Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Hi. Shin here. My little Prince asked me to share what had happened last Friday between me and VII (He told me to be formal here and I’ll do my best for you, guys to enjoy this.). I think it went well, though he’s the one who approached me first but it should be me coz I was the one who started the shit after all. Anyways, I won’t tell the details here anymore (Prince will do those)

As the party started, I didn’t bother to get along with others coz I was still not in the mood. I saw in law with VII, and the numbers too. I wanted to talk to VII but I haven’t any guts at all. So, I just stayed, sitting on the railings of the veranda (I’m the only one there). I stared at the sky, waiting for a miracle to happen. Then I heard this serene voice…

“Want some?” VII asked me as he offered me a cigar.

I just glared at him, being surprised.

“I guess you don’t smoke,” he lit up his cigar. “For me, smoking is the most pleasurable thing to do. It is exquisite and gives so much satisfaction. Anyways, maybe I should offer an alcohol for you then?”

I didn’t answer and kept on glaring at his vivid face.

“Nah, I don’t want to be kissed again,” he sighed and sat beside me. “Will you just glare at me? If you don’t want the smell of smoke, well I don’t care.”

“No, it’s alright. Hm, VII?”

He looked at me; “Yes?” then blew some smoke to my face. I coughed here and there. VII smirked and asked me, “I wonder what were you looking at the sky, there’s no star?”

I stared on the sky. “Yes, there are no stars in the sky tonight but the most heavenly body was sitting next to me.”

“So tedious…,” he blew some smoke again to my face. As usual, I coughed again.

“I was thinking about how you can forgive me.”

VII blew some smoke again, “Tsk, what if I won’t forever forgive you?”



I looked at him and he blew some more. He kept on doing it every time I finish my talking.

“Then, I won’t be a worthy friend for you. I’m sorry.”

“Without a doubt. You’re not really worthy.”

I looked down and wept.

“You know what, Shin. You’re really irritating me. You kept on weeping and saying sorry, whatsoever.”

“For what, again? For goodness sake, stop that already.’

“Then how can you forgive me if I won’t say sorry to you, VII?”

“I’m so sick of hearing those. Prove to me that you really are sorry, not just saying sorry here and there.”

I sighed and didn’t talk for a while.


“I was just thinking again...”

“Maybe you’re thinking of saying ‘my apologies’ rather than saying ‘sorry’. Tsk.”

“If stars would fall every time, I would think of you and the sky would soon be empty.” I sighed again and looked at him. He smirked.

“Geez, even if you’re clichéd, annoying and somewhat dramatic…I still bear your company.”

I pouted my lips and took a deep breath. VII finished his cigar and I gave him a slight smile.

“What’s with that smile?” he threw his cigar.

“I feel like I’m on a cloud nine, coz you are talking to me right now.”

VII stood up, “Don’t be so carried away, Shin. I haven’t still forgiven you.”

“Ah…” I just scratched my head.

“You’re alone? Would you mind, can you accompany me?”

I nodded and smiled a bit. We went inside the hall and saw in law singing in front of hundreds of people. In law was the party planner at the same time, the entertainer. VII and I stood in front of the wine station…

“Here is your drink, sir,” the host gave VII his drink.

VII looked at me and he smirked. I just looked on the other side and sighed, “Why in the world is this happening?”

“You really don’t want to enjoy your cousin’s birthday, don’t you?”

“How can I enjoy—“

“Alright, besides I don’t want to see myself kissed by you again,” he mocked at me.

“I guess so…”

“Why is that XXVII’s lover and his partner so sweet with each other?” he sipped on his wine.

“Danielle is his ex-girlfriend.”

“Oh…I see. Look at XXVII, he’s jealous,” he pointed at in law.

“Yeah, it figures—“

“Hi there!” a lady greeted us with her friend. “Bet you’re Mr. Prince’s cousin and,” she looked at VII, “…and he’s your best friend?”

“What…?” VII raised his eye brow.

“Oh, by the way I’m Sarah and she’s Cate,” Sarah smiled sweetly.

“Hi there, nice to meet you!” Cate smiled too.

“And you two are…?”

“Not interested,” VII held my wrist and we left the two ladies.

“You’re still uninterested to girls like them…how can you get a girlfriend if you snob them?”

“I don’t like girls who flirt. Furthermore, it is better if a man do the first move,” we went inside a room.

I turned on the lights, “I agree. Being a gentleman comes first.”

VII sat on the settee, “You play instruments?”

“I do,” I said while I stroke the piano keys. “I play the piano, the guitar and the drums. I want to sing you a song, would you mind listening to me?”

“Definitely, but before that…open the windows and turn off the air cons.”

I didn’t hesitate to ask why that is and just did what he wants. I sat on the piano chair and looked at VII. He lit a cigar again, his drink on the desk. VII rested his head on the backrest of the settee and blew some smoke. I started to play the piano.

“What’s the first song?”

“I can wait forever.”

“Just like what you posted on your profile,” he sipped on his wine.

I smiled and played again.

“You look so beautiful today…when your sitting there…it’s hard for me to look away…,” I sang and glared at him, “…so I try to find the words that I could say…I know distance doesn’t matter…but you feel so far away—“

“Tsk. That’s song is for your girl, isn’t it?”

“I told you before that I’ll sing for you, remember?”
He didn’t respond to what I asked so I sang again, “…and I can’t lie…every time I leave my heart…turns gray…and I…wanna come back home to see your face….and I, coz I just can’t take it….another day without you with me…is like a blade that cuts right through me…I can wait, I can wait forever….when you call my heart stops beating…when you’re gone…it won’t stop bleeding…I can wait, I can wait forever….”

He just stayed there sitting, smoking and drinking. I sang three songs: I can wait forever, You’re beautiful and Truly, Madly, Deeply.

“You know what, VII…the last song I sang to you…”

“What?” he compressed the cigarette butt on the ash tray.

“I’ve promised to myself that I’ll just sing that song to the one I’ll marry.”

“Really? That is so hilarious.”

“Ah…yeah, I’m sorry.”

“Tsk…” he stood up, “I guess it’s time for dinner. XXVII stopped singing.” VII strode outside the room and I followed him. We approached in law, drinking his wine.

“How’s my in law doing? You sing so well,” I complimented him.

“Thanks in law, it’s for my life,” he smiled. “My voice is trembling now…tsk. I wonder where my life is.” In law looked around, “There you are! Wait for a while guys, I’ll just go to my Prince. I’m missing him so much right now.”

“Sure, no worries.” VII said as in law walked towards Prince.

“What are we going to do now?” I asked VII.

“Let’s just follow XXVII, I guess.”

And we just followed in law. As soon as he was to approach Prince, he saw Prince with Danielle.

“Oh, never mind,” he murmured and turned his back.

“XXVII’s jealous.”

In law pouted his lips and sighed, “Yeah. Tsk. Why did I ever agree for him to have a date if I know I’ll be tremendously jealous...”

“In law, let’s just go somewhere over there and relax for sometime, alright? We know that you’re tired already because you’re already busy this morning.”

“I agree with him. Let’s drink,” VII said but for me, he’s teasing me again.

“You should drink too, in law!” in law chuckled as we went over the wine station.

I just smiled.

“Oh, my life…” in law sipped on his wine. I tapped him and then noticed VII staring at the women beside us.

“Any problem, VII?” I asked him.

He shook his head, “Just listen to them.”

“Oh my goodness, Dr. Caelum’s son is very handsome…” the tall woman giggled.

“Yeah, I super agree,” the curly haired woman agreed.

In law smiled and whispered, “Of course, he is. My life is the most dazzling entity I have ever met.”

“That girl is his date, right?” the petite woman asked.

“Yes. I bet she is his girlfriend,” the tall one answered.

“Or maybe… fiancée?” the curly haired asked. “I’ve heard that she’s the daughter of one of the richest CEO’s here in Japan.”

“Whatever. Prince’s is only mine,” in law whispered as he glared at them. He sipped his wine.

“He’s pissed off now?” I whispered to VII.

VII shrugged his shoulders, “Maybe. We don’t know.”

“You think so?” the curly haired sighed. “What a pity… my daughter would be a better match for him.”

“No way! My daughter!” the petite exclaimed.

“Oh, come on… Dr. Caelum’s son and his fiancée look so adorable with each other …”

In law crushed the wine glass in his hands, “Fucking shits! Damn it!”

“Ugh, XXVII—“

In law didn’t noticed VII, instead he left us. I saw the blood stains on the carpet, “He’s really pissed off at the same time upset.”

“They are just too innocent about what’s the truth. Tsk.”

“Let’s just follow in law, VII,” we left the venue and saw in law lying on the grass, his left hand was bleeding. I sat beside in law and looked at his bleeding hands, “In law, your hand. It’s bleeding.”

VII sat beside him too, “Do you need some medication? Does it hurt?”
“This is nothing,” in law answered.

“What’s wrong in law?”

In law didn’t respond, VII and I looked at each other.

“Hurtful event kept pouring in front of me and I can’t control them away,” in law sighed. “Why does it have to be this way anyway?”

Then my uncle showed, “Ryuu, I’m sorry to bother you but the guests are requesting songs and they want you to sing, besides the next part is the giving of gifts. They say they want to hear your cold voice again.”

In law stood up, “Cold, huh?” and he went inside the venue gloomy.

“What’s with him, VII?” I asked.

“We’re together so I know nothing like you.” VII answered.

“Is something matter?” my uncle asked.

“There seems to be uncle.”

And we went inside too. The guests were preparing for the giving of gifts Prince went on the stage with his partner, in law still kept on staring at his life while singing. What a pity. While waiting for our turn…

“What’s your gift to your beloved cousin, Shin?” VII asked me.

“I can’t think of any. So I have nothing. I guess Prince has all of the things he has wished for. How about you?”

“The same with you.”

“Oh? Then why don’t we join each other’s company up there and say what we thought of?” I suggested.

“Sure. You sing the happy birthday song and I’ll play the guitar.”

“Eh? You play the guitar?”

VII nodded, “But I don’t have any guitar, right now—“

“I brought mine. I’ll just get it inside my car. Wait a sec…”

I hurriedly went to my car and got my guitar. I was surprised that VII knows how to play the guitar too. I went back to the venue and gave my guitar to VII. We waited for a while in the veranda and practiced for our little present. After, aunt called my name and VII came with me on the stage.

“A pleasant evening to everyone. We just wanted to greet our little Prince a Happy happy birthday! We don’t have something to give you, for we know that you already have all the things you have wished for. But…I’ll sing a song for you while my friend here, Laurence will play the guitar.”

I looked at VII, he started to pluck the guitar and I sang the happy birthday song. After it…

“Happy birthday again, Prince. We wish you all the best.”

“Thank you very much, Shin and Laurence,” Prince smiled at us and we went down. VII and I sat down at the last table, overlooking at the veranda. I just plucked the guitar while VII drank wine. After the gift giving, a slow music started to play and Prince with his partner started swaying in the center of the dance floor, they were the only partner who danced while in law was just singing for them… staring only at his Prince.

“I really pity in law….” I murmured. “Can’t we do anything about it?”

VII didn’t respond to what I asked. He kept on drinking his wine. Suddenly in law stopped singing…

In law looked at his Prince, “Hey everyone… this might be my last song tonight. I hope you all enjoy my best friend… friend… best friend’s birthday... dude, happy birthday…” He whispered, “This is for you….”

The orchestra played and in law started singing. I tried to look at Prince and see what his reaction is, but he’s too far from me. Anyways, the song goes like this:

I'll take care of you
Don't be sad, don't be blue
'Cause I'll never break your heart in two
'Cause I'll take care of you

I'll kiss your tears away
I'll end your lonely days
All that I'm really trying to say
Is I'll take care of you

I want you to know
That I love you so
I'm proud to tell the world you're mine
I've said it before,
I'll say it once more,
You'll be in my heart 'till the end of time

I'll take care of you,
Don't be sad, don't be blue
Just count on me your whole life through
And I'll take care of you…

“I… I …. Could no… no longer continue…” in law said melancholic and the orchestra stopped playing. Everyone stopped on what they were doing. Prince looked at in law as well as VII and I. “Sorry…”

“It’s alright, in law….” I murmured.

In law took a deep breath and looked at the guests fiercely, “Hi there people. I know it’s not really a good timing for me to say these things, but I feel like I really need to let it out. Let everyone of you know… so, you might as well sit back and enjoy my story telling?”
He chuckled, “Anyway, I was having my break over the wine station with my friends when I heard this group of women talking about… well, I won’t be mentioning names. You know, currently…I am so deeply in love with someone….

Don’t worry. As I said, I won’t be mentioning names so you don’t have to worry my life, Oh…the term ‘my life’, well it’s our call of endearment… my life, I won’t be uttering your beautiful name,” in law smiles a little.

“As I was saying, I heard these women saying that their daughter would be a better match for my life… damn! That was just hilarious! I was so pissed of when I heard them say that! Tsk, come on! Dude, what the hell are they saying? A better match!? That’s just insane! Totally insane! My life… that person they are pertaining to be of good match with their daughter or whoever is… is mine! Mine alone!”

“Damn, in law’s really upset.”

“Sure he is,” VII agreed.

The audiences reacted too about what in law said.

In law walked around on the stage, “Before I thought, whatever might other people say wouldn’t affect me. But I guess I was wrong there, it does affect me… it does hurt to hear other people say that the one you love is better to be match to others rather than you…”

He took a deep breath, “But I can’t blame them because they don’t know anything about the two of us, that we already have a relationship! Well, that figures. So hell yeah, they will keep on insisting that you are perfect for her or for who ever the hell they wanted to! Fuck shit them! That really hurts, big time…really so damn hard to hear those. Tsk, I think I heard it for a million times and it’s fucking driving me insane! They thought that it’s just alright…sweet, yeah…whatever but no. It’s definitely not!”

Then his voice became so fierce, “Tsk, how funny to pretend unhurt when I’m exceedingly bleeding. Truly, ignorance is one of the dumbest talents a human can have.”

“Oh my…why is he like that….? ...He’s really in pain…,” the guests murmured.

“Anyway, enough of that… lastly, I want you all to know how much I love my life. This might be simple yet maybe impossible for you but for me…it’s plausible, my life… Your welfare matters more to me than my own. I exist for you. When I am alone, I would repeat your name to myself and think of nothing but you. Whenever I am with you, nothing else matters…. I’m going to fight for you until your heart stops beating…”

And what should we expect? Of course, every single guest has their own reaction about this. If you could just see their faces. In law sang the song again but he resonated the last lines of the song painfully.

“Just count on me your whole life through
And I'll take care of you,
I love you so much…”

After the song, in law walked towards Prince, where Prince was alone this time at the center of the dance floor. In law embraced his life with so much affection and kissed him passionately. Everyone saw what in law did and their hearts were just jumping for joy. My uncle and aunt, of course they were so proud and exultant about it.

“Ants might bite me later…” I smiled. I looked at VII as he shook and uttered the words, “The heck.” After their inviting kiss…

“My life?” Prince asked surprisingly.

“I love you…” in law answered him and he got something from the back of Prince’s hair, like magic and then showed it to him. “Oh, magic!”

In law chuckled then he smiled sweetly. “What do we have here? It’s a ring…” He took a deep breath, “Actually, I intend to do it later but I might loose my chance.”

Prince was just speechless. He was head over heels about his life. Then in law spoke again as he knelt in front of him…

“Prince Noctis…” in law held his hand and kissed it,

“I am so deeply in love with you…” he looked at Prince’s eyes,

“Please…marry me,” and he placed in the ring on his finger.

Prince just stood there, astonished and in law stood up…

“I guess not?” he asked as he stepped backward and walked away.

The guests, as usual reacted about this but Prince followed him.

“The party’s over. I’m leaving,” VII said as he stood up and walked towards the door.

“Oh, wait! I’ll drive you home…” I followed him.

“Sure,” and we went to the parking lot. We saw in law and Prince, of course we won’t interfere. We went inside my car and I drove VII home. Outside their crib…

“Hm, by the way…VII, thanks for approaching me before? I guess if you didn’t do it…maybe we’re not in good terms yet?” I asked with uneasiness.

“We’re still not totally 100%,” he paused for a while, “but you’re forgiven…about 45%. Anyways, thanks for driving me home. Be safe. VII went outside my car and he went inside their house. I smiled, yet I still need to do my best to make things better.

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