Friday, November 19, 2010

Dr. Genius

'Where the hell is he now?' I asked.

'Epic fail', Prince spoke and sighed, 'We cannot be stalkers, we always loose him'.

'You're damn right', Laurence added.

After seeing Ryuuka in the Midnight Shift the other night, we never saw him again. We went to Midnight Shift for two consecutive nights now but there's no him in there.

'Did he know that we're here now?' Prince asked.

'I doubt that', Laurence uttered, 'We were playing very safe'.

'Yeah, Laurence’s right... perhaps he's just not going out of his house'.

Prince sighed.

I sighed too, 'Why is that strangers can't enter that building, I mean his home?'

Laurence and Prince looked at me.

'Fine... I'll stop being dumb,' I heavily sighed.

Prince chuckled while Laurence smirked.

'I didn't know that looking for XXVII is like looking a needle in a haystack,' Laurence put on his shades.

'I fucking agree', I added, 'Love the shades sweetheart.'

Laurence kissed me.

Prince sighed while we laughed at him.

Moment of silence flourished then suddenly Prince exclaimed.

'That's right!'

‘What’s right? Where in the left side of this cafe, Prince.’

‘Oh my god, Shin,’ Prince pinched my cheek hardly, ‘'Why didn't we think of her?' he continued.

‘Oooouch!’ I exclaimed. ‘Her?’ I rubbed my cheek.

Prince laughed, ‘Damn, I’m so good.’

'Okay? I think he's having a nervous break-down?' I told Laurence.

Laurence shrugged his shoulder.

'Drop it Shin, I know now where we can find Ryuuka'.

'Really?' Laurence asked.

Prince nodded, 'Though... what I mean is, I know who we can ask where Ryuuka is'.

'The policemen?' I chuckled.

'No!' Prince chuckled too as he hit me, 'The waitress'.

'The waitress? How will she know?'

'She seems to know everything', Prince winked.

Laurence nodded.

'Right...' I nodded too, 'Like the Avon lady huh?'

They laughed and agreed to what I said.

We went to the diner, the place where we met the waitress who told us about the King of Midnight Shift. Prince called her attention and she attended to us charmingly. Oh, by the way, the waitress was a little old. She's like my mom? Hahaha, anyway, back to the story.

'Oh you boys again?' she greeted us, 'Is there anything you want?'

Prince nodded, 'Sure, we want three of this, three of this, three of this too and three can of soda'.

She chuckled, 'Wow, you guys are hungry... all the time huh?'

Prince smiled.

'Okay, wait up', she said as she left and went to the counter.

'Can we finish all of those?' Laurence asked.

'Oh who cares, what matter is that we have to get her attention'.

Me and Laurence nodded.

Then after a little while, the waitress served all our orders, 'Enjoy your meal'.

'Hmm... Ma'am, can you join us for a while?' Prince politely asked.

She stared at him.

'There's just something we need to know', Prince explained.

Then the waitress sat next to Prince, 'Okay... what is it?'

'Well...', and before Prince can finish.

'Don't be so rude, introduce yourselves first', she uttered.

'Oh right... right, well... I'm Noctis', Prince shook hands with her, 'And he is my cousin Shaun', he looked at me with wide eyes.

'Ugh... right, nice to meet you,' I shook hands with her too as I wondered.

'And this guy is his lover, Sven'. Laurence smiled a bit, 'Hey'.

'Oh it's so nice to meet all of you', the waitress uttered, 'I'm Madonna'.

'Madonna?' I asked.

'Yeah, my parents named me Madonna. I'm the original since I'm older than Madonna', she chuckled.

'Oh, right... that's very cool', Prince complimented.

She nodded, 'So from where are you?'

'We're from...', but Prince didn't let me finished.

'Korea...' Prince spoke.

Okay? At first, I can't get why Prince gave false information about us. But then after a while I got his point.

'So, what do you wanna know?' Madonna asked us.

'Well... the other night in Midnight Shift, we heard about some newbie guy and we wanna know facts about him'.

'A newbie guy?' she asked.

Prince nodded, 'The one they call as the Japanese hunky guy?'

'Oh you mean twenty-seven?', she grinned, 'I wouldn't be surprised if you're interested in him. Since he moved in here, everybody was talking about him. He's obviously a stud huh?'

'Yeah... so, do you know anything about him? Where he usually hang out? Where he usually go? Or even... where he's staying?, Prince bombarded her.

She nodded, 'Well... you're lucky coz my son, Zach is his friend and thus I know where he always is'.

'That's great, will you tell us?' I asked.

'Sure, I think you're the 10th to ask information about him today anyway', she laughed, 'That guy... well, everyone wants to fuck him. Who wouldn't fuck him, right?'

We chuckled to play along.

'Well anyway, twenty-seven moved in here about a month ago. He's a bit famous here because as I mentioned, everybody wants to fuck him!'

We nodded and let her continue.

'He usually hang out with his three friends; JT which is about his age, Rage which is about in his later twenties and he's JT's lover and Zach my son which is at his middle twenties. They usually go here to eat their brunch about 10 or 11 in the morning. Then at the afternoon they do whatever their stuff are; going to work, shopping... whatever, then at night, they come back here to eat dinner at about 6 or 7, then after they hang around in Woody's before going to Midnight Shift at 11'.

'Wow, you sure know where he is all the time huh?' I asked.

'Well... that kid is a very nice kid, I already treat him like my son'.

'Right... wait, did you mention Woody's? What is that exactly?' Prince asked, 'Or better yet, where is it exactly?'

'Well, Woody's is only a pub. It's a place where you can drink comfortably with your friends and... it has no backrooms', she chuckled, ' It is just a few blocks near the Midnight Shift, only it is in the opposite street'.

'I see, well... thank you very much', Prince told her.

'Sure thing', she stood up, 'Oh one more', she leaned closer to us and whispered, 'If you guys want to be laid by him, you should make the first move. And if you're planning a threesome... or a foursome with him, he's always on top'.

I chuckled, 'What the heck...'

'Thanks Madonna', Prince smiled at her. She left as soon as the counter called for her assistance.

'See, I told you we'll get some facts with her', Prince told us as he started to eat.

'She's the Avon lady anyway', I chuckled and started to eat too.

Laurence started to eat too.

'You're a little bit quiet sweetheart?' I asked.

Laurence smiled, 'It's nothing... I'm just thinking'.

'Thinking what?' I asked.

Prince looked at him.

'Well... Prince's idea not to give our true identity is just great because even if that waitress tells twenty-seven about us, he wouldn't discern that it is us'.

'Call me Dr. Genius', Prince uttered.

Laurence chuckled, 'Dr. Genius'.

I nodded, 'What you did is very great Prince... oh, I mean, Noctis'.

'Thanks Shaun...' Prince chuckled.

After we ate, we left and went to Woody's. It was easy to find because of its massive sign board. We enter it and look for a place where we can stay. We ordered some Coors and started to wait for eternity for Ryuuka.

Thank god it wasn't that of an eternity.

'He's here', Prince spoke.

As we saw him went to the bartender, we approached him.

'I'll have two beers, and two red cosmos', Ryuuka told the bartender.

'We'll have the same', Prince told the bartender.

Ryuuka slowly faced his right side and saw us. We looked at him too, me and Prince was smiling while Laurence was just looking at him. At first, Ryuuka's expression was a little bit shock then it shifted into a confused face, then finally he spoke.

'What the fuck are you three doing here?' he surprisingly but calmly asked us.

'We were just having a good time. It's fancy meeting you here anyway', Prince uttered.

'Fancy that', he mumbled.

The bartender gave Ryuuka's orders as well ours.

'So, can we join you?' I asked.

'Ugh...', and before Ryuuka can finish, three guys approached him.

'Hey what took you so long?' a middle twenty-guy asked Ryuuka.

Ryuuka was speechless.

'Dude?' the guy asked again, 'You okay?'

Ryuuka nodded but still, he was speechless.

'He look like he saw a ghost?' another guy spoke, he's about in our age.

'Ugh... I'm fine, I just need to go back to my condo. I think I left my wallet'.

'Oh it's fine, we'll pay for you'.

'No... no, I'll catch you guys later', Ryuuka said as he started to go outside and we followed him.

After walking a bit far from Woody's, he faced us.

'Of all the hundreds of countries, why here? Why have a good time in Australia?' he exclaimed.

'Because it is here where Mardi Gras happens?' Prince explained, hands inside his pockets.

Ryuuka frowned, 'Of all the thousand cities of Australia... why the heck here in Sydney?'

'Well... it is here where Opera houses are located?' I explained.

Ryuuka's face was indescribably pissed, 'Of all the millions of street? Why the fuck are you here in Oxford street?'

Laurence spoke, 'This is the gayest place on Sydney, so that's why,’ and he lit on his cigar.

'Fuck me', Ryuuka whispered.

A stranger passed by, 'Sure, I'll do you any day'.

'Fuck off', Ryuuka told the stranger. The stranger readily walked away.

‘How the hell did he hear that whisper of yours in law? Oh, I mean Ryuuka?’ I grinned.

Prince chuckled, 'Wow Ryuuka, your power of seduction really works everywhere'.

'Shut up', Ryuuka answered.

'You look like you don't wanna see us?' Prince asked.

'Hell yeah!' Ryuuka exclaimed.

'Hey, that's not a very nice thing to say... especially to your lover' Prince smirked.

'Excuse me? FYI, ex-lover'.

Prince nodded, 'Oh yeah, well... anyway, at least as a friend?'

'Whatever, will you get lost?' Ryuuka told us, 'All of you. Didn't I tell you... I don't wanna see you anymore?'

'This has nothing to do with you. We're here to enjoy ourselves, it's our... our vacation,' he unbuttoned his polo, ‘You know, it’s kinda hot here.’

Ryuuka faced the other side, 'There are other places where I am not there and like what you said, it’s kinda hot here, ’ he uttered.

Prince held his chin, ' That has nothing to do with it, Australia... particularly Sydney is one of the most visited tourist spot, hence, this is a good place to have a vacation,' and smiled.

Ryuuka removed his hand, 'Go somewhere else', he insisted.

'That's unfair. We want here, us spending our time here has nothing to do with you', Prince flipped his hair, ' Thought you would be pleased', and smirked.

'To see your face every day?' Ryuuka exhaled.

'I had no idea that our former relationship was still a problem for you?' Prince's voice was mockingly irritating but I like his style.

Ryuuka sneered, 'Who said it was ever a problem?'

'Then I see no reason for you to disagree with our vacation', Prince added irritation in Ryuuka's face.

'Okay, just don't expect special treatment'.

'I never want one', Prince smiled.

Ryuuka nodded and went off.

'Ho-ho-ho!' I spoke laughingly, 'What was that?', and finally laughed.

'I thought you'll gonna beg him again to come back to you and all', Laurence added.

'Well... I just thought that if pulling him back won't make him come back to me then perhaps by pushing him away will do the trick', Prince crookedly smiled.

'Wow, amazing!' I complimented him, 'That was something Prince. I am so proud of you'.

Laurence nodded, 'I agree'.

'That's why I am Dr. Genius', Prince chuckled.

We did too.

'Anyway, let's get going now', Prince told us.

'Where?', Laurence asked, 'Woody's?'

Prince shrugged his head, 'Nope, Midnight Shift'.

'Huh? But didn't in law went back to Woody's?', I asked.

'Yeah but if we go in there it will make us look like we're still stalking him. So why not just wait for him in Midnight Shift. That way, we won't look like we're stalking and at the same time, he'll be more pissed', Prince grinned.

'Because wherever he'll go, you're there... he wouldn't be able to avoid you', Laurence added.

'Bingo', Prince smiled.

So then we went to Midnight Shift. Prince was right, after half-an-hour, Ryuuka and his new friends entered the club.

'Where you going?' I asked Prince.

'Dance floor'.


Prince chuckled, 'What else to do in a club with dance floor but to dance, right?'

'Yeah but with whom?'

'Anyone', Prince answered as he head on the center.

'Wanna dance?' I asked Laurence.

'No thanks', Laurence answered.

I looked at him.

'Oh... okay', Laurence sighed.

I grinned and pulled him, 'We need to stay close with Prince'.

Laurence nodded. As we approached the near center, we saw Prince with a stranger and they were dancing.

'I haven't seen you here, are you new?' the guy asked Prince.

Prince nodded, 'Yeah, I'm a tourist'.

'Oh, that's great. I'm Brad', the guy introduced.

'Brad Pitt?' Prince smiled.

The guy chuckled, 'Nope, Brad Twist'.

'Cool, nice to meet you then. I'm Noctis'.

'The pleasure is mine'.

While they were dancing, someone put his arms around Prince, 'Fuck off'. I wasn't sure who the guy was because that Brad guy was blocking my sight.

'I said fuck off', then the Brad guy left Prince. As soon as he walked away, I saw who that someone was, it was in law.

'What are you doing?' Prince asked Ryuuka.

'What?' Ryuuka asked back.

'I asked what are you doing? I was dancing with him', Prince answered. His voice sounded pissed.

Both were dancing with each other, 'Well... I'm doing you a favor. Saving your ass from a drug dealer'.


'That Brad, he's a drug dealer. He's dealing Cocaine and Crystal'.

Prince chuckled.

'What's funny?'

Prince smiled, 'Nothing...'

'What the fuck?'

'I thought we're over?'

'Yeah... we are'.

'Or we were?' Prince grinned and put his arms above Ryuuka's shoulder.

'What are you implying?' Ryuuka removed his arms.

'If we're over then why are you giving a shit if I am dancing with a drug dealer.'

'I told you, I'm giving you a favor'.

'I didn't ask for one.'

Ryuuka was speechless.

'And besides, didn't you say a while ago that I should not expect special treatments?'

Still, Ryuuka was speechless.

'So why are you this?'

'Because...' Ryuuka looked at his left side.

Prince held Ryuuka's chin and faced his face to him, 'Because you still give a damn shit about me', and laid a short kiss on Ryuuka's lips, 'See yah, ex-boyfriend', Prince uttered as he went off and went to our place leaving Ryuuka standing in the dance floor.

We also went back, 'Wow, you're really surprising me tonight Prince', I tapped his shoulder.

'Way to go pal', Laurence added, 'You left him standing by himself'.

Prince drunk his beer, 'No pain no gain'.

After that, we didn't stay long anymore and went back to our hotel.

'I'll make sure that Ryuuka will come to his senses and will regret leaving me. I'll make sure that he will come back to me without me pulling him. He will return on his own like a mother who lost her baby', Prince uttered.

'Let's drink to that', I raised my wine glass, 'We'll help you all the way'.

'Cheers?', Prince offered.

'Cheers!', I answered.

'Are you in?', Prince asked Laurence.

Laurence nodded, 'Sure, cheers'.

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