn’t be scared because I am always with you.’

I sighed and pouted my lips.

He stared at me, ‘Don’t pout your lips like that. I might steal a kiss from you,’ he chuckled a little.

I was still pouting my lips.

‘Silly,’ he put me down and held my hand, ‘Geez, your hands are cold. You really are nervous, aren’t you?’

I nodded as I scratched my head. VII peeked around then gracefully rode on the white horse and he showed me his hand, ‘Ride now.’

I was motionless.

‘Don’t tell me I’m going to carry you too up here?’ he smirked. ‘Tsk. Are you rejecting your lover’s offer now?’

I shook my head, my lips were still pouting, ‘I was a bit scared, I’m sorry.’

He smiled and pinches my cheeks, ‘Shin?’

I looked at him and smiled too. I rode the horse while VII was behind me. He taught me how to command a horse and lots of stuff.

‘You’re good,’ he patted me on my head, ‘Now, it’s your turn.’

‘Huh?’ I was confused. ‘What do you mean?’

He went down of the horse, ‘Your turn to be alone.’

‘Ugh…’ I sighed.

‘You can do that,’ he smiled. ‘I’ll watch you from here. Remember what I told you before.’

I nodded and tried being alone. At first, everything went well until suddenly, the horse has gone nuts. I don’t know why, he was just jumping around, very uncontrollable! Then I just fell down and he even stomped me on my back though it was not that vigorous.

‘Ou..ouch…’ I turned over and saw the horse running away. ‘Damn it…’

Mom, dad and VII were approaching me, as well as the others.

‘Oh my goodness! Shin, are you alright?’ mom asked.

‘Are you kidding me?’ I smirked, ‘Do you think I’m really alright with this kind of situation?’

‘He’s right. Tsk,’ dad said, ‘You shouldn’t have asked that question…anyways, where it hurts son?’

‘My back…’

VII helped me sat down, ‘May I see?’

I nodded and slowly removed my shirt, ‘How was it?’

‘It’s just a bruise, I guess…thank goodness you didn’t get any fractures.’

I smiled, ‘Don’t worry, I drank lots of milk before that’s why my bones are still strong.’

Mom messed my hair and she smiled, ‘Don’t make us worry too much alright?

‘Or she might get more wrinkles,’ dad chuckled.

‘My god!’ mom snarled at her.

I stood up as VII helped me, ‘Alright, give yourselves a break. I’m ok now. Dad and VII, I guess you already need to prepare for the game.’

‘Ah, but how about your bruise? Maybe let’s just get an ice pack for that?’ VII asked.

I kissed him on his cheek, ‘No need, I’ll just get it by myself besides I don’t want you to be late on the game.’

‘Are you sure?’

I nodded and smiled, ‘Good luck to your game.’

He nodded, ‘See you later…’ Dad and VII went into the center of the field with the other players while mom and I went at the audience side. The game began and it was full of excitements! VII was so good at it. I was cheering for him all the time, oh mom too. Tsk. After the game, VII’s team won. Poor dad, he wasn’t on VII’s team.*laughs We went to a sauna for relaxation.

‘You’re really unfair,’ dad sighed. ‘You should have cheered me too.’

‘It’s alright, hon…’ mom giggled. ‘Anyway, congratulations to your team, VII! You did a great job!’

‘Nice game,’ dad added.

‘Thanks, mom and dad…’ VII said while he was holding on the ice pack on my back.

‘Maybe next time our son would play with you too?’ mom asked as she lay down on the mat.

‘No thanks…’ I was shivering. ‘I’d better have fight with the other gang than a horse who loves to stomp around…’

Dad chuckled, ‘Maybe we should have engaged you in another sport aside from soccer?’

‘And what would it be?’ I asked.

‘What do you think, VII?’ mom asked.

‘Archery? Fencing?’ he smirked, ‘Oh, maybe judo. It suits you well besides you’re a gang member.’

I chuckled, ‘Any self defense would do but why think of that mom? Are you really serious about enrolling in some school or what?’

She shook her head, ‘Of course not. I was just wondering.’ And she chuckled.

‘Pff. What a bluff…’ I murmured.

‘Anyway, I’m getting hungry now. Let’s eat at the cafeteria, hon…’ she stood up.

‘Sure,’ dad stood up too, ‘how about you guys?’

‘I don’t feel hungry right now…I’m cold…’ I answered.

‘I’ll just stay beside him, thanks anyway,’ VII added.

‘Alright,’ mom smiled, ‘we’ll wait for you at the cafeteria. ‘See you later!’

I nodded and smiled. Mom and dad left.

‘At last!’ I faced VII and smiled. ‘We’re all alone in this room now…’ I hugged him tight. ‘I’m cold…can I hug you for a while?’

VII nodded and hugged me too.

‘Ah, I guess this is an awkward position…’ I released him and sat beside him. ‘This is better,’ I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.

He placed his hand on my arm and kissed me on my forehead, ‘Sorry…’

‘About what?’ I was murmuring

‘About leaving you alone on that horse?’

‘Nah, it’s alright…’ I closed my eyes. I am sleepy now. ‘I am just careless on handling the horse.’

‘I am worrying a lot…’

‘You don’t need too but thank you…’

He didn’t respond…after a few seconds, ‘Are you still cold?’

‘Yeah,’ I answered him. ‘Thanks again…’


‘Thanks for making me calm…I know that whenever I’m with you, I’m safe and warm…’ I answered as his grip tightened.

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