Sunday, February 14, 2010

Find me

valentine's day..
i was sitting still in the veranda, thinking of my life...
oh well, valentine's day would just be an ordinary day here in my crib.

'nothing special for this day,' i murmured.

geez, i haven't yet decided for my surprise, for my life. tsk. i thought for sometime but was distracted by a phone call, from elise-chan.


'prince?! where in the world are you?!' she exclaimed.

'hold on to your horses, elise-chan. i'm in our house,'

she sighed,'our professor in history texted me that we are required to watch the concert in the auditorium'

'wha..t? but i haven't received his text. hm, why so sudden?'

'i don't know..but i have the tickets. meet me at the park around 6.30 pm ok? wear formal clothes, prince! bye!'

tsk..and why the hell it was so sudden?! and how could i prepare for my surprise?! ugh..crap. the time flied so fast..and it was 6:30 pm. i wore a black tee and black slocks. a black leather shoes would be fine as well as a black hat. wow..all black, i was bitter for this valentine's day. i went to the park and met elise. we went together to the auditorium. she handed me my ticket..

'the show will start at 7 pm..where are they?' i asked elise.

'who?' she answered.

'our classmated, visitors and guests?'

'they have gone inside.' she smiled.

'oh..i see..? i wondered. 'so shall we go inside too?'

'yep! you go first, i'm quite afraid of the dark so i'll stay behind your back.'

i walked towards the door and opened it but elise pushed me inside and closed the door. oh shoot! what the heck was she thinking?! i tried to open the door but it was locked from the outside. damn!

i sighed and calmed down. i looked around, but i can't see anything (i have a night blindness). i got my phone and used it's light. the seats were empty. the slight breeze chilled me. i walked towards to the 3rd row and sat on the 7th seat. i checked my phone for any signal but there wasn't!? oh..God, what's your purpose for this?

30 minutes had passed but still nothing was happening. that elise, better get ready..

i sang a song to entertain free myself from boredom..
it was when the curtains opened, as well as the lights on the stage. there was a microphone at the middle and my picture as the background picture.

my heart beated so fast..again.
the plucking of the guitar started, an apparition was seen onthe curtain as it slowly moved towards the center stage. and it was, my life..RYUUKA. =]
i smiled secretly.

he sang 'Close to you'..and yeah, i was mesmerized by him..after it..i stood up to approach him but he sang another song, "Find me". i sat again and watched him singing. oh my life, ryuuka, why are you torturing me like this? with your sweet smile andtantalizingly look in my eyes..i might loose control tonight, my life.

he stopped strumming the guitar and sang in accapella. he got something behind the curtains..a boquet of flowers again...and walked towards me. he held my chin, caressed my face and kissed me. he sang again and gave the flowers to me..(oh, there was also a confetti). i smiled at him cutely.

'Finding peace and belief in this smile..find some peace and belief in this smile, can't get enough of you..' the last stanzas fromt he song 'find me', 'how was it my life..?' he stared at me and smiled.

'it was great..really, i was touched. thank you for this..'

'hm..'; he looked downwards,' i'm sorry prince..i didn't mean to do that--'

i kissed him, letting him not to speak again.

'i love you ryuuka..happy valentine's day..'

he grinned and hugged me tightly, he whispered to my ear: i love you too, my life..prince..thank you very much for forgiving me. i miss you so much'

i placed my arms on his waist and started kissing him again..

'wait a sec, my you want us to continue this..'here'? he smiled naughtily..'i know it is not in public but, i think it's better if we continue this in my room..'

oh..i see. i agreed. he held my hand and we went outside the auditorium. he told me that he prepared something at the grounds and we'll go there before in his house.

in his car, i requested him to sing again the song he sang before and he did.
while he sang happily, i texted shin about my plan. shin does have so many questions that i told him that i'll get him some girls. pff. that shin..tsk..but anyhow, he agreed. good boy.

we went to the grounds and there he prepared our a picnic area..

'i cooked for you, my life..hope you like it..' he smiled.

'i love everything from you, my life.' i pinched his nose and i started to eat. 'i really loved your surprise for me..i didn't expect that it would be this special..' i smiled.

'if it is for you my life..i can do everything..'

'anyways, involving elise here--'

he chuckled,'i need some help, you know..'

'i know..but she got the hell out of me by pushing me inside and locking the door outside..and--'

'no worries, my're slways in the safe zone..,' he grinned 'forget elise for now..ok?'

i nodded. we chatted and finished our meal. we rested for a while..

'my life..can i lay my head on your lap?'

'sure..' i looked at the stars. 'so many..'.

'indeed, billions of them'..

'right right..hope i can reach those stars..'

'i can reach my star..poor you..'

'how come?'

'i just know..'

i sighed and then smiled, 'they are really beautiful'

'yes, beautiful..'

i looked at my life and saw him staring at me..'who's beautiful?'

'you are, are so beautiful..' he smiled.

'i thought..the stars are beautiful..'

'no, you are..i was looking at you and not at the stars' he grinned, lifted his hands, held my head and kissed me. 'let's go now..i'm kinda bored here' he winked.

ok..? we left the grounds..while on our way to his house, it was so damn traffic..

'shit.what a heavy traffic..not now please!', he exclaimed.

'can't you..suppress that feeling for a life?'

'how long would that be..?'


' no no! no my life..' he's like a child in need. haha.

i looked at him and smiled..'come near me, my life..i have something to tell you..'

he came near to me..'what is it?'

'nothing..' and i kissed him..our tongues probed and swirled against the delicate skin inside our mouths.

he stopped kissing me and asked, 'where in public my life..'

'i know..but do you think they will recognize us..?' i looked outside the window and noticed this car with young ladies watching us. i saw their horrible faces after we did it. life looked at them too and i think they were so shocked about our thing.

'tsk..interruptors..' i murmured.

'yeah, let's move life...' he smiled..

i nodded..i checked my phone and shin texted me that everything went good for my surprise. he brought kym with him.

at last..we're at my life's house..he opened the door for me, held my hand and hurriedly went inside the house. in the sala, he noticed something..

'what's these petals all about..?' he wondered..

'i don't know..'

'looks like kym's not here..come with me my life..let's follow this trail.' he walked and i followed him.

the trail's end point was in front of his room..he slowly opened the door..switched on the loghts and..

'W-O-W...' he saw big stuff toys around his room and balloons..he excitedly hugged each of them..popped some of the balloons.

i closed the door gently and watched him discreetly. he looked at me and grinned.

'you too have a surprised for me my life..'

he went over the bed, removed his shirt and walked towards me. he cornered me while i locked the door. i unbuttoned and unzipped his pants as he removed my shirt. we started doing the french kiss and as the atmosphere became different, he gently circled my neck with series of kisses, moving to my lower neck just behind the ear, down to my collar bone and finishing back behind the other ear.

he looked at my eyes and he removed my slocks..i have removed his hands went downwards while kissing him as we were walking slowly towards the bed. i laid down first whil he crawled over me. i felt his warm body over mine.

*oopss..let me stop describing what was happening here..haha. the lights were off, there was just a lampshade.

we exchanged places after some time. i was over him.i kissed him torridly, downwards. (you guess up to where i kissed my life.haha)..back to his mouth. i sucked his lips as well as his tongue during our french kissing. though a bit nasty, i withdrawed my lips slightly from his and allowed a few droplets of my saliva to drip gently into his mouth. (amateurs, don't try this.haha)

*that's enough. haha. after our ML

my life placed his head over his hand and his elbow on the bed. he stared at me and..

'you always torture me everytime we have ML, my life..' he grinned

'how did you say so? you are the one who's torturing me. you're the initiator..remember?' i winked at him

'it's.because you're always seducing chest romanticist..'

i just smiled at him..

'how much do you love me, prince?'

''how much do your parents love you, ryuuka?' i returned his question

'i don't have any parents, prince' he answered

'then how much do your friends love you?'

he thought for a while..and said, 'out of 100% maybe, 40%'

'how much do you love yourself, ryuuka?'

'i love you, prince..more than myself. i love you the most.' he grinned..

i looked at him and said, 'then my love for you goes beyond that..'

i smiled at him while he pouted his lips.

'listen to my hreat beat ryuuka..and tell me how does it sound..' i held his head placing it on my chest'

'i only hear the 'lab-dup' sound..'

'do you think that sound is special?' i asked him.

'of course, it is..' he smiled and hugged me tightly

'how did you know?' i fixed his hair..

'it gives you life..'

'incorrect' i told him.


'it is so special ryuuka for it haven't stopped calling out your name..'

he didn't answer but instead he just hugged me tightly and we slept.

around 2 am..i woke up..but my conscience wasn't still life wasn't beside so hm.i called out his name..and i forgot exactly what happened here.

anyways, the next day..we decided not to attend the morning classes. he prepared our breakfast and i ate those delighlty. he told me to take my bath first coz he's still going to clean up the mess.

hm..i took my bath so long coz i fell asleep again haha. i was a sleepy head then. and it was ryuu's turn..(what happened here will be on my next blog..=]) saw his towel on the bed. he forgot it..i knocked and told him he forgot his towel. he opened the door and got his towel. i smiled at him and before i get back to my real business..he held my wrist and got me inside the bathroom.

'what..?' i asked him..

he just grinned and started kissing me again..

'ugh, my life..? round..2..?'

he nodded and tried to remove my shirt but i resisted.

'not now, my life. we still have classes later, right? let's just continue this tonight.' i stared at him.

'aw..i can't suppress this..'

i pouted, kissed him and went out the bathroom. oh my, i don't how to describe our feelings because of what happaned yesterday and last night..=]