Tuesday, May 4, 2010


my life visited me last night with VII around 9. my parents were out for a conference so they stayed longer (they went home around 4 in the morning). oh, they could have just slept in our house, why didn't i think of that..haha, anyways...we decided to have a movie marathon so we went in the theater room.

'what do ya wanna watch?' shin asked us as we enter the room

'anything would do...except boring films...' my life laughed

'yosh!' shin grinned with a thumbs up and he chose the film

'i'll prepare the popcorns.' VII initiated and prepared our snack.

'we're all alone now, my excellency...' my life winked

'oh, yeah?' i walked towards the 2nd row 2nd seat, 'we aren't still, my life...shin and VII are still here' i sat down. my life sat beside me and hugged me tightly.

'i missed you so much...' he kissed me on my cheek, to my lips and down to my neck

'i know...' i chuckled

'why are you chuckling?' he looked at me as he caressed my face

'i remebered VII's story' i still chuckled

'pff...i don't care, as long as you are now here with me...' he kissed me passionately and i kissed him back as i slid my hands inside his shirt. as soon as i have removed it the lights turned on

'ehem...' VII coughed

'so..what do we have here?' shin smiled as he put his arm on VII's shoulder

'XXVII...and his lover...'

'nah, i know that...ah!' he grinned and sang,'prince and in law sitting on the couch, K-I-S-S-I-N-G'

my life sighed and smiled,'so what are we going to watch, in law?' he whispered at my ear,'can we do this later?'

i shrugged my shoulders and smiled. VII and shin sat in front of us. VII gave us our popcorns.

'we'll watch the legion...it's new isn't it?' shin asked

'yeah, dad bought it last saturday.'

'ah...is it good?' VII asked

'i don't know, i think dad hasn't watched it yet.' i answered, 'it's starting...'

after 1 hour...

my life put his head on my shoulder, 'i'm kinda bored here, my excellency...' he yawned

'yeah, me too...'

my life held my chin and kissed me

'we might disturb them..shall we go to my room?' i asked my life

he chuckled, 'disturb them? are they doing something we don't know too?'

'ah...' i thought for a while and chuckled too

'see, you're thinking of what i am thinking...'

*this time we're just snickering and we're hiding behind the seats for us not to be seen by that two

'you are green minded, my life' i said

'eh? am i the only one? you too, my life!'

'eh..hm, i just thought of that..comparing them to us...'

'hm...let's imagine for sometime...' he put his hand around my waist and leaned his head on mine

after some time...we laughed so hard that we're rolling on the floor

'i can't take this!' my life laughed

'they're a good couple too' i laughed also

'just like you and me!'

and the lights turned on again

'geez, what are ya two doing on the floor?' shin was looking over the seat

VII was going back to his seat, 'why are you laughing so hard?'

'it's nothing you know...' i said as i was holding my tummy, 'thanks for that, my life...my boredom's gone..' i smiled

'me too...me too!' my life agreed

'what's that really?' shin asked

'we're just imagining how lovely you...' my life pointed on shin then to VII,'and you to look at..' he chuckled

'oh..ya are teasing us again.' shin pouted his lips

VII just fixed his hair, 'i think the movie's really boring...'

'yeah! so let's just imagine things, VII.' my life suggested, 'in law should join us too..'

'geez, stop that. hm, let's just drink and play billiards, alright?' shin suggested too as he went outside the room. VII followed him

'see...see...it can't be helped my life...' my life chuckled

'oh...yeah?' i stood up and helped my life to stand up too

'mayeb if we continue this...'


'maybe..VII would be a sociable man like in law. he would be a happy go lucky like me too!' my life smiled, 'maybe it's better if they two get together like us! kidding!'

'silly...' i held my life's hand and we followed shin and VII

'i was just kidding my life...' he pinched my cheek and kissed me. we saw VII preparing our drinks while shin was organizing the billiard balls.

';et's play some club music too..' my life said as he played some club music.'let's play two on two here...'


'alright, my team mate would be my excellency! yey! come here, my excellency!' my life grinned as he held my hand

'i know we could defeat ya, right VII?' shin looked at VII and grinned. VII just looked at him.

and we started..while playing...

'i saw your new customized car, XXVII's lover...it's good.' VII said before he strike the ball

'thanks...' i said and i paused for a while

'Mitsui Shinji...he's really good in customizing cars, right in law?' my life asked as he drink his beer'

'yep! he's just not doing customized cars locally but internationally too...'

'ah..i see, so he's active in your bikers gang?'

'sort of...he's kinda busy with his baby...and for now, i think banchou-sama's busy too. there aint any invitations yet since last two weeks i guess...or is it because i'm busy preparing for the dance concert too that's why he's not calling me..whatsoever...ya should try that too, VII...' shin smiled

'how much does it cost?' VII asked

'it really depends on the parts...maybe i should give ya his number..'

he nodded,'ugh, it's your turn again?'

'yeah, coz we're really so damn good!' my life grinned,how many wins do we have?'

'3 wins to 1' VII answered, 'i think we should change our strategy here, shin.'

'what for? can't ya trust me?' shin asked

'no, not like that.'

shin looked at him, 'are ya mad?'

'ha? of course not, come with me.' they went 2 meters away from us and talked for sometime and went back.

'hm...my life?' my life looked at me,'somethin's bothering you?'

'i was just wondering...' it was my turn

'about what?'

'about mitsui shinji'

'hm? what's with him little prince?' shin asked, 'did he do something to ya when ya two met?'

'no, it's just...'

'it's? tell it to us, my life...or is it personal?' my life went beside me as it was VII's turn

'it's obvious that mitsui shinji's irick, my life..' i drank my beer

'for real...?' my life was shocked about what i said, 'he's dead, my life..he can't be irick.'

'no, i think he's really not dead. maybe he survived from that incident.' i confidently said

i saw their confusion in their eyes

'where did he come from, shin?'

'outside of the country as he says...but no specificality...' shin answered

'he went to malaysia that time...but, my life...there were no remains of his body as reported by the FBI. there are possibilities that his body sunk or was eaten by marine animals there...'

'well, those are just probabilities...'

'do you want me to investigate about that, XXVII?' VII asked

'we can't really jump to conclusions that easily, what really happened that time..when you two met, my life?'

'it happened last 2 weeks...we met at the university parking lot before i went to your rehearsals..i was the first one who arrived and i just waited for him..

'prince caelum?'

i looked at my back side and saw irick, 'irick...?'

'irick? no, maybe you just mistaken him from me. i'm mitsui shinji, shin's friend.' we shook hands, 'you're cars over there, let me show you.' he smiled

i followed him and observed every part of him. the way he talks and walks, his facial features...he's really irick ohsugi.

'shin told me verything that you wanted for your car and here, hope you like it prince.' he smiled

'thanks...' i smiled too and checked everything on my car, 'how much does it cost?'

'you don't need to. shin paid it for you'


he nodded and smiled, 'he says it would be a birthday present for you..in advance...'

'i see..that shin really maked surprises...anyways, irick...'

'irick? who's that really?' he scratched his head

'you are irick, aren't you?' i looked at him intently

'what? i think you are getting out of your mind, sir...i don't know what you are talking about.'

'i know what i am saying here, why are you denying that you are irick ohsugi?'

'because i don't know who that guy is! why are you insisting that i am that person even if i am don't?'

i didn't answer him

'cmon man, chill out! i am not that person you are pertaining too, ok?'

i pouted my lips,'yes, you are...'

he chuckled and placed his hand inside his pockets, 'you're naughty just like your cousin. i need to go now, i have some important thing to do. regards to shin...ja ne!' and he walked towards his ducatti and went away

'oh..so that's the story...' shin said and he drank his beer

'i am sure that he's really irick, my life.' i looked at my life

my life sighed and smiled, 'let's just relax here, alright...my life?'

'how can i relax if i'm going to be confused like this?' i pouted my lips

'we are confused here too, XXVII's lover.'

'maybe i should talk to shinji about this?' shin asked

'hm...no, i think it's not this time..we could not just do whatever we like..ok?' my life patted my head

i simply nodded

'rest for a while, my life...' he kissed me and he let me sit on the couch. they continued playing while drinking and i was just thinking.

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