Saturday, November 6, 2010

Whether you like it or not

This happened before we parted our ways and I won’t include all the stuff that my mom and I talked about.

Someone knocked on the door, ‘Son?’ and it was my mom.

I didn’t respond and she already came inside my room.

‘How are you now?’ she sat on my bed, fondling my hair like a baby, ‘I prepared your favorite meal for dinner.’

Still, I didn’t respond.

‘Aren’t you going to eat?’

‘Just leave me alone, mom,’ I mumbled.

My mom sighed, ‘But son, you are so thin now...and you look so pale—‘

‘Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine,’ I took a deep breath, ‘I just need My Life.’

‘My Life?’ the tone of her voice became stern, ‘After all the things he has said to you, you still call him My Life, huh? Prince?’

‘I understand why he has said that...’ I answered.

‘You are being too hard on yourself, Prince and I cannot afford to see my only son suffering from his maltreatment!’

‘He’s not maltreating me,’ I looked at her, ‘Stop this now, mom. This is our problem and not yours so just leave us alone,’ I exclaimed. ‘I don’t need any of your pointless opinions so back off!’

‘How dare you to say that to me,’ she stressed out, ‘this is the first time that you raised your voice to your mother!’

‘You provoked me!’ I countered having hard time breathing.

My mom stood up, ‘And I am the one who provoked you?’ she folded her arms, ‘This is his fault, all of this.’

‘You don’t know anything so don’t accuse of him that everything of this is his fault,’ I tried to calm down, ‘I have mistakes too.’

‘There you go again, trying to protect your lover,’ she murmured. ‘Your perfect lover, oh...not so perfect anymore.’

‘Don’t you judge him like that; you don’t know him like the way I do,’ I uttered.

‘Really?’ she smirked, ‘If you really know him...if you really know him, won’t go like this.’

‘Fine, he has imperfections too, mom. All of us have imperfections so it is not right to judge him,’ I sighed. ‘Why the hell do I need to repeat it again...’


I wasn’t looking at her.

‘Prince,’ she caressed my face, ‘I guess this is the time to break up with him.’

My eyes widened, ‘What the hell are you saying?!’

‘Break up with Ryuuka, Prince. That is the only way to end all of your sufferings.’

‘I already told you that you don’t know anything so keep your mouth shut!’

‘Oh my goodness, Prince...’ she took a deep breath, ‘are you still going to hold on with your feelings for him, huh?’

‘Yes, so stop now,’ I told her. ‘If you’re done, would you please get out of my room now? I’m already tired of hearing such words.’

‘I hate Ryuuka! Because of him that’s why you’re acting like this!’ tears fell from her eyes, ‘from now on, I won’t be treating him like my own son! He’s not going to be your fiancé anymore and even he wants you back, I won’t accept him anymore!’ she turned his back away from me.

‘Just one thing, mom...’

She faced me.

‘I won’t give up on him,’ I stated, ‘whether you like it or not. You are not me so you’re not the one who will decide for me. I am big enough to handle myself so just mind your own business.’

She already left my room and after she left, that was the time that I burst into tears.

Why the hell would she say that? Tsk. I admit that I was really scared of the fact that he’s going to leave me. And yeah, he already did and it was very painful, very hard to deal with my environment. It is very hard for me to accept everything that had happened but that doesn’t mean that I’m already giving up. That I already gave him up. I am still hoping that everything between us would be okay again, just like before. Actually, up to this point...I am still wearing our engagement ring. I know it’s kinda funny but who do you think you are to mind my own problems. I face my own problems and I already made up my mind. Thanks to a two week vacation in Denmark, it helped me to rejuvenate. And now, I’m going to look for Ryuuka and make him fall for me all over again, or rather get him back. I assure that he won’t resist me.

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