Sunday, February 7, 2010

cntn Trip (Mall)

we went to the mall for our lunch break for two hours.
i walked alone but noticed that ryuu was still following me.

'why are you still following me?' i asked while heading to the west side of the mall

'we are buddies for this trip, right? you are my partner and i should look after you. same way for you.'

'for the trip, but not for the lunch break.'

'the lunch break is included in the trip, rememeber?' he winked.

'yeah, but i wanted to be free. free from you.'

'oh yeah? but why? aren't you in jail inside my heart? '


'sorry, but the police can't let you out.'

'silly, bubble head.'

he went in front of me, came closer to me and whispered at my ear, 'and besides..I'M YOUR BOYFRIEND.'


we walked going to a fast food restau. i was happy because he was with me. =]
we ate and full ourselves. he told me that he wanted to play at tom's world and i told him if that what he wants. after eating..we went back to the north side of the mall and while walking, i noticed this, sort of a pastry shop with their menu of strawberries hanging outside the window. i stopped and stared at it for quite some time.

'any problem, prince?'

i didn't answer for i was focusing on the menu. my eyes were shimmering looking at those strawberries. ryuu held my hand and we went inside the store.

'sit here, prince.i'll order for you..' he smiled.

'ok' i smiled too.

he went back with a strawberry cake for me and told me that he was already full that's why he didn't order for him. i thanked him and ate the cake. it was so delicious! =]

'i want some more, i want some more, my life!' i grinned at him.

and..he bought all the food with strawberries! =] thank you thank you thank you very much! =] i ate all of them and it was heaven. wew..=]
after it..ryuu was happy too as i can see from his eyes.

we went to tom's world and played. i went to the stuff toy machine and got a teddy bear. oh yeah..i am so damned good. ryuu was on the other side playing too. he was tring so hard for it was his 20th time to try. haha.poor ryuu.

we spent our time there, i was sitting on the becnh while he was playing..but after 1 hour..he havent got anything from the stuff toy machine. he was really pissed off. tsk..tsk..amateur..really..

we went back to the van. .

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