Sunday, February 7, 2010

cntn Trip (Going home)

The last destination was at the chinese house. i was a bit tired that time so i didn't enjoy a bit.

after that, it's time to go home. we went to the van. i listened to my ipod, ryuu shared with me. we're a bit closer this time. i was felling sleepy so i closed my eyes..i leaned my head on ryu's shoulder. (it won't show like a PDA coz it wil be like i fell asleep on his shoulder.haha.) i felt his arms went to my waist and he leaned his head over mine...until i fell asleep. (true)

...i woke up this morning at ryuu's bedroom. but he's not there. i went to look for him until kym told mr that he had a mission today. i thnaked her and went back to my home.

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