Sunday, February 28, 2010


Last last week, I did a music video for our company's ad for this new model of car. well, it started when i woke up and went to the bathroom (pictures above). My life and his team we're hired to guard us...(was it the right term, 'guard'?). Anyways, while shooting for this certain scene, i noticed my life went away. i wondered why...

3 hours had left, yet no signs of my life. mom talked to his team mates.

'find ryuu or else no lunch for you 4. my son can't concentrate without him around...' my mom told them while she saw me pouting my lips. shin laughed his head off while he walked towards them.

'i love to see my beloved cousin pissed off aunt. it's just alright even cousin in-law's not here,' he grinned.

'shin, not this time. don't be so silly again,' alice said.

'i am not.' he laughed.

' that what you want, shin? then all of you won't have any lunch and snacks, or even dinner for this day!' mom was pissed off too and she sat again.

'stupid silly head' i murmured to myself.

'you suck, shin!' laurence locked his head between his arms while the others tickled him.

'stop! no---stop!' shin shouted. 'alright! let's do this team, let's find cousin in-law for our food!'

'yeah!' my life's team mates agreed. 'spartaaaaaaaans----! let's go!' shin yelled as they went away from the studio. where in the world's ryuu? and what's with him? just going away like that without saying something on me? tsk.

'prince, please continue what is asked to you' the director said.
i simply nodded and did what is asked. lunch break and they were still out searching for my life. i waited for them for a while. i wanted to eat with my life. and at last, they're here! they were carrying my life and after reaching the table, my life was dumped by them and they hurriedly ate like monsters. tsk, what a despicable act. of course, i helped my life to stand up.

'where in the world did you go?' i asked him.

'around...? sorry for troubling you...' he smiled and stood up.

'don't do that again, you made me worry a lot.'

'i'm sorry, it's just...' he held my hand, 'it's nothing my life' he smiled again and we sat down. 'itadakimasu!' he said cheerfully. while eating...

'where did you find ryuu?' my mom asked.

'he was sleeping inside the other studio,' shin answered. 'are you tired, cousin in-law?'

'nope...' my life answered.

'and then..why--?'

'jut forget about it.' my life grinned at them. 'mom, this is so delicious! so mouth watering!'

'oh..sure a lot, guys. by the way, ryuuka, sit beside me later while prince shoot for his music video.' my mom smiled.


'cmon, cousin in-law, i'll sit beside you! nyum!' shin said. i looked at my life and saw him sighed. hm, what's his problem?? after eating, we continued the photo shoot and yeah, my life was between shin and mom. mom was smiling and was happy with what i was doing...shin was busily playing with his psp while chatting at my life at the same time but my life looked...looked so uneasy. i didn't see him looked at me for ONCE! his eyes were down looking at the floor, looking at the sky or looking somewhere else! this is not good, as i thought. he whispered something to mom and mom nodded at him, shin smiled at him too. again, he walked away and this time i won't let him out of my sight. i followed him.

'prince! where are you going...??!' mom shouted.
but i didn't replied to her question. i saw my life went inside to another studio. i too, went inside.

' life, what are you doing here?' he asked as he looked back at me.

'i'm following you, ryuu. what's your problem, huh?' i asked him while walking toward at him.

'no..nothing...' he faced me. 'it's nothing, my worries...' he smiled.

'nothing...really, huh...?' i was walking still towards him while he was walking backwards to the bed.

' what are you--'

'answer my question, ryuuka.' i looked at his eyes. he sat down on the bed.

'i answered it, right?' he grinned at me. i removed my jacket.

'i think that answer isn't really the answer, my life...' i removed my vest and cornered him on the bed (he was now lying down)

that was the answer, prince---' i stood up straightly and said, 'tsk, i didn't want to hear that again from you, ryuuka' and i headed towards the door.

'wait!' he followed me and cornered me on the door...'i...'

'i...?' i asked him as he locked the door.


'what's that 'i', my life? you're pissing me off...' i told him and wore again my vest.

'oh, no...don't put back your vest, it's better if you don't wear it...' he smiled and looked at my eyes, 'i wanted you so badly, prince...and...'


'and every time i look at you, my life...while you are doing that music can't be helped, i loose all control...that's why i always walk away to suppress this feeling. and now, that you and i are alone...--'

i kissed him sweetly and felt him kissing me back...and...

*knock knock knock, 'hey, prince! couin in-law! are you inside?! aunt is looking for you two!!' shin shouted. my life got his gun and shot the door. he opened it...

'what, shin? don't you know the word, P-R-I-V-A-C-Y??' my life asked him.

'what yourself?! are you trying to kill me, huh?' shin answered at him.

'huh yourself too!' and they brawled around while i, i laughed at them and went back to what i was doing before...

'my life, let's continue it later, ok?' he winked at me at and i nodded and smiled at him.
we finished at around 8 pm. my mom and the others went directly to our house but my life and i ate our dinner in our favorite restaurant After, we went back at home too. He excitedly went out his car and accompanied me inside. He greeted my parents and went directly to our room. He patted my head and said,

“Take a good rest now, my life…I want to watch you sleep.”

“How about you?”

“We’ll see…sleep now…” he smiled.
I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I can’t. Around 11:30 in the evening, I heard my life went outside my room. I followed him and he went at the balcony. I saw dad’s apparition went to the balcony too and I hoped that he didn’t saw me (Lights were all shut down that time). I hid at the back of the glass door and eavesdropped on them.

“Do you mind drinking with me, Ryuuka?”

“Sure, thanks dad,” he smiled.

“You can’t sleep?” my dad asked my life as he handed down his drink.

“Yes, I can’t,” he sipped on his goblet.

“What troubles you then?”

“Nothing, dad. I just can’t sleep, I just stared at your son these past few hours while he was sleeping,” he smiled.

“Do you really love my son?”

“I do love Prince. I do love your son more than myself,” he looked genuinely at my dad’s eyes. My mom was not yet asleep and I saw her coming through. I hid myself at the dusk and waited for her to went inside the balcony. She sat beside my dad and listened to their conversation. I eavesdropped again.

“I admit that I don’t like you for my son, at the first place,” my dad said.

“Yeah…right,” my mom agreed, “Especially that you are of the same gender, Ryuuka.”

My life didn’t answer from what they have admitted but instead he just listened carefully to my parents.

“You were an assassin too. I know that being an assassin has a hazardous and frenzied life. I can barely imagine that my son might be in danger whenever you are around him.”

“I live through it, that’s why I abandoned him before. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t love him, I am so in-love with your son and I was just trying to protect him. However, I have realized that without him, without his love for me, I will continue to carry on with this frenzied life and numbness and I don’t want that to continue. I wanted to be with him and take good care of him for an eternity that’s why it’s in my will to live again and prove my love for him.”

“I can not contradict with my son’s lover anymore,” my mom said, “I have seen Prince’s depression after Ryuuka abandoned him and that distressed him a lot. Our son didn’t talk for almost one month and after your come back, he changed. He smiles, eats and so lovely to see whenever you are with him. And now, I am happy about your intimate relationship with each other.”

“I agree with you,” my dad said, “You are the reason why our son is like this, happy and contented. It is all because of you and I thank you for that.” I saw dad noticed me hiding but he didn’t tell it to them.

“You are always welcome,” my life said exquisitely.

“Just promise us two things, Ryuuka.”

“What is it, dad and I will gladly do it for you and your son.”

“First things first, don’t let our son get into trouble because of you or your work. If that incident will happen, I guarantee you that something dreadful will happen to you…”

“I will do protect your son from any troubles I will get into and I won’t let their hands lay on your son,” my life answered.

“And the last thing, Ryuuka, don’t you never ever hurt our son. Love him with all of your heart.

“I love your son with all of my life—“

I went inside the balcony and hugged him from behind.

“Prince…,” he looked at me.

“Dad, Mom, I would rather have had one breath of his hair, one kiss from his mouth and one touch of his hand, than eternity without him, without his love,” and I kissed him.

“You two are so adorable to look at.”

“Thank you, mom…and…thank you, my life…”

“’My life’ as you say? What’s that?”

“That’s our term of endearment. We call each other as ‘My Life”.”

“Oh…I see, that really is so adorable!” my mom giggled.

“Uh, by the way…my life…have you heard—“

“I did. Everything,” I smiled at him.

“Alright, alright. I’m done with my drink and I feel sleepy now,” my dad stood up. “We’ll sleep now, you two, get some good night rest too,”

My life and I went back to our room.

'Your parents are so kind, i hope i do have too' he said as he closed and locked the door. '

you do have now, they are your parents now, my life...' i smiled at him.

“Oh...!” he stared at me and brushed his nose on mine.

“Remember, my life…that what’s mine is yours to leave and take, what’s mine is yours to make your own…”

“Thank you always, my life. But, eavesdropping is not good you know…” he sat on my bed

I lazily sauntered over and sat beside my life, my arms seemingly carelessly dropping over his shoulder.

"Would you forgive me if I did this?" I whispered, letting my cool lips brush on my life’s cheek.

"I'd think about it." he replied.

"If I did this?" I asked coyly, kissing his nose.

"Then I might have to do this..." he murmured as he pressed his lips on my forehead sweetly, and my arms slowly snaked around his waist as I allowed myself to be pulled into his arms, placing another kiss on his cheek.
My life chuckled, then stared into my eyes as he slowly came forward and caught my lips with his own. I twisted around, not allowing my lips to be separated from my life’s for even a second, moving until I was lying on top of him. My hands slid up the shirt beneath my life and caressed his smooth back as he smiled into the kiss.

"Forgive me now?" I asked breathlessly.

"You'll have to do better than that," he smiled. My life pulled away and smiled up at me as he attempted to roll over so that he was back on top, only to find that I had handcuffed him to the end part of the bed.

"Get out of that one," he said smugly, grinning down at me. My life laid there for a few seconds contemplating the situation, then, he spied a key dangling off on my necklace. He leaned up and caught the key with his teeth, and then somehow managed to unlock the handcuffs. Before I could react, my life pulled me around and handcuffed him to the bed. My eyes sparkled.

"I see no problem with this," I murmured, pulling my life's face down and kissing him hard.

"Now that's not fair, my life," he told me a few seconds later when he pulled away.

"Whoever said I played fair?" I grinned at him.
My life stopped nuzzling; neck long enough to say, "Very true. No one."

I scooted as far up onto the bed as the handcuffs would allow, dragging my life along with me. Finally getting comfortable, we sank into a cloud of velvet and silk. My life caught the zipper on my jacket with his teeth, much as he had done with the key earlier, and pulled it down, exposing my pale, muscled chest. I gasped as his fingers slid along my lower back. I trailed off as he lightly bit my neck, his long fingers caressing my hips.

"Just a second," he whispered as he sat up, taking hold of my free hand and unlocking the handcuffs only long enough to lock both of my hands in them so that I was stretched out underneath my life.

"You're my prisoner now," my life announced proudly, smiling down at me.

"Good," I replied, barely having time to get the word out before my life dove down and kissed me passionately again.
I smiled gently as I watched my life lay on top of me sleeping; I gently traced the straight line of his nose and the soft curve of his lips. His eyes slowly opened and filled with a soft, innocent light as he first woke up--the one time when a person is truly unguarded and expresses their true feelings.

"My life…"

We were both quiet for a few minutes, listening to the beating of our twin hearts. Tears run down my face. He sat and wiped my tears.

“My life…what’s the problem?”

“I was…I was just happy about what I heard before…” I smiled while I wiped my tears.

“Tears of joy…” he grinned and kissed my finger tips,

“I love you so much, Prince.”

“I love you too, Ryuuka…” and I hugged him tightly.

“Don’t ever leave me…”

“I won’t,” he nibbled on my ear.
I looked at him and tickled him. We was so silly that we fell down on the floor. I was over him and started nibbling his ear.

“No, not…not there, Prince…” he was almost laughing.

“What…? I can’t hear…you…” I was still nibbling and kissing his ear.


“What…?” I still continued what I was doing before.

That’s my weakest area,” he looked at me straight to my eyes.

“Is that so?” I smiled naughtily and continued again.

“Aha, you want some round two huh…” he was trying to get up but I applied too much force on him and besides I was still nibbling his ear.
'Indeed, and it’s my turn, my lover…” I winked at him and carried him back to my bed and we had some round 2.

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