Sunday, February 28, 2010


Last last week, I did a music video for our company's ad for this new model of car. well, it started when i woke up and went to the bathroom (pictures above). My life and his team we're hired to guard us...(was it the right term, 'guard'?). Anyways, while shooting for this certain scene, i noticed my life went away. i wondered why...

3 hours had left, yet no signs of my life. mom talked to his team mates.

'find ryuu or else no lunch for you 4. my son can't concentrate without him around...' my mom told them while she saw me pouting my lips. shin laughed his head off while he walked towards them.

'i love to see my beloved cousin pissed off aunt. it's just alright even cousin in-law's not here,' he grinned.

'shin, not this time. don't be so silly again,' alice said.

'i am not.' he laughed.

' that what you want, shin? then all of you won't have any lunch and snacks, or even dinner for this day!' mom was pissed off too and she sat again.

'stupid silly head' i murmured to myself.

'you suck, shin!' laurence locked his head between his arms while the others tickled him.

'stop! no---stop!' shin shouted. 'alright! let's do this team, let's find cousin in-law for our food!'

'yeah!' my life's team mates agreed. 'spartaaaaaaaans----! let's go!' shin yelled as they went away from the studio. where in the world's ryuu? and what's with him? just going away like that without saying something on me? tsk.

'prince, please continue what is asked to you' the director said.
i simply nodded and did what is asked. lunch break and they were still out searching for my life. i waited for them for a while. i wanted to eat with my life. and at last, they're here! they were carrying my life and after reaching the table, my life was dumped by them and they hurriedly ate like monsters. tsk, what a despicable act. of course, i helped my life to stand up.

'where in the world did you go?' i asked him.

'around...? sorry for troubling you...' he smiled and stood up.

'don't do that again, you made me worry a lot.'

'i'm sorry, it's just...' he held my hand, 'it's nothing my life' he smiled again and we sat down. 'itadakimasu!' he said cheerfully. while eating...

'where did you find ryuu?' my mom asked.

'he was sleeping inside the other studio,' shin answered. 'are you tired, cousin in-law?'

'nope...' my life answered.

'and then..why--?'

'jut forget about it.' my life grinned at them. 'mom, this is so delicious! so mouth watering!'

'oh..sure a lot, guys. by the way, ryuuka, sit beside me later while prince shoot for his music video.' my mom smiled.


'cmon, cousin in-law, i'll sit beside you! nyum!' shin said. i looked at my life and saw him sighed. hm, what's his problem?? after eating, we continued the photo shoot and yeah, my life was between shin and mom. mom was smiling and was happy with what i was doing...shin was busily playing with his psp while chatting at my life at the same time but my life looked...looked so uneasy. i didn't see him looked at me for ONCE! his eyes were down looking at the floor, looking at the sky or looking somewhere else! this is not good, as i thought. he whispered something to mom and mom nodded at him, shin smiled at him too. again, he walked away and this time i won't let him out of my sight. i followed him.

'prince! where are you going...??!' mom shouted.
but i didn't replied to her question. i saw my life went inside to another studio. i too, went inside.

' life, what are you doing here?' he asked as he looked back at me.

'i'm following you, ryuu. what's your problem, huh?' i asked him while walking toward at him.

'no..nothing...' he faced me. 'it's nothing, my worries...' he smiled.

'nothing...really, huh...?' i was walking still towards him while he was walking backwards to the bed.

' what are you--'

'answer my question, ryuuka.' i looked at his eyes. he sat down on the bed.

'i answered it, right?' he grinned at me. i removed my jacket.

'i think that answer isn't really the answer, my life...' i removed my vest and cornered him on the bed (he was now lying down)

that was the answer, prince---' i stood up straightly and said, 'tsk, i didn't want to hear that again from you, ryuuka' and i headed towards the door.

'wait!' he followed me and cornered me on the door...'i...'

'i...?' i asked him as he locked the door.


'what's that 'i', my life? you're pissing me off...' i told him and wore again my vest.

'oh, no...don't put back your vest, it's better if you don't wear it...' he smiled and looked at my eyes, 'i wanted you so badly, prince...and...'


'and every time i look at you, my life...while you are doing that music can't be helped, i loose all control...that's why i always walk away to suppress this feeling. and now, that you and i are alone...--'

i kissed him sweetly and felt him kissing me back...and...

*knock knock knock, 'hey, prince! couin in-law! are you inside?! aunt is looking for you two!!' shin shouted. my life got his gun and shot the door. he opened it...

'what, shin? don't you know the word, P-R-I-V-A-C-Y??' my life asked him.

'what yourself?! are you trying to kill me, huh?' shin answered at him.

'huh yourself too!' and they brawled around while i, i laughed at them and went back to what i was doing before...

'my life, let's continue it later, ok?' he winked at me at and i nodded and smiled at him.
we finished at around 8 pm. my mom and the others went directly to our house but my life and i ate our dinner in our favorite restaurant After, we went back at home too. He excitedly went out his car and accompanied me inside. He greeted my parents and went directly to our room. He patted my head and said,

“Take a good rest now, my life…I want to watch you sleep.”

“How about you?”

“We’ll see…sleep now…” he smiled.
I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I can’t. Around 11:30 in the evening, I heard my life went outside my room. I followed him and he went at the balcony. I saw dad’s apparition went to the balcony too and I hoped that he didn’t saw me (Lights were all shut down that time). I hid at the back of the glass door and eavesdropped on them.

“Do you mind drinking with me, Ryuuka?”

“Sure, thanks dad,” he smiled.

“You can’t sleep?” my dad asked my life as he handed down his drink.

“Yes, I can’t,” he sipped on his goblet.

“What troubles you then?”

“Nothing, dad. I just can’t sleep, I just stared at your son these past few hours while he was sleeping,” he smiled.

“Do you really love my son?”

“I do love Prince. I do love your son more than myself,” he looked genuinely at my dad’s eyes. My mom was not yet asleep and I saw her coming through. I hid myself at the dusk and waited for her to went inside the balcony. She sat beside my dad and listened to their conversation. I eavesdropped again.

“I admit that I don’t like you for my son, at the first place,” my dad said.

“Yeah…right,” my mom agreed, “Especially that you are of the same gender, Ryuuka.”

My life didn’t answer from what they have admitted but instead he just listened carefully to my parents.

“You were an assassin too. I know that being an assassin has a hazardous and frenzied life. I can barely imagine that my son might be in danger whenever you are around him.”

“I live through it, that’s why I abandoned him before. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t love him, I am so in-love with your son and I was just trying to protect him. However, I have realized that without him, without his love for me, I will continue to carry on with this frenzied life and numbness and I don’t want that to continue. I wanted to be with him and take good care of him for an eternity that’s why it’s in my will to live again and prove my love for him.”

“I can not contradict with my son’s lover anymore,” my mom said, “I have seen Prince’s depression after Ryuuka abandoned him and that distressed him a lot. Our son didn’t talk for almost one month and after your come back, he changed. He smiles, eats and so lovely to see whenever you are with him. And now, I am happy about your intimate relationship with each other.”

“I agree with you,” my dad said, “You are the reason why our son is like this, happy and contented. It is all because of you and I thank you for that.” I saw dad noticed me hiding but he didn’t tell it to them.

“You are always welcome,” my life said exquisitely.

“Just promise us two things, Ryuuka.”

“What is it, dad and I will gladly do it for you and your son.”

“First things first, don’t let our son get into trouble because of you or your work. If that incident will happen, I guarantee you that something dreadful will happen to you…”

“I will do protect your son from any troubles I will get into and I won’t let their hands lay on your son,” my life answered.

“And the last thing, Ryuuka, don’t you never ever hurt our son. Love him with all of your heart.

“I love your son with all of my life—“

I went inside the balcony and hugged him from behind.

“Prince…,” he looked at me.

“Dad, Mom, I would rather have had one breath of his hair, one kiss from his mouth and one touch of his hand, than eternity without him, without his love,” and I kissed him.

“You two are so adorable to look at.”

“Thank you, mom…and…thank you, my life…”

“’My life’ as you say? What’s that?”

“That’s our term of endearment. We call each other as ‘My Life”.”

“Oh…I see, that really is so adorable!” my mom giggled.

“Uh, by the way…my life…have you heard—“

“I did. Everything,” I smiled at him.

“Alright, alright. I’m done with my drink and I feel sleepy now,” my dad stood up. “We’ll sleep now, you two, get some good night rest too,”

My life and I went back to our room.

'Your parents are so kind, i hope i do have too' he said as he closed and locked the door. '

you do have now, they are your parents now, my life...' i smiled at him.

“Oh...!” he stared at me and brushed his nose on mine.

“Remember, my life…that what’s mine is yours to leave and take, what’s mine is yours to make your own…”

“Thank you always, my life. But, eavesdropping is not good you know…” he sat on my bed

I lazily sauntered over and sat beside my life, my arms seemingly carelessly dropping over his shoulder.

"Would you forgive me if I did this?" I whispered, letting my cool lips brush on my life’s cheek.

"I'd think about it." he replied.

"If I did this?" I asked coyly, kissing his nose.

"Then I might have to do this..." he murmured as he pressed his lips on my forehead sweetly, and my arms slowly snaked around his waist as I allowed myself to be pulled into his arms, placing another kiss on his cheek.
My life chuckled, then stared into my eyes as he slowly came forward and caught my lips with his own. I twisted around, not allowing my lips to be separated from my life’s for even a second, moving until I was lying on top of him. My hands slid up the shirt beneath my life and caressed his smooth back as he smiled into the kiss.

"Forgive me now?" I asked breathlessly.

"You'll have to do better than that," he smiled. My life pulled away and smiled up at me as he attempted to roll over so that he was back on top, only to find that I had handcuffed him to the end part of the bed.

"Get out of that one," he said smugly, grinning down at me. My life laid there for a few seconds contemplating the situation, then, he spied a key dangling off on my necklace. He leaned up and caught the key with his teeth, and then somehow managed to unlock the handcuffs. Before I could react, my life pulled me around and handcuffed him to the bed. My eyes sparkled.

"I see no problem with this," I murmured, pulling my life's face down and kissing him hard.

"Now that's not fair, my life," he told me a few seconds later when he pulled away.

"Whoever said I played fair?" I grinned at him.
My life stopped nuzzling; neck long enough to say, "Very true. No one."

I scooted as far up onto the bed as the handcuffs would allow, dragging my life along with me. Finally getting comfortable, we sank into a cloud of velvet and silk. My life caught the zipper on my jacket with his teeth, much as he had done with the key earlier, and pulled it down, exposing my pale, muscled chest. I gasped as his fingers slid along my lower back. I trailed off as he lightly bit my neck, his long fingers caressing my hips.

"Just a second," he whispered as he sat up, taking hold of my free hand and unlocking the handcuffs only long enough to lock both of my hands in them so that I was stretched out underneath my life.

"You're my prisoner now," my life announced proudly, smiling down at me.

"Good," I replied, barely having time to get the word out before my life dove down and kissed me passionately again.
I smiled gently as I watched my life lay on top of me sleeping; I gently traced the straight line of his nose and the soft curve of his lips. His eyes slowly opened and filled with a soft, innocent light as he first woke up--the one time when a person is truly unguarded and expresses their true feelings.

"My life…"

We were both quiet for a few minutes, listening to the beating of our twin hearts. Tears run down my face. He sat and wiped my tears.

“My life…what’s the problem?”

“I was…I was just happy about what I heard before…” I smiled while I wiped my tears.

“Tears of joy…” he grinned and kissed my finger tips,

“I love you so much, Prince.”

“I love you too, Ryuuka…” and I hugged him tightly.

“Don’t ever leave me…”

“I won’t,” he nibbled on my ear.
I looked at him and tickled him. We was so silly that we fell down on the floor. I was over him and started nibbling his ear.

“No, not…not there, Prince…” he was almost laughing.

“What…? I can’t hear…you…” I was still nibbling and kissing his ear.


“What…?” I still continued what I was doing before.

That’s my weakest area,” he looked at me straight to my eyes.

“Is that so?” I smiled naughtily and continued again.

“Aha, you want some round two huh…” he was trying to get up but I applied too much force on him and besides I was still nibbling his ear.
'Indeed, and it’s my turn, my lover…” I winked at him and carried him back to my bed and we had some round 2.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hidden Talent

btw, before we left my life's house..i asked him if i could check my mail using his laptop.

'of course, my life..,' he smiled,' i'll just take my bath..' he kissed me on my cheek.

so..i checked my mail..after it..ryuu was not yet around. i checked his files on his laptop ans i saw this: entitled as DOODLE. he was the one who wrote it..=]

"`orayt..i don't know how this thing works but perhaps i'll give it a try.
i'm no writer so right now, i apologize coz for sure this won't really work well, but since i have nothing to do but to look at my life while he is sleeping then i might just try this thing out.

i actually don't know what to write coz there's nothing really going on my mind tonight but him of course. mm..yeah it sounds cheesy but it is the truth. well..what to write, what to write? mm.. *thinking

oh wait.. my life's calling me, i think he's having a dream? i'll just gonna check him out.

` that it is morning, i think i know what should i write. (haha,if you're confused of what the hell am i saying.. well, the stuff that is written above is what i've started last night, i didn't finish writing it coz my life interrupted me, haha. well anyway, i'll just continue this thing while my life is currently taking his bath..) Ü

last night while i was trying to write, my life suddenly called out my name

'ryuuka.. ryuu.. ryuu..' he chanted over and over again. so then i stood up and crawled over beside my life while he was lying on his bed

'yes my life..' i said, then when our sight met, i started kissing him from the tip of his nose, to his left cheek, to his left cheek bone, up to his forehead then down to his right cheek bone, to his right cheek then to his neck and lastly to his lips passionately.

i saw him smile at me and asked, 'where were you, my life?'

'i just went to the bathroom', i answered but i actually didn't go there coz the truth is i was trying to start this thing. i don't want him to know about this coz like what i said, i'm just trying this.

'you.. you lied to me' he said while pouting his lips. i wondered what it is i lied so i didn't answer him. 'you told me that you'll be beside me when i open my eyes', he added.

i smiled and kissed him again, 'i'm sorry my life, i didn't know that you were to wake up when my nature called, i'm sorry'. then he chuckled. ' worries, i was just kidding you', he said.

'with my presence around you my assured that you are always safe',i uttered.

'yes i know..'

i stared at him and he stared at me too. i think we stared at each other for more than 10 minutes and that was one of the best 10 minutes of my life with prince. after a long but also short staring, i hugged him tight that i can already feel his heartbeat..his heartbeat that gives me will to love him eternally.

'is something wrong ryuu?' he asked.

'none', i said while closing my eyes. i forbid myself for seeing more of him tonight, not coz i don't want to but coz the moment i let myself to look at him more then perhaps..or rather i'm sure i'll lose my control over my desire.

i lost track of time..well, i actually always lose track of time whenever i'm with him coz he's always always on my mind. he's running on my head non-stop. i don't know how he do it but i don't care coz i love stucking him in my my heart.

his voice that gives me the strength, his eyes that gives me light, his touch that gives me power, his scent that gives me hope, his body that gives me burning desire, his heart that gives me love and himself that gives me life..

oh,what else could i ask for? nothing, in him i found the only one. prince is my life, he's everything..everything that i've wanted. i don't know anybody who loves him the way i do about him now. a life without him isn't anymore worth living for me.

'i am so lucky..' he suddenly said. i still didn't opened my eyes but asked him, 'why?'

'coz i have you, my life..'

when i heard him say that, i feel like i wanna try bungy jumping coz my heart is going crazy or somewhat melting.. i was so happy, so glad and so fulfil. i didn't try to break it to him, but its the other way around actually. i can't believe that he is mine. i mean how would..or why would a prince, literally a prince will love such a person like me. an assassin who already killed hundreds, an assassin who brings bad luck and an assassin who lived his life all alone parents, no nothing. but he still chose to love me.

instead of saying anything, i opened my eyes and kissed him again. mm.. i wonder how many times did i already kiss him last night? after that, he said that he wanted to sleep again. i finally released him, look into him and said,
'looking deep into your eyes, no better place to hide. when i'm shattered and i'm weak, you can help me before i bleed'.

i saw him close his eyes and smiled, 'i love you..i so love you ryuu..'

'i love you too prince.. my prince', then we slept again.

so, there..i think this is about it? haha! tsk, i think this would be the last time i'll write something like this. haha! its not that i didn't enjoy..but, its just that i became so honest here and it melts me away. well anyway..oh, my life is here now and..


so that's the reason why he wasn't beside me at around 2 am..he was doing this.haha..oh my ryuuka..=]

Find me

valentine's day..
i was sitting still in the veranda, thinking of my life...
oh well, valentine's day would just be an ordinary day here in my crib.

'nothing special for this day,' i murmured.

geez, i haven't yet decided for my surprise, for my life. tsk. i thought for sometime but was distracted by a phone call, from elise-chan.


'prince?! where in the world are you?!' she exclaimed.

'hold on to your horses, elise-chan. i'm in our house,'

she sighed,'our professor in history texted me that we are required to watch the concert in the auditorium'

'wha..t? but i haven't received his text. hm, why so sudden?'

'i don't know..but i have the tickets. meet me at the park around 6.30 pm ok? wear formal clothes, prince! bye!'

tsk..and why the hell it was so sudden?! and how could i prepare for my surprise?! ugh..crap. the time flied so fast..and it was 6:30 pm. i wore a black tee and black slocks. a black leather shoes would be fine as well as a black hat. wow..all black, i was bitter for this valentine's day. i went to the park and met elise. we went together to the auditorium. she handed me my ticket..

'the show will start at 7 pm..where are they?' i asked elise.

'who?' she answered.

'our classmated, visitors and guests?'

'they have gone inside.' she smiled.

'oh..i see..? i wondered. 'so shall we go inside too?'

'yep! you go first, i'm quite afraid of the dark so i'll stay behind your back.'

i walked towards the door and opened it but elise pushed me inside and closed the door. oh shoot! what the heck was she thinking?! i tried to open the door but it was locked from the outside. damn!

i sighed and calmed down. i looked around, but i can't see anything (i have a night blindness). i got my phone and used it's light. the seats were empty. the slight breeze chilled me. i walked towards to the 3rd row and sat on the 7th seat. i checked my phone for any signal but there wasn't!? oh..God, what's your purpose for this?

30 minutes had passed but still nothing was happening. that elise, better get ready..

i sang a song to entertain free myself from boredom..
it was when the curtains opened, as well as the lights on the stage. there was a microphone at the middle and my picture as the background picture.

my heart beated so fast..again.
the plucking of the guitar started, an apparition was seen onthe curtain as it slowly moved towards the center stage. and it was, my life..RYUUKA. =]
i smiled secretly.

he sang 'Close to you'..and yeah, i was mesmerized by him..after it..i stood up to approach him but he sang another song, "Find me". i sat again and watched him singing. oh my life, ryuuka, why are you torturing me like this? with your sweet smile andtantalizingly look in my eyes..i might loose control tonight, my life.

he stopped strumming the guitar and sang in accapella. he got something behind the curtains..a boquet of flowers again...and walked towards me. he held my chin, caressed my face and kissed me. he sang again and gave the flowers to me..(oh, there was also a confetti). i smiled at him cutely.

'Finding peace and belief in this smile..find some peace and belief in this smile, can't get enough of you..' the last stanzas fromt he song 'find me', 'how was it my life..?' he stared at me and smiled.

'it was great..really, i was touched. thank you for this..'

'hm..'; he looked downwards,' i'm sorry prince..i didn't mean to do that--'

i kissed him, letting him not to speak again.

'i love you ryuuka..happy valentine's day..'

he grinned and hugged me tightly, he whispered to my ear: i love you too, my life..prince..thank you very much for forgiving me. i miss you so much'

i placed my arms on his waist and started kissing him again..

'wait a sec, my you want us to continue this..'here'? he smiled naughtily..'i know it is not in public but, i think it's better if we continue this in my room..'

oh..i see. i agreed. he held my hand and we went outside the auditorium. he told me that he prepared something at the grounds and we'll go there before in his house.

in his car, i requested him to sing again the song he sang before and he did.
while he sang happily, i texted shin about my plan. shin does have so many questions that i told him that i'll get him some girls. pff. that shin..tsk..but anyhow, he agreed. good boy.

we went to the grounds and there he prepared our a picnic area..

'i cooked for you, my life..hope you like it..' he smiled.

'i love everything from you, my life.' i pinched his nose and i started to eat. 'i really loved your surprise for me..i didn't expect that it would be this special..' i smiled.

'if it is for you my life..i can do everything..'

'anyways, involving elise here--'

he chuckled,'i need some help, you know..'

'i know..but she got the hell out of me by pushing me inside and locking the door outside..and--'

'no worries, my're slways in the safe zone..,' he grinned 'forget elise for now..ok?'

i nodded. we chatted and finished our meal. we rested for a while..

'my life..can i lay my head on your lap?'

'sure..' i looked at the stars. 'so many..'.

'indeed, billions of them'..

'right right..hope i can reach those stars..'

'i can reach my star..poor you..'

'how come?'

'i just know..'

i sighed and then smiled, 'they are really beautiful'

'yes, beautiful..'

i looked at my life and saw him staring at me..'who's beautiful?'

'you are, are so beautiful..' he smiled.

'i thought..the stars are beautiful..'

'no, you are..i was looking at you and not at the stars' he grinned, lifted his hands, held my head and kissed me. 'let's go now..i'm kinda bored here' he winked.

ok..? we left the grounds..while on our way to his house, it was so damn traffic..

'shit.what a heavy traffic..not now please!', he exclaimed.

'can't you..suppress that feeling for a life?'

'how long would that be..?'


' no no! no my life..' he's like a child in need. haha.

i looked at him and smiled..'come near me, my life..i have something to tell you..'

he came near to me..'what is it?'

'nothing..' and i kissed him..our tongues probed and swirled against the delicate skin inside our mouths.

he stopped kissing me and asked, 'where in public my life..'

'i know..but do you think they will recognize us..?' i looked outside the window and noticed this car with young ladies watching us. i saw their horrible faces after we did it. life looked at them too and i think they were so shocked about our thing.

'tsk..interruptors..' i murmured.

'yeah, let's move life...' he smiled..

i nodded..i checked my phone and shin texted me that everything went good for my surprise. he brought kym with him.

at last..we're at my life's house..he opened the door for me, held my hand and hurriedly went inside the house. in the sala, he noticed something..

'what's these petals all about..?' he wondered..

'i don't know..'

'looks like kym's not here..come with me my life..let's follow this trail.' he walked and i followed him.

the trail's end point was in front of his room..he slowly opened the door..switched on the loghts and..

'W-O-W...' he saw big stuff toys around his room and balloons..he excitedly hugged each of them..popped some of the balloons.

i closed the door gently and watched him discreetly. he looked at me and grinned.

'you too have a surprised for me my life..'

he went over the bed, removed his shirt and walked towards me. he cornered me while i locked the door. i unbuttoned and unzipped his pants as he removed my shirt. we started doing the french kiss and as the atmosphere became different, he gently circled my neck with series of kisses, moving to my lower neck just behind the ear, down to my collar bone and finishing back behind the other ear.

he looked at my eyes and he removed my slocks..i have removed his hands went downwards while kissing him as we were walking slowly towards the bed. i laid down first whil he crawled over me. i felt his warm body over mine.

*oopss..let me stop describing what was happening here..haha. the lights were off, there was just a lampshade.

we exchanged places after some time. i was over him.i kissed him torridly, downwards. (you guess up to where i kissed my life.haha)..back to his mouth. i sucked his lips as well as his tongue during our french kissing. though a bit nasty, i withdrawed my lips slightly from his and allowed a few droplets of my saliva to drip gently into his mouth. (amateurs, don't try this.haha)

*that's enough. haha. after our ML

my life placed his head over his hand and his elbow on the bed. he stared at me and..

'you always torture me everytime we have ML, my life..' he grinned

'how did you say so? you are the one who's torturing me. you're the initiator..remember?' i winked at him

'it's.because you're always seducing chest romanticist..'

i just smiled at him..

'how much do you love me, prince?'

''how much do your parents love you, ryuuka?' i returned his question

'i don't have any parents, prince' he answered

'then how much do your friends love you?'

he thought for a while..and said, 'out of 100% maybe, 40%'

'how much do you love yourself, ryuuka?'

'i love you, prince..more than myself. i love you the most.' he grinned..

i looked at him and said, 'then my love for you goes beyond that..'

i smiled at him while he pouted his lips.

'listen to my hreat beat ryuuka..and tell me how does it sound..' i held his head placing it on my chest'

'i only hear the 'lab-dup' sound..'

'do you think that sound is special?' i asked him.

'of course, it is..' he smiled and hugged me tightly

'how did you know?' i fixed his hair..

'it gives you life..'

'incorrect' i told him.


'it is so special ryuuka for it haven't stopped calling out your name..'

he didn't answer but instead he just hugged me tightly and we slept.

around 2 am..i woke up..but my conscience wasn't still life wasn't beside so hm.i called out his name..and i forgot exactly what happened here.

anyways, the next day..we decided not to attend the morning classes. he prepared our breakfast and i ate those delighlty. he told me to take my bath first coz he's still going to clean up the mess.

hm..i took my bath so long coz i fell asleep again haha. i was a sleepy head then. and it was ryuu's turn..(what happened here will be on my next blog..=]) saw his towel on the bed. he forgot it..i knocked and told him he forgot his towel. he opened the door and got his towel. i smiled at him and before i get back to my real business..he held my wrist and got me inside the bathroom.

'what..?' i asked him..

he just grinned and started kissing me again..

'ugh, my life..? round..2..?'

he nodded and tried to remove my shirt but i resisted.

'not now, my life. we still have classes later, right? let's just continue this tonight.' i stared at him.

'aw..i can't suppress this..'

i pouted, kissed him and went out the bathroom. oh my, i don't how to describe our feelings because of what happaned yesterday and last night..=]

Friday, February 12, 2010


i've got the pictures from last night's road rage..
the red orange one is shin's.
the convertible is ryuu's.
and the gray and blur one is mine.


by the way, before goin to sleep last night..
i got the tulips again and looked at it for some time.
and then i noticed this 1 tulip..i examined it so closely that it as an artificial one..


it means life's love for me won't die until that last tulip dies.
that ryuu really knows how to make me happy.
i love you more than anything else my life.
i know you know that..
why am i screwing up evrything
stupid spoiled bratty me.
i called him but the network's busy.
i went to his house but he wasn't there.

Shi* (N and T)

this afternoon, we had a long exam in our philosophy usual..ryuu was the one who finished first and our professor told him
that he can already leave. so he left.

i finished answering after 1 hour, 30 minutes earlier before the dismissal. i
still waited for elise at my seat. i sighed for i thought i could talk to ryuu
after class but it's the other way around. i miss my life, totally. i don't know
how could i be closer with him again. tsk..if he didn't just do it in public
and if i'm just an open-minded like everyone else. maybe it's my fault.

at last, elise finished her exam and while preparing her things before we
leave, ryuu came back.with a boquet of tulips. he placed it on my desk,
looked, smiled at me and he left.

i looked at the note: " I will love you till the last one dies, my life prince. I
will always love you alone."


i looked at elise and she smiled at me. i ran outside the room and looked
for him.

'ryuu, where in the world are you..' i murmured.

and i saw him walking to the parking lot. i smiled and went on that way too
but shi'T', my cousin shi'N' blocked me.

'yo, prince..where are you going?'

'can't you see i'm--ugh, SHIN!!!'

'what? what's yo problem, my dear cousin?' he looked so confused but he
then noticed the boquet of tulips i have. 'wow..for whom are those tulips...?
he grinned

i'm so pissed off so i left him. i went to the parking lot and looked for
ryuu's car and..yeah, i saw his car but he was leaving.

tsk..stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.

shin was behind me and told me to come with him at the fair near our
university. he would be participitang at the road rage: customized car show.i told him i won't come but he insisted and he was just so silly and
persistent that i would come with him. alright, fine..i'll go with him.
we went to the fair as we brought our own cars. i stayed outside my car
doin nothing, shin was lookin at stuffs around the venue. after some time,
he was with someone and they were walking towards me.

'prince, i'm with your boyfriend..ryuuka.' he grinned.

'uh..hi..'ryuu smiled.

i smiled and tried to approach him but shin was busily talking to him.
pff...and they left me. i sighed again and i just listened to my ipod. someone
approached me, and damn it..the lame ass again.

'what?' i asked.

'nothing, i was just lookin around. by the way, can i test drive your car?'


'and why?'

'it does not fit you.'

' are really full of yourself.'

'get lost.'

'wha..whaaaat?!' he freaked the shit out.

'get...lost, lame..ass.'

his face was just like a monster.haha.funny. tsk..i hour had left and it was
really really boring. i told te cordinator that i'll leave but he told me there's
still an awarding and giving of certificates to the participants. hm, i
participited at the last minute of the rgistration anyways.
but i told him i was really getting bored and pissed off by that lame ass..he
said i'm the winner of the said event, ryuu won the 2nd place and so on..

'just let shuuichi ryuuka win the first prize and, shin the second, please? i'm leavin.'

and i left..i still don't know what's happening in the fair for up to this
time..shin is'nt at home.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The 'F' pic, tsk

this was the family pic my mom wanted..tsk.he made me the groom and my cousin ashley, the bride..


hoped it was him.

Silly head

last night, while preparing my steam bath, i heard this nasty voice. it is so nasty that all plates and glasses will break, even the windows.
the bedroom door opened..

'prince noctis!' he shouted, ran towards me and hugged me.

huh? and who is this guy? he faced me and grinned to me happily.

'c'mon, prince..don't ya remember your beloved cousin, shin?' he bowed down in front of me.


'why doubting dear cousin? is it becuase of my new look?'

'ah..yeah? what's with that highlights on your hair?'

'nah, don't you know this is the new street style here in japan? actually, it aint new..but anyways, it suits me..right right?'

'sort..of..i don't know.'

'oh? you still don't have any sense of style up to this time, prince?' he chuckled,

' you do have lots of girls now, huh?'

'shut up. what are you doing here, by the way?' i sat on the couch.

'well, it's our winter's kinda boring in our house so i planned to stay here for a while, besides..ashley's here too.'

'ah..i see..but how long is that 'for a while'? i asked him.

he looked at the pictures displayed on the desk, 'i don't know. whoa..these girls are pretty. are they your girlfriends?'

'why? are you interested--'

'of course!' he smiled.

'sorry, but they aren't.'

'aws..don't be so protective on your girlfriends. i won't harm them..and how could that be? they haven't met me yet...'

'whatever, you still don't know who my girlfriend is.'

'so you really do have! hm, maybe she's the one!, maybe she is! no! this one?

hm..that one?'

'none of them, silly head.'

'but who? tsk..' he looked at our picture (ryuu and i) ' and who's this guy?'

'he's my girlfriend.' i smiled.

'what..the...heck..are you saying?! how could that be, prince? how could a handsome guy who inherited it from in love with the same gender as you?!'

'i'm serious, shin. i don't have to elaborate it anymore.' i stood up and stretched my arms.

'but..' he was stoned for about an i took the chance of taking my bath.

his consciousness came back after an hour. he stared and blink at that picture, he was lying on the floor..rolling around, confused about what i have said.

'would you just stop it, shin.'

' should have known this earlier..why didn't you tell me?

'for what reason?'

'i'm your cousin, prince..' pouted his lips.

'yes, you are..but an airhead not like me. beh..'

he stopped rolling around and stood up. 'ugh..hmf..i should be close to him too if he's my cousin's girlfriend. right..i should be optimistic here.' he winked.

'do whatever you like..i'm going to sleep can you please leave?

'i wont! i'll be sleeping with you!' he laughs and got up on my bed.

'shin?! cmon, we're not kids anymore to be so close like this...i'm sorry for making you offended.but--'

'aren't you missing me, dear cousin?' he laughed and got up again.

'thanks for that. turn off the lights, shin.'

'make me a promise first.'


'please introduce me to these girls.'

i looked closely to the picture..and those girls were..Mandy and Chantelle.

'please, dear cousin.' he smiled, turned off the lights and went outside.

oh..shoot..what should i do now? mm..

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stuff toy and CD

by the way, i left the stuff toy and bbuddhist CD in ryuu's bedroom.
hope he find it..

cntn Trip (Going home)

The last destination was at the chinese house. i was a bit tired that time so i didn't enjoy a bit.

after that, it's time to go home. we went to the van. i listened to my ipod, ryuu shared with me. we're a bit closer this time. i was felling sleepy so i closed my eyes..i leaned my head on ryu's shoulder. (it won't show like a PDA coz it wil be like i fell asleep on his shoulder.haha.) i felt his arms went to my waist and he leaned his head over mine...until i fell asleep. (true)

...i woke up this morning at ryuu's bedroom. but he's not there. i went to look for him until kym told mr that he had a mission today. i thnaked her and went back to my home.

cntn Trip (Hindu temple)

we went to the hindu temple. no shoes was required in entering their temple. i sat to far from the boys group and ryuu sat again beside me. the other sat to far from us too..i think they were intimidated by us. the lame ass sat on the very first row trying hard to be noticed.

we meditated for 3 minutes and after i opened my eyes..i saw ryuu fell asleep and i didn't bother him from his sleep.

anyways, the Hindu master sand some songs..for 1 hour and 15 minutes i guess. i was just clapping thru the tune as the others do it also. ryuu was still sleeping..the lame ass was getting some attention. he sang so loudly. so badly..

the hindu master was disappointed by him and told him to just clap whith us. stupid lame ass.

after that, we had some break and the master gave us some the students stood up ryuu was left sitting while sleeping so i wake him up.

cntn Trip (Mall)

we went to the mall for our lunch break for two hours.
i walked alone but noticed that ryuu was still following me.

'why are you still following me?' i asked while heading to the west side of the mall

'we are buddies for this trip, right? you are my partner and i should look after you. same way for you.'

'for the trip, but not for the lunch break.'

'the lunch break is included in the trip, rememeber?' he winked.

'yeah, but i wanted to be free. free from you.'

'oh yeah? but why? aren't you in jail inside my heart? '


'sorry, but the police can't let you out.'

'silly, bubble head.'

he went in front of me, came closer to me and whispered at my ear, 'and besides..I'M YOUR BOYFRIEND.'


we walked going to a fast food restau. i was happy because he was with me. =]
we ate and full ourselves. he told me that he wanted to play at tom's world and i told him if that what he wants. after eating..we went back to the north side of the mall and while walking, i noticed this, sort of a pastry shop with their menu of strawberries hanging outside the window. i stopped and stared at it for quite some time.

'any problem, prince?'

i didn't answer for i was focusing on the menu. my eyes were shimmering looking at those strawberries. ryuu held my hand and we went inside the store.

'sit here, prince.i'll order for you..' he smiled.

'ok' i smiled too.

he went back with a strawberry cake for me and told me that he was already full that's why he didn't order for him. i thanked him and ate the cake. it was so delicious! =]

'i want some more, i want some more, my life!' i grinned at him.

and..he bought all the food with strawberries! =] thank you thank you thank you very much! =] i ate all of them and it was heaven. wew..=]
after it..ryuu was happy too as i can see from his eyes.

we went to tom's world and played. i went to the stuff toy machine and got a teddy bear. oh yeah..i am so damned good. ryuu was on the other side playing too. he was tring so hard for it was his 20th time to try. haha.poor ryuu.

we spent our time there, i was sitting on the becnh while he was playing..but after 1 hour..he havent got anything from the stuff toy machine. he was really pissed off. tsk..tsk..amateur..really..

we went back to the van. .

cntn Trip (Buddhist temple)

good heavens, that time we weren't lost while going to the buddhist temple. it was still in it's consruction so i can't consider it as a temple, besides it was like an establishment. the buddhist nun also told us that this a moderntemple.

we strolled again around the 'temple' and stayed at the 3rd floor for some discussions about buddhism. they were offering courses about buddhist teachings and scholarships in taiwan. the last part of the discussion was that we should answer the buddhist nun's questions and if we are right, they'll give a buddhist cd for free.

i want some! the first question was about the first founder of buddhism. the lame ass answered so loudly but it was wrong. the correct answer was answered by a gril from the other van.

the next was answered again by the lame ass but he was wrong again.

'that boy is silly. he's really a dork. i think he wanted to be a prominent one, right..prince?' ryuu asked.

i nodded. well, who cares? as long as i answered the third question..and yeah, i got the correct answer! ryuu was longing for one too but he forgot all about it he said. he was a bit quiet for sometime but after the program, he was so hyper again.

it was lunch time.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

contn Trip (Taoist temple)

and we reached the Taoist temple. we were the second to the last one who arrived. the center hall was filled by the student as one of the groups was wishing using the incense by kneeling down. i sat down on the second to the last row and ryuu sat beside me.

'i have a question for you, prince.'


'are you..angry at me?'

'what do you think? you know what, you are the only one who could answer your question'

'then it is..' he said sadly.

honestly, i couldn't be angry at him or pissed off at him..i was just hurt.

'but how could you be angry at me if you love me, right' he asked while smiling.


'see, you are thinking about the answer..i think you are just stubborn to say what you really want to say in front of me, spoiled bratty prince.' he smiled sweetly.

'then why are you still asking?'

'because i want an answer. i know you have your own reason'

'i have told you, right?'

'ah..yeah..i'm sorry..i am really really sorry..'

it was now our turn to wish..we were in a line and ryuu's beside me.while wishing..i heard ryuu's murmuring and i looked at him.

'i hope..prince forgives me. i don't know what will might happen to me if this crap will continue. thank you.' and he looked at me.

i closed my eyes and wished. after we put it inside the bowl of ash and we returned to our seats.after some time of discussions about taoism, we were invited to stroll around the temple.

i took pictures while..ryuu was taking some pictures of me. pff..we stayed one our in there and left after.

Trip (The Perfume)

yesterday was our field trip in our history subject..first thing in the morning, i didn't wake up early!i woke up 30 minutes late. my mom didn't wake me up, have she forgotten about my trip? crap.

i ran down the dad was reading the newspaper..ashley was watching the tv..and mom, she's in the garden with her friends.i was so pissed off that no one of them remembered that this day was my trip! pff..

i didn't eat my breakfast..i just took my bath.wore my clothes..went to the garage and rode my ducatti.

i travelled for about just 5 minutes to the meeting place and left my ducatti inside an establishment.

one van was left and my professor was calling me.i got inside the van, it wasn't that full..i sat at the 2nd row and noticed someone's head was leaning against the window. i sat not too close on him. oh..the two of us were sitting on that row. actually, our plan (with ryuu) was we'll just have our own car for this trip, but it wasn't becuase of what happened last friday.

anyways, i just plugged i my earphone in my ear and listen to some music because.. tsk, the guy in front of us was so damn noisy and i think it can't be helped. the guy sitting beside me was still..i think he was sleeeping.

on our way to the first destination (Taoist temple)..that guy in front of us (not the driver) got my ipod.

'wow, nice' he said as he shuffled it.

'what the hell..are you doing? got some guts to shuffle it, huh?

'yeah?' he laughed, 'i'm matsumoto. nice to meet you?'

i didn't answer his quesion and just gor my ipod from him.

'what's your problem? i was just looking at your ipod.

'do you think it's decent to get somone's belonging without any permisson?' i asked.

'well, for me it's ok as long as you are acquianted to each other.'

i sighed.

', mr..can i borrow your ipod?'


he smirked and i thought he was pissed off. i was pissed of too. who the hell was he just to talk about such nonsense things.

'aright, i'm sorry. i don't want somebody to hate me just because of that ipod.,' he said.

'sorry for yourself for i hate you now.'

'what...? you are to shallow! would you just give me a reason for hating me?'

'first, you got my ipod without any permission. second, you are apologizng without any sincerity. lastly, those people whio i hate will always do the same things that will make me hate them more. so stop, just face in front and don't talk to me further.'

'you are so full of yourself. you still don't know me so stop preaching, you are not my father.'

'then i will be your god.'

the others were having there own businesses so they don't have to interfere with us.

'what the fucking hell are you saying?!'

as he shouted that in front of me, that van suddenly braked. he and the others was like thrown in front, i was still at my place as well as the guy beside me..he has moved a little. my vanmates were quite over reacting about the 'brake' thing.

'what's the..noise all about?' the guy beside me asked and he yawned.

'that guy--' matsumoto said.

'oh..shut up.', and he removed his shades, h looked at me...'my li--i mean..prince! you're here!' he grinned.

'you know each other..?'

ryuu showed his gun to matsumoto. he was speechless and became pale. he face in front and talked no more. thanks, ryuu.

'wow..i am so glad are here with me, prince. i thought you were in the other van'

'i woke up late, that's why..and your van was the last one who left.'

'oh..i see,' he smiled.'well, i think that was great because you're here..' he moved a little closer beside me.

our teacher was sitting on the next row after ours. he spoke about our partners/buddies for the trip. ryuu voluntered to be my partner but our teacher told that he made a list for partners. ryuu insisted that he wanted to be my partner. he smiled and grinned and wahtsoever until our teacher approved of that. i saw that matsumoto was glaring at us but i don't care. he was just a piece of a crap. lame ass.=
ryuu told stories for me but i didn't understand it at all because i was listening to music. ryuu noticed it and he removed it from my ear.

'i'm sorry for removing it..but can you please listen to me?'


the lame ass looked at us and asked me why did i let him removed the earphones from my ear.

'he's is different from you, lame ass.' i said.

'beh..' ryuu faced me again and happily told his stories.

i suddenly noticed that the driver was pissed off as he was like punching the sterring wheel. sorta like that. i looked outside and noticed a strange place.

'something's wrong in here.' i said..

'what?' ryuu asked.

'look outside. i think we're lost.'

'yes, we are!' lame ass shouted.

'he's not talking to you, dork. tsk..' ryuu said pissed off too. he looked outside. 'hm, maybe you should ask your bodyguards about it, prince..'he winked.

'i'm just kidding, prince.' he smiled.

the teacher was trying to contact his co-teacher.

'stupid driver. how come you drive for us without knowing the way to the taosit temple?' i asked.

'what stupid? i'm trying to drive for you, huh..just shut your mouth and sit back down there.' he answered.

'sit? are you nuts? we paid you for this. want me to take it back, huh?'

'prince..chillax' ryuu said as he was calming me down.

'what chillax are you saying? we should be in the temple at 8: 30..and what do you think is the time? it is 8: 50!

'shut up, you..freakinin me!' the driver exclaimed.

'what?! don't say that to, prince!' ryuu exclaimed too.

'this is shit.' i said.

our teacher told me to relax..he said that his co teacher sent a message on the right way. alright.

'i thought you might have a stroke because of this, prince..' ryuu chuckled.

and smelled so bad. we were at a wet really smelled so badly that i thought i was going to vomit.that driver opened the window. really stupid.

'is this the scent of your new perfume, prince?' ryuu winked at me


'it is so bad, prince..where did you buy it?'


'so it is, really smell bad and you are so disgusting.'


ryuu laughed and again he ws kidding..he's really laughing out loud until we went out from that stinky place.

'never thought that you will buy that kind of perfume prince..' he grinned.

i didn't answer.

Friday, February 5, 2010


i was waiting for that moment.
the family picture of us, ryuu and our baby..
but it was taken for granted.

early in the morning..
i fetch ryuu at his house and we went together at the university.
its just like a cycle..i will fetch him today, he will the nect again on the other day and so on.

after few minutes..we're in the university parking lot..i was the one who first went outside the car and i went on his side and opened the door for him.

'thank you my life..' he said as he stepped outside the car.
and he cornered me suddenly.

'what?' i asked.

'nothing,' he grinned, 'i just want to stare at you for at least a minute'

'not now, my's too public in here. they might think of something--'
'so? say what they want to say..our lives aren't their businesses...and we love each other, any problem with that for them?'

'my point is--'

' more worries for now..besides we are too early here in the campus..' he said confidently.

i sighed and looked around. well, yeah it was early but what if someone sees us?

he still stared at me and..he kissed me. i was a bit shocked so i slightly pushed him away from me.

'what the hell are you doin?!' i said, pissed off.

'i just kissed you,' he came closer to me again.

'but i have told you, ryuu..a million times. NOT IN PUBLIC.'

'i know, my life..but no one has seen us,' he smiled.

'and what if someone sees us? huh?'

'i'll kill him,' he chuckled as if he doesn't care. well, i think he really does not care.

i shooked my head, 'can't you be serious just for this time?'

'but i have--'

'no 'but's' for me, ryuuka. you aen't really thinking.'

'yeah, because you're the only one who's inside my head..' he looked at me and smiled a bit, 'i was just cheeing you up, prince..i just want you to be happy. also..i'm escited about the photoshoot later with our baby'

'not in this way. would you just, stop giving excuses?'

'i'm sorry..'

i looked on the other side..and i sighed again..

'are those 3 words difficult to understand? do you want me to rephrase it for you, huh? tsk..think first ryuuka..before acting upon it.,' and i left him.

for the whole day..i haven't talked to him but he's always around following me. i've decided not to continue the pictorial so i went home by myself. oi don't know how he went home.

at my house..tsk..there was a party..sorry, but ryuuka's not here..i told mom..
she was asking so many questions that i i didn't entertain more of her questions..
she insisted that even without ryuuka, i should have my pictorial with my cousin, my bride..what?! so lame! but what can i do? nothing.

stupid. i was really pissed off. even right now. just because of that kiss would ruin my day?and that pictorial? why just can't he understand what i am saying about the not in public thing..-sighs- i just wanted us not be so open to others and to be vulgar.i was just taking care of our relationship.

was that bad?.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



Kesong Puti

ealy in the morning and i am so lazy to wake up..
i love to sleep more than to go to school..of course, i will call my life to visit me..(B.I. haha).

i set the aircon at a full blast..just a one click and i it will set.
i got the cotrol on the player and again in one click, the music will play..and i'm contented.

i went back to sleep..for sometime when i heard the door opened and then closed. i know it's mom. she will fix the curtains, sing songs, classic songs until i wake up.nah, so used to it..
but's not mom..someone got up from the bed and sort of crawled over me..started kissing me on my cheek..

'wake up, my life...'

as i opened my eyes, ryuu was staring at me.i didn't expect that he will be the one who will wake me least not mom..

'what..are you--"

i'm here to wake you life..i initatiated because i know you're busy last night, you slept at about 2 am right? i know you'll wake up late that's why i'm here' ryuu said.

'oh..i see..'

'and mom called me. she said that she had prepared on of her specialties. She got the ingredients from the Philippines just to make it. so, cmon..i'm hungry...,' he grinned.

we went downstairs and we saw mom preparing our food.
i thought she'll prepare just one..but i think she prepared half of her specialties.

as always, ryuu was the first one who sat down..

'mom, what is this? with the white thing on top?" as he pointed to the viand.

'oh..this is from the philippines. the white thing is called the 'kesong-puti' or the white soft cheese.'

and what's this?, i asked.

'that one is dried fish. i sauted it with butter and some veggies. the white cheese would be the toppings for it. taste it now, guys..', she smiled.

so..we tasted it..and it was great..=]
the white cheese has a diferent texture from the other cheese for it was made from fresh milk of cows. other varieties would be by goat's milk, buffalo's milk or carabao's milk.
btw, mom told us that..white cheese is also good with hot bread for breakfast..=]