Monday, April 4, 2011


The next day…

Ryuuka was spoon feeding Cha-cha while I was spoon feeding him.

‘Papa?’, Cha-cha called out.

‘Yes?’, Ryuuka answered as he munched.

‘Why are you being spoon fed? You are not a baby!’

I chuckled, ‘Hmm… Coz your papa is my baby’, I answered.

‘Oh?’, she blinked twice.

‘That’s right Cha-cha, I am mama’s baby’, he smiled at me sweetly.

I smiled at him too.

‘Kym…’, Ryuuka called out.

‘Yes?’, Kym went to the dining area.

‘Can you continue feeding Cha-cha?’, he smirked, ‘I wanna feed Prince too’.

She chuckled, ‘Sure… come here little Cha-cha’.

They both left us.

‘Say aaah…’, he told me.

I opened my mouth, ‘Aaah…’

‘Is it good?’, he asked.

I nodded, ‘Yes Papa!’

He laughed, ‘Oohh…’, he suddenly stopped laughing.


‘There’s something in your lips…’

‘Hmm…’, I got a tissue and wiped my lips.

‘Ugh… it’s still there’, he uttered.

When I was to wipe my lips again, he leaned closer to me and licked my lips.

I blushed.

He smiled, ‘Okay… it’s gone now’, and winked at me.

I cat faced.

‘Aww… please don’t do that’, he chuckled.

I continued.

‘Please?’, he beseeched.

I ignored him.

He grimaced and pulled me, ‘I would like to see you lick your lips Prince’.

I smiled and licked my lips.

He leaned his face closer to mine, ‘Good kitty…’, he whispered as he licked my tongue.

We were French kissing when suddenly, someone coughed twice.

We stopped and looked who it was. It was Shin, and of course with VII.

‘Oh, hello there B1 and B2’, Ryuuka greeted them.

Shin chuckled, ‘Sorry to disrupt your moment…’

VII smiled.

They sat opposite to us and started to eat breakfast too.

‘Any plans today leader?’, VII asked.

Ryuuka shrugged his head.

‘That’s good!’, Shin exclaimed, ‘Do you want to come with us?’

Ryuuka looked at me.

‘To where?’, I drunk my milk as Ryuuka held my hand.

I squeezed his hand in respond.

‘Hmm…’, Shin looked at VII, ‘What do you call that place again, sweetheart?’

‘Cyber Destiny’, VII answered.

‘What’s that?’, Ryuuka asked.

‘Well it’s a new hang out place. We actually don’t have an idea so let’s go and check it out’.

‘What does my prince charming say?’, he asked me.

‘Hmm…’, I paused, ‘Sure… why not’, and smiled.

‘Yehey!’, Shin uttered.

After eating breakfast, we took our baths and we went to Cyber Destiny.

‘Cool! This is a new place?’, Ryuuka asked in amazement, ‘Why didn’t I know this?’

VII nodded, ‘Coz… you’ve been away for so long remember?’

Ryuuka glared at him, ‘You…’

VII grimaced, ‘Peace…’

‘Let’s go! Let’s go!’, Shin exclaimed as he pulled his sweetheart.

We went inside the establishment. Actually it’s not open for public, you need to have a membership before you can actually enter and enjoy the things there.

‘This is cool’, I spoke, ‘Not so many people… only for members’.

Shin nodded, ‘Yeah! Yeah!’

VII held Shin’s hand, ‘Keep it cool sweetheart, remember our baby?’

Shin chuckled, ‘Oh… yes. Sorry!’, he looked at VII with a puppy eyes.

‘Baby?’, Ryuuka asked.

‘Oh don’t you know in-law?’

‘Know what?’, Ryuuka wondered and looked at me.

‘Oh don’t listen to them My Life’, I covered Ryuuka’s ears with my hands.

‘Hey! In-law is Laurine’s godfather! He should know!’, Shin told me.

I glared at him, ‘Shut up’.

‘What’s going on My Life?’, he looked at Shin then to me again, ‘Who’s preggy?’

‘My wife brother… Shin is pregnant’, VII answered.

‘EH!?’, Ryuuka exclaimed, ‘How is that possible? Or is that possible?’, he chuckled as he looked at so surprised.

‘Don’t tell me…’, I told him.

‘So you can be too?’, he asked me.

I pinched his cheeks hard, ‘What did you say!’

‘Ou… ouch… ouch!’, he complained as he rubbed his cheeks, ‘I was just kidding!’, he cried out.

I pouted my lips and turned my back.

‘Ooops’, Shin mumbled, ‘LQ?’

I heard VII chuckled.

Ryuuka step forward and hugged me from behind, ‘I was just kidding…’, he whispered to my ear and kissed it, ‘I love you…’

I faced him, ‘I love you too…’, and kissed him sweetly.

Shin shrugged his head, ‘Can we go now?’

We further explored the establishment. There are different gadgets that you can buy also different high end cars such as Ferrari and Porsche displayed. Some fashion clothes from the West and 5D movie theatre.

‘Let’s watch a movie sweetheart!’, Shin’s told VII with his cute puppy eyes again.

VII nodded, ‘Anything that you want….’

‘That’s great!’, Ryuuka uttered, ‘Its your treat brother…’, and grinned.

‘Well, sure… I’ll treat Prince and Shin but not you’, he smirked.

‘Hey!’, Ryuuka uttered, ‘Why not only me?’

‘Coz I don’t want to?’, he chuckled.

‘You… you…’

‘Me? Me? What?’

Ryuuka leaned to VII’s face and whispered something.

‘Ugh…’, VII blinked twice and sighed, ‘Fine…’

I looked at Shin.

Shin shrugged his shoulders.

We watched Red Riding Hood in 5D.

Only few people were in the theatre though.

After watching the movie, we decided to grab a bite. And this time…

‘Fine… my treat’, Ryuuka sighed, ‘Since when did I have the obligation to feed you and Shin?’

‘Since now’, VII answered.

‘Oh come on in-law! Don’t you remember, you owe me something’.

‘Huh?’, Ryuuka wondered, ‘Do I?’

Shin nodded, ‘You asked me to take care of your precious prince charming, remember?’

Ryuuka chuckled, ‘Ah… right, right’.

Texas cuisine was served in the menu. Steak here, steak there… steak everywhere.

After ordering…

‘I’m starving!’, Ryuuka mumbled as he rested his head on my shoulder.

I caressed his face, ‘Don’t worry… it will be serve soon’.

He cat faced.

‘Aww… kawaii desu!’, I exclaimed and pinched his cheek softly.

‘Geez…’, Shin mumbled, ‘Sweetheart?’, he called out.

‘Yes?’, VII looked at him.

‘I’m envying them… let’s make out too’, Shin chuckled.

‘M… Make… make-out?’, VII whispered.

Ryuuka and I laughed.

‘I mean let’s be sweet too’, Shin blushed.

‘Aww… what a cute innocent couple you are’, Ryuuka teased.

‘We’re not innocent’, VII argued.

‘Oh really?’, Ryuuka teased again.

‘Are you challenging us?’

‘What if I am?’

I looked at Shin.

Shin shrugged his shoulder.

I gave him a look saying, ‘What the heck? Do something!’

He responded by showing me a face like, ‘What can I do?’

I dunno! Who cares, just do something!’, I sighed.

VII’s eyes twitched, ‘We are not innocent’.

‘Oh yeah, yeah whatever say… little brother’, Ryuuka laughed.

‘I’m older than you’.

‘But still you act like a young innocent boy that I’ve known ever since’.

VII sighed; he pulled Shin gently and kissed him sweetly in front of us.

Ryuuka chuckled, ‘Geez… what’s that?’, he then leaned his face close to mine and we did French kiss.

VII tsked, ‘I am not like you. I don’t do PDA’.

‘Like the hell you don’t’, Ryuuka smirked.

‘We do not’.

‘Coz you’re too innocent, correct?’, Ryuuka laughed.

‘All right you two!’, Shin spoke, ‘Enough of that… the steak is here!’

The waitress with our ordered meals served our food.

While we were eating, Ryuuka hit VII…

VII glared at him, ‘What now?’

Ryuuka grinned.

VII shrugged his head, ‘Fine…’

Ryuuka chuckled and so is VIIl.

‘Okay?’, I uttered, ‘You two are weird’.

‘That’s why we’re brothers My Life’.

I nodded and Shin did too.

‘This is so yummy!’, Shin exclaimed.

‘We can see that’, I laughed.

Shin pouted his lips.

We all laughed.

After eating, Ryuuka and I decided to go home while Shin and VII went on to somewhere.

While Ryuuka was driving us home…

I was looking at his new cellphone, ‘Where’s the old one?’, I asked.

‘Hmm… I gave it to Madonna’.

‘Madonna?’, I thought for a while, ‘Oh right! The waitress? Zach’s mother?’

He nodded.

‘I see’, when I looked at the camera album, I was a bit surprised because everything was my pictures. One is sleeping, smiling, pouting, cat facing, puppy eyes look, thinking, looking at somewhere, spacing out and… nude.

He noticed my faced, ‘Something wrong?’

I looked at him, ‘Why only my photos?’

‘Who else should I put in there?’, he chuckled.

I smiled, ‘How about yours?’

‘I can see myself all day on the mirror’, he looked at me, ‘Besides, I love looking at my kismet’.

‘Kismet?’, I wondered as I put down his cellphone.

‘Kismet means my destiny’.

‘Oh?’, I chuckled, ‘I didn’t know that’.

When we got home, Cha-cha asked us to play with her. We played dollhouse, peek-a-boo and some other kid play.

Late at night, me and Ryuuka watched some news in the TV when suddenly…

Ryuuka muted the TV, ‘Can you hear what I’m hearing?’, he told me.

I nodded, ‘I think it’s from the other room’.

His eyebrow raised, ‘Geez…’

The next room was VII’s room. I chuckled; I don’t think they’re innocent now.

He sighed, ‘Since when did my house turned into a hotel?’

I laughed.

He knocked at the wall, ‘Hey you two! Keep it down!’, he yelled.

I continued laughing.

He rested his head on my lap, ‘What are they doing really…’

I smiled and kissed his lips, ‘Let’s just sleep’.

He nodded, ‘Yeah, I lost my mood’.

I chuckled, ‘You’re my kismet…’

‘Watashi mo…’, he smiled.

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