Tuesday, February 2, 2010

21 things

yesterday, monday again and i have only one class for that day..
i went to the university library 2 hours earlier (my class is at 10 am) for my research and i'm with my lfe..=]

oh, before i forget..he started studying at my university today! wee! i'm so
glad! =D

hmm..so, we sat at the last seats on our left..i got some books and read it while my life listened to his ipod and scanning some of the books i got..he said he'll help me on my research

'i can help you this time, my life..no chemistry in here..' he grinned.

i nodded. i finished my research for about 50 minutes..i didn't expected that it would be so fast..thanks to my life..=] there's still 1 hour and 10 minutes left so we stayed at the library..chatting..don't worry, those librarians are far away from us..that's why we stayed at the last table on our left..they were on the right.haha.

a girl approached us, asking if she can interview us for her report in

'sure thing, we have lots of time for your interview..miss' my life smiled.

'alright..thank..you..' she blushed and sat in front of us.

my life's really a charmer..making that girl blush easily..i wonder what might will happen to her if my life smiled sweetly at her?haha..he only do it with me. =]
so..she asked questions and it went like this..
G - girl P - prince R - ryuuka

G: the first part are the things girls wanted to know about boys..
R: wow..do girls really need answers? (chuckles)
G: yes..i think...especially if girls are so shy--
R: (sighs) i really don't understand girls, prince..
P: me either.R: (whispers) because the two of us understand each other. (winks)
P: (smiles) so, can we proceed to your questions?
G: are you guys flirt? playboy thing?
R: (snickers) it depends..(i'm not a playboy anymore!)
P: we may be flirting around all day, but before we go to sleep, we always
think about the girl we truly care about.

G: are you emotional?
R: we are more emotional than you think. for example, i loved at one point,
it will take me a lot longer when you (points at the girl) think you want me
to make you let go.
P: It really hurts every second that we try.

G: when do you go crazy about a girl?
P: on her smile. (smiles)
R: so smile always..(smiles too)
G: (blushes) is it true that when a guy likes a girl, he wants to be the only
guy she talks to?
P: oh..no, so protective huh..
R: but it really happens sometimes, right..prince? (looks at him)
P: right.

G: what will happen if a girl he likes gives a hanging message like.."you
know what, uh..nevermind.."?
R: we do really jump to conclusions that are so far what girls are thinkin.
P: we will assume that we did something wrong and we'll obsess about it
trying to figure it out.

G: what do girls need to do if you guys tell your problems?
P: we just need someone to listen to us.
R: don't give advice..it would be better for us. (smiles)
G: oh..i see..what does it mean if a guy teases a girl?
R: he likes you! (chuckles)
P: it is a usual act that really proves that he likes you..(looks at ryuu)
R: beh..;p
P: and guys love girls more than you love them. (smiles)

G: what does it mean if a guy uses hot or cute to describe girls?
P: it's common for us to use those terms because we rarely use beautiful or
R: if a guy uses that..he loves you or like you a whole heck of a lot! (grins)

G: what if you guys do stupid in front of a girl?
R: hell no..we aren't like that..(looks at prince)
P: it's only a what if question ryuu..hm, then..if that happens, he will think
about it for the next couple of days or until the next time he spends time
with the girl.

G: what's with the guy who is unusually calm and laid back?
P: he's faking it..
R: he is really thinkin about something.

G: do you guys really say that you are crazy for a girl?
R: hm..we rarely say that.

G: are you guys pissed off when you are saying to leave you alone?
P: nope..try to read between the lines and you'll know what is the answer.
R: how? hmm..(thinkin)P: it's like this..'please come and listen to me..'
R: oh..i see..yeah..that's it..(smiles)

G: are you guys always talk unseriously?
R: that's a big NO. when we start to talk seriously, just listen to us.
P: It doesn't happen often..so when it does..you know something's up.

G: what does it mean if a guy looks at you more that a second?
R: he's definitely thinkin something..

G: what can you say to a girl?
P: hm, strange...have unpredictable decisions and are mad confusing..
R: don't worry..somehow we are drawn more to them.

G: really? wow..so do you read a girl's mind?
P: (nods) i would give the world just to be able to read it.

G: can you really handle your problems on your own?
R: no! (looks at me) he's just too stubborn to admit it. (grins)

G: are guys rude?
P: nah. just because one is rude it doesn't mean he represent all of them.
R: yeah yeah. don't include us to them! (smiles)

G: do you kike sacrificing foy your love?
P: yes..
R: when we sacrifice our sleep and health just to talk to the one we love, we
really like and want to be with her as much as possible.

G: would you still love a girl who dumped you for months?
R: Of course i will..especially if i know she's the one...
P: (nods) if i would have one wish, it would be you to come back into my

G: thank you very much! thank you very much for your time! (smiles)
R: sure, hope it will help your gals through your report..
G: thanks again..bye! (went away)

P: so long..15 minutes left before my classes..
R: aw..i want to spend more time with you my life..(places my bag in front of us)
P: we have lots later..(smiles)
R: i want always..(will kiss me)
P: not in public, ryuuka.
R: but no one will see us..see? (looks around)
P: i said no, bubble head. pff..
R: spoiled bratty prince! (grins) ok, as you wish.
P: (sighs and smiles) let's just continue this later..by the way, she shot 21
questions to us.
R: ah..i see..don't care about it, gorgeous. (winks)
P: what?
R: nothing. (smiles) c'mon..i'll come with you at your class..(stands up and
gets my bag) I'll bring your bag..
P: o..--
R: (grins) Let's go, my life..(winks)


  1. wooow...
    how patient you are answering those questions..
    anyways, thanks for the tips!

  2. it's for her sake..haha. =]
    sure sure..
