Sunday, February 7, 2010

cntn Trip (Buddhist temple)

good heavens, that time we weren't lost while going to the buddhist temple. it was still in it's consruction so i can't consider it as a temple, besides it was like an establishment. the buddhist nun also told us that this a moderntemple.

we strolled again around the 'temple' and stayed at the 3rd floor for some discussions about buddhism. they were offering courses about buddhist teachings and scholarships in taiwan. the last part of the discussion was that we should answer the buddhist nun's questions and if we are right, they'll give a buddhist cd for free.

i want some! the first question was about the first founder of buddhism. the lame ass answered so loudly but it was wrong. the correct answer was answered by a gril from the other van.

the next was answered again by the lame ass but he was wrong again.

'that boy is silly. he's really a dork. i think he wanted to be a prominent one, right..prince?' ryuu asked.

i nodded. well, who cares? as long as i answered the third question..and yeah, i got the correct answer! ryuu was longing for one too but he forgot all about it he said. he was a bit quiet for sometime but after the program, he was so hyper again.

it was lunch time.

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