Sunday, May 23, 2010

Family Stories by Shin

(I won’t be formal here anymore; Prince’s inside my room too) Yesterday evening, while checking my mails and chatting with VII and in law…



I looked at him and saw him reading a book, ‘I thought ya we’re already asleep. Anyways, in law’s sick again and he wants to see ya.’

‘Huh? Again? Why? What happened?’ he asked as he returned the book into the bookshelf.

‘It’s my fault,’ I smiled a bit. ‘It’s because of that ‘destiny’ thing…’

‘Destiny?’ he wondered.

‘Maybe just ask him, ok? Just leave now, don’t make your lover wait,’ I smiled.

‘Actually, I’m going to say that but you already stole the words out from my mouth,’ he opened the door, ‘Are you coming with me?’

‘Uhm…’ I looked at in law’s comments, ‘He told me that don’t come anymore coz I’m irritating him. Oh, well…’ I sighed then smiled, ‘I don’t want to interfere with your precious moments too, so it’s ok.’

Prince chuckled, ‘If you change your mind, or whether your in law, please don’t you ever do anything reckless again.’

I didn’t answer, I just smiled a bit.

‘I’m warning you, Shin.’

‘Geez…you’re scaring me, my little Prince. Of course I won’t do anything stupid again…tsk,’ I folded my arms, ‘I thought you were on my side.’

‘I am. That’s why I am warning you because I don’t want to hear from other people ‘again’ that my cousin is immature, stupid, reckless and whatsoever. Though I heard it already for a hundred times now…’ he smirked.

I simply nodded and then amused myself as I played with my fingers. ‘I’ve been hearing so many shameful words lately…’

‘What are you expecting? ‘Shin’s so great?’ What a moron!’

‘What else, Prince? Aside from being a stupid, immature, reckless and a moron?’

‘Geez, I can’t believe that you’re really a moron,’ he laughed and then he became serious. ‘Of course, you are not like that, Shin. Don’t degrade yourself too much. It just happened that it suddenly took place without noticing that you’re already done something erroneous.’

‘I don’t care,’ I chuckled. ‘Actually, it’s my first time to hear those words.’

‘Eh? For real?’

I nodded, ‘That’s why I’m getting so paranoid about this. If I could just turn back time and change things…oh! Maybe I could bump my head somewhere and forget what happened!’

‘I thought you want to forget everything,’ Prince teased.

‘Huh?’ my eye brows met and then I pouted my lips.

‘Kidding!’ he chuckled, ‘Of course, you won’t forget the people who are special to you.’

I nodded and smiled, ‘But even though I did a stupid thing…it always comes from the noblest motives, Prince.’

‘Forgiveness….forgiveness…I understand you, Shin. Got to go now.’

‘Sure, regard to in law!’ I grinned, ‘Take care!’

‘Thanks,’ he closed the door and left.

After a while, geez…in law was really fooling me. Pff. But I was easily fooled on the other hand. So stupid. Though, VII wanted me to come too coz he’d be telling me something and in law took back what he said so I’d go. Also, I did something reckless again concerning in law so I’d be asking for amnesty. Sorry, in law. *sobs

I checked my cell phone and saw VII’s text message that I could just come inside their house without calling him, knocking or what. Ok! Then I prepared and left. I went first in a night market to buy some fruits for in law and then to their house. At last, I was there? Harhar! I checked my phone…damn, I forgot my phone in my room! Tsk! Then I noticed my other phone on the back seat! Yey! I’m saved…? No! It has no charge. *sobs

‘Damn it,’ I went outside my car and stared at their house for a while. ‘Lights off already? It’s just 11:30…’

I walked towards the door and opened it, and then I got some chills. ’Geez, I forgot. I do also have a night blindness. I can’t text them or use my light’s phone because I damn forgot it! Shit!’ I murmured then I sighed.
I closed the door and try to look for the switch using my hands. But I can’t find them; I’m going to die immediately. Harhar! Anyways, I tried to walk to where I can as far as I go then I bumped to somebody.


The lights turned on.

‘VII?’ I rubbed my eyes and saw him, ‘Sorry about what happened, I do have night blindness that’s why…’VII sighed, ‘It’s alright. You don’t need to say sorry just because of that, besides I’m not hurt. Tsk.’ He noticed the basket of fruits on my hand, ‘Who’s that for?’

‘In law’s,’ I smiled then sighed, ‘I wanted to ask for forgiveness again even though I am already forgiven.’

‘You’re really irritating,’ he smirked as he turned his back from me and we walked. ‘They’re inside in law’s room. XXVII’s lover made him some porridge a while ago and he’s spoon feeding him right now.’

‘That’s good. I hope he eat these fruits too,’ I smiled. ‘By the way, why are the lights turned off already?’

‘XXVII and I were the only ones left in this house. The other Numbers were having their hangout right now.’

‘Oh, I see…hm, VII?’

He was going to open the door of in law’s room, ‘Yes?’

‘Have ya eaten your meal this day?’ I removed his hand from the knob and opened it for him.

He shook his head.

‘In law, you’re here,’ in law greeted me while he was sitting on his bed, Prince spoon feeding him.

‘Yeah,’ I entered his room and showed him the basket of fruits I bought for him. ‘This is for ya, in law. Get well soon.’ I smiled.

‘Thank you very much but actually it’s just alright if—‘


‘Huh?’ in law chuckled, ‘Forget about it, in law. You are already forgiven.’

‘Hm?’ Prince asked in law.

‘Nothing, my life…’ he pinched his cheek and ate again. ‘Thanks to your idea too,’ he winked.

‘Sure,’ I smiled.

‘Oh, in law…VII’s not eating yet. Maybe you could spoon feed him too?’ in law laughed.

VII’s brows met, ‘The heck.’

‘I was just kidding!’ in law’s still laughing, ‘Wow, laughing really is the best medicine. My head’s not spinning anymore.’

Prince pouted his lips.

‘Of course, it’s because of my life too…because without you, I might not be able to feel well right now…’ in law kissed Prince lips so sweetly and Prince kissed him back.

‘Ok?’ I smirked, ‘Maybe we should leave them now, VII.’

‘Better,’ VII agreed.

‘We’ll leave ya now in law, Prince…get well soon again and enjoy!’ I grinned as I open the door and let VII go outside first. ‘See ya tomorrow! Have a good sleep too!’ and I closed he door. ‘Wew! That’s so sweet to see.’

‘First time?’ VII asked.

I shook my head, ‘I just rarely see those kinds of moments. Oh, do ya want me to cook food for ya? I mean, ya haven’t eaten anything…’

‘I don’t have any appe—‘ I didn’t let him finish and pulled him into the kitchen with me. I pulled a chair for him and made him sit down. ‘Tsk. What will you cook for me then?’

‘Soup would be fine in this kind of time…toasted bread too and juice,’ I was washing the casserole for the soup.

He didn’t respond.

‘Do ya want to eat in the dining room?’

‘No. I prefer in my room.’

‘Ok,’ I smiled.

‘Do you rarely get sick?’

‘I’m not like in law who’s a weakling,’ I chuckled. ‘Kidding.’

‘Then who takes care of you when you get sick?’

‘Hm…’ I thought for sometime, ‘When I was in the states, I usually take care of myself. I won’t bother my mom anymore to take care of me coz I know I would be fine later. But my sister,’ I was mixing the soup, ‘she wants my mom always. Maybe because mom knows best.’

‘Mom’s knows best, huh?’

‘Why?’ I wondered.

‘Nothing…’ his hand stoked into his hair, ‘Tell me more something about you, Shin, specifically on your family.’

‘A pleasure…ugh, but how would I start this…’ I pouted my lips while I was slicing the bread into triangles.

‘Tsk. Alright, I’ll throw you questions then answer it.’

‘Better,’ I smiled while I was placing some butter on it.

‘How did your parents meet?’

‘As far as I remember…’ I placed the bread inside the toaster, ‘my dad was assigned to work in states permanently. It was his first day that morning, while he was waiting for his office mates inside the subway station, she met this lost girl.’ I poured the soup into the bowl and then prepared the juice.

‘Your mom. And then?’

I smiled, ‘Then my mom asked dad in which way is this certain building. My dad didn’t answer instead he said that he’ll just accompany her without informing his office mates. So he accompanied her and went back to his office, welcomed by his pissed off office mates. He told them the truth but they didn’t believe him but to dad, it’s just ok at least he met the girl of his dreams.’

‘Father like son, tsk.’

‘Yes?’ I chuckled. ‘Anyways, 3 days later, mom went to their office and he was so shocked about it. He told his office mates about her and they were like, ‘Huh? Don’t you know who you are talking about?’

‘Why is that?’

I placed the juice, the soup bowl and the plate of toasties on the tray, ‘Because my mom was the daughter of the president of their office.’


‘I guess so…oh, everything’s done. Ya should eat now,’ I brought the tray.
He stood up and we walked going to his room, ‘And that’s the beginning of their love story. You are the eldest, right? So you were an American citizen?’
I nodded, ‘B

ut after my 5th birthday, we went back here to have some vacation and I met Prince, who was 3 by then. My sister was 2 years old.’

‘Ah…are you close with your mom or dad?’

I opened the door of his room, ‘Dad. I love them both but my dad’s really amazing. I mean, every time I see him doing this and that…I always say that he’s one of a kind. I wanted to be like him. But that changed when I was 16 years old.’ I placed the tray on the desk and offered him the soup, ‘Please eat now, VII.’

‘Huh?’ he sat down on the couch and tasted the soup, ‘Why is that so?’
‘I can’t be like him coz we’re different,’ I chuckled, ‘I wanted to be a better one.’

‘Before you become one, you should make other things better,’ he teased.
I sat down beside him and watched him eat, ‘Good thing you’re already eating.’ I bit on the toasted bread.

‘Thanks to you. Anyways, how about your mom?’

‘She’s a caring mom to us even though she’s busy with her works like dad. But I am not really that close to her because she and my sister likes girly stuff so much,’ I chuckled.

‘You have a good family, don’t you?’

‘Well, yes,’ I smiled.

‘But the son’s not good,’ he teased again.

‘Aw…’ I sighed.

‘He’s...’ he whispered something.

‘Hey, what’s that? I wanna know! I wanna know!’ I exclaimed.

‘Nah, it’s not good for you to know.’

‘Why is that?’

He didn’t respond, he just sipped on his juice.

‘Fine…’ I smiled and waited for him to finish.

After he ate, I washed the dishes and went back to his room. He was smoking in the veranda, sitting on the railings. I stood up beside him.

‘VII, why did ya suddenly asked about the family thing?’ I looked at him.

He blew his smoke into the midst of the air, ‘Because I am interested.’

‘Is that all?’

He simply nodded.

‘Alright?’ I smiled.

‘And maybe because we rushed things without knowing too much about ourselves.’

‘I guess so…’

‘Shin Caelum.’

‘Yes, VII?’ I looked at him.

‘You are attractive.’

‘Huh? Why are ya saying that all of a sudden? Geez…I thought I’m stupid…’ I slapped my face a bit with my hands. ‘But you said it’s cute…ugh, I don’t know. Maybe I’m just dreaming right now.’

‘Tsk. Dream on.’

I scratched my head and chuckled.

‘But you don’t know it, Shin…therefore, it makes you more attractive.’

I didn’t respond. He pinched my cheeks.


‘See, you are not dreaming. Tsk,’ he blew his smoke again.

I looked at him, ‘There are 4,000 chemicals in a cigar. Maybe trying it once won’t harm me that much.’

I took his cigar from his mouth and placed it in mine. Damn! I was suffocated. I cough and cough and cough. The cigar fell down on my mouth and then I felt like I can’t breathe anymore. My knees fell on the floor as well my hands. Ouch! My left hand fell down on the cigar! Goodness! I quickly lift my hand but there were still some ashes on it. I also didn’t notice that I was on the edge part of the table that’s why when I stood up and tried to get some fresh air, I bumped my head on it. I still managed to touch my wound and then I saw some blood on the floor. I felt dizzy and then I became unconscious. The last words I heard from VII was my name. He was calling out for many times.

‘Sorry, VII. I told him not to be reckless anymore…’ it was Prince voice while he was putting some liquid medicine on my forehead

‘It’s ok, XXVII’s lover. Ugh, can I?’

I opened my eyes and saw VII treating my wound.

‘You’re already awake, Shin. How are you feeling right now?’ Prince asked.

‘I…my head’s like revolving…I’m dizzy too…’ I closed my eyes again.

‘Good thing that we treated you hastily,’ VII said.

‘Maybe we should bring you back home and let dad check up on you. I’ll be sleeping here so--’

‘Then, I’ll sleep here too…’

‘Come on, don’t be silly again.’

‘Please…I beseech ya…’

Prince sighed, ‘Alright, but you should go back there early in the morning.’

‘I’ll try…’

‘VII?’ Prince asked.

‘Oh, sure. I know XXVII’s waiting for you already, I can handle this.’

‘Alright, thanks again. Have a good night sleep you two…’ Prince left.

My eyes were still closed, it seems like whenever I open my eyes the surrounding’s revolving and it’s like I’m going to puke and everything.



‘I’ve already treated your wound…everything’s ok now…’

‘Sorry for disturbing ya, don’t worry…I’ll clean up my mess tomorrow…’

‘It’s ok, Shin. I already cleaned them…’ he caressed my face.

I hold onto his hand, ‘Sorry again…’

‘I said it’s ok, you don’t need to say sorry over and over again,’ he sighed.

‘Can you walk? Ugh, of course you can. Tsk.’

I chuckled whisperingly, ‘I can but whenever I open my eyes, I feel like I’m going to puke and my surrounding’s revolving.’

‘Tsk. I don’t want to stay you here…hm, ah…I know now,’ he let me stood up. ‘Don’t open your eyes anymore, I’ll guide you.’

He held my wrist and guide me. After some few steps, I felt his hand went downwards to my hand and held it tightly. And we reached his room. He let me sit on his bed and he sat opposite to me.

‘Are ya going to sleep now?’ I asked, my eyes were still closed.

‘No, I am not still sleepy.’

‘Ah, what time is it?’

‘12: 45.’

‘Still early…’ I smirked.

‘Yeah. Anyways, maybe it’s my turn to tell you my story.’

‘Wow, I would love to hear your story,’ I grinned. ‘Don’t worry, VII…I won’t interrupt ya.’

VII took a deep breath and started his story.

‘I was once part of a royal family of a certain monarchical country. My father was the ruling king, and I was the crown prince. I was the heir to my father’s throne for I am the only son. That’s why I am too formal and too conservative for I was trained to be one. My parents like any other monarchs, they were an arranged marriage. My father doesn’t really love my mother, and vice versa. So I am a fruit of their unwanted marriage. But even like that, my father loved me while my mother didn’t. That’s why I grew closer to my father. But I really didn’t care about my mother because everything I want, my father always gives it to me.

One day, when my father and I got home in our castle after our archery practice, we saw my mother having an affair with another man. They were doing it, my father and I caught her in the act. My father was so mad at her that he threw my mother out of the country, and told her to never come back again… that she was forbidden to return, while the man was executed. Of course it was a disgrace for my father who is a king to be fooled by her queen. Like my father, I was also disgust to my mother. It was so sordid for me to see her naked with another filthy man. That’s when I started to lose interest in women. I know not all women are like my mother but definitely all of them have the same scent of being a woman and I just can’t stand that scent. It’s too dirty for me to bear.

Years have passed and my father didn’t remarry anymore. I was in my adolescent year when a dreadful event happened to my life. I thought it will never end but I am glad it did. When my father went overseas to pay a tribute visit to another monarchical country, he crushed along with his private plain, and he was found dead on the spot.

After that event, it is a rule that I shall take over my father’s throne for I was the crown prince but then he’s younger brother tricked the kingdom’s council. He said that I’m too young to rule such a country so he said that for a while, he should be the one taking over my father’s throne until I am ready.

The council agreed to him, and I was too. Not because I believed him but because I really don’t want to be a king. But my uncle was too greedy for power, after some time, he hired an assassin to kill me, so that his power as the king will not end.

But then he wasn’t successful in killing me, two of my father’s loyal members of the council helped me to escape the country. They sent me overseas; they said that I shall come back when everything is again ready for me. But then my uncle filed a case against me – treason. He told my people that I betrayed my own kingdom, so the council banned me.
It wasn’t a big deal for me, I really didn’t want to be king anyway, I never dreamed about it. I started to live independently until one day, I met a mysterious person, this person offered me to be an assassin, and because I don’t know what shall I do with my boring life anymore, I agreed to this person, and that’s when I changed my identity into the Laurence that you know, the Number 7 that you know. The person I met was our master, after meeting our master; I met 27, and there marked the beginning of my new life as the bearer of the chrono number 7 under the supervision of my leader 27.

And that’s just about it I think? I was once a royal blood, but not anymore, and never will be.I never knew what happened to her until now. Before I left my country, they said that she died. But I don’t care, she never been a mother to me, and I never been a son to him, so why bother. It’s just as if we never knew each other.’

I opened my eyes, ‘What happened to your mom?’

‘I never knew what happened to her until now. Before I left my country, they said that she died. But I don’t care, she never been a mother to me, and I never been a son to him, so why bother. It’s just as if we never knew each other.’

‘Ah…’ I sighed.


I shook my head.

‘Hey,’ VII closed my eyes, ‘Close your eyes, I don’t want you to puke on my bed and smell, ugh…you know what I mean.’

I opened my left eye and grinned.

‘Close your eye.’

I closed it and then opened my right eye.

‘Close your eye.’

I stuck my tongue out and opened my both eyes and then closed it. ‘…close…open…’ I sang.

He sighed then I felt dizzy again, ‘Ouch…my head’s aching again…’

‘I told you to close your eyes,’ he pushed me gently on the bed and put the blanket on me. ‘You should rest now.’

‘Ugh, but—‘ I tried to sit but he didn’t let me.

‘Don’t worry, I don’t mind you sleeping beside me…’

‘Thank you…’

‘For what?’ he laid down.

‘For taking care of me.’

‘I didn’t take care of you, stupid. Sleep now.’

‘Thank ya again,’ I smiled and slept.

The next day…when I woke up, VII was already out of his bed. I looked for him and saw him inside the kitchen helping IX cooking.

‘Remember that we should make some special breakfast for our leader’s fiancé and his in law,’ IX told VII, XIII and XV.

‘But I still have a hangover,’ XIII complained.

VII sighed while he was slicing some garlic.

‘Geez, I can’t imagine to see myself in the future doing this with my wife,’ XIII frowned.

‘Are ya sure you’d be getting someone who can do that for ya?’ I teased him as I walked towards VII and continued what he was doing.

‘Shut up!’ XIII exclaimed.

I smiled, ‘I wanted to help ya out, IX.’

‘Wow…thanks a lot, Shin!’ she giggled then she notice my wound. ‘Oh my, where did you get that? Are you alright now? VII can really do the slicing; you don’t need to help now. I’m sorry.

‘I am alright now and I can do this. No worries,’ I said and then he took the knife from me. I took again the knife.

‘That’s dangerous, guys. But…ok, Shin…you could help now. VII would just peel the carrots and potatoes.’

‘Let Shin do that. I’ll continue what I was doing before,’ VII took the knife from me again.

‘No, VII. I’ll do this and peel those too,’ I grinned then as I took the knife from him, I accidentally cut myself.

‘Ugh..’ VII held my hand and placed it under running water.

‘Of course!’ I grinned. ‘Don’t worry, the cut’s too far from my intestines.’
‘Huh?’ VII wondered.

‘Tsk. What a disaster…’ XIII said as he shook his head.

‘XIII?’ IX nagged his arm. ‘Can you treat his cut, VII?’

VII nodded, ‘I’ll be back.’

‘Me too!’

VII shook his head and then we went inside VII’s room. While he’s treating my cut…

‘I told you not to do the slicing but you still insisted. Tsk.’

‘VII, please eat with us later…’

‘I don’t have any appetite. It’s fine without me, so don’t worry too much.’
‘I wanted to see ya eat again last night, VII…’ I smiled.

‘Alright, it’s all done…’ he looked at me. ‘Shin, I told you that I don’t have any appetite. I’ll go back and help them now.’

We went back to the kitchen. Of course, I didn’t let him help. Harhar! I did everything he supposes to do. And breakfast time!

I hold onto VII’s shoulder and pushed him into the dining room, ‘Ya must eat. Ya must eat.’

‘Shin, don’t be so silly.’

‘C’mon now…’ I pulled the chair for him. ‘Sit now.’

He sighed then sat down opposite to in law, of course Prince’s beside him.
‘Is this for real?’ in law wondered as I sat beside VII.

‘I’m so happy for you, VII!’ IX cheered as she placed down our viand.

‘Yay! We should celebrate!’ XV suggested, bringing another viand.

‘I agree!’ XIII said as he sat beside me.

‘But for now, let’s eat first! Itadakimasu!’ in law said.

‘Itadakimasu!’ we said except for VII.

‘I told you, I won’t eat.’ VII uttered.

‘Huh? But we thought you would,’ Prince sighed.

‘Well then, if VII won’t eat…then I won’t eat too,’ I folded my arms.

‘No, Shin. You should eat—‘

‘We must. We must, VII,’ I smiled.

He sighed and then shook his head, ‘Alright.’

‘Better!’ I grinned then I took the bowl of rice and placed some for him. ‘What do ya want to eat, VII? Oh! Ya should eat all of those!’ I placed him the viands on his plate.

‘Ok…?’ in law wondered then he whispered something into Prince’s ear but Prince’s just shrugged his shoulder.

‘Ah, you should eat a banana too! Wait a sec…’ I left them for a while and brought with me a banana. I placed it besides VII’s plate and smiled. ‘Banana is a happy fruit so it’s good for ya.’

VII didn’t respond, but he ate! Yes! ^-^