Saturday, November 13, 2010

King of Midnight Shift

‘This is shit! We've been looking for him for almost a week now!' I exclaimed while looking for a seat in a diner.

Laurence nodded, ‘I knew it. We should have planned first' he added.

'Would you two quit it out? We're already here so don't cry over spilled milk,' Prince uttered.

'You sound like you're doing okay now Prince?' I asked as I finally saw a seat for us. ‘Let’s sit over there,’ I pointed out and we sat over near the counter.

'Well... I don't know? I don't know...' Prince answered.

'Yeah you don't know...’ I sat down, ‘hey, you don't know what?'

Laurence chuckled as he sat beside me.

'What?' I asked him.

Laurence looked at me, 'He said he doesn't know, so how will he know if he doesn't know?' and continued chuckling.

I sighed.

Prince tapped my shoulders, 'It's just that I feel like there's something gonna happen before this day ends.’

'Great, wonder what that means,’ I fish faced.

Laurence put on his arms around my shoulder, 'Everything will be fine sweetheart'.

'Fucking in law! Where the hell is he?' I exclaimed.

Prince and Laurence chuckled.

'He's much in rush than I am?' Prince uttered.

Laurence nodded.

Then a waitress approached us, 'Can I get something for you boys?'

'We'll have three of this, two of this and three can of soda please'.

'Hungry much?' I asked.

'We need energy', Prince answered.

‘And we’ve been searching for someone for a week now so we need to eat a lot,’ I added. ‘Geez, what’s the fuss all about? They’re like buzzing bees,’ I peeped around.

'Excuse me, what are the people talking about?' Prince asked the waitress as our orders came.

'Well tonight is the King of Midnight Shift. It's one of the biggest event this year', she answered.

'King of Midnight Shift?'

She nodded, 'Hmm... you guys newbie here?'

Prince nodded.

'That's why I can't recognize you', she chuckled, ' Well... Midnight Shift is the most famous gay club in this part of Sydney. It's where the hottest and most gorgeous guys hang around'.

'Hmm... sorry, did you say gay club?'

'Yes honey, if you're a homophobe then you should get lost in this part of Sydney, Australia', she chuckled.

'Ugh... no, we're all homosexuals here,' I spoke, 'Matter of fact, he is my lover.'

Laurence smiled a bit.

'Oh, cute couple,’ she smiled. ‘Don't you have one?' she asked Prince.

'I did.'


Prince twitched an eye, 'It's a long story.'

'Oh... okay then, anyway maybe you guys should visit the club later. It opens at 7 in the evening. It's just a few blocks away from here'.

'Okay', Prince agreed as the waitress left.

'Are we actually gonna go to that gay club?' I asked.

'Why not? We've been looking and searching for Ryuuka non-stop lately. I think we deserve a little break?'

Laurence nodded, ‘I agree. It sounds interesting as well'.

'Right... we're all going to a gay club. Fantastic.'

'Would you drop the sarcasm Shin?' Prince told me as he grinned.

'Sorry... maybe I'm just tired. Well, anyway, let's do this'.

'Do what?' Laurence asked me.

'King of Midnight Shift', I answered.

The night came and we head off to Midnight Shift as planned.

'Wow, full of hottest guys and gorgeous men as the waitress said,' I uttered.

'Should I be jealous?' Laurence told me as he smirked.

I kissed him in his lips, 'What do you think? You’re the only and most gorgeous for me.'

Laurence smiled.

'All right, you two will not make me feel miserable, am I right?' Prince asked us.

We both look each other and chuckled.

'Great', Prince sighed.

We explored the club further and enjoyed ourselves.

'Did you hear that?' Laurence asked.

'Hear what?' Prince asked.

I sipped on my Tequila.

'They said that they hope that the new hunky Japanese guy would join the contest later'.

'You mean the King of the Midnight Shift?' I asked.

Laurence nodded, 'That means...'

'We're not the only newbie here!' I exclaimed.

'No sweetheart...' Laurence told me.

'It's... Ryuuka' Prince spoke.

'What? In law's here?'

'Let us not jump into many conclusions, but there's a chance that he might be that hunky Japanese guy'.

Prince smiled, 'I hope he is that'.

'Then why not we find it out?' I asked.

'Huh?' they both asked me.

I winked, 'Follow me' and went to a guy near us. I talked to him, 'Excuse me sir, can I ask you a question?'

The guy looked at me, 'Hey sugar.'

'Ugh... no, I’m coffee. Pff.’


Prince and Laurence snickered behind my back, ‘Anyway, I'm just wonderin’, do you happen to know a newbie hunky Japanese guy hanging around here at this club lately?'

He nodded, 'Yeah, he's a bit famous here. I heard he moved in about a month ago'.

'Oooh...', I looked at them.

'What is he called sir?' Prince continued the asking stuff.

'Well... he's called as twenty-seven if I am not mistaken', the guy uttered as he drank his beer.

'Bingo', I whispered.

'Thank you very much for the information sir', Prince told the guy.

The guy smiled, 'Welcome. You interested in him?'


'Well this might help you, they say that if you wanna get laid by him... you should ask him to dance with you, make the first move'.

'Wait... get laid?' I asked.

The guy nodded, 'Yeah get laid... the guy fucks everything that moves'.

'Fuck?' Prince wondered.

'Hey what are you aliens?' he laughed, 'Who wouldn't fuck that guy? He's a total dreamy'.

'Right...' Laurence intervene, 'Well... we should be going now', and pulled us back to our place a while ago.

'So... it is in law but a little bit different?' I wondered.

'He fucks everything that moves huh?' Prince mumbled. ‘Interesting,’ he smirked.

'Well...let's find out', Laurence added.

After an hour, still no sign of in law... I mean Ryuuka, damn I'm really used to calling him in law. Well anyway, as we decided to take off, we heard some interesting thoughts. It was already pass 10 in the evening.

'He's here', Laurence told us.

Prince and I both looked at the entrance and there he was standing. He was wearing white pants, I wasn't sure about the shoes but on the top, Ryuuka was wearing a white and gray stripped vest that is unbuttoned exposing his bare chest.

'Is it because it is dark in here... or Ryuuka really has red highlights on his hair now?' I asked.

'Yup he does have highlights', Laurence spoke.

'All right then, let's confront him now!' I exclaimed and stood up.

'No... no', Prince pulled me back.

'Huh? We've been waiting for this time to come. So why hesitate?'

'Let's not rush. If we blow this, we'll gonna loose him and who knows when we'll gonna see him again. So, let's stay put and observe first', Prince explained.

'I agree', Laurence added, 'We should know everything first... where he's staying, where he hang out so that if we fail this one, we still at least have some aces in our hands'.

'Ah! Okay! You two are wise', I sighed, 'Now I feel stupid'.

Prince smiled as he sipped on his drink.

'It's all right sweetheart, you're cute when you're being stupid', Laurence winked at me.

'Right...', I sipped on my drink.

We just stared at Ryuuka all night long. He was dancing in the dance floor, flirting and drinking with different men minute by minute.

'Holy crap, what a guy... gay Ryuuka turned into?', I mumbled.

'Sure is different', Prince added.

'You okay?' Laurence asked Prince.

Prince nodded, 'Patience is a virtue', and smiled.

I smiled too.

'Oh shit, he's approaching this way. Turned around', Laurence warned us. We turned around and listen to Ryuuka.

'Hey Blake, you look hot tonight', Ryuuka told the bartender.

'Thanks twenty-seven, here's your usual', the bartender said as he handed Ryuuka's drink.

'Drinks on the house?'

'Sure', the bartender winked at him.

'You really do look hot tonight Blake, I'd fuck you...', Ryuuka said as he kissed the bartender's left cheek, 'See yah...', and went to the dance floor again.

'What the heck was that?', I exclaimed.

'So he does fuck everything that moves', Laurence added.

Prince sighed.

'Prince?' I tapped Prince’s shoulder.

'Oh who cares, as long as I would get the chance to talk to him...', Prince uttered.

Then the night went on as it ended and morning came. We stayed in the club as long as Ryuuka stayed too. When he went off, we did too. We followed him and we found ourselves in a building where we believe Ryuuka is staying.

'So now that we know almost everything... can we go home now?' I yawned.

'Yeah, we can...' Prince assured me.

'I'll drive', Laurence offered.. We went home, I mean to the hotel where we're checked in, sleep and rest. Tomorrow would probably be a big day, not just for the three of us but for Ryuuka too. I wonder what will his reaction will be. Or rather, I'm wondering what will happen tomorrow.

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