Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Monday night, around 9 in the evening. After studying for my exam, I went outside my room and looked for Shin, but I didn’t see him inside the house. I went to the master’s bedroom and asked mom about him.

‘Mom?’ I knocked and entered the room.

‘Oh...hi, son,’ mom smiled at me as she was fixing the cushions, ‘any problem?’

I shook my head and smiled at her too, ‘I just want to ask if Shin told you where his whereabouts? He’s not in his room.’

‘He didn’t tell anything to me. Do you need something from him?’

‘Not really. Anyway, maybe I’ll just ask Ashley about him. Good night, mom,’ I smiled and after hearing her reply, I slowly closed the door. As I walked downstairs, I saw Ashley watching the TV.

‘Hey...Ashley, where’s your brother?’ I asked as I stood beside the couch.

‘I saw him with his new dog. I guess, he’s strolling him around the hood.’

‘New dog? You mean he just bought it this morning?’

She shrugged her shoulders, ‘Maybe he misses Eli that’s why he bought a new one.’

‘Ah...I see. I’ll wait for him outside and thanks for the info,’ I said and left her. I went at the terrace and waited for Shin there for a couple of minutes. I saw him walking towards the mansion with his new dog, a Siberian husky, crimson in color. I know Shin saw me but he didn’t greet me by calling my name with a smile on his face like what he used to do before.

‘Nice dog, Shin...’ I smiled at him.

Shin smiled at me too as he sat on the floor, ‘Thanks. Wew...quite tiring...let’s stroll again tomorrow, alright Ace?’ he snickered and cuddled his dog.

I wondered, ‘You’re a hyper energetic guy but you’re already tired? Unbelievable.’

He took a bottle of water inside a plastic bag and drank. He also took a can of juice and gave it to me, ‘I went to the Downtown and bought some stuff. I even bought fresh apples in the market...’ he took an apple and bit on it. ‘Delicious...’ he smiled. ‘Do you want some too, Ace? Of course, you don’t.’

‘What the heck...’ I smirked. ‘You’re weird, Shin. Are you on drugs?’

He looked at me, his lips were pouting as he shook his head.

‘Obviously, you’re still normal. Maybe you’re really tired,’ I opened the lid of the can and drank too. ‘You miss Eli that’s why you bought Ace, aren’t you?’

‘Quite...’ he stroked his hand on Ace’s fur. ‘I’m a potato on a couch now that’s why I thought of buying a new one.’ He looked at me, ‘Ah, Prince...why are you still here in the terrace? Are you waiting for in law?’

‘I’m waiting for you, I wanted to tell you something.’

‘Eh?’ he scratched his head.

I sighed, ‘You really are weird today. Tsk, anyway...I noticed that you and Chantelle are getting close again?’

‘Ah...yeah? I guess, we’re ok now...’ he looked at the stars. ‘VII told me to talk to her. Though it may sound like it was forced, no... I willingly talked to her...’

‘VII has influenced you a lot...’

He nodded and smiled.

I snickered, ‘Very...just by hearing his name, you already smile.’

‘Yeah,’ he was still smiling.

‘I’m glad that you and Chantelle are ok now...’ I smiled.

‘I’m glad too...besides I already forgave her.’


He nodded.

‘I thought you won’t forgive her with the attitude you showed her I wonder why...’

‘Does every question needs a reason?’ he smiled, ‘She’s been a good friend to me and I’m thankful she’s been my friend.’

‘You wanted to forget the past?’ I looked at him.

He shook his head, ‘You know, remembering is a form of loyalty...on the other hand, trying to forget is a form of betrayal. Friendship for me is very important, that’s why.’

‘, you’re a serious talker now, huh? Anyway, I hope you continue that friendship.’

‘Thanks...’ he was rubbing his eyes as he took a deep breath.

‘Are you really alright?’

He nodded.

‘Ah...I know miss VII aren’t you?’

‘Isn’t it obvious? I miss him so much...really...’ he fixed his hair and sighed.

‘Then why don’t you go to their house?’

‘I don’t want to bother him right now...I might just be a head ache for him if I ever go there.’

‘That’s why you’re like an abnormal?’ I chuckled, ‘Kidding. Your actions worry me a lot.’

‘Oh no...don't worry about me. It's not like I have feelings for everything...’he paused for a while, ‘...just for one...’

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