Saturday, February 6, 2010

contn Trip (Taoist temple)

and we reached the Taoist temple. we were the second to the last one who arrived. the center hall was filled by the student as one of the groups was wishing using the incense by kneeling down. i sat down on the second to the last row and ryuu sat beside me.

'i have a question for you, prince.'


'are you..angry at me?'

'what do you think? you know what, you are the only one who could answer your question'

'then it is..' he said sadly.

honestly, i couldn't be angry at him or pissed off at him..i was just hurt.

'but how could you be angry at me if you love me, right' he asked while smiling.


'see, you are thinking about the answer..i think you are just stubborn to say what you really want to say in front of me, spoiled bratty prince.' he smiled sweetly.

'then why are you still asking?'

'because i want an answer. i know you have your own reason'

'i have told you, right?'

'ah..yeah..i'm sorry..i am really really sorry..'

it was now our turn to wish..we were in a line and ryuu's beside me.while wishing..i heard ryuu's murmuring and i looked at him.

'i hope..prince forgives me. i don't know what will might happen to me if this crap will continue. thank you.' and he looked at me.

i closed my eyes and wished. after we put it inside the bowl of ash and we returned to our seats.after some time of discussions about taoism, we were invited to stroll around the temple.

i took pictures while..ryuu was taking some pictures of me. pff..we stayed one our in there and left after.

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