Wednesday, February 3, 2010


while waiting for our next class..(philosophy; my life's major subject..=D )
i'm with my life and a friend, Elise..she knows about us..
a policeman went inside our buiding..
i was just scanning my notes then while ryuu's..i think he was thinking of something..

E: what's with the police?
P: dun you know what happened, my life?
R: (sighs and looks at me)
P: hm? are you ok?
R: i filed a case against you, my life..(sad face)
E: (listens to her ipod)
P: what...? what case?
R: robbery..
P: (confused)
R: (holds my hand) i'm sorry..i can't help but to call the policeman and jail you..(looks at my eyes)
P: the hell ryuu..i know you are kiddin!
R: no, look at me prince..look at my eyes..
E: ....
P: what did i do to you my life? i don't remember stealing something from you and i--
R: you don't remember, huh..? you're such an irresponsible brat, prince! (furious)
P: (sighs) i don't remember..i'm sorry..what did i steal from you then?
R: (sings)
P: (chuckles) what the hell was that, ryuu..that..that was not a hardcore you know..
E: Loser! (laughs)
P: bubble head! (laughs also)
R: pff...(pouts)

poor ryuu...=]he doesn't know how to crack crack a amateur! =)) haha.anyways, after laughing out loud..there was still 45 minutes left..we're too early for our next class because we don't have classes in the morning.
i continued scanning my lessons when my life looked at me..and i looked at him too..

R: know life..
P: i don't know yet, ryuu..
R: you're a big B.
P: yeah..i know..i'm a big boy now..(turns the page)
R: nah..not boy..
P: hm..big..whatever.
R: Big Booger. (grins)
E: (snickers)
P: because what? i'm really hard to get?
R: (frowns)
P: why?
R: how did you know that?! (sighs)
P: because i'm not an amateur, like life..(winks)
E: oh..yeah! amateur, schuuichi-kun! (laughs)
R: oh..shut up..i thought you're on my side..?
E: (nods) i'm cheering for a looser like you! Go amateur kid!
P: bubble head! (grins)

see...he's really an amateur. haha.don't worry, i'll teach him how to crack it. ;p
scan again.. my lessons and then he suddenly hugged me..
P: uh..

R: (hugs me tightly) (looks at Elise)
E: (looks around) (shooks head) *means no one is coming
P: my life? any prob..?
R: (looks at me) You're like a cliff my life..
P: (smiles) why is that?
R: because i'm falling for you..
P: then..i'm here to catch you, my life..(holds his chin and smiles)
R: (removes my hand and moves a little)
P: what?
R: tsk..i thought i'm the who is corny here?
P:yeah..i'm corny too..but you are cornier! (laughs)
E: Loser loser loser!
R: (pissed off)

it's alright, my life..there's a room for scanned again..but after a few minutes kept my notebook inside my bag..ryuu was still uneasy..
R: life..? (looks at me)

P: yes?
R: (grins) can..i see the tag of your shirt?
P: what for? it's a calvin klein shirt..medium size..
R: i don't need that--
P: i wanna see if i'm made for you..? (grins)
R: Holy! hot damn! (scratches head)
P: busted! (laughs)
E: weak-weak-weak!
R: grr..
P: right, elise-chan..weakling bubble head. (laughs)
E; poor shuuichi-kun..
R: alright, i'll stop now. (folded arms) i have no corny sweet lines anymore..
P: really..really..weak! (pinches his cheek)
R: stop it my life..can't you see i'm..i'm so tired of you! enough is enough, please! (stands up)
E: o..ow...hmm...
P: huh? tired..of me..? (stands up too) what's the problem again, my life?
R: (looks down)
P: (holds his chin) ryuu..
R: (looks at me) i'm so tired of you..tired of you running non-stop on my head!
R: i can't stop thinking of you..(grins)
P: ryuuka! (beats him up)

after 10 minutes...elise was just watching us. tsk..
R: (sad face) ouch..
P: (pampers him) it's your fault..
R: (chuckles)
P: pff..
R: you are just so cute whenever you'r pissed off, my life..(sweet smile)
P: (glares at him)
R: no hitting any more, please?
P: you are the corniest person i've ever met..
R: really...P: why did you say those words?
R: because of ILY.P: ILY..?
R: I LOVE YOU...(sweet smile)
P: ....
R: (stares at me)
P: (turns his back)
R: (peeps on my face)
P: (smiles)
R: wee...(shimmering eyes)

COOOOOL.=] haha..and i turned my head and saw my life looking at me..he smiled and..
P: ILYT. (grins) I LOVE YOU TOO..

R: (hugs)
P: (hugs him too)
E: Alright..alright..stop it, fellow friends..
R: what? i don't want..
P: (nods) mmm....
E: cmon guys...they're coming..!
R and P: (parted ways)
R: (whistles)
P: (fixes hair)
E: kiddin! (laughs) i won't let the ants bite me..sorry..(smiles) let's go now to our class..5 minutes left..
P: (nods)
R: (holds my hand)
P: not in..public..
R: ok. (smiles and removes his hand) i'm wonderin when will i can hold hands with you while walking in public..

i still don't know, my life. i'm sorry..don't worry..we can do anything in private.haha.=]

1 comment:

  1. not being able to hold prince's hand is sad...
