Sunday, November 7, 2010

Here We Come

‘Let's go out tonight Prince!', I asked.

'No thanks', he murmured.

I sighed, 'You've been depressed for practically the whole sembreak now...', I told Prince, 'It's been months now you know'.

He looked at me, 'I don't mind if you go and spend your time with VII. I am fine by myself'.

I didn't speak.

'I'm a boring person now, so I will understand if you don't wanna hang around with me'

'Did I say that?', I sat next to him, 'I just want you to cheer up!'

He put on his hands in his face covering up his eyes, 'I can't help it. I can't stop thinking about him', and sighed.

I sighed too while I rolled my eyes.

'Last night I dreamt about him again... it's like he learned how to levitate and we were fucking mid air', and rest his back on the couch.

'Wonder what that means', I uttered.

'I'm becoming a lunatic now'

'It's only natural if these things take time... just get over him Prince, move on'.

'Like I haven't heard that for a million times now?', he sighed again.

'Tell yourself, Ryuuka is history'.

'I can never say that', he argued.

Then after a little a while, someone knocked at my door. I opened it and it was Laurence.

'Hello there', he greeted me.

'Hi!', I greeted him back and kissed his cheek.

Laurence looked at Prince, 'Hey'

Prince looked at Laurence, 'Hey VII'

'I see your back', Laurence went inside my room.

Prince nodded, 'Here...', and handed some pretzels to Laurence.

Laurence accepted it, 'From your grandma?', he looked at me.

'Yeah, our grandma', I chuckled.

I nodded, 'Of course', then we heard Prince sighed, 'Prince?'

'Ugh... I'll go to my room, I'll sleep now'.

'You don't deceive me', Laurence uttered as he smirked on Prince.

'Pardon?', Prince asked.

'You're not sleepy... you just don't want to see love birds?'

Prince sighed, 'What are you... detective?'

I smiled, 'He's still depress', and told Laurence.


'Whatever you two...-'

'I know who knows where Leader is', Laurence told Prince.

Prince looked at him.

'Master knows everything'.

'That's right! We should ask their master Prince!', I exclaimed.

'Are you sure about this?', Prince asked Laurence.

Laurence nodded, 'If you really want to know where XXVII is. We should take our chances even if it is not practical'

'But your master doesn't really talk to anyone than The Numbers so how can we make your master talk to me?'

'Leave everything to me'

I tapped Prince's shoulder, 'It will be fine Prince'

Prince nodded.

We arrived in in law's house, I mean Ryuuka's house. Laurence told us that we should wait for his call before entering the house. He would check first if their master is inside.

Almost after ten minutes, Laurence called us and we enter the house. As soon as we opened the door, we saw their master sitting comfortably in the couch and polishing some black and silver revolver.

'Is there anything I can do for you young Caelum?', their master greeted Prince.

Prince smiled a bit, 'Good afternoon ma-...'

Their master didn't let him finished, 'Don't call me master', and looked at Prince, 'You ain't a Number'

Prince nodded, 'Okay, so...'

'What is it you want?'

'I'm thinking and hoping that you could tell me where your son is?', Prince's voice had uncertainty embedded in it.

Their master looked at Laurence, 'VII, didn't I tell you that my son doesn't want anyone to know where he is right now?'

'Yes master but you see...', Laurence looked Prince, 'He needs to talk to Leader'.

'You belong to that anyone he is referring to', their master told Prince.

'But I am his lover', Prince argued.

'Former lover', there is much emphasis on the first word, 'You're just one of his exes now. You're past, finished... over, what can't you understand about those words?'

'But...', Prince didn't finished.

Laurence called their master's attention, 'Master, Prince here needs Leader back, he wants him back. His life revolves around him'

Their master's eyes flickered, 'But my son doesn't need him nor want him anymore'.

'I'm pleading you, I love your son so much'.

'But he doesn't love you anymore. Didn't he tell you to fuck off?'

Prince looked down.

I talked, 'Would you just tell us where Ryuuka is? You don't know anything about their love, so would you stop being an arrogant intervention and give us some details!'

Their master smirked at me then looked at Laurence, 'VII...', it's a calm voice, 'Is this your lover?'

Laurence nodded.

'I see, well would you tell your annoying lover to shut his fucking mouth? You know what I am capable of', then their master's sight shifted on me.

'Yes master, I apologize', Laurence told him as he looked at me.

I sighed.

Prince spoke, 'I love him dearly; I know that you don't really like me that much-...'

'I totally don't like you... I never once did like you for ruining my son!'

Prince was speechless.

'I just played along for my son. But now that he wants you out of his life, there's no reason for me to downplay that I like you to be my son-in-law', their master uttered and continued polishing the silver revolver, 'I hate you', and whispered.

'I understand. But you see, I love him dearly... and I cannot live-...'

'Without him? Then go right ahead and die', their master looked at Prince mockingly, 'It's as if my son would care if you die... nor will I'.

'Master...', Laurence uttered.

'Fuck off VII', their master told him as he shifted his sight to Prince, 'If you are really in love with my son you would forget about him right now. You would go on living without him beside you because that's what he wants. He is living a new life now'

Prince was speechless.

'Can't you see... my son is finally moving forward?', their master's voice is mad.

Prince shrugged his head.

'If you really love him like what you said, you will forget about him and let him do the things he wants to do. He is re-living his life. He's having the time of his life.'


'Understand this young Caelum, my son is not for you and you are not for him. He doesn't need anyone but himself.'

Prince gulped as he closed his eyes, 'I see, I now understand...'

'Prince?', I uttered.

'I won't intervene with what he wants. I will let him do what he wants', Prince opened his eyes and looked at their master.

Their master nodded.

'But please, just for the last time I just want to talk to him. Just a talk, it won't mean anything but a talk. Wherever he is, I just want to talk to him. Then after, I'll forget about him... like what he wants me to do and move on. I promise'.

Their master looked at Prince.

'It would be my farewell. It would be a way for me to let him go'.

There was a long moment of silence.

Then finally, 'Perseverance will take you somewhere somehow', their master sighed, 'Okay, I will tell you where he is but in one condition'.

Prince nodded.

'You have to answer my question correctly. If you're wrong, disappear.'

'I agree', Prince told him without a shadow of doubt.

'You're pretty confident'

'I'll give it a shot'.

Their master smirked, 'Right, so here's the riddle. It is a debt that no one can escape, what is the debt?'

Prince thought for a while.

'It is the only thing that is built to last forever', their master added.

'Love?', I murmured.

Prince looked at me.

'It is not love', their master spoke, 'If it is then you shouldn't be here answering my riddle. You should be with my son making love', and smirked.

What a stupid, arrogant and selfish human being. I thought to myself, would you just get lost. I tsked.

'You get lost kid', their master uttered.

What the.. he's a mind reader? I again told myself.

'No', their master spoke again as smiled.

'What the fuck...', I whispered.

'That's quite enough Shin', Laurence told me. I didn't realize that he was already standing beside me.

'Ugh... sorry Laurence'.

'Please don't try to piss my master', Laurence told me as he shifted his eyes towards Prince.

Prince was still thinking.

'Young Caelum?'

Prince breathed in, 'Death?', he uttered.

Their master rested his back on the couch, 'Explain your answer', and stared at him.

'I remembered that your son once told me when we were still just friends that death is the only thing that is built to last in eternity. He said that, once you die, you will always be dead and no one can escape death. Death is eternity'.

Their master smirked, 'Correct'.

Prince smiled, 'Really?'


'Australia? Where in Australia?', Prince asked.

'Well... who knows?', their master laughed sarcastically.

'Are you out of your mind? Australia is so big, how the hell will we find him there?', I exclaimed.

'Shin...', Laurence warned me.

I shut my mouth.

'I told you that I will tell you where he is, but I didn't say that I will tell you his exact location', their master told Prince as he stood up and left us.

'Great! Thanks a lot asshole!', I yelled.

'Please', Laurence told me.


'Our master could kill you anytime so please stop doing this Shin', Laurence's voice sounded worried.

I smiled, 'You're going to protect me, right?', I asked.

Laurence sighed, 'I'm no match compared to our master'.

And before I can say a word, Prince pulled us.

'Where are we going?', Laurence asked.

'To the airport', Prince answered him.

'Huh?', I exclaim, 'Why?'

'We're going to Australia right now'.

'Right now?', I again exclaimed.

'Right now'.

'Wait... wait, we should plan first', Laurence suggested.

'Yeah Prince, Laurence right! We shouldn't rush!'

'We'll plan in the plane'.

And there we fly off to Australia without any further notice.

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