Wednesday, November 24, 2010

An Ex-lover's Responsibility

I felt his cold hand caressed my cheek and his lips pressed onto mine. I smiled with the fact that someone’s being sweet to you early in the morning. I excitedly opened my eyes to see my sweetheart but, he already went outside of our bedroom without telling anything. I wondered, perhaps he thought that I was still sleeping.

“But I smiled?” I asked myself while I hastily put some clothes on. I went outside our bedroom and saw him, lighting his cigar. “Sweetheart?” I smiled wryly.

“Hey, Shin,” he greeted me.

“Going somewhere?” I drew closer to him.

He nodded, “I’m going to stroll around the park. I’ve heard that they have the best theme parks here in Sydney.”

“Eh?” my eyes widened. “I wanna come too!”

Laurence messed my hair, “I’m going alone, Shin.”

“Huh?” I scratched onto my head, “But why? I wanna come with you, please?” I baby talked.

He shook his head and smiled, “I want to surprise you with a date in the park, so if you’d come with won’t be a surprise anymore.”

I burst out laughing, “It’s not really a surprise anymore, Laurence! You already told me that you’re going to surprise me with a date in the park.”

He pinched my cheek, “Don’t be silly. I’m going to plan something better.”

I folded my arms, “You’re going to meet your lover, don’t you?” I raised an eye brow.

“Now you sounded like a girl, Shin,” he laughed. “I already have my lover in front of me. In fact we had a great night last night,” he winked.

I flushed red.

“Beautiful,” he kissed me on my lips, “I’m leaving,” and he left.

“Weird,” I freely fell on the couch yet I found myself smiling. “He’s going to plan something for me. Ooh, exciting,” I giggled as I rolled over and over again on my place.

“Hey, weirdo.”

I got nervous and fell on the floor, only to found out that it was Prince.

“What the heck’s going on with you?” he entered our room, “Rolling over and over on that couch?”

“It’s nothing,” I chuckled and sat back on the chair.

“For sure something great happened between you two last night,” he smirked. “Great as hell.”

“Someone’s sounded so bitter here,” I uttered, emphasizing the second last word.

“Who’s bitter?” he laughed as he sat opposite to me. “I’m not bitter, but bitter sweet.”

“Whatever you say, Dr. Genius,” I smirked. “Why are you here, anyway?” I curled up. “Something’s up?”

He flashed a smile, an intriguing smile.

“Ok?” I sounded so stupid. “What’s with the smile?”

He sighed, smiling.

“Ok again?” my eye brows met, “You are crazy, Prince. By the way, have you already eaten you breakfast?” I stood up.

“Yep. Haven’t you?”

I nodded, “I just woke up awhile ago,” and headed to the kitchen. I opened the cupboard and searched for something to eat. I grasped on a cereal box and ate the remaining pieces.

“Pieces...” I snickered.

“What?” Prince asked, his head resting on the backrest of the couch.

“We’re already out of stock, of cereals...” I answered as I went back to the living room.

“Great,” he murmured.

“Yeah, whatever,” I continued eating. “You know that I am slow in picking up ideas and sort of stuff.”

“But not that slow in picking up VII,” he winked.

“Hey, I didn’t pick him up.”

“I’m just kidding. C’mon, Shin what I mean is, we’ll go out and buy some of your necessities,” he said.

“Ah, I see. Sure,” I smiled.

“Where’s VII anyway?”

“He’s out today, planning a date for me,” I grinned.

“Really? As if he really is planning something for you, Shin,” he mocked me. “Kidding.”

“Cut it out, you just don’t have someone who’ll plan a date for you,” I mocked him too as I placed the bowl on the center table.

Prince smirked, “An ex lover’s responsibility.”


“If you want him back, you will do anything to win him back,” he folded his arms, “and that is my responsibility. I am Ryuuka’s ex lover.”

“I though you’re going to push him away?”

“Did I say that?” he laughed. “Maybe not this time,” he paused for awhile, “I’m going to make him go crazy.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Secret,” he flashed a sinister smile.

“Ooh,” I chilled.

“Better keep moving, Shin,” he reprimanded.

“Right,” I finished eating my cereals and prepared myself. We left and went to a grocery store.

“I wonder where we should spend our time later,” Prince murmured while I was getting some stuff from the shelf.


He shook his head.

“At the diner?”

“No,” he smirked. “Tsk. Let’s just go with the flow.”

“Better,” I agreed. “Why don’t we talk about it right now?”

“All right,” he grinned.

And so we talked about the plan. I wouldn’t indicate it anymore coz plans are meant to be kept. *laughs. Anyway, when we went back to the hotel, Laurence wasn’t still there so I waited for him until I fell asleep.

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