Saturday, February 6, 2010

Trip (The Perfume)

yesterday was our field trip in our history subject..first thing in the morning, i didn't wake up early!i woke up 30 minutes late. my mom didn't wake me up, have she forgotten about my trip? crap.

i ran down the dad was reading the newspaper..ashley was watching the tv..and mom, she's in the garden with her friends.i was so pissed off that no one of them remembered that this day was my trip! pff..

i didn't eat my breakfast..i just took my bath.wore my clothes..went to the garage and rode my ducatti.

i travelled for about just 5 minutes to the meeting place and left my ducatti inside an establishment.

one van was left and my professor was calling me.i got inside the van, it wasn't that full..i sat at the 2nd row and noticed someone's head was leaning against the window. i sat not too close on him. oh..the two of us were sitting on that row. actually, our plan (with ryuu) was we'll just have our own car for this trip, but it wasn't becuase of what happened last friday.

anyways, i just plugged i my earphone in my ear and listen to some music because.. tsk, the guy in front of us was so damn noisy and i think it can't be helped. the guy sitting beside me was still..i think he was sleeeping.

on our way to the first destination (Taoist temple)..that guy in front of us (not the driver) got my ipod.

'wow, nice' he said as he shuffled it.

'what the hell..are you doing? got some guts to shuffle it, huh?

'yeah?' he laughed, 'i'm matsumoto. nice to meet you?'

i didn't answer his quesion and just gor my ipod from him.

'what's your problem? i was just looking at your ipod.

'do you think it's decent to get somone's belonging without any permisson?' i asked.

'well, for me it's ok as long as you are acquianted to each other.'

i sighed.

', mr..can i borrow your ipod?'


he smirked and i thought he was pissed off. i was pissed of too. who the hell was he just to talk about such nonsense things.

'aright, i'm sorry. i don't want somebody to hate me just because of that ipod.,' he said.

'sorry for yourself for i hate you now.'

'what...? you are to shallow! would you just give me a reason for hating me?'

'first, you got my ipod without any permission. second, you are apologizng without any sincerity. lastly, those people whio i hate will always do the same things that will make me hate them more. so stop, just face in front and don't talk to me further.'

'you are so full of yourself. you still don't know me so stop preaching, you are not my father.'

'then i will be your god.'

the others were having there own businesses so they don't have to interfere with us.

'what the fucking hell are you saying?!'

as he shouted that in front of me, that van suddenly braked. he and the others was like thrown in front, i was still at my place as well as the guy beside me..he has moved a little. my vanmates were quite over reacting about the 'brake' thing.

'what's the..noise all about?' the guy beside me asked and he yawned.

'that guy--' matsumoto said.

'oh..shut up.', and he removed his shades, h looked at me...'my li--i mean..prince! you're here!' he grinned.

'you know each other..?'

ryuu showed his gun to matsumoto. he was speechless and became pale. he face in front and talked no more. thanks, ryuu.

'wow..i am so glad are here with me, prince. i thought you were in the other van'

'i woke up late, that's why..and your van was the last one who left.'

'oh..i see,' he smiled.'well, i think that was great because you're here..' he moved a little closer beside me.

our teacher was sitting on the next row after ours. he spoke about our partners/buddies for the trip. ryuu voluntered to be my partner but our teacher told that he made a list for partners. ryuu insisted that he wanted to be my partner. he smiled and grinned and wahtsoever until our teacher approved of that. i saw that matsumoto was glaring at us but i don't care. he was just a piece of a crap. lame ass.=
ryuu told stories for me but i didn't understand it at all because i was listening to music. ryuu noticed it and he removed it from my ear.

'i'm sorry for removing it..but can you please listen to me?'


the lame ass looked at us and asked me why did i let him removed the earphones from my ear.

'he's is different from you, lame ass.' i said.

'beh..' ryuu faced me again and happily told his stories.

i suddenly noticed that the driver was pissed off as he was like punching the sterring wheel. sorta like that. i looked outside and noticed a strange place.

'something's wrong in here.' i said..

'what?' ryuu asked.

'look outside. i think we're lost.'

'yes, we are!' lame ass shouted.

'he's not talking to you, dork. tsk..' ryuu said pissed off too. he looked outside. 'hm, maybe you should ask your bodyguards about it, prince..'he winked.

'i'm just kidding, prince.' he smiled.

the teacher was trying to contact his co-teacher.

'stupid driver. how come you drive for us without knowing the way to the taosit temple?' i asked.

'what stupid? i'm trying to drive for you, huh..just shut your mouth and sit back down there.' he answered.

'sit? are you nuts? we paid you for this. want me to take it back, huh?'

'prince..chillax' ryuu said as he was calming me down.

'what chillax are you saying? we should be in the temple at 8: 30..and what do you think is the time? it is 8: 50!

'shut up, you..freakinin me!' the driver exclaimed.

'what?! don't say that to, prince!' ryuu exclaimed too.

'this is shit.' i said.

our teacher told me to relax..he said that his co teacher sent a message on the right way. alright.

'i thought you might have a stroke because of this, prince..' ryuu chuckled.

and smelled so bad. we were at a wet really smelled so badly that i thought i was going to vomit.that driver opened the window. really stupid.

'is this the scent of your new perfume, prince?' ryuu winked at me


'it is so bad, prince..where did you buy it?'


'so it is, really smell bad and you are so disgusting.'


ryuu laughed and again he ws kidding..he's really laughing out loud until we went out from that stinky place.

'never thought that you will buy that kind of perfume prince..' he grinned.

i didn't answer.

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