Tuesday, May 11, 2010



it was 10 in the morning when I woke up. I wonder why didn't shin wake me up because it was his habbit every morning. anyways, i went to his room but he's not there. i went downstairs and looked for him but no signs of shin at all. i asked my parents and his sister about him but they don't know either.

tsk, where in the world are you? did he already go to states without any goodbyes or what?

i hurriedly went back to his room and looked inside his closet. hm, everything's in there...nothing has changed. his things are in still their place.

later that evening, i checked my mails and saw he was online so i asked him where he was. he said that he was just in the embassy preparig his papers. alright, at least i know now.


i woke up early this time and checked his room. he was still not there. geez, he has been kidnapped? haha. kiddin. hm, maybe he's with his gang. making things more memorable etc.

btw, i'll post my birthday celebration as well as the engagement party on friday.

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