Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Silly head

last night, while preparing my steam bath, i heard this nasty voice. it is so nasty that all plates and glasses will break, even the windows.
the bedroom door opened..

'prince noctis!' he shouted, ran towards me and hugged me.

huh? and who is this guy? he faced me and grinned to me happily.

'c'mon, prince..don't ya remember your beloved cousin, shin?' he bowed down in front of me.


'why doubting dear cousin? is it becuase of my new look?'

'ah..yeah? what's with that highlights on your hair?'

'nah, don't you know this is the new street style here in japan? actually, it aint new..but anyways, it suits me..right right?'

'sort..of..i don't know.'

'oh? you still don't have any sense of style up to this time, prince?' he chuckled,

'kiddin..bet you do have lots of girls now, huh?'

'shut up. what are you doing here, by the way?' i sat on the couch.

'well, it's our winter vacation.it's kinda boring in our house so i planned to stay here for a while, besides..ashley's here too.'

'ah..i see..but how long is that 'for a while'? i asked him.

he looked at the pictures displayed on the desk, 'i don't know. whoa..these girls are pretty. are they your girlfriends?'

'why? are you interested--'

'of course!' he smiled.

'sorry, but they aren't.'

'aws..don't be so protective on your girlfriends. i won't harm them..and how could that be? they haven't met me yet...'

'whatever, you still don't know who my girlfriend is.'

'so you really do have! hm, maybe she's the one! oh..no, maybe she is! no! this one?

hm..that one?'

'none of them, silly head.'

'but who? tsk..' he looked at our picture (ryuu and i) ' and who's this guy?'

'he's my girlfriend.' i smiled.

'what..the...heck..are you saying?! how could that be, prince? how could a handsome guy who inherited it from me..is in love with the same gender as you?!'

'i'm serious, shin. i don't have to elaborate it anymore.' i stood up and stretched my arms.

'but..' he was stoned for about an hour..so i took the chance of taking my bath.

his consciousness came back after an hour. he stared and blink at that picture, he was lying on the floor..rolling around, confused about what i have said.

'would you just stop it, shin.'

'no..no..i should have known this earlier..why didn't you tell me?

'for what reason?'

'i'm your cousin, prince..' pouted his lips.

'yes, you are..but an airhead not like me. beh..'

he stopped rolling around and stood up. 'ugh..hmf..i should be close to him too if he's my cousin's girlfriend. right..i should be optimistic here.' he winked.

'do whatever you like..i'm going to sleep now..so can you please leave?

'i wont! i'll be sleeping with you!' he laughs and got up on my bed.

'shin?! cmon, we're not kids anymore to be so close like this...i'm sorry for making you offended.but--'

'aren't you missing me, dear cousin?' he laughed and got up again.

'thanks for that. turn off the lights, shin.'

'make me a promise first.'


'please introduce me to these girls.'

i looked closely to the picture..and those girls were..Mandy and Chantelle.

'please, dear cousin.' he smiled, turned off the lights and went outside.

oh..shoot..what should i do now? mm..

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