Saturday, May 15, 2010


i woke up around 1 pm, friday: shin’s farewell party. i checked his room but still he’s not in there. he’s really been kidnapped. haha. kidding. anyways, i went to the dining room and got something to eat (others were busy preparing for the party). while eating…

'good morning, my little prince!' shin greeted me as he entered the dining room.

'Shin? Where have you been these past few days?'

he sat opposite to me and smiled, “i told you, right? just around the corner.”

'ok? Tsk. have you eaten you breakfast?'

'breakfast?' he laughed.

'what? i just woke up this 1 pm. alright, lunch?”

'that’s funny. yep, i have already eaten my breakfast and lunch. anyways, how have you been here?'

'just fine. ashley and mom were so worried about you. they do have lots of questions like: where will he stay for tonight? how is he now? etc.'

he chuckled, 'wow, you really missed me huh?'

'i did not miss you,' i chuckled too. 'by the way, congratulations to you and elle.'

'thanks much, prince,' he smiled, 'by the way, shinji asked me if you're angry at him'

'shinji?' i thought for sometime, 'did he say something to you?'

'yeah? he asked me if you're angry at him because he told when he tried to greet you, you just snob him?'

'ah..i remember...'

'it is still because of that irick thing?' he folded his arms

'yeah. he's just lying to us, you know. if i could just...explain what's really in my mind whenever i see him. geez, i might kill him if one day he'll tell that he's irick. tsk.'

oh...chillax, prince...'

'alright? tsk.. oh, are you ready for your surprise for VII tonight?'

'of course!' he chuckled then became so serious, 'prince, i’ll just take my nap for a while. i got tired from walking and walking around.' he stood up and left me. well, he really looked tired and his face fatigued. geez, he’s been really serious these past few days because of the forgiving thing. around 5 pm, i checked on him again but he was still asleep.

'wake him up now, prince…” mom told me preparing the meal for dinner
'i’ll just wake him up later. the party will start at 7, right?' i asked.

'yup! ok! if that’s what my prince wants,' mom smiled at me then she looked on my back side, smiling.

i looked too and saw my life!

'hi there, my wife…” my life chuckled leaning on the wall, hands in his pockets.

'my wife, huh?' i chuckled too. i walked towards him and cornered him.

'oh, i forgot…' mom looked at her watch. 'i still need to get the desserts i ordered in the pastry shop as well as the drinks for the party later—'

'hm…we’ll just get it, mom,' my life suggested as he grinned.

'are you sure, son?' my mom giggled.

'of course, mom.'

'thank you, thanks you! prince knows those shops, wait for me here…i’ll just get my money—'

'i’ll pay the price, besides it’s my farewell gift for shin?” i chuckled.

'sweet,' my life agreed.

'farewell gift as you say? you two are so silly!” mom pinched our cheeks. 'go now coz you’ll be helping me again later.' she kissed our cheeks. 'take care.'

'alright, mom. thanks!' my life said. so we walked outside our house.

'i’ll drive,' i said as i showed my key. 'i don’t want you to get sick—'

'geez, i’m not that really sick. i just need to stay away from some radiations etc,” he opened the gate and held my hand tightly .

i stopped walking and held his chin, 'i love you so much...'

'i love you so much too, my life...' his face came closer then stared at me.

'aren't you going to kiss me?' i grinned

'ugh, you might get sick--'

i held his nape and kissed him. and then i noticed that a group of young ladies saw us.

'hi, girls...' my life winked as i chuckled, "he's my fiance'

the girls were stoned for a while and we left them.haha. while on our way...

'in law's in your house now?'

'yep, he arrived this afternoon and he's sleeping right now'
'ooh, so did you ask him about his surprise?'

'nope, why should i ask if that's a surprise, right?' i chuckled

'yeah, right.' he chuckled too

'are you feeling well now?'

'mm, yes. i'm feeling better now...thanks to my nurse' he winked at me

'oh, VII?' i chuckled

'no! you are my life.' he pouted his lips

i pinched his cheek, 'i was just kidding...'

'oh, my life...' he smiled, 'your silly best friend will be in the party?'

'yup. i know that she'll come with shin for tomorrow's flight.

'ah..i see...'

'how about VII? where's he?'

'he's still in the crib, dying because of boredom' he chuckled

'eh?" i chuckled too, 'is he excited with the surprise?'

'no, i don't think so. he doesn't even like surprises.'

'too bad for shin?'

'well, i law must really do his best.'

and so we got the desserts and drinks. we went back to our house and helped mom. 6:30 pm, while in the living room...

'shin's awake?' i asked mom

'i don't think so...i havent seen him yet' mom said while reading a brochure

'let's check up on him, my life...' my life suggested

'alright, i think everyone's busy now...the guests are already coming....' my life held my hand as we went to shin's room, and he was still asleep. we wake him up.

'hey, in's almost 7...wake up now..."

'hm?' shin stretched his arms then he yawned

'cmon, shin!'

'alright..i will wake up now..." he sat down while rubbing his eyes, 'is he already there?'

'he? you mean VII?' my life asked and shin just nodded.

'he's not yet here.' i answered

'ah...' he stood up, 'i'll just prepare for the party...' he went inside the bahroom.

'weird,' my life said

'you bet...anyways, let's go back to the living room.' i smiled

and we went back, danielle was there.

'hi prince and ryuu!' danielle grinned

'hi there too, silly girl..' my life chuckled

she stuck her tongue out, 'shin's more silly! anyways, where's he?'

'he's still in his room....' i answered. i looked at my life and he's like searching, 'my life?'

'oh...i'm sorry, i was just looking around to see if VII's here now.'

'VII?' danielle asked

'ahm, he's the one who played the guitar with in law' my life smiled

'ah..i think i saw him a while ago, smoking outside.'

'oh, thank you for that. wait for a while, i'll just talk to him'

'sure, we'll be waiting here.' i smiled

'oh, prince..i'll be back too, ok? i'll just greet uncle over there...'

'ok..' i smiled at her too. after a while, my life came back with VII. we stayed in the terrace and sipped on our wines. danielle was busy talking wih ashley then shin went to us

'here's my in law...' my life smiled

'hey, sorry for waiting?' shin smiled too then he looked at VII

'it's alright...' i answered then my life nagged me. 'what?' i whispered

'nothing' he answered chuckling, 'want some drinks, in law?'

'thnaks but no thanks...i still have my flight early tomorrow, remember?'


'it's ok...--'

'brother, aunt's looking for you' ahley called him

'for a minute!' he answered, 'i'll be back...' and he left us.

'i wonder what's his surprise...' my life said

'i know it will be a good for nothing surprise' VII said

'wew, you're so harsh on him, VII' my life chuckled, 'what do you think my life?'

'hm...a composed song?'

'eh?' my life wondered

'maybe not, he already did it with her girlfriend.'

'girlfriend?' VII asked, 'ah...that elle, of course'

'elle? so she answered yes to him' my life asked

'yep, yesterday night?'

'ooh, so it's really a good day for in law?'

'isnt it obvious...' VII answered

'i think it's not? and i guess he's not in the mood to be happy right now because you still haven't forgive him' i chuckled

'so? do he really need my forgiveness now when she's been already his?' VII asked, 'so hilarious.'

'huh?' i asked with confusion then my life said, 'it's just he meant that in law must be happy coz she got the girl of her dreams, right VII?'

VII didn't answer.danielle appraoched us and told us that dinner's ready. and so we went to the dining area. i am sitting beside my life, beside him was VII. danielle was sitting opposite to me, beside her ashley and then shin. we happily ate our meal and full ourselves. we chatted and drank. around 9 the terrace life, VII, shin and I were drinking...

'in law...' my life grinned

'yes?' he looked at my life

'the surprise....' my life's still grinning

'ah...' shin sipped on his drink

'maybe you really don't have one, do you?' VII asked

shin just stared at VII

'you don't have, shin?' i asked

shin simply nodded, 'i just want to see him before i go...'

'in law? i thought you'll do your best?' my life asked, disappointed

'tsk, you really are unworthy.' VII said, 'you even made your in law disappointed'

''s alright..i respect in law...' my life sighed

'i don't want to waste my time here aymore' VII left us

'ugh...' i murmured

'i'll go now and sleep...thanks for coming in law...' shin smiled a bit and left us too.

'aw...' i sighed

my life sighed too and then he smiled

'why are you suddenly smiling?'

'nothing...' then he looked inside the house

i looked too, 'hm...'

'of course...VII won't leave like that...' my life looked at me and smiled.


'yeah...' my life smiled then patted my head

and so we saw VII went upstairs...

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