Sunday, February 7, 2010

cntn Trip (Hindu temple)

we went to the hindu temple. no shoes was required in entering their temple. i sat to far from the boys group and ryuu sat again beside me. the other sat to far from us too..i think they were intimidated by us. the lame ass sat on the very first row trying hard to be noticed.

we meditated for 3 minutes and after i opened my eyes..i saw ryuu fell asleep and i didn't bother him from his sleep.

anyways, the Hindu master sand some songs..for 1 hour and 15 minutes i guess. i was just clapping thru the tune as the others do it also. ryuu was still sleeping..the lame ass was getting some attention. he sang so loudly. so badly..

the hindu master was disappointed by him and told him to just clap whith us. stupid lame ass.

after that, we had some break and the master gave us some the students stood up ryuu was left sitting while sleeping so i wake him up.

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