Sunday, September 5, 2010


Saturday morning, while dressing myself up for today, my life called me…

‘Hi My Life!’

‘Hi there too, My Life…what’s up?’

‘I don’t know…I think I’m crazy…totally crazy in love with you…’

‘Indeed,’ I chuckled, ‘Wait My Life, I’ll just finish dressing myself up…’ I put my shirt on.

‘Oh, you’re dressing yourself up? Should I go there and help you out?’ he chuckled.

‘No need, I’m already done. So what are you doing now? Have you already eaten your breakfast?’ I prepared my things for our practice later. We’ll be presenting a short play in out Literature Class.

I don’t have the appetite to eat…maybe later. I’m just talking to you, that’s all. How about you?’

‘You should eat now, My Life…’ I went outside my room, downstairs.

Feed me…please?’

Oh sorry, My Life. I can’t come to your house because I still have a practice to attend right now,’ I sighed.

Practice for what? Maybe I should come with you instead?’ his voice was jovial.

‘Sure, the venue would be—‘

‘Hi, My Life!’ my life greeted me as he approached me.

‘Oh…My Life..?’ I kept my phone inside my pocket. ‘I thought you were in your house?’ I was confused.

‘I was just fooling around,’ he chuckled and kissed me sweetly on my lips. ‘I was already in front of your house when I called you. What’s in the bag anyway?’ he took it from me and carried it.

‘School uniform…’

‘School uniform? Our school uniform when we were still in high school?’

I nodded, ‘Tsk. I hate participating in group activities.’

‘What’s your role in the play?’ he grinned. ‘Are you the lead actor?’

I nodded again.

‘Wow! I‘m excited to see you wear that uniform again and see you perform!’ he hugged me tightly.

‘Yeah, whatever…’ I hugged him too. ‘I hate memorizing lines and stuff…’

‘Oh, it’s alright…I’m here to support you all the way!’ then he tickled me.

I chuckled and saw mom walking downstairs, ‘Hi mom. We’re going to leave now.’

‘Leaving already? It’s still early…’ she kissed us on our cheeks.

‘Morning mom…’ my life smiled at her.

‘Early? 5 minutes left and the practice would start, mom…’

‘Oh?’ she looked at her watch, ‘I forgot that my watch’s 10 minutes late,’ and she chuckled. ‘Anyway, have you eaten your breakfast?’

I shook my head, ‘I’ll just buy something later.’

‘How about you, Ryuu?’ mom asked my life.

‘I already got some lucky charms from your son, mom,’ he grinned.

‘Lucky charms?’ mom and I uttered.

My life nodded, ‘Your son here already looks magically delicious,’ and he winked.

‘Ok?’ mom chuckled as she tapped him on his shoulder. ‘I guess, that’s already the sign of being hungry so you two should eat now.’

‘Come on mom, I’m already late,’ I pulled my life’s arm going outside of the mansion, ‘Bye mom! See you later!’

‘Ok!’ she folded her arms and smiled, ‘Take care!’

‘Don’t worry, mom! I’m going to take care of him!’ my life said as he placed his hand on my waist then he sighed.

‘Are you alright?’ I looked at him.

‘Geez, what do you and the weather have in common My Life?’

I shrugged my shoulders, ‘I don’t know.’

‘You’re both hot!’ and he chuckled. He opened the car door for me and asked, ‘Where’s the venue of your practice again?’

‘At the park…’ I smiled and went inside the car. He went to the driver’s seat, started the engine and we left. While on our way…

‘I thought you’re going to buy something in the convenient store?’

‘Ah, yes…let’s go there first…’ I was checking my phone for some messages.

‘Maybe let’s just go to McDonalds…’ he looked at me smiling.

‘Sure,’ I smiled at him too, ‘My partner in the play texted me that I’m the only one who’s not there…’

‘So? It’s alright My Life, it’s just a practice you know…’ he pinched my cheek. ‘What are you going to buy there?’

‘I’m still thinking…’

‘Oh, I’ve been wondering if they have a new meal…it’s been a long time since I went there…’

‘I haven’t heard anything new in McDonalds so everything’s still the same My Life…’

‘I hope that you are the new hamburger in McDonalds,’ he smiled.

‘Ah, you wanted to eat me?’

‘Yeah,’ he chuckled, ‘You’re the McGorgeous burger.’

‘Whatever My Life,’ I kissed him on his cheek.

He looked at me, ‘I missed you terribly, My Life…’

‘I missed you too…’ I smiled at him sweetly.

‘Oh my god, My Life…did you eat a tablespoon of sugar?’

‘Huh? I didn’t…’

‘Because you have the sweetest smile I have ever seen in my life…’ and he smiled sweetly at me too. We went to McDonalds and bought something to eat and after that went directly to the park.

I peeked around, ‘There they are…’ I hold onto My Life’s hand as we walked towards my group mates.

‘Partner!’ Bianca, a group mate called me.

‘What the heck…’ my life murmured, ‘She’s your partner in your play? Tsk.’

I nodded, ‘Any…problem?’

‘She’s a problem,’ and he chuckled.

‘Ok? Hi there, Bianca…sorry I’m late…’

‘It’s alright, you’re just 10 minutes late so no worries,’ she wrapped her arm on my arm.

‘Ehem,’ my life faked a cough.

‘Oh?’ she looked at my life, ‘Who are you?’

‘Oh my goodness!’ Elise exclaimed, ‘You don’t know?’

‘I don’t know,’ Bianca murmured.


‘Let me handle this, Elise…’ my life’s voice became stern, ‘I’m just his fiancé, bitch.’

‘Really? Oh my, I’m sorry…I don’t know!’ she was so shocked. ‘But we’re partners in the play so maybe you could give an exception to that, mr…?’

‘Mr. Ryuuka Caelum,’ I said smiling and kissed my life passionately.

‘Yii!’ the other group mates yelled and stuff.

‘Now you know…’ my life told Bianca. ‘And no, I won’t give an exception to that.’

She sighed, ‘Alright…’ and sounded pissed off.

‘So what are we going to do now, Elise? You’re the director of our play, right?’ I asked.

‘Right…well,’ she started to discuss things on my group mates.

‘Bianca doesn’t know, My Life…didn’t you tell her?’ my life looked at me straightly to my eyes.

‘It’s my first time to talk to her too,’ I told him, ‘and I’m not close to her.’

‘But how come?’ he sounded jealous. ‘Aren’t we that popular?’ and he sneered.

I embraced him, ‘Maybe not yet? You wanted to be popular?’

He didn’t respond. I looked at him, ‘I’m on the left side of the lecture hall while she was on the right side of the lecture hall. So we really don’t know each other My Life…are you still jealous?’

He nodded, lips pouting.

‘Oh, don’t pout your lips like that or else I might kiss you…’ I smiled and he even pouted his lips more. ‘Silly,’ and I kissed him again.

‘I am just wondering why she didn’t know anything about our relationship?’ my life asked as he cuddled my hand.

I leaned closer to my life and whispered, ‘Busy flirting with her boyfriends…’ and we both chuckled.

‘Hey, Prince…are you listening?’ Elise asked.

‘Kinda,’ I was still chuckling. ‘Oh, sorry for that…’

‘Hmf! Busy talking with your life again, I’m getting jealous!’ and she chuckled too. ‘Anyway, perhaps you could change your attire now for our rehearsals, as well as the other members.’

I nodded and suddenly my life pulled me away from the group.

‘Hey! Be back in 5 minutes!’ Elise exclaimed.

‘Yeah! Don’t worry, Elise!’ my life answered.

‘Ugh, My Life? Where are we going? The comfort room is on that side and not on this side…’

‘Shh…I want to be alone with you,’ he winked at me.

‘Ah, but you know…we could do it later…?’ I smiled.

‘Oh, please…? I just want to kiss you,’ he grinned.

‘Alright, but let’s do it fast ok? I’ll still change my clothes.’

‘Don’t worry, I’ll help you with that,’ he chuckled.

We went to a private rest room and…

‘Are these still suited to you?’ my life took out the school uniform I brought.

‘Maybe?’ I removed my tee, ‘I hope so…I didn’t gain weight so I guess it still suits me…’

‘Alright, let’s see…’ he grinned and he came closer to me. He unbuttoned my pants and removed it. ‘I hope you know CPR My Life…’ and he started to kiss me on my lips down to my chest.

‘Hm?’ I caressed his cheek.

‘Because you take my breath away…’ he was going to remove my undies too but I refrained him from doing it. ‘I told you later My Life…’

He pouted his lips and he just kissed me on my lips, ‘Sorry…’

‘It’s alright…’ and I embraced him.

‘Wear your uniform now My Life…I’m already excited to see you act,’ he grinned as he put my slacks on.

‘Good luck to me…’ I chuckled and put the long sleeve, vest and coat on.

‘Yeah,’ he chuckled too. ‘Let’s go now?’

I smiled and w went back to the park.

‘I’ll just sit here and watch you guys,’ my life smiled as he sat on a bench. And we started the rehearsal…after a while…

‘What do you think about the play, My Life?’ I sat beside him as I was waiting for my turn.

‘…honestly, it’s not that good. You lack on something…’


He nodded, ‘Elise’s doing her best but it’s really lacking on something, My Life. Why don’t we call in law and maybe he could help you out with that?’

‘Maybe we should…’ I smiled and he called Shin.

‘Partner, it’s our turn again,’ Bianca smiled.

‘Tsk…’ my life murmured.

I nodded, ‘Wait again, My Life…’ I stood up and went to the group again. A few moments have passed and Shin came with VII.

‘Ugh…’ I was surprised with what I saw.

‘Hi Prince!’ Shin smiled as he greeted me and his in law, ‘Hi in law!’

‘Hey, in law…new look?’ my life smiled at him too. ‘Hey bro…’

‘Hey…’ VII greeted too.

‘You dyed your hair again, Shin?’ I asked.

Shin grinned, ‘I missed being blonde and I asked Laurence to come with me in the salon.’

‘Actually, he’s very excited about that stuff. He fetched me in the house earlier than usual though it’s fine with me.’

‘Sorry,’ Shin embraced him gleefully, ‘So what should I do now?’

‘By the way Elise, Shin’s here to help us…’ I told her.

‘Oh, that’s better. I’m glad he’s willing to help us?’ she giggled.

‘Let’s start?’ Shin suggested, ‘I’ll watch you first then I’ll give comments about what I saw, ok?’

‘Ok!’ the group agreed and we started to perform. My Life, VII and Shin watched us and the three of them were murmuring and laughing with themselves. I wonder what they were talking about. After performing…

‘You lack energy and stage presence, guys,’ Shin told us. ‘Especially you, Bianca.’

‘But I’m really doing my best—‘

‘No, you’re not,’ Shin told her straightforwardly.

‘Wew, in law’s serious when it comes to directing,’ my life chuckled.

Shin nodded, ‘I’ll show you how it works, alright? Watch me intently’ and he demonstrated everything for us. When it was our turn, my life stood up and came closer to where and Bianca where rehearsing then all of a sudden, Bianca tripped. My life went back to where he was seated.

I sighed, ‘He was still jealous…’ I murmured.

Bianca stood up, ‘Why didn’t you bother to help me?’

‘Sorry, I forgot…’ I stuck my tongue out and continued rehearsing. We finished at around 3 in the afternoon…

‘Thanks, Shin!’ the group told him.

‘Yeah, sure…’ Shin smiled.


‘Bye!’ I told them. I looked at my life.

‘Hm?’ he grinned.

‘I love you…’

‘I love you too…’ and he embraced me.

‘We’ll go now too, Prince…in law…’ Shin told us.

‘Going home already?’ my life asked.

‘Of course not,’ Shin chuckled, ‘Not in the Caelum’s mansion, but to Laurence’s.’

‘Ah…silly,’ I told him.

‘We’re going to practice for the tomorrow night’s gig…’


VII nodded, ‘Shin’s friend, Zeek, invited us to perform in his restaurant tomorrow night.’

‘Oh, we wanna see that! Let’s party tomorrow night, guys,’ my life suggested.

‘Sure…I would love too…’ I smiled at them.

‘Alright, come now Laurence…’ Shin smiled as he held his hand, ‘Bye guys! See you tomorrow.’

‘Bye!’ in law waved at them as they left. ‘Let’s go home now too, My Life?’ he looked me into my eyes.

I smiled at him as I pinched on his nose.

‘Do you have a map, My Life?’

‘I already know that,’ I sneered.

‘No…I guess you still don’t have coz I keep on getting lost when I look into your eyes,’ and he chuckled. ‘Anyway, why don’t we just go back to your room and do some math?’

‘Math? For what?’ I took his hand and we went to my life’s car.

‘We add a bed, we subtract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply?’ he chuckled, ‘We can’t multiply.’

‘Yea, you’re very funny My Life…’ I cuddled his hand and we left. We went to a mall and spent our time there playing at the arcades. I know my life’s very stressed about his studies lately and he does need to relax. After playing, we ate at a restaurant and went back home. While walking upstairs, my life was following me…

‘I think there’s something wrong in my eye, My Life…’ he murmured.

‘Hm?’ I turned back and checked on his eye.

He grinned, ‘Because I can’t take them off you,’ then he carried me into my room.

‘You’re very clichéd, My Life…I wonder where you get those lines…’ I chuckled.

‘It’s all because I am so in love with you that’s why I am becoming more and more clichéd…’ he chuckled too as he locked the door of my room. ‘Very used to my lines now?’

I nodded and smiled. I removed my shoes and coat, then my life jumped over the bed and hugged me from behind.

‘I love you, My Life…’ my life murmured.

I looked at my side and smiled, ‘I love you forever….’ I faced him and started kissing him sensually. He slowly lay on the bed and slid his hand on my pants. I moaned as he did his thing.

‘Are you a computer My Life…?’ he murmured.

‘Huh…?’ I asked breathlessly, ‘Why…?’

‘Cause you turn my software into a hardware, My Life…’ he naughtily smiled and exchanged places with me. He removed my coat, my vest and my long sleeve shirt…then my pants and undergarment. He stared at my body for a while…

‘My Life…?’ I asked him.

He just smiled.

‘Why are you staring at my body…? Is something wrong?’ I reached for his face and caressed it.

‘I wasn’t sure if you were a beautiful angel or a sexy devil, but now that I am close…’ he licked my navel and looked me into my eyes, ‘I see heaven in your eyes…’ he kissed me on my lips, down to my neck, to my chest and down there. He sucked on my guts and...

‘I miss your milk…’ he licked his lips and smiled. He removed his clothes now, ‘More My Life…more…’

‘Sure…’ I said breathlessly as he continues sucking on my dick. ‘Pleasure yourself more…’

‘You should too…’ he wiped his mount, reached for my head and it was my turn.

‘My Life…’ I murmured.


‘If your left leg is Thanksgiving and your right leg is Christmas…can I visit you between the holidays?’ I smiled.

He chuckled, ‘A pleasure…so you are naughty too, huh?’

‘I don’t know?’ I kissed him sweetly on his lips.

‘No worries, I like you whatever you are…’ he smiled.

‘Thank you…’ I nibbled on his lips.

‘You know what My Life…you may fall from the sky…you may fall from a tree…but the best way to fall is…’ he looked me into my eyes and smiled, ‘the way when you fell in love with me…I love you, Prince Noctis…only you dazzles me…’

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