Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ohsugi Irick

‘I’m happy that your exam in economics is done,’ I sat on my life’s lap, placed my arms on his shoulder and kissed him on his forehead sweetly.

‘Yeah,’ his voice was still soft, ‘I’m proud of myself too as I survived the first half of the quarter in that subject,’ he chuckled.

I chuckled too, ‘ugh, but my should still refrain from chuckling too much, your throat lining might bleed again.’

His hands were on my waist, ‘No worries, my life. I’m already recuperating. By next week, everything will back to normal again,’ he kissed me on my lips passionately. ‘By the way, where’s in law? I haven’t seen him around...’

I shrugged my shoulders, ‘I don’t have any idea. Though I texted him a while ago but no response at all. Maybe he’s with VII?’

He caressed my cheek, ‘Maybe not. VII was just in the house and he hasn’t said anything about me regarding him and in law going out today or tonight.’

‘Ah...I see, maybe he’s with his gang.’

‘Maybe...’ he smiled and kissed me again, ‘I miss kissing you, my life...’

‘I miss kissing you too...’ I returned the favor to him, ‘I miss everything from you, my life...’

He nodded, ‘Tsk. Damn that subject. I’m still into it this time. I hope that I’ll pass the first exam.’

‘I know you’d do...’ I kissed him again. We were kissing for a long time that I was really catching for my breath. His hands touched my legs and it went upwards to my back and waist again. My life slid his hands in my pants and I moaned. He removed my shirt and licked my chest upward to my neck and to my lips.

He gave me a silly smile, ‘I really miss doing this, my life...thank goodness that my exam’s already finished...’ he carried me on my bed and crawled over me.

‘My princess’s really aggressive when it comes to pleasuring me...’ I smiled.

He pouted his lips.

I pinched his cheeks and made my way over him, ‘Maybe it’s my time to pleasure you my princess, besides you’re sick right now...’

‘Hey, I am not sick. But please pleasure me, my prince...if you don’t mind’ he said sweetly.

‘I really don’t mind, my princess...’ I smiled and kissed him passionately. I slid my hands inside his shirt and played with his nipples. He was moaning too. I removed his shirt and licked his nipples and gave him circles of kisses on his neck.

‘ prince....’ he murmured. As soon as I’ll unbutton his pants, we heard someone shrieked.

‘Who was that?’ my life looked towards the door.

I shrugged my shoulders and then we heard mom calling us outside. We hurriedly put back our shirts on and went downstairs. We saw VII carrying Shin and IX carrying Shinji.

‘Bring them inside the clinic,’ dad commanded them as the other numbers assisted dad.

‘Oh my gosh...’ mom looked so afraid while Ashley comforted her.

‘What the hell happened to them...’ Ashley wept.

‘Only VII knows,’ my life murmured, ‘We’ll go inside dad’s clinic, you two stay here.’

Mom just nodded.

‘Please inform me what happened to my brother...’ Ashley wiped her tears.

‘We will,’ I answered, ‘Look after mom.’

My life and I went inside the clinic and dad was already checking both bodies. Shin was stabbed on his left shoulder while Shinji got three stabs, 2 in his stomach and one in his upper limb.

‘What exactly happened on them, VII?’ my life asked VII as he was securing Shin’s body.

VII shrugged his shoulders, ‘Shin said that this someone took advantage of Shinji in this vacant building near the airport. Oh, not someone. A gang took advantage of him. Shin was there following Shinji since last night because he wanted to assure that nothing’s going to happen with his friend.‘

‘Following him?’ I wondered, ‘for what reason?’

‘The gang wanted to have some vengeance after they were defeated from last time’s gang war,’ VII sighed, ‘especially on Shinji for a reason that he almost killed the leader’s brother before.’

‘They really got it so bad,’ my life shook his head and looked at dad, ‘How are they, dad?’

‘Obviously, both of them are unconscious though Shinji got the most fatal wounds,’ dad answered as he cleaned Shinji’s wounds, ‘He already lost so much blood and I don’t know if he’ll survive this...’

‘I wish I could help you,’ VII uttered, he really looked worried for Shin.

‘I guess you could, VII...’ dad handed him something, ‘Clean the stains of blood on his body, I still need to assure if he got some fractured bones in his shoulders.’

VII took what dad gave him and cleaned the stains on Shin’s body.

‘His shoulder’s swelling. Tsk,’ my life looked at the other numbers, ‘Investigate on this.’

‘Yes, leader,’ IX answered and he left with the other members.

‘I still need to do some DNA tests on both bodies for their blood donors,’ dad took samples from their blood and he removed his gloves. ‘Please substitute for me for a while, Prince. I just need to do something about this blood,’ and he left.

My life looked at me, ‘I’ll handle this, my life.’ He cleaned Shinji’s blood stains. Moments of silence and dad already have the result of the blood test.

‘What’s their blood type, Dr. Caelum?’ VII asked.

‘Shin’s blood type is AB.’

‘Oh, great...’ VII looked relieved, ‘My blood type is AB.’

‘How about Shinji?’ my life asked.

‘He’s blood type A.’

‘Just like Prince,’ my life looked at him.

I faced the other side and remembered something.

‘Are you alright?’ my life asked

‘That’s Irick’s blood type too,’ I smirked. ‘I can’t imagine that I’m with the same blood type with that guy.’

‘Oh, my life...are you telling that you’re not going to donate blood for him?’

I didn’t respond.

My dad sighed, ‘If you won’t donate your blood, Prince....your best friend will die.’

‘Best friend?’ my life and uttered.

Dad nodded, ‘He’s your best friend, Ohsugi Irick.’

My eyes widened.

‘But, how? How could that be?’ my life asked.

Dad prepared the needles for the blood donation and he let VII lie down, ‘Remember that Irick’s one of patients before and I still do have his medical records. I checked on it a while ago and saw the similarities with this guy.’ He was already finished with VII’s blood, ’Don’t stand up yet, VII...remain lying for 15 minutes.’

VII nodded.

‘Moreover, I took some of his fingerprints and his was the same with Irick,’ dad looked at me, ‘Now, are you going to donate your blood for him or not?’

‘Prince...’ my life murmured. Our memories lingered in my mind and I’m not that stupid not to donate my own blood for my best friend. And so I agreed. I lay down and dad took some blood from me. After a while...

‘I already called my co-doctors for both operations...’ dad sighed, ‘let’s keep our hopes high that both of them will survive.’

‘What do you mean by that, Dr. Caelum? That...Shin might die?’

Dad can’t look at us straightly, ‘Shin’s left shoulder blades were fractured. Moreover, some of his veins were damaged severely. But like what I said before, Irick’s wounds were more fatal.’ Dad sighed, ‘we’ll do our best to assure that both of them will survive.’

My life tapped VII’s back. The other doctors came...

‘We’ll start the operation in a few minutes. Rest now...the three of you.’ And dad left us.

‘I can’t rest at a time like this, tsk,’ he lit his cigar and smoked outside.

‘Me too,’ I sighed.

My life hugged me tight, ‘Let’s stay in the living room, my life...’

I nodded and we both stayed there. Mom and Ashley went to their respective rooms. The operation lasted for 8 hours. It was already 4 in the morning...

‘How was the operation, dad?’ my life asked.

‘Everything went fine,’ dad smiled. ‘I guess both of them will survive. Thanks to your donations.’

‘No problem,’ VII answered.

‘Though, I don’t know the exact date when they’d regain their consciousness. Anyways, I’ll go inside my room now and take some rest. I’ll just wake up later to check both of them,’ and dad left.

‘I’ll just check Shin in his room,’ VII said and he left too.

My life stretched his arms, ‘Maybe we won’t attend our classes for today, my life?’

I nodded, ‘BI...’

My life chuckled and kissed me on my cheek, ‘I know everything will be alright. Let’s take our rest now too, my life...’

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